SIGGRAPH '99 OpenGL/Linux BOF Minutes 36
An anonymous reader sent us Minutes from the OpenGL on Linux BOF from SIGGRAPH 99. Lots of
interesting tidbits about the future of hardware
and application support. Mentions Mesa, 3dfx, and more.
Re:How Do I Start OpenGL Development? (Score:1)
> and the Kilgard book for the interaction with
> the X environment.
Looks like I got a bumm deal.. I just picked up
the Woo book a couple months ago, for OpenGL 1.1.
I haven't had much time to read it, however. I am
very glad that before programming I was an ept 3d
artist (now only if I was a good programmer)
Re:Open Inventor (Score:1)
Things are starting to happen. Search Freshmeat. You have at least the two projects Coin [www.sim.no] (QPL) and Scene [netpedia.net] (LGPL). Also check out Troll Tech's web site for a Qt-based .iv file viewer called Pryan [troll.no].
OpenInventor could save SGI (Score:1)
seem to realise that they're toast otherwise. OpenInventor
is still the best library for developing interactive 3d apps (apps, not games).
SGI is best at making 3D hardware, but if all 3d apps are
developed for MS platforms (using farenheit or whatever)
then SGI will have to compete in the MS-hardware compatable
world. They just admitted that they can't do so. What gives ??
Their only chance is for developers to create 3D apps under Linux.
Until SGI releases the source code to OpenInventor, very few people
are going to do so. Still, until SGI figure out where their
interest lies, we have to consider the alternatives.
TGS Inventor- great if you can afford it, but there are run-time fees
involved, which eliminates certain possibilities.
Apprentice - "free for non-commerical use", it's inventor like, but hardly a replacement
doesn't look like much is happening on this front yet.
Pyran - LGPL as far as I can tell no development has occured on this for a year or so
there are a few things to fix if you're using a recent egcs.
Scene - LGPL looks promising, current version is 0.13, and it's problematic to
compile currently. Probably your best bet.
Coin - QPL, only available through CVS at the moment, and as it's neither
a free software project, nor past the alpha stage, I can't be bothered.
No Apps (Score:1)
Re:Which Cards? (Score:1)
-thanks for the info
Accelerated OpenGL on FreeBSD (Score:1)
Answer: Yes. The DRI is being ported to FreeBSD so some OpenGL support should be possible. However, most IHVs and ISVs will only be looking at Linux support, at least for the time being.
This sounds a bit like there is no much OpenGL sppport.
Let me clarify that we have both software rendered and hardware accelerated 3d for FreeBSD.
There is a Mesa version for GLIDE in the ports collection for some time now, and ports of the open GLX effort for Matrox (G200) and nvidia (RIVA128, 128ZX, TNT, TNT2..) cards are under public testing now. Works already very smooth with the usual gang of apps (xscreensaver, Mesa Demos, Flightgear ..)
And sure, DRI will get ported.
For more information send mail to 3d@freebsd.org [mailto]
How Do I Start OpenGL Development? (Score:1)
So how should I proceed to get some fundamental OpenGL-knowledge?
Are there any good book, anything Linux specific perhaps? Or is www the best resource for this kind of thing?
Re:How Do I Start OpenGL Development? (Score:1)
The beautiful thing about OpenGL is that it is mostly platform independent. So you could start by adapting existing code, reuse the OS interfacing parts, and put in your own OpenGL code. Such code and lots of tutorials can be found at www.opengl.org [opengl.org] and in the example directories of a Mesa [mesa3d.org] distribution. (We owe Brian!)
Side note:
Interestingly enough the Win32 world seems to stay closed as it always have been, while there are many OpenGL demos for Win32 out there, few of those authors disclose their source.
Ultimately get the new Woo book for OpenGL 1.2 and the Kilgard book for the interaction with the X environment.
If you are interested in 3d graphics for FreeBSD watch the announcement for the upcoming 3d section on www.freebsd.org [freebsd.org]
ElectroPaint (Score:1)
Square was there! (Score:1)
Maybe if we can get enough support for OpenGL on Linux, we can get Final Fantasy X ported to it.
Need I say more?
Hey, there's a poll question... If you had a choice of game developers which one would you rather work for? I'd choose Square or Cyan.
Slashdot just keeled over for a few minutes. Someone reboot?
Which Cards? (Score:1)
Re:Did Anyone Catch HP's demo? (Score:1)
Best bet in the _near_ term for Linux is still a 3dfx Voodoo3 card, but hopefully in 6 months we'll be seeing more highend stuff (Wildcat 4000, fx6+, SGIs vpcs, Evans & Sutherland's new thing...) supported.
Re:ElectroPaint (Score:1)
A Free release would be wonderful.
Additional comments from meeting (Score:1)
1) When asked "How many people here are from Microsoft?" nobody raised their hands. Jon Leech said "I suspect a couple of you are fibbing...but anyway..." and then went off into the rest of the meeting.
2) Kurt Akeley from SGI, one of the two or three people most responsible for OpenGL, spoke passionately about Linux, OpenGL, and how SGI is going to work with both of them. He said that "A win for Linux is a win for SGI". Now, somebody else saying that would have just been more platitudes, but Akeley has the authority to back it up. He's committed to making Linux a true contender in 3D, and is putting SGI behind that.
Finally, the fun of seeing all my fellow Linux/OpenGL enthusiasts overflowing a pretty big conference room was heartening. Siggraph is so big that 300 or so people can get lost, but all together in one room it felt like an avalanche was just getting started.
sgi wont release source for GL on 320/540? (Score:1)
they possibly gain from this?
still waiting for maya/linux...
Microsoft trick questions & other meeting stuff (Score:1)
Heh, I was just being polite; I'm certain some of them were there. I was told one woman started to raise her hand and stopped real fast when she realized it was a trick question :-)
Kurt Akeley from SGI, one of the two or three people most responsible for OpenGL, spoke passionately about Linux, OpenGL, and how SGI is going to work with both of them. He said that "A win for Linux is a win for SGI". Now, somebody else saying that would have just been more platitudes, but Akeley has the authority to back it up. He's committed to making Linux a true contender in 3D, and is putting SGI behind that.
Kurt and Mark Segal were the co-creators of OpenGL. Working with Kurt is one of the joys of being at SGI, and I'm very happy that he's just been elevated to Chief Technical Officer of the company. Many of us are jazzed about the new commitment to Linux, too - various bits and pieces have been in the works for quite a while (e.g. the GLX open source release, funding PI, etc.) but it's all starting to come together now.
Re:ElectroPaint (Score:1)
> unless you want to port ElectroPaint from IrisGL
> to OpenGL.
Well, while I'm not really that much of an OpenGL programmer, I feel it would be considerably easier to port it if there was source code available.
Meanwhile, let's see if there's a cheap Indy on eBay...
Heck, I'd pay for a Linux binary of ep. Not a whole lot, but I'd buy it for like $20. I like it that much.
Did Anyone Catch HP's demo? (Score:1)
Re:Which Cards? (Score:1)
If you add the nVidia and Matrox you get five DRI based implementations.
I can't really say anything else. :-)
- |Daryll
Re:DUH! Its microcode bub! (Score:1)
Its in the hardware chipset (cobalt or arsenic
or somesuch crap) Doing this is the same as
handing out your microcode from the chipset,
a.k.a. giving out your hardware secrets.
With the box being so damn new, and them
signing their souls away to M$, I can see
not releasing this.
WHY would they WANT to give this out? They've
released GLX already. I expect the second gen
of these to support Linux native. We have a
320 here running X and use Opengl on it.
Give me one GOOD reason. And don't say to
port apps, or something stupid like
"for accelerated drivers".
da'fly dreaming of OpenGL games that don't suck
Re:nVidia (Score:1)
- |Daryll
Redhat/Sgi rumor? (Score:1)
"redhat complient" boxes? Read "not linux complient, but _Redhat_ complient." (worrysome?)
I would guess these entail things like xfs,
kernel debugging (i/lcrash) and the big-memory patches from sgi. Linus has already expressed a "not built here" attitude towards IBM and sgi's GPL code.
I know for a fact that both Xig and RedHat were
courting SGI for a while regarding hardware
OpenGL. Seems the battle is quietly over.
Will we finally see hardware OpenGL accel. in X?
I think this could be outstanding.
da'fly hacking away at OpenGL vis code
Fahrenhiet BOF report (Score:1)
Now to show you how interested MS is in supporting unix, they have hired a 3rd party company to do the porting. Said (unnamed) company does not have any graphics knowledge - by MS's own admissions at the BOF. Kinda says something about it doesn't it.
I managed to get in a question at the end about how heavily MS was going to persue the licensing wrt to the OSS community developing an implementation (yup, I was the blue-haired one standing near the door). Their response - "umm... we hadn't thought of that. Might be worthwhile.". There were also a bunch of other statements about how well specified Fahrenheit is compared to the standard Win32 APIs. I just hope they are actually telling the truth this time and it's not another Chrome type effort. Given the reaction on the guy's face when I asked the question I tend to believe that they honestly hadn't thought about the spec issues and OSS implementations.
Other noteworthy things were that they have extensions for particular application areas. No-one in the MS Fahrenheit team has any decent Viz-Sim experience. They don't even have an extension underway to deal with this effort. Not particularly good if you want it to be used in large scale environments.
Lots of excuses on the MS part about not wanting to speak for SGI and their commitments to the IRIX side of it (the BOF was held a couple of hours after SGI announcement of the big culling going on).
Re:Redhat/Sgi rumor? (Score:1)
No more worrisome than, say, Mandrake. There are lots of distributions based on other distributions, and it happens that the SGI distribution is based on Red Hat 6.0 at the moment.
I know for a fact that both Xig and RedHat were courting SGI for a while regarding hardware OpenGL. Seems the battle is quietly over.
I have no idea what "battle" you are referring to. Xi Graphics has been an OpenGL licensee for years, as has Metro Link. We add new licensees all the time. SGI and Red Hat have both funded some of the work Precision Insight has done as well, but that has nothing to do with OpenGL licensing, Red Hat compatibility, or concessions of any sort.
Re:ElectroPaint (Score:1)
It wouldn't be terribly difficult to convert it to OpenGL for an xscreensaver module (it's a Mac app at the moment, but GPL).
Re:Did Anyone Catch HP's demo? (Score:1)
those are all game cards. (Score:1)
Re:ElectroPaint (Score:1)