Mastering Algorithms with C 57
Mastering Algorithms with C, 1st Ed. August 1999 | |
author | Kyle Loudon |
pages | 560 |
publisher | O'Reilly and Associates, ISBN= |
rating | 6.5/10 |
reviewer | Doc Technical |
ISBN | |
summary | A flawed but wide-ranging book for intermediate toexpert programmers. |
There are many books on programming algorithms, and quite a few of them use C for their examples, but even so, I was looking forward to this new book from O'Reilly.
Most of the existing algorithm books were designed as college text books. While they have their place, there is certainly room for a book that approaches the subject matter in the informal, clear writing style and practical focus that is O'Reilly's trademark. Unfortunately, for me at least, Mastering Algorithms in C was not that book.
My Problem with Algorithms
One of O'Reilly's strengths has always been their attention to the structure of their books. O'Reilly books are usually well designed, with logical and reader-friendly layouts. But Mastering Algorithms with C has a layout that I found somewhat vexing.The chapter on linked lists serves to illustrate. An introductory section describes three kinds of lists, then briefly describes several applications for them (mailing lists, memory management, scrolled lists in GUIs, etc.). This is followed by a brief section describing the basic concepts of linked lists.
>From there the chapter moves directly to an implementation of linked lists, starting with a section called "Interface for Linked Lists". This section enumerates each function in a linked list library. For each function we are given its function prototype, followed by its return value, a brief description of the function's purpose, and finally, its algorithmic complexity in O-notation.
The next section is called "Implementation and Analysis of Linked Lists". After a paragraph describing some data structures, we are presented with a listing of the C header file, list.h, followed by a lengthier description of each of the functions described in the previous section. Finally, we are presented with a code listing of list.c.
And this is where I started having a problem.
First, I feel the author plunges much too quickly into implementation before providing a proper context. Let's assume that the reader knows nothing about linked lists (that's why, after all, they bought the book). Before describing a specific implementation, shouldn't the reader be clued in on the basic operations (independent of the implementation language) performed on linked lists: adding a node, deleting a node, etc.? While a little of this is given early on, the author seems in a rush to move on to the implementation.
And when we have the implementation described, the information is
spread across (at least) three locations. For example, the
function list_ins_next is first introduced in the "Interface"
section, its prototype is shown in the list.h
file, a more
detailed description is provided in the "Implementation" section,
and finally the actual code is presented in the list.c
listing. This forces the reader to jump around quite a bit to get
all the info about each function.
How Much Should the Reader Know?
How much should the writer assume you know about linked lists (or any of the other algorithms described in this book)? If the reader already understands the basic concepts of linked lists, and if they're already a C programmer, they most likely wouldn't need this book. So let's assume the reader is starting at ground zero (or its general vicinity) when it comes to linked lists.If that's the case, then I would expect the writer to present a relatively "bare bones" implementation, at least for basic algorithms like lists.
Instead, what is presented is an almost object-oriented implementation with init and destroy functions, function pointers, and other details that may provide a clean implementation but may be an impediment to the authors primary duty: teaching the reader the algorithm.
For much the same reasons, I found many of the examples out of sync with what was being taught. While virtual memory paging schemes are a lot of fun, they're a hell of a thing to spring on some poor sucker trying to grasp the concept of linked lists.
Finally, I had some problems with the author's prose style. This may be more my preconception of how an O'Reilly book should read. Luckily, you can (and should) make your own decision. O'Reilly has Chapter 13, Numerical Methods, available at their web site.
But Wait
While I have problems with this book, I don't mean to imply the book is bad. It's a fair book, I just don't think it's great book. It covers a lot of territory. For me, its main fault is that it fails to explain concepts clearly and basically enough before diving into the code.On the plus side, I found the figures that illustrate concepts throughout the book to be clear and helpful. The selection of which algorithms to cover is also quite good, as these are all areas that a wide variety of programmers will face at some point in their work.
If you already have a moderate understanding of the algorithms, and want a text that presents a clear and documented implementation of them, then you may want to consider this book.
Pick this book up at Amazon.
Table of Contents:
- Preliminaries
- Introduction
- Pointer Manipulation
- Recursion
- Analysis of Algorithms
- Data Structures
- Linked Lists
- Stacks and Queues
- Sets
- Hash Tables
- Trees
- Heaps and Priority Queues
- Graphs
- Algorithms
- Sorting and Searching
- Numerical Methods
- Data Compression
- Data Encryption
- Graph Algorithms
- Geometric Algorithms
Re:Anyone interested in a Beginning computer manua (Score:1)
Money for nothing...
The problem is that the Pc is still scary. We need to combat the the M$'$ easy way out machine.
I still think we need a computer manual.
Re:What about string manipulation in C? (Score:1)
Bzzt, STL is an interface not a library. (Score:1)
Several open source implementations of the STL are floating around; the best known one is perhaps the one from SGI. The one used by Microsoft was done by P. J. Plauger.
Advanced C Programming by Example (Score:1)
To read a variable length string, give this a whirl:
char *get_line(FILE *fp) {
char *line;
if((line = (char *)malloc(BUFSIZ)) == NULL)
if((fgets(line, BUFSIZ, fp)) == NULL) {
return NULL;
if(line[strlen(line) - 1] != '\n') {
char *line_ptr, get_buf[BUFSIZ];
while(line[strlen(line) - 1] != '\n') {
fgets(get_buf, BUFSIZ, fp);
if((line = (char *)realloc(line, strlen(line) + BUFSIZ)) == NULL)
line_ptr = line + strlen(line);
strcpy(line_ptr, get_buf);
line[strlen(line) - 1] = '\0';
return line;
Bear in mind that a malicious user could slurp up large amounts of memory with this function
Chris Wareham
Any programmers concerned about semantics??? (Score:1)
Re:Anyone interested in a Beginning computer manua (Score:1)
We need computer operator's licenses. (I'm semi-joking, and semi-serious)
Something similar in difficulty to the A+ certification. People need to have a basic understand of computers before they begin to get in too deep.
I've seen people who know ZILCH about computers who drop 3-4 thousand dollars on a machine that they don't understand.
I'm not saying that everyone has to be an electrical engineer, but come on, you should ad least know that...
1. The mouse is for your hand.
2. The mouse is NOT a foot pedal.
3. Everything must be properly plugged in and turned ON to work.
4. It's not the salesman's/store's/manufacturer's if you don't understand something.
5. You WILL need to spend money again on your computer, no matter how much you paid for it.
There needs to be a minimum level of understanding of the way the machines and the business work. Manuals, tests, online documentation, I don't care how people get it, as long as they get it.
Far worse than "a bit shaky" (Score:1)
Example: the convergence requirement for the newton's method implementation (the delta argument) is treated as an absolute value, rather than relative to the value of the function. This means that the function will often fail to converge at all, or will return roots that are completely wrong. This is a beginners mistake, typically covered about 15 minutes or two paragraphs after the initial description of the algorithm.
No checks for overflow or underflow. None of the obvious re-ordering of operations to avoid those faults. No mention of these issues.
You could argue "well, these are just introductions", but there is no mention that these are pretty much unusable for any real work. Numerical work on computers is a tricky business, and presenting these algorithms and implementations in this form is doing a disservice to anybody interested in the field.
Rule of Thumb: The straightforward obvious translation of the albebraic representation of a algorithm is probably wrong, and certainly suspect.
It's unfortunate that ORA choice that chapter to post, because it may well be that the rest of the algorithms and implmentations are reasonably good.
pratical Algorithms (Score:1)
I have found this book to be a invaluable tool for my job a c programmer. While it is geared more towards an experinced c programmer it does provided a good explantion of how the algorithms work and does offer a good discussion of what they are suited for.
And it offers full implementations of all the algorithms discussed. quite useful when you need a b-tree at 3am and all you're thinking is "mmmm, sleep"
Sedgewick, STL (Score:1)
Slightly off-topic, but anyone interested in bread-and-butter algorithms should definitely check out the STL (Standard Template Library, part of the C++ standard library) for a brilliant, original and incredibly useful algorithms library.
Useless Review. (Score:3)
Are there any insightfull ideas or algorithms discussed in this book? What topics are covered and how well? Is this book simply a rehashing of a college algorithms class, or does it discuss issues about implementation complexity and efficency? Is the process of algorithm construction addressed by the book?
I picked up The Practice of Programming a while ago, and have found it to be an interesting treatise on the major problems and solutions in programming. If this book is anything like it I might consider reading it, but this review gave me little insight.
What about string manipulation in C? (Score:1)
So which C books out there are not afraid to demonstrate some real pratical, sfae, and effecient string parsing, reading, and writing in C? For example, how to safely parse variable length fields from a text file?
Personally I like "Pointers on C" by Kenneth Reek (Addison Wesley, 1998) ... very detailed explanation of pointer-based programming.
Re:I Recommend (Score:1)
My beef with the book is that it uses a horrible coding style that makes the examples hard to understand. That and the fact that many examples are just plain wrong (and not just in the corner cases, either).
I didn't particularly care for the writing style, as I found the explanations to be unnecessarily confusing. By that's really a matter or personal preference. The Cormen book, I think, is a much better introduction (for me, anyway).
Re:I Recommend (Score:1)
Nowhere is a 1 (one) used as a variable - they're all lowercase L. It's unfortunate that the typeface for the examples makes it hard to distinguish l from 1. The (in)correctness of single-letter variable names, I'll let someone else argue, but it allows the examples to take up far less space (and not span lines), so I would maintain it's mostly irrelevant.
There are many other books that are better at data structures, as Sedgewick barely devotes 10 pages to them. For algorithms, in my estimation very few are as good and possibly only 1 better. (Knuth, of course.)
Books n such (Score:2)
So for C/C++, be sure to get "The C Programming Language (Second edition)" and "The C++ Programming Language (Third edition)."
For algorithms, I'd recommend Cormen et al "Introduction to Algorithms". It's *not* an intro, it's a 1000+ page behemoth textbook, very thorough. We used it in university, covering half the material. We also had more specialised texts on numerical methods, etc. Most of these books are available on Dr. Dobb's CDROMs, check their web site.
Also, I have the Knuths and have read some of them. While that's clearly beyond the average programmer, I have to say I find his wit, style, and attention to detail inspiring.
Of course, if you just want to *use* algorithms, you use the C++ standard template library, or whatever. I've heard numerical recipes has some problems and bugs.
The Perl Algorithm book is excellent (Score:1)
I look forward to reading the review on that one.
Re:I Recommend (Score:1)
Which illustrates my point beautifully. I did not write "one," I wrote "ell." This is exactly why the use of such variable names is terrible practice. Any example code using it is essentially useless. It's much more confusing than it ought to be.
It worries me when books on algorithms and data structures can't present clear code (pseudo or otherwise).
Re:Algorithm != Abstract Data Type (Score:1)
Numerical Recipes code must be licensed (Score:1)
I Recommend (Score:4)
Re:I Recommend (Score:1)
applause for O' Reily (Score:1)
Re:algorithms books (Score:2)
This is a very well-written text with clear and detailed explanations. The pseudocode takes a bit of getting used to, but I like the fact the the algorithms are presented in a language-neutral fashion. This is the book that helped me understand alorithms, O notation and the tradeoffs between data structures.
Plus, it's a big book and covers pretty much everything your average hacker would ever want, and more.
algorithms books (Score:5)
here it is at Amazon [amazon.com]
Algorithms book... (Score:1)
To get into more depth, it is best to learn from the masters: Knuth obviously,and Tarjan's book on data-structures. For algorithms, probably Kozen's book is the best. These books are, of course, at a higher level compared to Sedgewick etc
"Numerical Methods" Chapter was a bit shaky (Score:2)
And polynomial interpretation is only useful when you have a very good idea of what the data's going to give you -- it can go very badly wrong otherwise. For a small step-up in complexity, they could have covered cubic splines, which are much more generally useful.
Numerical Recipes, now there was a book
Its a shame (Score:1)
The ironic thing is that most computer algorithms are not very difficult to understand at all, but since they are described in such difficult language many people who are learning them eventually give up and complain "computer programming is just to difficult for me".
Its a shame, but I guess it does keep the ammount of programmers down, and thus allow me to charge more money for my skills...
Algorithm books (Score:2)
Algorithms and Data Structures in C++
Author: Ammeraal, Leendert
Publisher: Wiley
ISBN: 0471963550
Price:£ 29.95
I've got the C version of this and it was worth looking at.
Algorithms in C++
Author: Sedgewick, Robert
Publisher: Addison-Wesley
ISBN: 0201510596
Price:£ 32.99
I've got the older version of this and it was worth looking at.
You can get other peoples opinions from ACCU's book reviews:
Re:I Recommend (Score:3)
Sedgewick basically takes a generic template and substitutes the language of the day, producing Algorithms in [Language].
The examples in this book are horrible. It is the only textbook I've seen that uses "l" (the letter) as a variable. Many of the examples are just plain broken.
To its credit the book does cover a wide range of topics, but I've read much better texts on algorithms and data structures.
Re:Algorithm != Abstract Data Type (Score:1)
Numerical Recipes considered harmful (Score:3)
Two Books: Cormen and Recipes (Score:2)
Introduction to Algorithms by Cormen, Leiserson, and Rivest, MIT Press
Numerical Recipes in (various languages) by Press et al., Cambridge University Press
The main difficulty with the Cormen textbook is that it is too analytical for a lot of people. You really do need the math in the first part of the book to understand the rest of it (so it's your fault if you skip those chapters). Also, I hate red-black trees; AVL trees are simpler to understand, simpler to implement, and perform about as well. Otherwise, very nice pseudocode and analysis.
The Knuth books are classic, but the choice of MIX for programming is dreadful.
For numerical algorithms, the Numerical Recipes books are superb. I wish the style of analysis in the Cormen book was more like this.
Algorithm != Abstract Data Type (Score:2)
For those interested in the subject I'd recommend "Data Structures & Their Algorithms" by Harry R. Lewis and Larry Denenberg. It may not be very well suited for the novice programmer as the content is rather mathematical and abstract but it discusses algorithmic complexity to some degree. It also contains implementations for important algorithms in pseudo-code.
Just my 0.02 sek
hate to say this... (Score:1)
Plus you get a good upper-body workout thrown in for free.
The book is excellent (and rants on CS degrees) (Score:2)
I third that. (someone already seconded it ;)
Cormen's book lacks some not so often found data structures (skewed heaps, tries, leftist heaps, and splay trees for instance). It has a fairly good treatment on miscellaneous well-known algorithms (FFT, RSA, string matching, ...)
I'm about to get my M.Sc. in Computer Science and I haven't read TAOCP (it's a deep personal dishonor I have to live with, until I have the time to go through it). The CS degrees are too shallow nowadays, knowing how to program is almost enough. To get a decent all-round knowledge of the field I've had to read the old classics in my spare time, since _none_ of them are a part of the curriculum. The degrees are geared towards providing IT companies employees and IMO that is not what CS is all about. Ever notice the 'science' part in the name of the discipline ? That's why I'm studying for a Ph.D in CS. Anyway I wonder how TAOCP compares to this book.
ACRe:"Numerical Methods" Chapter was a bit shaky (Score:1)
Numerical Recipes in C: The Art of Scientific Computing [amazon.com]
Amazon have a lot of hostile comments up, it seems, but ignore them. They're mainly from people who've used the example routines in mission-critical systems and are whining about the odd funny result. The guy who claims that the routines aren't robust is daft in my book -- they're examples from a textbook on numerical algorithms, not super-powered black boxes with a million special cases.
Of course, if you're feeling cheap, pick it up at http://www.nr.com/ [nr.com]
(who once won a pint for managing to sneak a reference to "Tukey's biweight" into a memorandum)
Anyone interested in a Beginning computer manual (Score:1)
Re:algorithms books (Score:1)
To the day I've read Sedgewick, Weiss, "Introduction to...", and approximately one twelfth of Knuth. Of these I'd say that "Introduction" is the best general purpose reference on algorithms. Knuth is certainly impressive and useful, but it is a little too heavy to be a good introduction to algorithms.
Re:I Recommend (Score:2)
Sedgewick's book is about algorithms, not languages. The book is valuable because of the explanations and diagrams, and because the code is presented in very clear, short snippets. I have the Pascal version of his book, and it makes no difference to me, as someone who programs in C and C++ professionally, that the code samples are given in Pascal.
A lot of people apparently don't want a book unless it is specifically focused on their favorite language, so Sedgewick has to keep releasing new versions of his book as language fashions change (Pascal was the teaching language of choice when the original edition was published). Shortly we'll probably see "Algorithms in Java" for just that reason.
Re:Anyone interested in a Beginning computer manua (Score:1)
The NC is just Larry Ellison's pipe dream for the forseeable future. Until we all have broadband internet access the NC will only have a place in corporate environments, and then it'll just be for the bean counters and pencil pushers.
The NC is not a viable solution for anyone who is in any way a part of a creative process. If they tried to force artists and programmers to use NCs production, effeciceicy, and therefore profits would go down.
The NC is for Joe Schmuckateli who just needs to be able to get e-mail from his boss and maybe have a look at a networked database.
As for whos fault it is, I say that it lies with business. M$ doesn't make 34 million dollars per day because of what we as consumers buy. The biggest cash cow of the M$ empire is and has always been the corporate market. When XYZ consulting needs new computers in the Miami branch and then get 400 new Win9X boxen M$ maks about 400x$70. Then they need 400 new copies of Office 2k. Then they need 400 Client licenses for Win NT Server.
Since I don't have access to the priveleged knowledge of how much M$ makes on each copy of office I'm going to make a few assumptions.
Let's just say that they make $100 in profit for each copy of Office. $70 for each copy of Win9x. Finally $40 for each WinNT client license.
That's $40,000 in profit for Office alone.
That's $28,000 for Win 9x
That's $16,000 for Client licenses
$84,000 in profit for M$ on one sale. Support is another revenue engine that I won't deal with now...
They'd have to move 1200 "Presarios" out of Best Buy for them to get that kind of return.
In the late 80s and early 90s the consumer market was crap. You didn't have the "Computer Superstores" on every block moving 2 dozen computer per hour. The money that put M$ on top came from the business community. It really is NOT our own fault.
Re:Numerical Recipes code must be licensed (Score:1)
Another good book (Score:1)
Re:I Recommend (Score:1)
Re:Algorithm != Abstract Data Type (Score:2)