HDTV Feeds of Internet 2 37
Floydian Slip pointed us to a news.com story that talks about some researchers who have successfully sent HDTV over I2. Sort of a proof of concept thing for using the new network for broadcasting TV. It'll still be an ungodly amount of time before its practical, but I'm convinced on-demand media (music is already happening, TV will come) is the future. I love the idea of not dedicating a whole bookcase to VCRs, CDs, and DVDs, so I'm excited to see it.
Re:bandwidth bandwidth bandwidth (Score:1)
In fact, I would personally like to see ALL spectrum dedicated to personal communication. Cells all over the world could be connected to the big pipes, and send you your phone calls, your movies and TV shows, and your data to you over the air.
Of course, I DO have a vague idea about the infeasibility of using ALL the spectrum for this...obviously you can't divide lower frequencies into small cells, and the really high frequencies will just drift out into space (unless, I suppose, they could be directed AT you, via a GPS-type facility? Hmmm.) But still, I question the need for TV to be broadcast when it could just be piped all over the world via multicast to whomever is watching that channel.
Re:So? (Score:2)
Re:bandwidth bandwidth bandwidth (Score:2)
Furthermore, internet 2 probably uses backbones where bandwidth is measured in gigabits or perhaps even terabit/s. This would allow for many high speed connections over one line.
BTW. there was no mention of any compression. I hope they were not transmitting raw video signals. Surely 200 Mb/s is a bit much for high quality video.
BTW2. I got flamed a few days ago in another thread for predicting that eventually TV signals can and will be distributed over the internet. Mr. flamer you stand corrected
Offtopic! (Score:2)
my two cents.
Re:Standards (Score:1)
And like many Americans, I've also been guilty of thinking that the US supplies the technology to the rest of the world. HA!
Re:Standards (Score:1)
In the Netherlands we use 128 kb (kilobit!) modems connected to the serial port!
This gives you (if you're lucky) about 5-6 KB/s.
For surfing the web this is OK, but if you're going to do anything just slightly more fancy it sucks big time.
We've been promised ADSL at the end of this year, but knowing our PTT (we only have one that really matters) that will probably not happen.
One Big Problem (Score:1)
Re:So? (Score:1)
Re:Standards (Score:1)
Re:bandwidth bandwidth bandwidth (Score:1)
As you pointed out technically 620MBPS and faster Terralink type connections are possible for the distant future.
The extremely wealthy have access to the best technology first, but it is still fun for the rest of us to dream and speculate.
Re:VoD ? Multicast (Score:1)
If they take the same approach where you order a VoD viewing, then multicast works perfectly.
Sure, you have to wait up to 5 minutes, but hey, the Internet doesn't crumble into the dust, so I think it's worthwhile
Internet VoD, not as far into the future. (Score:4)
The project I work on are doing live video-broadcasts of two TV-channels over IPv4, using multicast (read MBONE), with bandwidth consumption up to 2Mbit/s per stream. We are using standard PentiumII workstations running Linux-2.2.12 and bttv grabbercards throughout the whole project. As long as you've got the bandwidth it works perfectly.
Today NASA is doing multicast-transmissions of about 20 or so educational programs. They are using MPEG-1 video, MP3 audio, 1.5 Mbit/s streams. I receive those streams perfectly at my office in Norway (other side of the world, plain old IPv4 internet, no fancy stuff, just _bandwidth_ and multicasting).
DVD quality MPEG-2 streaming uses bandwidth up to 6-8 Mbit/s. This is the same as the european Digital TV standard. The next goal of my project is to start streaming live MPEG-2 encoded video over the Internet. We will start doing this before christmas.
Alot of ISP's (at least in Norway) are starting to build Wireless (WaveLan) Wide Area Networks with bandwidth ranging from 2Mbit to 11Mbit per second.
The theoretical bandwidth of one fiber-optic strand is reaching the Terrabit level and rising. As the telcos (and others) are starting to give fiber to the end user, the bandwith of the internet will reach Petabit level.
Oh and by the way: MBONE is not dead. IETF declared Multicasting to be a part of any full IP implementation, so MBONE is not something other than IP, MBONE is a part of IP, it's just that alot of ISP's has not understood this yet. Multicasting is also an integrated part of IPv6, and IPv6 is dependent of Multicasting to a much larger degree than IPv4.
I believe Internet Video On Demand will develop very similar to mp3. Here is a short scenario of how I think this will develop the next two or three years.
- First computers will become fast enough to encode and decode DVD quality MPEG-2 in realtime. (1-2 years)
- Then the bandwidth will be available to stream and download video, over the network. (2-5 years)
- After that some people will find a way to rip the decrypted video of DVD-disks. (now-1 year)
- Then people will start to encode favorite movies and TV-shows themselves and you and I can download all episodes of Seinfeld and Babylon 5 of the net, and then the television and movie people will have a very hard time sleeping at night. (now: mpeg1, 2 years: mpeg-2)
ust my 2 cents of humble opinion.
VoD ? Multicast (Score:1)
Given a library of thousands of movies on a particular server, what are the odds that a paricular movie will be played by several people at the exact same time?
If, on the other hand, by VoD we simply mean DirecTV-style staggered broadcasts, sure, multicast is fine. But that's not what I would call true VoD.
So, given my definition of VoD, I don't see how even a Terabit backbone could carry the hundreds of thousands (or even millions) of asynchronous movies played on a particular night in a particular country. I guess we would still need some kind of centrally orchestrated broadcast system to manage that, which could indeed give you much more choice than today, but still wouldn't be true anything-anytime-anywhere, like that motel ad currently on TV.
bandwidth bandwidth bandwidth (Score:3)
Will they be able to handle the demand? That will be the true question.
time to start philosophising... (Score:3)
Downloading a shaky copy of Star Wars in glorious 640x480 is one thing, but when a proper (watchable) movies is available, there's the distinct possibility that people'll watch that instead of spending their hard-earned dosh on cinema tickets.
The pondering on how do deal with this should start now...
(yes, btw, I know that the movie studios and music studios are in a lot of cases the same people, but there aren't many artists that can bring in $100m).
So? (Score:1)
270 Megabits? Shesh.. T1 = 1.5 Meg, to give people a reference point.
This can be done on the regular internet now, so what if someone did it using IPv6 instead of IPv4?
Standards (Score:2)
Will I2 be a "good" thing? Or is it simply the easiest and cheapest solution right now?
Re:Standards (Score:1)
Re:Standards (Score:2)
I'm also curiouse as to what kind of speed Europeans are getting out of their cable service?
Re:bandwidth bandwidth bandwidth (Score:1)
Physical Media Fetish. (Score:2)
IMHO Until people are able to let go of the need to possess physical media (e.g. CD's, DVD's . . .), downloaded movies, music, and the like will not replace, but enhance and supliment peoples physical collections. I say this from experiance, I love MP3's but I still can't let go of CD's. Plus, until DSL or Cable hits the whole country (world) who can afford the bandwidth.
Re:VoD ? Multicast (Score:1)
Re:time to start philosophising... (Score:1)
Re:time to start philosophising... (Score:1)
A problem that I see... (Score:3)
Come see the Internet2: Your online entertainment and shopping complex - all from the comfort of your sofa. Don't worry, your marketing data is secure with us. *nudge* *nudge* *wink* *wink*
Re:Standards (Score:1)
The specs on the I2 are very impressive, but I fear that it is being implemented more for corporate reasons than altruistic ones.
HDTV: Does it Matter? (Score:1)
So in other words, why should a TV station invest so much in HDTV equipment when they could spend a fraction of the amount on streaming? And if they want higher resolution or 16:9 they can simply get compatible cameras and change resolution settings - only bandwidth limits them (and that could spark a massive acceleration in broadband use and therefore lower cost).
Why do you think Apple, Microsoft, and Real are spending so much on trying to dominate the streaming market?
Re:So? (Score:1)
Re:darn CNet (Score:1)
Re:time to start philosophising... (Score:1)
Currently we regulate cable TV by providing proprietary hardware and or cabling. Sure you can get around this but you risk getting caught by the cable/dish cops. The same will have to hold true for HDTV over the internet.
As you pointed out i'm sure it will be easy to create a lower resolution copy of the original content even if the original content streams through a proprietary server. This leads to the unpopular option of increased regulation for I2.
IMHO we are going to have to do something serious about protecting copyright or else the major media outlets aren't going to jump on the convergence bandwagon.