AntiOnline Accuses, Attrition.org Responds 79
borehawg writes "John Vranesevich of AntiOnline is accusing Attrition.org staff members of being involved with the "hacker" groups called "United Loan
Gunmen" (ULG) and "Hacking For Girlies" (HFG). Attrition.org responds with this press statement. "
Pointing fingers. (Score:1)
lame (Score:1)
More crap from Johnny (Score:1)
AntiOnline, At It Again (Score:5)
How many more slanders will people take... (Score:1)
Does anyone actually take this guy seriously? (Score:2)
This is pathetic. A sad little man trying to be a cross between Barnum & McCarthy.
More AntiOnline Bunkum (Score:3)
I can think of better ways to use time than to piss off HNN, Slashdot, Attrition, etc. - some of us argue that they actually do a bloody good job. Before this came out, I did recall seeing a few days ago on Hacker News Network [hackernews.com] some stuff about the two groups being completely dissimilar: I'm wondering if this has been going on for a week or so and it just hasn't surfaced.
Bad script kiddies! Go stand in the corner! (Score:4)
That's IT Johnie, give me your portscanner! I'm putting it away, and you can't have it back until you and Timmy learn to get along without fighting and calling each other names! You can just have a TIME OUT until you learn your lesson! And then go and wash up for dinner like a good little boy!
(Oh, what's wrong with kids these days -- I thought he might start playing nicer with the other children after he graduated from college and all, but he's just as bad as ever)
Timmy!! You bad boy! Do you want a spanking? No? Well, in that case... absolutely NO smurf attacks or SYN flooding for a WEEK! Don't roll your eyes like that! Stand up straight! Don't talk back to me! Go to your room!
(Sigh... kids these days. They say thay learn to behave after they hit 20, but sadly, I think they're wrong about that)
Time for the lawyers (Score:3)
expose of Vranesevich (Score:5)
Re:Does anyone actually take this guy seriously? (Score:1)
C'mon, If he's gonna make accusations that HFG==ULG, he should have better evidence than this!!
JP doesn't know when to quit. (Score:5)
I swear he is the national enquirer of the internet. The time when he put up that "Eye on the underground" thing, and someone on a webboard he was "monitoring" inserted a little bit of code, he instantly blamed the webboard owners. Not only that, but he put out a press release stating something along the lines of "AntiOnline.com was not hacked. What happened is one of the owners of a service we monitor decided to change his content..." He faithfully declared this as the gospel truth.
I swear, he will do anything for a little more press recognition. He is the ultimate media whore.
Every time he gets in one of his pointless flame wars, he uses every possible media outlet as a means of trying to humiliate his adversaries. I saw during the last little bout, he used not only all 7 of his domains, but the happyhacker site, the happyhacker mailing lists, several other that he controls, and every time he was interviewed in that time, he mentioned it.
Not to mention, he considers himself so computer savvy, but when I got that email from him, guess what the client was...yup...Outlook Express.
Wow, I amazed myself by criticizing him without saying "crack baby media whore"
"I'm not gonna say anything inspirational, I'm just gonna fucking swear a lot"
Re:expose of Vranesevich (Score:1)
All these kids need is attention. You take that away and they would go off to play some quake instead. But seriously, libel is a serious crime. I would really like to see this person brought before a judge (Even though the flaming was between two shady groups).
I just sent this to JP. (Score:2)
I don't suppose he'll care though.
This is the funniest thing I've read in a while.
You are so high and mighty over what?? A few websites that got hacked!
I don't have anything against you, but your article is laughable. Your "Virtual Fingerprinting System"? Care to explain what exactly that is?
From your article it appears to be nothing more than grep, cat and diff.
The thing I find most amusing though is again your high and mighty attitude. As if what you're reporting _Really Actually Matters_ to anyone bar a few nerdy computer types. I freely admit to being a nerdy computer type myself. So a few websites got hacked. Did anyone die? No. Did anyone get hurt? No. A few bruised egos aside.
Anyway, I'd be *most* interested to see you respond in public to Attrition.org's response to your article.
*If* what they're saying is true you sure have a lot of egg on your face.
I personally don't have an opinion either way. It seems you're both trying to take yourselves so seriously that you can't see how totally irrelevant to anything this is.
*Catch* the hackers with some solid evidence. That'd actually be something then. As opposed to grep and diff on a few files.
Tim Harman
look at it from the perspective of a non-techie (Score:3)
Disclaimer: yes, I did simplify matters. On purpose.
fl [mailto]
This is sad... (Score:2)
This reminds me of the middle ages. (Score:1)
The answer?
Ellucidation of the masses!
Ugh.. It's more Mr. FUD! (Score:1)
Someone should take a clue-by-four to this idiot. I think he has seen "Hackers" once too often (arguably, once is once too often, but hey), and should switch to decaf.. At the very least he could visit the Jargon File [tuxedo.org] and look up a few other interesting terms (like, hacker, perhaps?). Most of us really don't have the inclination to spend most of our free time just cracking into Web sites. *yawn*
Re:look at it from the perspective of a non-techie (Score:1)
The problem are not people like "us" who read that and get a good laugh out of it, but people who have no clue about anything.
The fall for his Prosa and "insight" and take it for real.
He will never ever convince anybody who knows at least a tiny bit about computers, but the masses will definetly take it for real, and they won't go to "bad" sides like Attrition.org.
Just my 2 cents.
Stupid school (Score:1)
The truth is, Brian Martin (Attrition.Org operator) is an FBI suspect in the HFG case. He is innocent until proven guilty. BUT this fact does make JP's claims NON-libelous. Not only that, it is EXTREMELY likely that Brian Martin in fact IS HFG. It's pretty much common knowledge among most hackers in his scene. Brian Martin is also good friends with the Forbes reporter who did an exclusive interview with HFG, coincidence? maybe. Suspicious? VERY.
To those familiar with webpage hacks, there are striking similarities that set the ULG and HFG hacks apart from all the rest. And indeed, Attrition is heavily linked to the ULG case, just search the Associated Press in the last 2 weeks for the word "Attrition"
The real perp (Score:2)
Bored with the unchallenging and non-time-consuming tasks of admining slashdot, Rob Malda took to a life of seedy internet hangouts and irc-addict script kiddies as a way to relieve the boredom of daily life and increase his page hits.
Trust me. I profiled him. I know it. See??? He has a web page, and graphics, and is online lots. He did it. Really.
That's all the proof you get today.
What's the point? (Score:1)
The only reasonable purpose I could see behind an award set like this would be to give merit to people or groups or ideas that contribute to the causes of the Linux community. For example, I would see the point of giving out awards for "most original software", or "most effective project management", or for "most needed new software", or for "most valuable service to the community".. you get the drift.. The LJ awards merely collect some loosely dependable measure of popularity among arbitrary sets of tools for an arbitrary set of themes.
Nick Moraitakis
My apologies (Score:1)
Nick Moraitakis
*sigh* (Score:1)
This is just like that, and frankly the maturity of both sides seems to be microscopic to non-existant.
-Dave db@(nospam)amorphous.org
E-nuff!! (Score:2)
With me now, people: T-D-OUS!!
Can I get an a-MEN from you now!!
Seriously though, this Anti Online thing is such a gas, but is becoming such a bore.
John How-ever-you-spell-it has a site which is also a business. When you are a business the idea is to make money, and make money well. OK, now, how to make money in the computer/internet security arena? Two simple ways; get those people with the bucks to back you and lose the competition.
Q) How do you get those with the big bucks, when corporate America is scared out of it's Armani suits by even the word "Hacker"?
A) First, start offering your information and special privileges to those with some of the biggest budgets (i.e.
With Anti Online only offering it's information database to
Q) How do you lose the competition?
A) Look at what has been going on. Any site which offers the same or similar information is being systematically hunted and if possible, eventually, killed. I mean, I'm willing to bet that much of the texts and exploits found at Attrition.org are the same as what is found at Anti Online (although I'm sure that the picture of the guy who hunted Santa ain't there! Nearly busted a gut on that
Now, I may be off here by miles, but if I wanted to make money from information the best way to do that is to sell that information. So I start off giving the information out to a select few for free, then when there is no one else (or no one else who is any good) offering the same information I start selling it to those who are willing to pay. And if you are the only game in town, well, you charge what you like.
In all honesty, I have nothing against John or Anti Online per se. As a matter of fact, that site and it's "guide to mostly harmless hacking" were where I got my feet wet with Linux and the inner workings of computers. It was with that sites information that I made my current choice of Linux flavor, Debian.
But his actions over the last six months have really begun to bug the hell out of me, and to make his motives suspect.
Whatever his rational, IMO he would be much better off just sticking to being an information repository (open to everyone, I might add) and being an information portal. Leave the cracker chasing to the feds, and leave the competition alone.
Actually, if I were the owner of Attrition, I'd do one plain and simple thing. Just say "John, you and me, in a ring, no gloves, no ref. Whoever is left standing keeps the site up, whoever is knocked out pulls the site". But then again I am a barbarian, so I'll just drag my knuckles to the kitchen for a beer and shut up.
Re:expose of Vranesevich (Score:1)
Well, plus suing his dumb *ss.
Quux26 > Lazlo
Re:I wish these people would grow up (Score:1)
John Vra-whatever rules the Universe! (Score:1)
Re:ulg.ac.be (Score:1)
Is it just me? (Score:1)
What's the point of saying this group did this or this group did that? Who really cares? Why not just say the site was hacked and not give the groups any attention at all?
It's only because of sites like these that claim to have the eyes of important people and that will report on crap like this that these hacks are perpetrated at all. You cannot tell me that someone would go out of their way to hack some site and muck with the web page (which is very stupid anyway), if they knew no-one would report on it.
Argh.. the sheer stupidity of it all.
Re:*sigh* (Score:1)
Re:*sigh* - Put this kid over a knee (Score:1)
Anyway, just my $.02
Re:This reminds me of the middle ages. (Score:1)
Since when can 'arguing over a lollipop' endager your future career opportunites? There are a LOT of high tech places that won't hire you if a background check turns up anything suspicious or the least bit incriminating. If people believe what John Heylookatme (or whatever) is saying then some of those people could have their careers jeopardized. No one should be taking this slander lightly. If he had kept it to a private forum then it could be excused, but when you start broadcasting fals and damaging information across a public medium then you have passed the realm of 'petty argument' and stepped into the arena of libel and slander.
Re:I wish these people would grow up (Score:1)
Re:Does anyone actually take this guy seriously? (Score:1)
Re:I just sent this to JP. (Score:1)
Re:Stupid, very very stupid (Score:2)
Playing with words is a trate in the Hacker community (as it is with people of intelligence). It's even more fun when a possible translation is a contradiction of itself!
someone smack this guy! (Score:1)
Geez.. someone wouldn't get away forever with this in the real world (say, if he was/worked for a newspaper), why should they get away with it in 'cyberspace' (argh! buzzword alert!)
shouldn't slander/libel with harmful intent be against some 'cyberlaw' (argh! again! NOOO!) and therefore be punishable somehow?
personally, I wouldn't shed a single tear if antionline suddenly had its servers raped..
of course that would likely be a Bad Thing, being against the 'cyberlaws' (DOH! again!)...
Does the ends justify the means? *insert philosophical discussion here*
Re:Is it just me? (Score:1)
way they did otherwise they would be assumed guilty(sad but true).
This isn't just about kids calling kids names.
People at attrition.org could have their actual
lives affected(i.e. careers).
We should all care when any news organization
makes claims that are completely unfounded.
To the uninitiated AntiOnline has much more
credibility(again sad but true). As such when
they say things about the 'computer underground'
the uninitiated listen.
Re:Does anyone actually take this guy seriously? (Score:1)
First - the FBI NEVER identifies suspects in on-going criminal investigations. It's as likely they talked to him to get intelligent insights into the current hacker community for their investigation. Second "EXTREMELY LIKELY"? on what grounds, your own personal crystal ball?
One thing JP has gaurenteed, no one at AntiOnline or any of its' spawn will ever be taken seriously in the public policy debate over security and cyber-crime, and those that do use them will discredit their own positions.
Screw both sites they both suck (Score:1)
What's with this new finger-pointing bullshit? (Score:3)
My opine on this is ULG is doing some important work...their hacks demonstrate visibly that major commerce sites and government is unsecured and IT IS A VALUABLE SERVICE they are doing by showing to the public these flaws. Wouldn't you WANT to know if Nasdaq was unsecured? I sure as shit would!
JP is a total flak so I'm not even thinking about him, but I am disturbed by this new trend in security sites to NAME the people involved in groups or to prove the groups' existances. What the hell is that? Are people ratting on each other to earn gold stars with the Feds?
I see hacking as 1. a public service and 2. art. (Stealing is different and I don't condone that)
So whoever ULG is-- who cares? What's important is that their voices are heard.
My 2 cents...
New stuff: I'll also add that Brian and all of Attrition provide one of the most valuable services in security news in that they analyze journalists' articles and point out the mistakes and mis-information; in other words, they find the "bugs" in the reporting...this service is INCREDIBLY valuable and needed as most writers don't know anything about the underground and so sometimes rely on total flaks like JP or Clown Princess for information, which in turn makes them look bad. So Attrition is really SAVING a lot of writers' asses from looking like total fools and they should be thanked for that.
And for all you admins/security/Feds reading these posts, if you've never read Attrition, start doing so now. You owe yourself and your bosses the education.
Re:I wish these people would grow up (Score:1)
You know.. (Score:2)
By constantly reporting on each "terf battle" that goes on between these groups of adolescents, the media is only *encouraging* them and other groups to do things that could merit media attention.
I have an idea... (Score:1)
I wonder what would happen if next time one of these elite haxxor dudes hacks into a website, they tried to impersonate JP? Like, you know, they would put VP's "fingerprints" all over the place. Things like web design and graphics style are extremely easy to imitate. Admittedly, JP's sloppy pseudo-educated English is a bit harder to mimic, but that shouldn't be too difficult either.
Yeah, and don't forget to put all those award banners his site earned at the bottom of the hacked page!
What do you guys think?
Blah blah blah (Score:1)
But to continue with the flawed metaphor, how can you tell two ducks apart? How can you tell that two piles of duck shit came from the same duck?
Also, AntiOnline covers far more "hacker groups" than Attrition. Why wouldn't AntiOnline hack a few sites to stir up something on a slow news day?
So, besides being a shill for AntiOnline, what do you do in your spare time?
I know! (Score:1)
This guy needs to grow up (Score:1)
Grow up.
Re:You know.. (Score:1)
"By accessing AntiOnline.." (Score:1)
Yet another view (Score:1)
For a while, I had very good relations with JP through the HappyHacker wargames, which AntiOnline played a very small role in. I even helped moderate some items on AntiOnline' site in a secuity forum and was going to be writing some security articles for them.
I came to know JP through the HappyHacker wargames, and as I grew to know him more, I found out how much of a back-stabbing person he really is. It seems like he logs almost every conversation, both public and private that he takes place in or listens to. With me, he lost absolutely any bit of trust I had in him. Everyone else that I know that was in anyway related to AntiOnline and JP feels the same.
JP acts like a small child in most cases, and is a control-freak. Even if he has no role or place in a situation, he feels like he must be the person on top, and does anything he can to make it that way. One example of this is AntiOnline turning into a "Legal Resource Center" for law enforcement agencies. JP used to play under the mask of being a "hacker" and talked to lots of people, logging everything un-knowing to them. He then turned this false-trust into his so-called "Hacker Database."
Brian (a.k.a Jericho), of attrition.org has always been a very down to earth individual in all of my dealings with him. I have been "behind the scenes" in many of the stories relating to Attrition and AntiOnline, and Attrition's story has always been completely true and un-padded. Brian is a much better journalist, and I can see how he is getting sick of JP's slander.
This might all just sound like another JP bashing, but no one seems to realize how much of an asshole this guy really is. He threatened me, among with many others, in many cases. He must have gotten made fun of a lot as a little kid or something, because he always tries to act like "Mr. Tough Guy" and has to be number one. He and AntiOnline will do anything to raise their image, even if it means turning their backs on suppsed "friends."
What JP said... What JP meant... (Score:1)
I used ==. I am 'leet. Ph33r!@%
Wednesday, September 15, 1999 at 15:27:48
by John Vranesevich - Founder of AntiOnline
September 13, 1998, The New York Times was broken into by a group calling itself HFG, Hacking for Girlies. The attack, which the New York Times claims cost them over $1 million in damages, falls almost one year ago to the day of when the Nasdaq was broken into.
I wish I could be in HFG. Then maybe I could get girls instead of being a loner.
[Note: Am I the only one who finds $1m a little extreme?]
ABC News, C-span, The Drudge Report, and now the Nasdaq have all fallen victim to a group calling itself "The United Loan Gunmen". AntiOnline has reason to believe that this "new group", is actually the HFG acting out under a new name.
We here at AntiOnline have nothing better to do so we're gonna start controversy to get visitors to our gay site.
Using concepts developed under its "Virtual Fingerprinting System", AntiOnline has taken data from the recent United Loan Gunman hacks, and compared it to data in its extensive databases of over 6,700 individual hackers. The results?
Using concepts developed under our lame Virtual Fingerprinting System (VFS? Virtual File System? Ha. What a gimp...) we've decided that both groups used english and had graphics on their page. They must be the same group as it's damn near impossible to imitate other peoples work. Oh, plus we compared it to our database of 6,700 hackers. Information we've obtained by logging our hack attempts and putting the attack with the host IP.
Graphic Creation: Graphics created by members of the United Loan Gunman match the style and technique as graphics developed by members of HFG in September of last year. Several of these graphics also bare resemblance in creation method to a Defcon 6 logo submitted by a known individual, whose work also can be compared to several other attacks.
Slashdot's foot looks strikingly similar to Monty Python's giant foot. Slashdot == Monty Python! I'm a dumbass! Wooo! Assuming the groups are using *nix, the possibilities are so slim that the two groups and the defcon6 logo creator all used the same program. (Gimp, perhaps?)
Content: Similar writing styles, political agendas, affiliates, and personal attacks as hacks done in September of last year by HFG.
So ULG get's inspired by HFG and steals their ideas. No, no. Wait that can't happen, we need some way to make us look like we know it all. WE WILL PREVAIL!%!@!$%!
HTML: Matches in "free hand" creation style to hacks done by the HFG.
My God! ULG and HFG both used tags! What are the odds?!?
Affiliation: "Attrition" members once again claim to have "spoken to" the individuals involved with the recent attacks, just as they claimed last year during the HFG hacks. Brian Martin, founder of Attrition, was raided in December of 1998 as part of an FBI investigation into Hacking For Girlies (as reported by Forbes columnist Adam L. Penenberg).
I hate attrition.org. They get all the fun hacks while all we get is that crack ho Carolyn Meinel and her gayass HowTo-Hack_Windows. Plus Brian Martin was raided. That means he's got all the good ties to the underground. Damn him! DAMN HIM! He must go down. ATTRITION WILL DIE!!
Attack Method: Once again the methodology seems to be rather cloudy, and other industry leaders are drawing similarities into the attack styles (this could potentially become more clear as data from the recent Loan Gunmen attacks surfaces from the individual organizations).
Damn, I wish we could find out what kind of boxes the UGL and HFG both cracked so we could link the groups together there too. Doh! Too bad we suck.
Time: Just as before, attacks apparently done by the same group of people, yet under different names, are spread far apart by almost a year exactly.
The times are totally unrelated, but it was almost twelve months. Perhaps if I word this "by almost a year" instead of "at entirely different times" the dumbasses who read this site and take my content seriously will take my side
AntiOnline has been receiving more data from several other organizations who are also investigating these similarities, and is in the process of adding them to its catalog to be "fingerprinted".
We have to wait for other organizations to give us info because we don't know how to get it. Plus I'm too busy as I have to have gay elephant sex with Meinel again.
Exact results of AntiOnline's investigations are leading to a particular group of known hackers that AntiOnline has extensive information on. For obvious legal reasons, that data is not being disclosed to individuals outside of the law enforcement arena.
We have no clue what we're talking about, so we'll lie and say for legal reasons we can't give the information out unless you're in law enforcement. That way maybe people will believe that we have information and will understand when we say we can't give it to them!!!
For more information about "Hacker Profiling", read AntiOnline's Three Part Special Report entitled: "How To Be A Hacker Profiler".
Feel free to read more of our bullshit and become less-educated word by word.
Sorry this is so long, but I have nothing better to do. And sorry if this isn't that amusing, but I have nothing better to do.
Re:What JP said... What JP meant... (BAH!%) (Score:1)
My God! ULG and HFG both used tags! What are the odds?!?
It should say ULG and HFG both used "img src" tags, but I wasn't paying attention and put the bracket thingies around it.
Re:My apologies (Score:2)
"'Is not a quine' is not a quine" is a quine.
JP & AntiOnline (Score:1)
Over the years I've seen JP and AntiOnline get torn down. And with reason. JP is basically a backstabbing sack of s**t who really is only concerned with making money for himself.
I used to go to AntiOnline when it was still new, but after the first few 'fake' stories I decided there were other sites more worthy of my time there. Then JP shut down Packetstorm and that is one thing that made sure I'll never visit AntiOnline again.
Now watch JP sue Rob because everyone posting negatively about him is 'slandering' him. *snicker*
Gaypee (Score:1)
First off there are unconfirmed rumors that JP is under investigation the the F.B.I. for possibly paying off script kiddies to hack sites so he can write his little stories. So why would anyone take what he says serious?
Secondly he should be on every single Administrators hate list for having packet Storm Security removed due to his insecurities and lack of humor.
Thirdly after even reading his and Carolyn Mienel's half baked story filled with more inconsistencies then the feds Waco accounts why is Slashdot even devoting its time to cover such a moron as JP is.
You better watch it Slashdot he (JP) tries to sue everyone including his mother for using his name or copying his copywritten e-mails...
Now back to reading the e-mail he constantl sends threatening to sue us for AntiOffline.com
Ummm, a few points.... (Score:1)
McCarthy and the Salem witch trials occured long after the middle ages. While McCarthy may have gone overboard, there is more and more evidence coming to light these days that show the extent of KGB efforts to corrupt and attack all aspects of american life. I, for one, don't think that it was the least bit insignificant.
That being said, I knew JP back when he was trying to be a 'hax0r' and a packet pixie in #cha0s. He was, and always will be, a jerkoff. His biggest coup for antionline was the whole 'Analyzer' escapade. JP's ignorance was blinding. I remember once, a friend of mine was talking to him, while JP was apparently conversing with Analyzer on IRC. JP told my friend that the FBI would _never_ catch Analyzer, because Analyzer 'bounced' his connection 30+ times. When JP was asked how he knew this, he said something to the effect of 'simple, I did a tracert'. heheh. And this guy gives security advice? I'm not sure if I want to laugh or cry for the poor sheep who take him (other others like him) seriously.
PS: Analyzer was indicted and is pleading innocent, saying that what he did was not a crime, because there weren't any signs up telling him that he couldn't. I assume he's referring to the motd. But all i want to know is where does one fit a warning message into the rpc protocol?
Hahahaha! (Score:1)
If you just consider the name, having a Web site named AntiOnline seems to be an oxymoron of the highest order. As funny as the existence of that mirror is, after the ridiculous name of that site, I'm not very surprised at this guy's idiocy.
Hacker? (Score:1)
Patrick Barrett
Re:Stupid, very very stupid (Score:1)
One iteration that stands out in my mind is that "lone gunmen" refers to the three computer geeks that occasionally appear on the X-Files. They were first seen ~20 years ago when they helped Mulder by cracking into top-secret government computers, and more recently helped Mulder and Scully crack the black box recovered from the plane utilizing alien technology which crashed at Area 51.
I laughed when I first heard the ULG's name and immediately made the connection to the conspiracy theories that are a prominent part of the X-Files...