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Interview: John Vranesevich Doesn't Really Answer 307

Monday, when we asked you to Grill John Vranesevich, we got mostly flames (as expected), but somehow we managed to extract 12 hard-nosed questions from the ashes. Sadly, Mr. Vranesevich chose not to respond to them directly, but sent an argumentative screed instead. Below you'll find the questions we sent, followed by Mr. Vranesevich's essay in its entirety (including his original HTML formatting), along with a link to a Forbes story that is, um, not exactly complimentary to him.

Question #1
by manitee

Having read many accounts of your interactions with the staff of attrition.org, it seems to me that your claims against them are generally unproven and rash. Their rebuttals are always filled with detailed fact and systematic, step by step analysis of the topic at hand. Please clarify why you feel that attrition.org is such a dangerous force, yet you have never been able to present HARD EVIDENCE to that point.

Question #2
by davidu

Many of us in the hacker community (not cracker) used the Packet Storm security site for information and research. You had it shut down for some alleged things in the /jp directory. Explain to us why you called [Harvard] to shut it down rather than dealing with the maintainer. What did you accomplish by threatening to sue other than futher harm your image and remove any creditbilily you had?

Question #3
by Kintanon

What is the basis for your attacks on security Experts such as Attrition.org?

To Clarify the question: Why do you proclaim them to be 'dangerous hackers' while they do essentially the same thing you claim to do, except that they do so better, faster, and more professionally?

Question #4
by mattc

Why did you deliberately block links from Slashdot, HNN, and any other site who criticized you during the closure of Packetstorm?

by WH How do you respond to allegations that the FBI is investigating your knowledge of attacks before they happened and the accusations by some hackers who performed said attacks that you paid them or otherwise coerced them to do it in order to have coverage for your website?

also by WH

Why do you feel that sites containing satirical humor based [on] antionline are not protected by law and therefore open to your threats of legal action?

by Hard_Code

Are the rumors that you will be spinning off a sister site called Anti-Anti-Anti-Online to dispell the malicious accusations and deprecations of your obviously magnanimous professionalism and intellect and to further bolster the image of Anti-Online and your integrity as a computer- security- expert- guru- enthusiast, true?

#8 - #11
by Jeff -
(Heavily edited - RM)

I have several questions which I will ask within the narrative below. The narrative is important to understand the context of the questions, and to support my arguments.

Several months ago I was raided by FBI for supposed involvement with the "hacker" group gh. The extent of my involvement was participating, as a caller only, in illegally funded phone conferences. JP, who also participated in this conferences, labeled me as a hacker, and a member of gh on his "news" site. Neither of these accusations are true. He has many more ties to this and other hacker groups than I have ever had....

#8 - How can you pretend to be taking a stand against "hackers" while you are involved in the same activities?

#9 - My third question is in regards to your coverage of the situation. You posted unconfirmed information from an unreliable source in regards to the status of my employment at a prominent software development company. As a result of this I was contact by several news agencies, and immediately stereotyped as a hacker even though I have never illegally penetrated any computer system, nor had I been charged with, or accused of any crimes by the FBI. In response to this I granted one news agency an interview, which I thought went well, but also backfired. As a result of the negative press my former employer could not even consider allowing me to stay. My question being, Do you expect people to consider you as a reliable news source even though you report data which you receive through unreliable channels?

#10 - Did you ever stop to think what the impact of your coverage might be? It seems to me that in your rush for the big story you have failed to check for the correctness in your articles, and as a result of this you are hurting innocent people, such as myself. I'm sure this has gone on in other cases, but mine is the only one I have enough knowledge to comment on. I don't attribute these unfortunate events to you, but you certainly did not follow good news practices in reporting them. You have only served to injure my credibility and your own.

11 - Lastly, have you ever considered what legal action may be taken against you for your involvement with these criminals? Do you even recognize the hypocrisy of your stance on hackers being one yourself by your own definition?

Question #12
by sonoffreak

Why did you decide to let Slashdot interview you? How did the response you got compare to what you expected?

John Vranesevich's Response:

Greetings All

Well, I've seen many people say that I can't take criticism. Believe me, if that were true, I surely never would have opened myself up to a SlashDot inquisition. I knew before I even agreed to the interview, that things would be ugly. Needless to say, I was right on the money. However, I will say this. I was very disappointed in the downright lack of maturity that many of the posts showed. I like to believe that most people who frequent this type of forum are of an intellectual nature. I found it very disheartening to hear nearly every rumor ever voiced about myself or my company being regurgitated as if they were all fact. An educated bunch of people should understand that not everything that they hear is true at all, and that almost nothing that they hear is totally accurate. But, some of that could be my fault. Many posts pointed out the fact that I have never "given explanations of" or provided "blow-by-blow responses" to any of the things that have been written about me. This is true. If I spent my life defending myself from every individual who had a nasty thing to say about me, my life would end up pretty meaningless in the end. I think that's true for most people. I decided a long time ago that I wouldn't allow myself or my website to become dedicated to those who would seek to bring me down. I have a lot of goals in my life, and I'm not about to let nonsense get in their way. But, never the less, I saw this SlashDot invitation as the perfect opportunity to talk about some of those very issues. It's not that I feel that people who posted negative comments will read what I have to say, and then decide that they were totally wrong about me. Those who despise me for whatever reason will continue to do so no matter what I ever say or do. Even SlashDot faced the wrath of dozens of people who are "no longer going to visit this site" for one reason or another after reading the interview bio on Monday. So much for loyalty in this day and age I suppose.

Yours In CyberSpace,
John Vranesevich
Founder, AntiOnline

Now, On To The Questions

I received a list of "questions" from Robin earlier this week, and to put it bluntly, they were just stupid. I'm not going to waste my time writing up ridiculous answers to ridiculous questions that no one really cares about. For example, here is one of the questions posed to me

"Are the rumors that you will be spinning off a sister site called Anti-Anti-Anti-Online to dispel the malicious accusations and deprecations of your obviously magnanimous professionalism and intellect and to further bolster the image of Anti-Online and your integrity as a computer-security-expect-guru-enthusiast, true?"

Now how stupid is that? What would my answer be, something like "Um, no". Not a very stimulating Q&A if you ask me.

So, instead of wasting my time and yours, I decided that I'd simply cut to the chase, and answer what appear to be some of the major allegations, accusations, and other such tidbits that some people seem obsessed over.

AntiOnline & PacketStorm

First off, let me say that I didn't shut down PacketStorm, and neither did Harvard. Ken Williams is the sole person responsible for that site being shut down. He chose to take a popular forum which was designed to disseminate information related to computer security, and abuse his own creation in order to harass someone. Sure, post satire about myself or my website. I truly don't care, and in many cases, I have even promoted such websites on AntiOnline. One such satire site that I've linked to several times is "AntiOffline.com". Personally, I consider satire as one of the greatest type compliments one can get. However, what Ken did far surpassed simple satire. By posting a photo of my younger sister (who was a minor at the time), along with her full name and address, he successfully started a mass campaign of harassment against her and my family. This I wouldn't tolerate. I don't care how popular of a site it was, or how valuable of a resource it was. It was abused by Ken Williams for his own perverse sense of amusement, at the cost of my family.

As for all of this "threaten to sue" hype which soon followed. I never did any such thing. I'm not sure which University Official ever told Ken Williams that, if any, but he was certainly mistaken. I sent a simple one page e-mail to the provost's office asking them to review the contents of the site against their acceptable use policy. Despite Ken's claims that there wasn't any "offending" material on the site, the university reviewed it, and chose to shut it down. A major and prestigious university like Harvard wouldn't simply shut down a site because some pissant like myself sent them an e-mail, unless there was a very good reason to do so. Use your common sense people.

However, what Ken Williams did was a very successful campaign of pity afterwards. I will admit that. "A poor college student who's website was shut down by an evil corporation called AntiOnline. Who's college career has been ruined, and all of his hard work lost". Truth of the matter is that Ken is in his 30s, and isn't some naive little college freshmen. He got his site shut-down by harassing a 17 year old girl, which shortly after being shutdown, Ken sold for a reported $125,000 to Kroll.

Poor Ken.

AntiOnline & Attrition

This is even more stupid than Ken Williams. Despite all of the crap, and there really isn't a better word for it, which has pored out of Brian Martin and his Attrition.org site, I think I can sum up events in one small paragraph

AntiOnline was asked by the FBI to help investigate a group called "HFG" which broke into the New York Times' Website. AntiOnline does some digging, and turns over its findings. Shortly there after, Brian Martin, founder of Attrition.org, and someone that no one at AntiOnline had ever had any contact with before, was raided by the FBI. Ever since then, for some strange reason, Brian Martin has attempted to do anything and everything he can to discredit myself and AntiOnline. Wonder why? Is it because I'm an evil menace to society that threatens the very existence of the internet and all that is good? I wouldsubmit to you that Brian Martin's motivations are far more geared towards protecting his own ass, than they are geared towards protecting society's ass. Once again, use your common sense.

What exactly does AntiOnline Do?

That's something I see asked a lot on "underground" type webpages. To be frank, we're not a public company, and it really isn't anybody's business except those that we work with. I can, however, tell you this. The fact that nearly every malicious hacker (or cracker if you prefer the term) dislikes AntiOnline is actually good for us, and is the exact position I want to be in. Some people even "joke" that I intentionally try to "piss off large groups of people at a time". Well, it's not just a joke, it's the truth. I think I'm pretty good at doing it too. We average between 200-500 intrusion attempts against one of our systems AN HOUR, and every time I piss another segment of the cyber-population off, that number skyrockets. We probably have one of the most targeted networks on the internet today, and we take full advantage of that. Do you think that we let the type of data that we're able to collect and log just go to waste? I don't ;-)

Is AntiOnline Being Investigated By The FBI?

To tell you the truth, I doubt it, but I don't know for sure. But, there's a reason why I don't know for sure. The FBI doesn't talk to anyone about who they are/have investigated. Anyone that has ever worked with the FBI in any manner, can tell you that they, as a rule, keep quite in order to protect any investigation. If they were to deny reports about us being investigated, that would confirm in the minds of others that they are being investigated, when the FBI comes up with a "no comment" answer. Make sense?

Here's where things get funny. The person that "blew the lid off of the story" that AntiOnline was being investigated by the FBI is none other than, you guessed it, Brian Martin of Attrition. He told a reporter that an FBI agent "informed him" about the active investigation.

Common sense time. Would the FBI raid someone (like Brian Martin was), and then shortly there after begin telling that person about all of the other investigations that they are doing so that they could spread the word all over the Internet and ruin their case?

Personally, I would highly doubt that the FBI would consult with us if they suspected, or were investigating the possibility, that AntiOnline was some evil criminal empire that paid people off to break into high profile websites so that we could post an interview.

Get real people.

Does it bother you that everyone hates you. Why or why not?

This is something that I actually saw posted on the message board. To be honest, at this point in my life, my goal is not to become loved in the hearts of the masses. I'm not running for political office, so popularity doesn't count. I have goals in my life that I want to achieve. Some of these goals are short-term, some of them are long-term. Right now, at the age of 21 (as of October), I'm exactly where I want to be. My professional career is on track, financially I'm in good shape, my personal life is where I want it to be, and I can say that every day brings me closer to the goals that I have set for myself. Who could ask for more? Sure, I have to put up with a lot more flack and B.S. than the average 21 year old. But I'll tell you this, every minute is worth it.

To learn more about John Vranesevich as he was seen through the eyes of at least one reporter for a respected news outlet, read this Forbes article. - RM


Next week a panel of antitrust experts headed by our friend Don Weightman will answer your questions about what might happen to Microsoft next. We've had many requests for this, but held off for a week to let all the "regular" media have their say first. This promises to be a hugely informative interview session!

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Interview: John Vranesevich Doesn't Really Answer

Comments Filter:
  • by Thanatos ( 15980 ) on Friday November 12, 1999 @06:11AM (#1538496)
    He seems a politician.. he doesn't really answer the questions asked of him, simply says the same old things over and over and over again.. Reminds me of gates at the press conference MS held after being declared a monopoly.. his answer to every questions was something along the lines of "We are simply trying to make innovative software".
  • ..then I'm truly sorry, it's just that I sometimes snort when I laugh. Maniacally.
  • Taking criticism by calling every single question you recieved 'stupid?' Some of those looked valid to me...

    Yeah, whatever, I'm not wasting any more of my day on you.
  • Now compare that with last week's interview [slashdot.org]. Oh well, you win some, you lose some, I guess.
  • Is it just me, or does this seem like he lived up to everyone's expectation in the first discussion about the subject? Granted, many of the questions were nothing but flames....but he didn't seem to actually answer anything in those responses. I don't know J.P. from Adam, but it really seems to me like the /. crowd was on target, and the flames were (shudder) deserved....
  • by Anonymous Coward
    It looks like John is clinically paranoid.

    This is not a bad thing if you are a systems manager, but given his position its a bad thing.

    He definetly has something wrong in the head area.
  • Did we get what we expected or what?

  • Fabulous JP, dodge all the questions, use the one (mostly) humorous question posted at you as a launching point to call the slashdot community a bunch of babies, refuse to justify the removal of packetstorm (and claim that you didn't threaten legal action, even though your letter to harvard did ... promote misconception by refusing to explain what you do with your time (no, that little 'graph you gave us isn't an explanation of what you do), brag about how many hacks you withstand on an hourly basis, and generally behave like a dolt.

    Eat shit, JP.

  • Well, you run only a minimal risk of being declared off topic, since the interviewé himself thought the questions were "stupid" and posted his credo rather than answering them.

    It's October 6th. Where's W2K? Over the horizon again, eh?
  • JP> He got his site shut-down by harassing a 17 year old girl, which shortly after being shutdown, Ken sold for a reported $125,000 to Kroll. Does this mean he sold the 17 year old girl? Isn't $125k a bit high-priced? ^_^
  • by Anonymous Coward
    I know little about this topic, but from reading all of the content, it seeems to me that Vranesevich is avoiding certain statements that need to be made to defend his self. As for the Slashdot communitys' questions, they might have been about common rumors, but this should not matter to Vranesevich. If someone poses you with non-flamitory questions, why instantly avoid them? I do not see how ALL of the Slashdot questions were not worth. His example of the "bad question" was not that bad. It is simply a one line yes/no response which he gave. Thanks, John. Now move on. The more complicated the story gets, the more apparent there are secondary motives somewhere. So, let's just drop it. There will be another PackStorm and another Vranesevich in a few years anyway.
  • except, if was a politician, he'd be brown nosing even those who make fun of him (i.e., HardCode's "Is it true your spinning off.." question)

  • by Pretender ( 3940 ) on Friday November 12, 1999 @06:22AM (#1538512)
    So, to all the people in the question article who complained about those of us who chose not to ask questions or participate in this fiasco...

    Is anyone really surprised at this? He doesn't answer serious accusations from people who are qualified to comment on his reputation. Is he going to answer ours?

    Instead, he continues to be validated in his own mind. I feel sorry for those of you who thought he might honestly respond.

  • by blixco ( 28719 ) on Friday November 12, 1999 @06:22AM (#1538513) Homepage
    I'm not sure what to think of him and his belief (and judgement) that all of our inquiries are immature and stupid. I would say that the same could be said of him (which leads to a lot of childish "i know you are but what am i" type arguments). In any event, I haven't seen any decent example of skill on his part.

    And that's what gets to the security community: lack of skill while professing to know it all. Skill is the only real currency infosec people know. Well, that and money.

    Still and all, if he's getting attacked a lot (and he is), then even a complete moron could learn more *in that environment* than any of us could *in this cubicle I'm in* and that's important: he's under fire, and is probably learning modes and methods from it...including stuff we've never seen.

    Now if he would just stop being so darned *smug* about it, I'd feel better. Personally. But that's not his job, or yours, or anyone else's...it's mine. And I don't need to hire or recommend him.
  • by Skyshadow ( 508 ) on Friday November 12, 1999 @06:23AM (#1538514) Homepage
    C'mon, why are we bothering with this guy?

    It was a mistake to ask him for an interview to begin with. It's rather obvious that this guy lives on seeing his name in print, so giving him any attention at all is just feeding him exactly what he craves.

    Slashdot ain't me call, but I've got to recommend that Rob & Co. pick and choose their interviewees a bit more carefully. There are a ton of people out there who'd be an insightful read, even beyond the Three Initial Mafia (you know, RMS, ESR, JWZ, etc... what the hell is Linus' middle name?). JP is more of a thug than a creator -- he represents an awful lot that is contrary to /.'s principles: lawsuits, legal threats, shameless self-promotion, misinformation, collaborating with government hoods, etc.

    In short, we ought to be ignoring this guy.


  • by pwhysall ( 9225 ) on Friday November 12, 1999 @06:23AM (#1538515)
    I had formed the impression, from interviews in the press, from his conduct over the PacketStorm affair, that JP was not a great deal more than a script kiddie with attitude.

    This was an opportunity to rectify that perception.

    Instead, he attacks as some form of defence. Sorry, but when I see someone getting *this* defensive, there's usually something to defend. Weakness and inadequacy.

    A shame, really. Instead of defusing all those negative opinions, he's reinforced them.

    Oh, well.
  • ..I almost beleive him!

    (insert twilight zone music here)

    Maybe the Weekly World News or some such could hire them, then they'd be beleivable too..
  • I don't think he's that bad.. More or less he can take a joke (I pranked AO about being a southerner who was intrested in internet security for my Turkey Leg Farm and I cannot tell you HOW many times I was the pizza guy! ;-) In a nut shell, people will side where the largest amount of people are at (It's easier to hid that way) and no matter how logical John sounds, the masses will use talk with emotions, lies, and degrigations towards him. But in the long run, let's see who stands.. John or those who are attempted to down him..
  • "I was very disappointed in the downright lack of maturity that many of the posts showed. I like to believe that most people who frequent this type of forum are of an intellectual nature."

    How about you show a some maturity and answer the questions you *agreed* to answer?? Dismissing them all as "stupid" is not only immature, it's downright rude.
  • Does anyone have an e-mail contact for ol' JP there? Since he refused to answer my question I'd like to ask him again through e-mail, over and over and over and over and over and over again until I get a response. I'm tired of him dodging EVERY question that he's asked that doesn't make him look like the god of network security.

    JP = Total Ass hole.

  • John;

    Next time, get some balls and tell the truth. You've spouted nothing but egocentric bullshit aimed at defaming other sites who expose you for the fraud you are. This 'response' was nothing more than a personal attack against others aimed at increasing your popularity or at least exposure. It is patently libelous and slanderous, making the same false claims you always do.

    Get the clue and crawl back in the little hole you came from. You are an absolute disgrace to the security community as a whole, and a scar on the face of this earth.
  • #7 by Hard_Code

    Are the rumors that you will be spinning off a sister site called Anti-Anti-Anti-Online to dispell the malicious accusations and deprecations of your obviously magnanimous professionalism and intellect and to further bolster the image of Anti-Online and your integrity as a computer- security-expert- guru- enthusiast, true?

    Why was this question submitted? If slashdot is going to arrange an interview, the least it should do is submit serious questions. They can leave the jokes for others.
  • I don't know John V. like you cyber-geeks do, so just looking at this from a new-to-linux, newbie point of view, I really see John's side of events. Sure he sounds like a politician, but get real. The questions posed were the *best* of the bunch? No wonder he chose not to answer them, but instead give answers in a general sort of way.

    I honestly go to know more about attrition.org and antionline by reading his comments than in several months of reading websites (particularly slashdot).

    Why the animosity ppl? Most of the original posts did seem like they were written by crackers, and 13 year old ones at that.


    *there is as much honor in cracking as in avoiding income taxes*

  • We probably have one of the most targeted networks
    on the internet today, and we take full advantage of that. Do you think that we let the type of data that we're able to collect and log
    just go to waste? I don't ;-)

    It seems to me that if you hacker folk want this guy to fail you should just ignore him. Otherwise he'll be able to continue feeding off your anger. He can only benefit from being labeled, "the most hated figure in the hacker community."
  • by jd ( 1658 ) <imipak AT yahoo DOT com> on Friday November 12, 1999 @06:28AM (#1538524) Homepage Journal
    He wasn't hired to answer anyone's questions, he wasn't paid by Slashdot or it's readers, and frankly I wasn't impressed by the questions either.

    "Why did you..." tends to piss people off, especially if it's not something they did. The question assumes the other person is "guilty" of the alleged offence, without being open to the possibility that they aren't.

    Frankly, if I ever got a questionnaire like that, I'd probably feel disapointed by the quality and matuity of the questions, too.

    I -would- like to know his version of events, for some of the more hotly-debated incidents which he was allegedly involved with, but the chances are that unless he ever writes an autobiography, the full accounts of events will never really be known.

    All in all, I think it's unfair to say that John never really answered, because there were never really any questions.

    As for what AntiOnline does, I think that that is probably more easily deduced than obtained from questions. It clearly has a security focus, with a confidential client-specialist relationship with it's customers. From that, it seems fairly clear that the exact nature of the operations are considered sensitive, by either AntiOnline or those who it works with. That's a lot of information, and you can deduce a lot more still.

  • by Anonymous Coward
    He first says that Harvard did not shut the site down, then later says that he sent a one page email to Harvard suggesting they review the site and that Harvard then shut it down. When you rant at a group you assume to be hostile to yourself you should at least proof read for consitancy.
  • is Benedict.

    At least it is according to the Linus Torvalds FAQ [tuxedo.org]

  • by omarius ( 52253 ) <{moc.gnorwlla} {ta} {ramo}> on Friday November 12, 1999 @06:30AM (#1538529) Homepage Journal
    Though I'm about as far from the crackerati as you can get, I can tell you that I am not impressed with this diatribe. For all this railing against the unprofessional nature of the questions received, Mr. Vranesevich only fights what he precieves as unprofessionalism with more of the same.

    Essentailly, I've never heard of Mr. Vranesevich before, and with only this essay to go on, I'd guess that he is either very insecure, a liar, or both. His essay is a sophomoric flame, nothing more. I can only be insinuated 'stupid' a certain number of times before I start questioning someone's ability to participate in lively, intellectual discussion.


  • You know, maybe everybody should set their comments threshold to find out what kind of lame comments get posted to Slashdot. The moderation is a nice system here (when it's not abused) and we have the option of seeing only highly rated comments. Maybe next time Slashdot decides to interview a controversial figure, the questions should not be POSTED, but rather SUBMITTED. And then and only then the moderators can go in and filter out all the bullshit. There's no reason why someone who has agreed to take the time to address a few questions should be harrassed by people who are supposed to be intelligent. Maybe we need a better filtering system, or a faction group for the lusers. Has anyone registered firstpost.org yet?
    -------------------------------------------- --------------
  • So, pretty much, you had a chance to dispel some of the rumors and criticism going on about you, but instead chose to go off on a diatribe.

    This did nothing but prove that the most of the things being said about you personally, if not professionally (which I believe as well) were true.

    How is it that those from hackernews and attrition come across more coherently in interviews and writing than you.

    Who are you to say that nobody cares about the questions that were asked? Obviously those of us here do, since most of the questions were along the same topic lines.

    Everything I've ever read of you has come across as a spoiled brat displaying behavior we wouldn't accept from a five year old.

    Another couple of displays like this and not even eMpTy Vee will be contacting you for interviews.

    Have a nice life, it wouldn't hurt to go back to school and take some journalism and PR classes.
  • You are absolutely right.. Let me amend my previous statement to read "an inept politician".

  • Did somebody really post photos and details of his underage sister in order to get her harrassed? Because if somebody did that to my daughter, I wouldn't sue, I'd kill. And I'd dynamite the building that housed the server. I think John showed restraint in only threatening to sue.
  • I honestly have no real opinion of what Mr. John Vranesevich has done or rumored to be done but his response to the /. questions is beyond 'hostile' and shows that he was never really serious about doing any interview.

    I thought most of the questions were honest and, for its topic, were about well worded as you could make them but Mr. Vranesevich rejected them all as stupid and started to grandstand.

    If 20/20, 60 Minutes, etc. ask him to do an interview, he showed up and acted like this they wouldn't take him serious and cast all sorts of doubt over his claims. Why should Slashdot be different?

  • Oh, hell. The guy's got a solid sterling reputation as an asshole, and unlike the rest of us, he was given a forum to help clear his name. Instead, he took it as an opportunity to reinforce the mostly negative image he has. Oh, well.
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • firstpost.org, .com, and .net are registered to various registrants in the UK. 1stpost.org is available.


  • You know what the perfect twist to this media driven saga would be?

    To have JP, KW, and BM hold a press conference calling the media thier toys - proclaiming the whole ordeal a 'hoax'.

    It truly is a shame to see (respectable?) publications like NYT, and Forbes even giving a shit about the pointless squables of a couple web site operators. Who gives a crap? The only thing that ever bothered me was the "computer security expert" moniker that JP ended up with, when I have seen no worthwhile work to back up such a title.

    Such is life in the digital age I suppose. Just look at all the publications quoting Slashdot posts like this one.
  • Frankly, I don't know if there ever really was any opportunity.. He has shown again and again a complete inability to engage in rational discourse. Perhaps he should hire a publicist.. But of course, he would never do that, on the chance that someone else's name might appear before his..

    Mr. Pub. l. Cist, speaker for JP, said today "Mr V. has instructed me to respond to that accusation with 'Oh Yeah! So's your Mom!'"

    Yeah.. I see that happening.. In which case, I'm sure he will continue to sink deeper and deeper into his own private psychosis.
  • I haven't really been following this story, but it seems to me that Vranesevich owes a lot of his infamy to the press.

    For some reason, I get the impression that the press love to raise snotty nosed techy kids up on to a pedestal, and make experts out of them. Who gives a damn about experience when you've got youth! ;->

    Unfortunately, most of these kids are not really wise enough to make best use of the opportunity that has been made available to them.

    Vranesevich certainly appears to be quite quick to take advantage of his position to acquire new business. It is unfortunate that he is managing to alienate quite so many people. If one of my client's had a security problem, I know that I certainly would not recommend approaching anti-online, or any other organisation which Vranesevich may be associated with. For some reason, I just wouldn't trust him...

  • Right. It isn't exactly good interview practice to ask questions which include flames of the answerer. Maybe JP is as bad as attrition.org says he is but these two slashdot stories do nothing to advance the case.
  • It's as if they weren't taking any of this seriously at all. It's no surprise he was digusted with the quality of questions. (I was too, but then again, I had nothing I wanted to ask at all.)

    I don't know what depresses me more, the fact that so many people like this posted these questions in the first place, or that our MODERATORS (the people who are supposed to be good posters, unbiased and objective) chose to moderate up some of the dumber questions.

    But then again the entire JP/Antionline/Attrition/Packetstorm thing is just stupid to begin with. I've never heard of any of these people until Slashdot started posting about it, and I suspect most of you hadn't either. I've never heard of an unbiased take on the entire situation. Everything that's posted is just one person's rant/attack on the other, (or one respected media outlet trying its best to cover a story with only these rants to use as sources) and I'm quite sick of it. This interview has done nothing in the minds of those that are already set in their ways of hate except to fuel that fire.
  • Yeah, I guess LBT sounds a bit too much like some sort of sandwich...


  • I find it interesting that out of the original questions, only really one (question #12) of them wasn't negative or antagonistic in nature or tone. And these were the BEST that surfaced. I'm surprised that there weren't more questions that were at framed in a less negative manner.

    Of course, I'm also surprised that John chose to not answer some questions that were directly posed.

    I'm saddened, however, that John chose to answer questions that were not asked. The questions that were sent were pre-selected to eliminate the REALLY stupid ones. (Although the Anti-Anti-Anti question wouldn't have been on my list, I trust that the moderators had a good reason for putting it in). The fact that John chose to answer 'Does it bother you that everyone hates you' thing is PR work on his part, and has no place in a moderated Q&A like this.

    Unfortunately, I don't think John has done his image any good by answering a direct (if somewhat negative) set of questions in an indirect and incomplete manner.
  • Yet again, you,

    1. Fail to address any of the allegations against your conduct with a factual, or even coherent, argument.

    2. Fail to show any remorse for the hypocritical life you lead and the people you have fscked over.

    3. Skirt around the real issues like you're a Presidential candidate.

    JP, I suggest you run for office. Lying and deception are your best skills, and it's a shame to let them go to waste on people who don't buy your bullshit.

    If you need to point-and-click to administer a machine,
  • by Signal 11 ( 7608 )
    John... this is a technical community. We're generally not given to being childish. While it is true that many of the posts on slashdot were of that nature, the 15 or so we forwarded to you were not. We gave you the chance to clear up a rather dark and ominous cloud surrounding your reputation, and rather than taking advantage of that, you spit venom into the very people you claim to report on. In my book, you're selling snake oil. The only reason you're getting any attention at all is because the press likes to sensationalize. In short, you're a spoiled media brat. But it's not you I'm upset at - it's a system that ignores the fact that you are a completely untrustworthy source, and that the community you report on almost unanimiously hates you. I will have no pity on you when the day comes that you're busted down and exposed as the immature individual you are. Slashdot readers - don't bother with this person. It's proven, and I recall he's admitted, that he's not concerned about the truth. Take him for a wild ride. Let him sensationalize, make propaganda, and be an ass. Either ignore him, or have fun with him - but don't take him seriously!

  • I expected to get a few of these comments. JP may be using an alias, but it certainly isn't mochaone.
  • This is really what I expected. There is no way that JP would ever answer the questions that people on /. really want to ask. In my opinion he knew this and just used /. and it's readers to create further controversy. He also seems to thrive on people hating or opposing him, which the members of /. did zealously.

    Even the answers to the questions he asked himself were pathetic. Brian Martin (www.attrition.org) may be zealous, but he is nothing if not thorough, and though Ken Williams may have used bad judgement when posting information about JP's younger sister I can't believe that JP had the audacity to try and look down his nose at Ken for "reportedly" selling PacketStorm. Ken worked incredibly hard to make and maintain PacketStorm and I see absolutely nothing wrong with him selling it.

    With JP, it seems, he isn't happy unless he is the focus of everyone in the IT communities attention. Have you noticed that not much has been said about him lately? At least the circles I travel in nothing has been said about good ol JP and AntiOnline recently. Perhaps that's why he agreed to a SlashDot interview. Perhaps he wanted to attract more attention.

    If in fact his servers are the brunt of a lot of Hack Attempts, I am interested to know who he employs to secure them? It is certainly apparent that it isn't JP, at least I have never seen him post anything of ay technical detail, or even minor technical detail. I don't doubt he is the brunt of a lot of hack attempts, so I would really like to know the nitty gritty of how their network is secured. Although I am sure he would hide behind the mask of not wanting malicious hackers to know what he's got cooked up. Security through Obscurity and all that.

    Now that JP has been interviewed I would be interested in giving Brian Martin and the attrition.org staff an interview spot, let them air out their side of the stories JP loves to refute/profess. That I think would be a very interesting interview.

  • by Hard_Code ( 49548 ) on Friday November 12, 1999 @06:59AM (#1538552)
    Yes it was submitted, and YES it was a STUPID question. It was meant to be. It was moderated funny. I had no idea it would actually be /sent/, and was surprised when it showed up. Apparently /somebody/ wanted to send it...and now I'm the one with egg on my face because off the many stupid/funny/satirical questions this one was chosen. Oh well...I guess I should've checked the little "Don't give +1 bonus" box...I almost returned and reposted "Moderate this down" because I knew it was stupid...
  • by platypus ( 18156 ) on Friday November 12, 1999 @06:59AM (#1538553) Homepage
    I was one of the people who thought it would be better to ask serious questions. I asked one myself about JP's serious contributions to the security scene, unfortunately it wasn't choosen (I would have liked to see him circling around the concrete answer "NOTHING".)

    Now I have to say this got a bit sad. It is clear that mister vranesevich has abused /. as a big advertising board for his versions of some bad incidents. This isn't worth a detailed answer, anyone not too dumb sees clearly what kind of person this guy is.
    Perhaps slashdot should have choosen to not print the interview at all, just a description of why they had dropped it. Good thing is the link at the end to the forbes article.
    I would really like to see slashot interview the people from attrition and/or k. williams.
    /. shouldn't get the battlefield of some private feud, but the first step is done and a second should follow IMO. In addition the people I mentioned above would have more to say in an interview than to badmouth JP. This in contrary to him, who in essence just tried to sweep away things which let him look bad.

  • To hell with all these tech people...
    Let's interview Mahir! Begin posting questions in this thread!
    ----------------------------------------- -----------------
  • I don't know John V. like you cyber-geeks do, so just looking at this from a new-to-linux, newbie point of view, I really see John's side of events. Sure he sounds like a politician, but get real. The questions posed were the *best* of the bunch? No wonder he chose not to answer them, but instead give answers in a general sort of way.

    I honestly go to know more about attrition.org and antionline by reading his comments than in several months of reading websites (particularly slashdot).

    Why the animosity ppl? Most of the original posts did seem like they were written by crackers, and 13 year old ones at that.


    So you learned more about attrition and packetstorm by listening to a vitriol spewing enemy of those 2 sites than by going to the sites yourself? What did you learn? That JP hates both of those sites? Everyone knows that. There was only ONE silly question sent in. MY question was perfectly legitimate. I wanted to know what led him to catagorize attrition.org as a destructive website. He refused to answer any of the questions and instead gave those of us who had reserved judgement hoping he would say something sensible a reason to ignore him as a troll.

  • This wasn't a chance to clear his name or, if it was, he never got it because everyone (minus a few) asked him jackass questions.

    I thought his response was pretty decent. And as for the people who said he dodged questions: He didn't. They were mostly the same thing. "Why did you shut down Packetstorm" and "Why are you a jerk".

    If what JP says is true (about Packetstorm and Attrition) then I say he did get a bad wrap, and a lot of what he says makes sense. No one has a right to provoke harassement of someone's little sister - it's just wrong. The guy probably deserved to lose his site.

    I'm not saying the JP is a completely misunderstood guy, but I think, given the questions that were asked, he responded well. After all, I think it's clear that no matter what he replied with, you guys were going to try to tear him a new one anyway.


    "You can't shake the Devil's hand and say you're only kidding."

  • Stop looking for nits to pick. He didn't mean "shut down" literally. Of course Harvard shut the site down, but the point he was trying to make was that they weren't *responsible* for it. He was trying to say that the guy had it coming, and had no one to blame but himself (thus not Vranesevich and not Harvard).
  • by JohnnyCannuk ( 19863 ) on Friday November 12, 1999 @07:04AM (#1538559)
    Listening to JP, all the /.ers who hate him and Ken Williams/Attrition/et al reminds me of the the kids I used to work with at a children's mental health center up here in Canada - lots of fighting but niether side is "right".

    Its ironic that one of the things the internet has in abundance is information but one of the things it lacks are facts.

    I don't know much about JP, atrition.org or Ken Williams. I am familiar with the some of the issues but I don't know the facts. Did JP hire people to hack sites so he could scoop the news? Maybe. Did Ken Williams post a picture of his 17 year old sister on his site, thus causing script kiddie idiots to harass her? Maybe. Is attrition.org using satire or personal atttacks? Maybe. I don't know.

    I haven't seen a verifiable copy of any e-mails, police reports, alleged innapropriate web pages, confessions by those hired by JP (after they have been arrested, or if they use their real names so they can be checked out). I have only read one sides's propoganda or the other and frankly I don't believe anybody. Both sides appear to be lying to make themselves look good - nothing but mud-slinging, half-truth ad-homenem attacks from a couple of immature twits. What a waste of my time and energy.

    Rob, Hemos, how about a follow up to this with actually documents and verifyable evidence on both sides so we can draw our own conclusions? Maybe get a neutral third party to investigate (don't ask me who though). Otherwise there is nothing here but a couple of kids yelling at each other in the school year and crying to their friends for help.

    BTW, If either of my sisters had been treated like that, I wouldn't have fired off an e-mail to Harvard...I'd have driven to the maintainer's house and opened up a can of ass-wuppin'...But I digress (feel free to interpret this anyway you like it...suffice it to say somebody would have gone to jail). I guess that's what having the web and the impersonal internet does...it let's you say stuff online that you would never have the balls to say if the person was standing in front of you.

  • I'm relatively new to Mr. Vranesevich's story. Here's what I think.
    There seem so be allot of conflicting information about him and I wonder what is real. The story in the NYT seems awfully simple. It just seems allot like some two-bit movie script that any hack could come up with, and the type of story the media seems to publish frequently. "Bad guy" goes good, now "good guy" must defend himself against "bad guys." I take that article with a big salt lick of salt.
    Reading Mr. Vranesevich's response pretty much ended my curiosity. I'm sure he's an intelligent young man and all, but simply put, he seems awfully immature. I've read flames on gaming message boards that read "your game sucks" that are more mature. While they are pointless, at least they don't ramble on forever and toss out dim witted threats right and left.
    Simply put, my impression of Mr. Vranesevich is that he's a bitter young man who seems to enjoy provoking people and such. This one just seems to get a bit more attention and would seem to be fairly intelligent in certain areas. I do to Mr. Vranesevich, what I do with the kids who post "you suck" messages on the inet, I move on.
  • To be honest, I didn't even know who the heck this John chap was, and after reading his comments I don't really want to know him.

    At least one of the questions did seem childish, but he did offer at first to answer them, and now his reply just seems to feed the negitive press of him.

    unlike the "Real World" hacker (who I thought was an idiot at first:), least he was able to denounce the negitive press with constructive answers to questions posed to him.

    I think everyone should just ignore John, he's really not that important.

  • Well what do you expect from someone who defends himself with the self portrait, "pissant like me". It is a shame 'Forbes' did not or could not do a complete burn on this critter. He is a waste of newsprint, oops, screen space. -d
  • D'ya think we hurt his feelings, jd? Maybe we should send him a fruit basket.

    Seriously, the guy's a jerk. It would be one thing if there was ever any difference between the way his critics depict him and the way he actually behaves, but there is. Never. He's consistant.

    Forum's like this grant him an un-earned opportunity to appear reasonable. Thank god that's out of his capability.

    Slashdot's descision to interview this twit was disappointing and still is. The proof positive that it was a waste of bandwidth and brainpower can be found somewhat above this very post.

  • from an earlier post...

    He can only benefit from being labeled, "the most hated figure in the hacker community."

    Why be nice when saying "Yea I'm an a$$hole and fsck you!" will make you more money. I wish we had followed my original suggestion [slashdot.org], and just ignored him. Which is what I'll do with this thread now that I haven't.
  • In the case this is referring to my post, I'll copy what I posted elsewhere:

    Yes it was submitted, and YES it was a STUPID question. It was meant to be. It was moderated funny. I had no idea it would actually be /sent/, and was surprised when it showed up. Apparently /somebody/ wanted to send it...and now I'm the one with egg on my face because of the many stupid/funny/satirical questions this one was chosen. Oh well...I guess I should've checked the little "Don't give +1 bonus" box...I almost returned and reposted "Moderate this down" because I knew it was stupid...
  • by Accipiter ( 8228 ) on Friday November 12, 1999 @07:12AM (#1538567)
    Amazing. Well no, not really. This is exactly the type of thing JP is best at. "Sure, I'll do an interview. Ask me questions." Then, when he DOES get questions (not necessarily those that make him look good), he comes back with this vague answer, and insults the entire Slashdot community.

    Well, I've seen many people say that I can't take criticism. Believe me, if that were true, I surely never would have opened myself up to a SlashDot inquisition.

    You didn't. As far as I can tell, the most insightful questions posed were ignored. And the fact that you wrote up this dissertation defending yourself clearly shows you CAN'T take criticism.

    I knew before I even agreed to the interview, that things would be ugly. Needless to say, I was right on the money. However, I will say this. I was very disappointed in the downright lack of maturity that many of the posts showed.

    If you knew "things would be ugly", why were you disappointed in the posts? You obviously knew they were coming, so clearly you expected them. (Oh, please use a colon or a comma occasionally, will you?)

    I like to believe that most people who frequent this type of forum are of an intellectual nature.

    They are. Take a look at some RELEVANT discussions.

    I found it very disheartening to hear nearly every rumor ever voiced about myself or my company being regurgitated as if they were all fact. An educated bunch of people should understand that not everything that they hear is true at all, and that almost nothing that they hear is totally accurate.

    Not one single post that I read (Blieve me, I read most of them) said that it was factual. As a matter of fact, much of the posts actually gave you an opportunity to dismiss these "facts" as untrue, AND to explain your position. But you didn't do that, did you?

    But, some of that could be my fault. Many posts pointed out the fact that I have never "given explanations of" or provided "blow-by-blow responses" to any of the things that have been written about me. This is true. If I spent my life defending myself from every individual who had a nasty thing to say about me, my life would end up pretty meaningless in the end.

    This doesn't lend much to your credibility. What you're saying is that both the petty shit, and the REAL allegations are both meaningless, and you shouldn't have to prove or disprove them at all?

    But, never the less, I saw this SlashDot invitation as the perfect opportunity to talk about some of those very issues.

    But you DIDN'T, Did you?

    It's not that I feel that people who posted negative comments will read what I have to say, and then decide that they were totally wrong about me. Those who despise me for whatever reason will continue to do so no matter what I ever say or do. Even SlashDot faced the wrath of dozens of people who are "no longer going to visit this site" for one reason or another after reading the interview bio on Monday.

    See, it's not that people despise you "whatever [you] say or do", they hate you BECAUSE of everything you say and do. None of the other people interviewed on Slashdot have had this problem. I wonder why.

    So much for loyalty in this day and age I suppose.

    Loyalty? What about all of the people you stabbed in the back to get a story? Loyalty is earned, and yet, you're shocked to find out nobody is loyal to you? Pffft.

    Then, he continued by stating that the list of questions forwarded by roblimo were "stupid." I disagree. Many of them posed interesting subjects that many more would have liked an answer to. This opened up the perfect opportunity to clear up any (IF any) misconceptions about you, your website, and your position on those particular topics.

    But you didn't do that.....DID you?

    -- Give him Head? Be a Beacon?

  • > In short, we ought to be ignoring this guy.

    Well, sure, but so should those in the mainstream press who have been taking him way too seriously (at least until recently--the Forbes article is a start).

    Being exposed on Slashdot as a whining baby (who can't hold up one's end of an argument or cogently respond to pertinent criticisms) seems like a good way to make that happen.


  • For future reference JP, slashdot frowns on posting anonymously.
  • If you want to get to know more about attrition.org and PacketStorm why don't you talk to Ken and Brian themselves. They are very accessible people via both email and IRC. I wouldn't base my opinions about two of JP's most prolific opposition/enemies by listening to what JP has to say about them and the issues surrounding why they don't like each other.

    Attrition.org is very in depth and easy to read, they lay out the facts as they see them and their agenda is clear. I would look in the Hack News Network as another source about attrition,org and AntiOnline/JP, they are a remarkably well done Hacker News site which I have seen to be very truthful and open in their news stories.

    I would also take a look at Adam Penebergs article on Forbes.com. Adam is a highly regarded technology reporter who was the only Reporter with the guts to come forward after Se7en was proven to be a fraud (www.attrition.org reports on this heavily as well).

    You can find the story here:
    http://www.forbes.com/columnists/penenberg/1999/ 0927.htm

    As mentioned at the bottom of this interview.

    Do some more research on the subject before you take JP's word for it.

  • Don't worry about it. It's just another thing that proves that either JP is too ignorant to know the contextual difference between an attack and an individual packet, or that he couldn't tell the truth if he was instructed to read it from cue cards.

    Frankly, my take on it is that the guy is a compulsive liar, and that he's not bright enough to know that no one but the poor media hacks with deadlines to beat believes a word he says anymore.

    The guy is *not* a professional (well, not any type of professional I've ever seen before) and he's certainly not interested in telling the truth. I find it particular telling that he refused to answer the questions that he COULD answer. If nothing else, he owes an APOLOGY to the gent he screwed over by declaring him to be a member of gH.

    This latest fiasco just brings my opinion of him to "disgustingly pathetic".

    (Final note: How the hell JP say his social life is in order? I have serious doubts about how many people would actually hang out with him without being paid cash up front. At this point, I'd have to be pretty bored to waste the time it takes to spit in his face, and I'm a pretty friendly guy.)
  • As far as I'm concerned, until John provides some proof or details concerning the posting of his younger sisters' photos, I'm not going to believe him. I won't call him a liar, but on the other hand, without any proof to back up his claims I won't take him at his word.

    It's a lot like me saying, "Bill Clinton once posted pictures of my mother on his web site, along with her name and phone number." There is zero corroborating proof of that, and I sincerely doubt anybody would believe me until I provided it. Why? Because I haven't earned their trust.

    John hasn't earned my trust, and therefore I won't automatically subscribe to each and every accusation he hurls. If he can provide a screen capture, or a copy of the web page (with suitable proof he didn't create it himself), or similar, I'll be more than happy to side on him with it. Until then, I consider it nothing more than a rumour.

  • Ugh. Double and triple ugh. But what were we to expect from a self proclaimed "pissant"?
    JP, your story keeps changing on the packetstorm fiasco, first it was nuns covered in seminal fluids, then death threats, and now pictures of your sister? This is such a load of shit... im glad I have boots on. I've seen the packetstorm archives, and honestly, you're spouting off lies.
    Congratulations, you made an even bigger idiot out of yourself. (and here i didnt think it possible) And to call out Ken Williams? You're a sad little ignorant media whore.
    I feel dirty just having to talk about jp.
  • by adamk ( 67660 )
    And what, exactly, is your point? All you've demontrated is you're own ignorance.

  • http://www.thesynthesis.com/tech/antionline/index. html

    Pretty decent history, fills in some gaps.
  • From what I've seen, everyone is taking the popular route: He's guilty and evil. What if what he said (about his sister) was true? I would probably take the same course of action. And in the world of anonymity and FUD, how do you of those who just blindly hate ask such assinine questions? How about asking him questiosn that were relevant? How about what he went through in this whole fiasco? How about in why does he think eh was on the mtv special (I thought he was on it, frankly I don't remember.. it was just weird). I can see why he's pissed also.

    Next time, act with some maturity people instead of wasting people's time.

    P.S. For those of you who did ask the intelligent questions -- commendations. Even though some of the chosen questions were very BADLY worded.


  • by for(;;); ( 21766 ) on Friday November 12, 1999 @07:31AM (#1538585)
    Some of the questions for Schneier seemed, on the surface, a little insulting. The one I'm thinking of said (paraphrased): "You don't have a Phd., and therefore don't have the mathematical background to be a true expert in cryptography. Why should anyone listen to you?" [The question was a lot more polite than that, but that was the rough gist.] Schneier responded by listing the requirements of an experienced cryptographer, and arguing that a cryptographer needs deep knowledge of many different fields (not just mathematics). He used it as an opportunity to demonstrate a deep understanding of his field, and why he could consider himself a qualified expert in it. That seemingly-condescending question was really a good opportunity for Schneier to toot his own horn, like the Onion's standard "Why should anyone buy your record?" band interview question.

    These "Why did you..." questions are of the same breed. "Here are some of the bad things said about you, now address them and make them go away." If JP *had* acted in a defensible way, he should have offered a good defense. Indeed, if he had acted in a genuinely valiant manner, he could have come off looking great from those questions. But by side-stepping them, he just looks like a wannabe.
    Doctors amputate Turkish earthquake survivor's arm [This story contains video]

  • by The Dodger ( 10689 ) on Friday November 12, 1999 @07:35AM (#1538590) Homepage

    Well, everyone seemed to like my analysis of the Bill Gate's interview, so... ;-)

    By posting a photo of my younger sister (who was a minor at the time), along with her full name and address, he successfully started a mass campaign of harassment against her and my family. [...] Ken sold for a reported $125,000 to Kroll.

    Can anyone confirm these statements?

    AntiOnline was asked by the FBI to help investigate a group called "HFG" which broke into the New York Times' Website. AntiOnline does some digging, and turns over its findings. Shortly there after, Brian Martin, founder of Attrition.org, and someone that no one at AntiOnline had ever had any contact with before, was raided by the FBI.

    So, let me get this straight. The Federal Bureau of Investigation requested help from Vranesivich. Okay, fair enough. Now, what I'd like to know is what these "findings" were. Did they include anything relating to Brian Martin? In other words, was Brian Martin raided by the FBI because of information supplied by AntiOnline?

    I don't expect any answers to these questions, because if Vranesevich was at all interested in justifying himself, he would have actually answered the questions the Slashdot readers put to him. Instead, he's ignored them.

    Hackers have their own lingua franca and they have coined various terms to describe that which they despise. A "lamer" is someone who's clueless and doesn't understand what hacking is about and isn't interested in learning. Often, a lamer is interested in hacking because he perceives it as being "cool". A "script kiddie" is someone who doesn't have the intelligence, skills, creativity or perseverance to be a hacker, and instead relies on using scripts and programs developed by others to break into sites. A "media whore" is someone who is primarily interested in getting coverage in the media, whether it's by getting mentioned in the press for a webpage defacement, or getting intervied. Finally, a "narq" is someone who informs on others to law enforcement agencies - i.e. an informer or grass.

    I'll leave it up to the reader to figure out why Vranesevich is so despised.

    Finally, his motives. I think it's clear that, in the beginning, Vranesevich's motives for launching the AntiOnline site were to do with a desire to gain acceptance in the hacker community. Later, I think that a desire to get coverage in the press may have influenced his decision to manufacture stories (see The Synthesis [thesynthesis.com] for more information) and possibly arrange/pay for sites to be hacked, so he could break the stories. Later still, his rejection by the hacker community, who perceived him for what he is, probably influenced his decision to switch sides, although it's possible that financial matters may also have played a part in that decision. Finally, the gradual realisation by the mainstream media that he is not, in fact, a security expert, but is, rather, a charlatan, probably forced him to look around for some other source of revenue.

    I'm just wondering whether the reasons behind Vranesevich's continuing antagonism of the hacking community are related at all to his apparent pride at being the target of so many hacking attempts. He says that AntiOnline "probably have one of the most targeted networks on the internet today, and we take full advantage of that. Do you think that we let the type of data that we're able to collect and log just go to waste?"

    Now, perhaps he thinks that information about attacks is valuable. Perhaps he's creating some form of database of information, or gathering statistics about the most common attacks. Security is a big deal at the moment - a lot of people are getting interested in it and are investing it in, in various ways. This sort of information would be of interest to certain companies, organisations, etc., but there are much better ways of gathering it, than effectively paying someone to become the most despised person in hacking circles.

    If he's found someone who's stupid enough to pay for this sprt of info, then fair dues. Everyone's got to live, and seeing as how he's a complete failure (failed college, failed hacker, failed journalist, failed information security "expert"...), it kind of makes sense that he's managed to make a living out of the fact that practically everyone despises him. You could say that he's a professional loser, in fact.

    The message that I'd like to get across to people is that Vranesevich isn't worth wasting time on. People like him are only significant as long as people care about them. As long as you're pissed off at what he does, he'll continue to be important.

    So just ignore him. Stop visiting and attacking his site. Stop discussing him on Slashdot. Ignore him, and he'll become insignificant.

    Unless he really pisses someone off, and turns up dead in a gutter one day. Which, from what I've heard, isn't exactly unlikely. :-)

    For the record, I've never had any dealings with Vranesevich, except for one email a long time ago, pointing out the inaccuracy of some misleading information on his site, which he never replied to.

    But I've read his articles and his comments and I've spoken to people who've had dealings with him, whether by interacting directly with him, or by owning him and reading his mail, and I'm not particularly impressed by him or well-disposed towards him.

    The Dodger [mailto]

  • Hard_Code, it was a fine question. Almost all Slashdot interviews have at least one or two silly questions in the mix. And all other interview guests we've had so far have given appropriately funny answers to funny questions. :)

    - Robin

  • Yes and no.

    Yes, a photo was posted of his sister. A yearbook photo, as a matter of fact, pulled from the website which hosts her yearbook. -That- site was officially sanctioned.

    No, it was not posted in order to get her harrassed. I don't know why it was posted, but it wasn't for that reason.

    Also, it should be noted that the /jp directory was simply a mirror of other sites JP had threatened due to their content.
  • Now, before Monday, I largely had no idea about who JP was. I'd never heard of Anti-Online, had been to attrition.org a handful of times, and also never heard of PacketStorm. Reading his responses reminds me of a joke a comedian made about "The Incredible Hulk" tv show, where he talks about how David Banner gets into a fight in every town he goes to. He said,"If that were me, by like the thrid episode, I'd be thinking,'Maybe it isn't everbody else.'"

    Basically, knowing nothing about JP, Ken Williams, or Brian Martin, or anyone else really involved in this, with the furvor that he attacks Ken and Brian, it seems to me pretty clear who the potential jerk is here. That's not to say he's technically right or wrong in some cases. But he's sure not going about this in the nicest of ways.
  • [I put a bit of thought into this, so I've crossposted my comment from Forbes.]

    Like many professionals reading this (I think I can safely speak for many at this level), I'm disappointed both by JP's behavior and methods of operation, and by the community response. While it's pretty clear that JP is far less experienced and far more vindictive than he represents, you have to give the guy some credit for standing up to a wall of immature criticism. For example, the lack of intelligent questions in yesterday's Slashdot interview was very disappointing; I'd have liked to see something along the lines of "What do you see as the next few steps in the evolution of remote NT cracking" or "What would you recommend as a baseline security configuration for deployment of a small XYZ-based ecommerce site?"

    Of course, I'm the only one to blame for not posting these questions. Why did I not post them? Because previous experience tells me that the responses would be ill-researched and of little use. JP does not have anything new or interesting to offer in this arena. Perhaps that's a little hypocritical of me -- criticising the community for lack of reasonable questions when I failed to contribute. But then again, it's clear that the feeling was common. What a waste of community brain-cycles.

    For the sake of argument, how can JP become a respected individual in the security arena? It's clear he's got a talent -- just not in the mechanics of system or network security. He's an excellent consciousness-raiser, even if his methods need some cleanup. (The comparison to Howard Stern was excellent.) Perhaps he would be a good addition to a security consultancy that has a lot of introverted systems gurus with good leadership and financial backing, but needs someone with basic knowledge and a talent for verbal evangelism. With the proper organizational guidance and support from a technical research team that actually knows its stuff, he could actually do some good in this world. As it stands, however, he's overextended the boundaries of his knowledge and talent, and brings the whole security community down by inciting the online and legal equivalent of schoolyard fistfights.
  • I guess this self moderation stuff has it's good and bad points ... this is obvious by the score of 3 this post received which is simply a tirade of violent tendencies and over zealous aggression.

    Having a minimum threshold of 3 doesn't seem to cut it anymore.
  • Did anyone honestly expect JP to be a "stand up guy" about this whole thing?

    He's proven time and time again what his motives are and what drives his actions, he even spells them out in his narrative above and people simply follow his carrot right into the trap.

    I'm surprised to see that /. allowed him to use this site as more bait for his own financial gain.
  • by Kvort ( 73138 ) on Friday November 12, 1999 @08:12AM (#1538634)
    First, I don't even know who this guy is, or really care. I reply to this only because I'm kept at the moment from doing anything useful.

    Second, the questions asked of this guy were bogus. (More below)

    Third, why would he be defensive: Because everyone on this site attacked him!

    Fourth, why does anyone care? In the competitive business world, which this guy is (apparently) in, the rules are simple: If you suck, you will be poor.

    There appear to be three posibilities: Either this guy has the skills, or he doesn't and this is just alot of BS. Either way, why are we attacking him?

    Finally, a rundown of the questions: (This is the fun part)
    Question 1: Hostile question. Answerable, and John does so later on. His answer doesn't make much sense, though.
    Question 2: Slightly hostile. John explains. And, BTW, if what he says is true, I would have taken a sledgehammer to the PacketStorm server.
    Question 3: Hostile. See question 1.
    Question 4: Good question. Not answered.
    Question 5: Someone get that man some punctuation.
    Question 6: Answered by John. John is either lying through his teeth or question is unfounded.
    Question 7: Addressed by author of question in a post down further.
    Question 8: ???
    Question 9: This looks like a personal argument.
    Question 10: And the guy's not making any sense.
    Question 11: Still not making any sense.
    Question 12: The second decent question. Answered by reading the forums, I think.

    If you ask me, (And nobody did and I don't care) this guy sounds like most of my friends: I'm not taking your BS, if you don't like me or what I'm doing, look somewhere else.

    >>>>>>>> Kvort, Lord High Peanut of Krondor
  • by nevets ( 39138 ) on Friday November 12, 1999 @08:12AM (#1538635) Homepage Journal

    Maybe next interview, you can send the reasons that the question was moderated up for.

    Question #1 (Interesting) blah blah blah

    Question #2 (Insightful) blah blah blah

    Questoin #3 (Funny) Why doesn't /. interview "Roblimo"?

    Just as an example.
    Steven Rostedt
  • Angst has always been really cheap online, dude. That truism goes way, way back. So get all husky and hostile and talk about spitting in someone's face. Because we know it's all ASCII.

    Most of you guys get all your excercize pushing the mouse back and forth on your desk.

    Speak for yourself mouse jockey. An equal amount of us are involved in martial arts, weight lifting, rugby, soccer, and a myriad of other physical activities. If you wish to disparage someone on the basis of their leisure activities at least do so in a manner which specificly addresses your target and not the broader audience of the debate.

  • He comes right out and says that he INTENTIONALLY pisses off AS MANY people as he can.

    What better way to piss off the /. community than to issue a diatribe like this? Refusing to give clear, concise answers to questions, indeed outright ignoring the issues that were posed, is one of the best ways to piss off a group of intellectuals.

    So, if we bicker and bitch about this guy, all we do is fuel his fire, which is what he wants.

    Put satirical humor about him up, we only give him free publicity.

    Hell, saying anything about him at all gives him "airtime" - even if it's just telling people to ignore him.

    So basically this guy has created a situation where no matter what we do, he wins

    Ignore him completely, just let all of this nonsense die, and it'll be the best we can do to stop this kind of moronic behavior.
  • I will say immediately, I only know about Mr. Vranesevich what I have read in this thread. And I don't take it all for gold. However, I am appaled by some posts, which seem to support gratuitous hatred, call the guy names and show a high level of guillability. The kind of guillability you would expect at a lynch.

    To prove this point, I would like to point out to an effect of distortion of the sentences. Even though V. states "However, what Ken did far surpassed simple satire. By posting a
    photo of my younger sister (who was a minor at the time), along with her full name and address, he successfully
    started a mass campaign of harassment against her and my family." so he talks about a photo (therefore ONE), many posters who were negative to V. said "the pictures of his sister" which misleads the reader to think of some kind of porno pictures. Humiliating.

    Also, the questions that I read in the interview, would have certainly hurt me. I'm not saying that all were unanswerable (some of them were), but I can imagine that the guy felt hated. I don't know how I would have reacted in his place, but am actually surprised by the decorum and behaviour he managed toshow. It was certainly above the average /. question he was supposed to answer.

    I could see, in some posts here, a good example of the herd mentality. I have studied a bit about it (it was called "Psychology of the group") and I am reminded how individuals that are otherwise anonymous cowards, became very vocal and "brave" in their acts. The acts I am talking about are the insults hurled at a person that they dont't know, they don't know what is the truth (because none of us still knows the exact facts), they only know that here is a guy whom everybody seems to hate, so let's cal him names, let's call his sister names.

    Conclusion? No conclusion, but it seems to me that anyone could be Mr. Vranesevic.
  • This coming interview has been puffed all week by SlashDot--the promos hinting broadly that a real fight was brewing. There was a certain prize-fight atmosphere about the promos, and about RobLimo's introduction. In the one corner we have a tag team of really rude dudes trash-talking and waving; in the center of the ring we have Rob and RobLimo taunting the crowd to even-more-frenzied fits of outrage, and in the other corner, swaggering through the crowd, comes the Evil Villain, dressed in a black mask and cape, to do battle with the Rude D00dz.

    It seems to me that, cast in the role of the Villain of this little drama, JP had the grace to enjoy the part.

    He was calm, he was reasonably dispassionate, he was irenic, and he basically whupped the Rude D00dz. He thanked the promoters for inviting him, and he proceeded to out-rude the Rude D00dz by essentially blowing them off. He then proceeds to employ a brilliant bit of pro wrestling showmanship--he takes on the crowd. He insults them by calling them stupid, he taunts them by daring them to hack his site, he flaunts his Bad Boy bona fides by repeatedly emphasizing his FBI connections, and he flirts with them by suggesting that attempting to hack his site only makes him more successful. About the only thing he didn't do was sell "I Hate JP" t-shirts. Epic stuff.

    The really good villains in pro wrestling know how to play the game. They know--and the promoters know--that the crowd doesn't pay to see the good guys. The crowd pays to see the bad guys. And Rob went and found a terrific bad guy for this week's Friday Night Fights. JP gets more notoriety (which only enhances his reputation with his clientele), JP gets tons of new attacks on his servers (which he sells to his clientele), and RobM gets hundreds of thousands of banner ad impressions. Each of 'em makes out like a bandit.

    And the Rude D00dz? They're left standing there, in the corner, wondering what happened to them. Maybe JP will have some sympathy, and send each of 'em a t-shirt.

    Fellas--ya got played.

  • so he's rude and hostile, and he avoided some serious questions, but why every /.er just ignores the valid part of his reply? -- i mean the part about PacketStorm and Attritton. Could somebody verify what he said is true or not?

    What he said concerning packetstorm and attrition conflicts with EVERY version of EVERY account by EVERYONE else. Synthesis has the most accurate account that I've found, it leaves out most of the more extreme stuff from both sides. But it's definately not favorable to JP. There are links from it all through the thread here.

  • He got his site shut-down by harassing a 17 year old girl, which shortly after being shutdown, Ken sold for a reported $125,000 to Kroll.

    $125,000 sounds pretty steep for one 17 year-old girl. Who is this Kroll, anyways? Some kind of interstellar slave-trader?

    perl -e '$_="06fde129ae54c1b4c8152374c00";
    s/(.)/printf "%c",(10,32,65,67,69,72,
  • One thing I've noticed in the last two years as I do more and more "big corporate" type contracts, is that businesses are run on greed, on ego, on capitalistic hedonistic obsessions for money, and that there's no one to take care of except yourself. Not even "the bottom line", just yourself.

    At least this guy is HONEST about it!! He's 21 (younger than I am) and he already knows that in order to survive in the bulls**t world of capitalism, all you have to do is scratch peoples back, and watch your own. I didn't know that so well at his age.

    He answers the questions defensively, but the questions are reminiscent of a high-school shouting match. What do you expect?

    And he's right... it's not a public company. It's NOT anyones business!!

    If he in fact *does* spread bs on his own (I honestly don't know, I think the whole things too petty to bother following in detail), then that's his perogative. If he can make it work FOR him, and not let it *get* to him, GOOD! He's doing something clever for his own needs, which brings us back to the first comment I made on "what business runs on".

    I suspect he'll end up as CEO of something big in 20 years.

    The way I learned routers and switches was not so much by all the Cisco courses, but more by working in huge telco's labs, huge financial conglomerates network-war-rooms, and by *immersing* myself in it. This guy's doing the same thing... he's saying "Hit me, hard." and studying every move you make (or so he says). Clever boy.

    I may not like the bs that he is or isn't spreading, but quite frankly, I admire his candor, and his determination, not to mention his blunt honesty about his feelings on whole thing. Are any of *us* that honest about what we think and feel in life? We should be.

    As for his sister... If it were me, someone would be castrated by very large, angry, rabid dogs, and then left to bleed in the middle of a public square with a big sign explaining what he did to deserve it.


  • by john82 ( 68332 ) on Friday November 12, 1999 @09:10AM (#1538692)
    I don't know this guy or members of the cracking community from a hole in the wall, but interviewing him was a mistake. My point though has as much to do with the indictors as the indicted.

    Judging from the questions selected, the agenda was nearly the same in all of them. It didn't appear that there was any desire for insight as much as accusation. How do some of you expect someone to respond to questions on the order of "How long have you been a member of the Communist Party?". Go back and really look at the questions presented. Now go back and study a weasel named Sen McCarthy and the "hearings" he conducted. The lack of any real depth in the questions was disappointing. You wanted a mud fight and that's what you got. I've read a lot of condemnation of the modus operandi of this kid, but the panel of inquisition didn't seem able to rise above it themselves. In short, not much better behavior observed in either party.

    There have been so many more interesting interviews here. Some of them were controversial, most of them enlightening and informative, but none has been such an unfortunate waste of bandwidth.

    I'm really looking forward to the next interview. The Microsoft ruling is every bit a watershed event to industry and society as was the ATT case. The discussion on /. will almost certainly be of higher quality than this one.
  • Question#2:
    Many of us in the hacker community (not cracker)
    used the Packet Storm security site for
    information and research. You had it shut down for some alleged things in the /jp directory.

    Sounds like they're saying the rumor is factual to me. I read most of the posts as well, and I have to agree with him that most of the slashdotters have already judged him guilty (now, whether they did so with cause or not is a different story - but the general consensus is that every allegation against him is true.)

    You seem to be mistaken in the definition of Fact. A Fact is simply a statement which can be Proven or Disproven, it is not necessarily true or accurate. Only proveable. Saying that JP had packetstorm shut down is a FACT in that one can prove whether or not his action led to the removal of packetstorm.

  • "Fourth, why does anyone care? In the competitive business world, which this guy is (apparently) in, the rules are simple: If you suck, you will be poor."

    That is completely untrue. You do not have to be good at something to make money doing it. Take Microsoft for example, they make some of the buggiest bloated software anyone's ever seen, and they got tons of money doing it.

    This asshole got himself mentioned once or twice, and the press kept running with it. Read the article in Forbes explaining this.

    Geez, by your logic, being a fraud is impossible. Well, from everything I've seen, this guy is definately a fraud.

    You even say that you don't know who this guy is and don't care, so don't post about him then. Get a clue about what you're writing about...

  • Frankly, I know Ken Williams, and he's a pretty down-to-earth guy. I don't think he'd put up a set of pages like that unless someone really pissed him off. And with the Harvard site: don't you think he could have simply removed the offending material instead of the entire major security site? That was badly handled at the least, and something definitely smelt fishy about it. (as evinced by the groundswell of community support for good ol' Tattooman)

    Who cares if this guy's sister is a minor? She wasn't naked, right? I've got pictures of me from elementary school. They aren't illegal.

    Oh, and the "I'm just some guy running for office" story doesn't really hold up well with the "I'm just some guy who got raided by the FBI" angle. Even if all Slashdot readers *were* immature, they wouldn't be stupid enough to believe this drivel, as opposed to the man who posted it. (Either he's a moron for listening to himself, he's lying, or both)
    pb Reply rather than vaguely moderate me.
  • Ah, but these questions would make sense if you knew more of the story behind JP. If so many people hate this guy and ask him such questions, there must be a reason for it. The world hasn't conspired against him to make him look like a fool; he did that perfectly well on his own.

    Without context, nothing makes any sense. Would a Mac user in 1986 know why everyone hated Microsoft and Bill Gates so much?
    "'Is not a quine' is not a quine" is a quine.

  • There were only two things in this response that I found plausibly factual or interesting. The first and obvious one is that the FBI will not discuss ongoing investigations. Particularly not with the party under investigation. Big deal.
    The second is JV's apparent motivation for generating loathing and hatred among Net dwellers (not just crackers as he believes). His goal is to invite attacks on his (and perhaps other) systems in an effort to profile the crackers. This is likely particularly targeted at those who are just starting out and may make errors in covering their tracks. With this information, he no doubt believes that he will be able to track down the perpetrators of future malicious attacks on other systems. Thus he can market himself as a "security expert with the worlds largest database of cracker profiles".

    However, if JV's computer security skills are anything like his rhetorical skills, the widespread criticism of his supposed expertise in the field may be justified. Perhaps it is a product of his youth or a sign of inexperience with mass communication, but he has resorted to a number of tactics used commonly by those who don't have a legitimate arguement to present. Here is a brief catalogue of his rhetorical misadventures (I'm certain you can find more):

    Ad Hominem attack:
    Can't dispute the facts? Attack your opponent
    JV Example: Slashdot posts were "immature" and "stupid". Therefore, despite his expectation of a tough crowd, he will answer none directly.

    Better yet, question the common sense of the reader...a lot.

    Plausible Deniability:
    Never admit fault. Deny, deny, deny no matter how thin your alibi.
    JV Example:
    "I didn't shut down PacketStorm, and neither did Harvard"

    Regarding lawsuits: "I never did any such thing"

    Diversionary Blame:
    Can't defend your behavior? Point the finger at someone else's behavior.
    JV Example: Ken Williams is responsible for that site being shut down.

    Brian Martin was raided by the FBI

    "Brian Martin's motives are geared towards protecting his hown ass..."

    Self Victimiztion
    Garner sympathy for your cause. Exagerate if necessary.
    JV Example: He endured a "mass campaign of harassment" against his family.

    It is left as an exercise for the reader to find more tactics and examples.

    For comparison with someone who has more than two neurons to rub together, check out Bruce Schneier's interview. [slashdot.org]
  • Yeah, I haven't a clue either. I don't care much, to be honest. I get really mad when a group of people like slashdot sends spiteful questions to a guy and then insults him for responding in kind. Actually JP was quite a bit more polite in his response than /. was in questioning.

    Now, he may have been lying - that's always a possibility, but if he wasn't then I would tend to side with him in this case -- the questions were immature and the response to his response has been equally so.


    "You can't shake the Devil's hand and say you're only kidding."

  • That wasn't very nice...

    What a loser. He says that Packetstorm shut themselves down, which is clearly ludicrous. It's usally the kind of statement associated with blaming the victim; "Hey, she practically raped herself in that dress!": "They commited suicide by clinging to their counter-revolutionary beliefs." This kind of dishonest speech drives me nuts.

    Hey, pop quiz! This rhetorical tactic is used by:

    • a) guilty criminals
    • b) cornered politicians
    • c) evasive teenagers.
    • d) John Vranesevich
    • e) all of the above
  • He had the opportunity to dispel each question/accusation but instead chose to send in a FORM LETTER. After the introduction this letter could have be sent to anyone, its called spin.

    He wasn't hired to answer anyone's questions, he wasn't paid by Slashdot or it's readers, and frankly I wasn't impressed by the questions either

    Its called an agreement, not all things are done for money, you might find that surprising. If slashdot DID pay him to answer this would be more of a farce than it already is.

    Frankly, if I ever got a questionnaire like that, I'd probably feel disapointed by the quality and matuity of the questions, too.

    If you are as notorious as JP is, then you'd probably expect non-softball questions. Or you could just send out a 'I'm a good guy' form letter.

    Sensitive? No one asked him any specific questions on what clients have what servers running what. Most questions were of a non client-"specialist" nature.

    Tell JP I said, 'hi!'

  • Come on. Everybody knows that it's fun to slag a pariah like JP.

    But seriously...don't worry about it too much. He really isn't any better than just your typical punk ass barely-out-of-his-teens fool who happened to be at the right place at the right time.

    You could look at it as a case of a large number of people going on a witchhunt for an innocent person ala McCarthy, or you could look at it as what it probably more likely is, which is openly rebelling and letting a total asshole know what you think of him.

    JP Is the "National Enquirer" of computer security. Think about it.

  • Dunno about its origin, but a BLT is a Bacon-Lettuce-Tomato sandwich over here (UK).

    From the sound of it, LBT is probably lower on calories.
  • What the Internet needs is Fair Witnesses, a la Robert Heinlein's 'Stranger in a Strange Land'.

    There is no solution to problems like those highlighted on this thread unless a single person looks at all the issues dispassionately and is then questioned about the facts.

    Questioning the actual parties concerned is pointless: you always get 50% bullshit, but you never know from which of the two sides it's coming.

Whatever is not nailed down is mine. Whatever I can pry up is not nailed down. -- Collis P. Huntingdon, railroad tycoon
