Some Water & Sewer Plants May Not Be Y2K Compliant 156
Thabenksta writes "According to a Reuters News Article, over half of the United States' water treatment plants may not be y2k ready. This may result in backed up sewers, and undertreated water."
Re:Small towns? No. Medium towns. (Score:2)
Um, where do you think I'm getting the well water from? I have a load of 4L bottles that I send to a friend's place, which is about a 15 minute drive from where I live, in the capital city of Newfoundland. Many of my relatives in Ontario chose to dig wells, too. Basically, the water doesn't have so much Cl in it, which is a good thing.
Those "rural water coops" are awful. The water quality is much worse than even city water. I'd rather *not* have to boil my water after it comes out to avoid "beaver fever," thank you very much.
Re:Ever hear of a water hammer? (Score:1)
Re:Milwaukee's sewage problem (Score:1)
Besides, all the sewage we pump into lake michigan just ends up in chicago anyways.
Slashdot not Y2K-safe? (Score:1)
Now, finally, /. joins the chorus.
I was already afraid that you /. editors might not have noticed, that the world is coming to an end, since not every second story is about Y2K.
Thanks for finally figuring that the end is near, and pleeeze, keep us well-informed.
Thanks. -ms
About Time? (Score:1)
Re:Fearmongering bastards. (Score:1)
I was going to reply to this (Score:1)
Re:Increasing "money" supply (Score:2)
I agree that this probably isn't the right measure, as there's reasonably more to money supply than this.
This is closer to the truth than claims about M0.
But. I prefer another scenario...
There will also be...
These amounts unambiguously increase the money supply regardless of which variation you prefer...
frightened of the unknown (Score:1)
i think this is representative of where most of the fear about y2k is coming from: no one really knows what's gonna happen. who woulda thunk that the water coming out of your faucet wouldn't be y2k compliant?
makes me think of Nightfall by Issac Asimov.
Free market will decide (Score:2)
Re:This could be bad (Score:3)
Yes. The news article I saw recently (it was an old article, but I think it was linked to from the Jon Katz article here) didn't indicate, as I remember, whether the problem was that a not-Y2K-ready system got confused and dumped raw sewage, or that, when they shut the power off to simulate a power failure, the system got confused and dumped raw sewage - in which case the system
If that's the case, one hopes they've fixed the problem by now - for reasons having nothing to do with Y2K....
I'm also curious whether part of the problem being reported involved, for example, no testing or contingency plans having been completed by June 1999 (as per the article saying
in which case the systems might not actually be broken, or there might not be a need for the contingency plans.
On the other hand, testing doesn't ipso facto guarantee that the systems won't have a problem, so that particular knife cuts both ways; there may well be systems that passed their testing but fail anyway.
(My personal suspicion is that many optimists will be surprised by problems occurring that they didn't expect to happen, and many pessimists will be surprised by problems not occurring that they did expect to happen. I suspect we've evolved not to like uncertainty, and tend to become sure of things even when the evidence is equivocal....)
United Kingdom also (Score:2)
Non-y2k compliant plants (Score:2)
Sorry, couldn't resist. I miss parsed the article header to read `plants that grow in water and sewers'.
No worse than usual. (Score:1)
The water where I live is usually brownish anyway. People boil it before giving it to their plants.
I think Y2K will be a big boon to watter bottlers.
Y2k? y2k my @$$! (Score:1)
ewww (Score:1)
Re:Until it's full, of course. (Score:2)
Fearmongering bastards. (Score:2)
well oh well (Score:1)
Well.... (Score:4)
Fran Frisina (franf@hhs.net)
Yes, you can make money on the web!
City Of Toronto (Score:1)
Just though other Torontonians may be interested.
... (Score:2)
Re:someone needs to be shot (Score:1)
They do in fact perform operations on the date because the various control systems usually operate on a "do this until" such a date/time combo. Read my main post to this article for details of a real problem that _could_ occur due to this.
Re:This could actually be serious (Score:1)
And lets face it, are the couple of guys who know how to run the manual backups for an automated plant gonna be available on the day after the biggest party night of the year which also happens to be saterday, ie two days before they have to worry about being back at work?
My very honest advice is to call your city hall and ask if any automated systems in water and sewage treatmant have been tested for Y2K compliance. If they don't give you an answer you're comfortable with, you have a few choices:
1) Don't worry about it until jan 1st and then deal with it however you choose.
2) Put aside several gallons of water for drinking. For toiletries, make sure you have at least two large buckets, a toilet seat that will sit on them without you falling in, some heavy duty trash bags, and about 30 bls of clumping cat litter (preferable the kind with baking soda, or you can get a couple of boxes and mix it in.)
3) If you live in a densely populated area and don't trust your neighbors to take the sanitary percautions just described, and you are getting worrying responses from your local gov, I would think seriously about celebrating with some friends farther into the burbs, or being prepared to get out of town for a few days if things do go wrng. Its not gonna cause the sort of widespread panic that the lights going out might, but the possible long term effects are actually _far_ more severe.
-Glad to be living in one of the better ranked cities for Y2K preparedness,
Kahuna Burger
Re:Fearmongering bastards. (Score:1)
I've been an employee of the Calgary Waterworks for over 10 years, and while I do not speak for them , just for myself, etcetera, I can confirm:
Please, everybody, just calm down.
Re:Ever hear of a water hammer? (Score:1)
I can think of one possible water-hammer problem, though. I programmed the embedded controllers that control the valves of a 96" (diameter) pipeline that carries water from a reservoir to San Jose, CA. To put that in perspective, I believe an old volkswagen could fit inside that pipe. The pipe is very long... it takes hours to drive from one end of it to the other. One of the engineers on that job told me that if one of the downstream valves were shut suddenly (suddenly means about 5 minutes, for valves this big), the immense inertia of the many tons of fast moving water hitting that valve would rip the pipe out of the ground.
Because of that, my embedded controllers contain a program that sequences the valves, shutting down the most up-stream one first, then moving down-stream in sequence.
So, there's one system where water hammer *could* be a problem. But those valves are only shut during an earthquake anyhow, not routinely. (They've only been shut once like that, during the Northridge quake -- I was happy to hear that the pipeline was shut down perfectly).
Wayne Conrad
Shit! (Score:1)
"I had a shit time on New Years Eve"
Re:Scary... (Score:1)
I think we'd be better off assuming IE is a part of the operating system, and that installing IE or one of its service packs equals "upgrading" NT.
Of course, this would not happen on a real OS... ;)
Re:As of JUNE. Give me a break. (Score:1)
However, I refer you to the respected 'Risks' archive: volume 20 issue 46. [infowar.com] 'Y2K test sends sewage flowing in Los Angeles'.
We all know there is a lot of hype out there, and probably only one in a hundred Y2K stories are true. However, that's an awful lot of genuine problems amongst the chaff.
Lies -- All Lies (Score:1)
Whatever mag that published this should stick to what they know instead of making things up just to scare people or sell more issues. dont worry about your water... it's the safest thing you have. (P.S. you greenpeace nuts... Chlorine is the best thing we could use to make water safe.. if you dont believe me, then go drink out of the streams directly for a week.)
Re:How much electricity do water plants depend on? (Score:1)
I've ran my plant for 1 month on the generators.
(Back in a evil snowstorm in 1996)
Re:Scary... (Score:1)
Actually I know that some of them will fail. (Score:1)
This is the kind of Y2K hicup whose effects will only be seen 6 months to a few years down the line as massive sewage dumps seriously fuck up aquatic popultations.
Of course if you ask me LA is realy a good place to do that sort of experiment....
Re:United Kingdom also (Score:1)
>>The system operates via a cut-off date/time combo, after which it will stop pouring sewage into the sea. Unfortunately, last I heard, the system date will "overflow" to 1900 (or something similar) and will thus never reach the stop time. A word of advice: don't go swimming in the sea anywhere in Britain (or anywhere) very soon after the Millennium, let them clarify the situation first.
Surfers beware!
Milwaukee's sewage problem (Score:2)
Now I'm not so sure...
The City of Milwaukee, without telling anyone before hand, installed 12 huge emergency generators in strategic locations around the metro area. Their purpose? To provide emergency power to the sewage overflow pumps, thereby reducing the chance that sewage will back up into your basement if we suffer a prolonged outage. They'll pump the sewage into local streams and rivers... streams and rivers that will be frozen by the 1st.
This came just days after their "We're OK for Y2K" press conference.
Re:City Of Toronto (Score:1)
Re:This could actually be serious (Score:2)
First off, SOMEONE will be available at midnight new years if something goes wrong -- water is too valuable a resource, and the technicians, as well as other staff, have a regular rotating call schedule (24/7) like any hospital.
Flexible hours are what attract some people to the job, so being on a saturday doesn't mean they have two days off (someone is running the station on a saturday and sunday, too!).
Second, everything has a mechanical override -- again, water is too valuable to trust entirely to automated systems. There are plenty of people who know how to run the override systems.
granted, this is all for a municipality of a few hundred thousand (maybe a million, but less than two) so large cities like NYC will have much more automation dependency...
Yeeesh (Score:4)
What did this mean, practically? A lot of work for mom - but when hurricane Diana hit and laid waste to our neighbors' places (we were on a hill, and what neighbors were around in that rural area lived in houses like ours, 200 years old), we were ok. We didn't need the ability to get to the garden or the store, we had enough water, etc. When we had a massive blizzard and were stuck in the house for a week and a half, the only problems we had involved keeping four hyper, annoying, ADD-affected monsters from destroying everything.
Keeping stores is always a good idea (but it does take work and space, and I'm lazy and live in an apartment so I'm not ready for _anything_ right now).
Also, this thing about the sewage and water treatment systems: I have been under the impression that the number of backup systems is downright funny for that sort of thing. Human labor did it at first, without computers, and they never removed the ability for human labor to do it still. So maybe our water bills will be a bit higher (ok, the water bills of those of you who own houses
There's going to be a run on bottled water and canned food anyway, due to the mass hysteria that this date-change has caused in the US. I think I'm more afraid of the crowds in the stores than I am of this sort of thing.
Besides, the 'end of the world' is going to happen via diseases anyway. Now that I have nightmares about - Plague Patrols going on witchhunts, killing anyone who has even bad acne in an effort to keep diseases under control, buildings falling down due to lack of maintenance, people fighting over food because they don't know how to hunt - or don't want to eat diseased rats and pigeons... *shudder* (but that's not based on date anyway, it's based on how-long-humans-keep-fighting).
Re:This could actually be serious (Score:1)
Re:Actually I know that some of them will fail. (Score:1)
any idiot that sets gates and valves to operate based on a date should be shot and then publically impaled in front of the plant for all to see...
But then my plant that I worked at used wonder... I mean Blunderware... a software package that makes windows NT look like a lean pievce of code..
very few plants are affected... if in doubt check out www.awwa.com [awwa.com]
Re:This is silly . . . (Score:1)
every plant I seen controlled the systems via pnumatic air systems and 440 volt motors.
dont give us your tirade about new and nice systems.... in your dreams...
Water plants use really old crap... why? because that 60 year old pump still works! but then I worked in a water plant that was the 3rd one in the country.. and the second plant to ever add flouride to the water stream....
(OMG we're poisioning our children.... boo hoo)
Please... all you "health nuts" stop drinking treated water and drink directly from the lakes... we really need to thin out the gene pool a bit more.
Chlorine and flouride has saved more lives and protected us from more illnesses than any medical discovery known to man.
Re:well oh well (Score:1)
the house is located near the head waters that feed the well. (and no, the septic tank doesnt have a chance in hell of getting into the mix). i get it tested about once a month and bacteria/chemical filter it.
of course there is a chance that it will somehow be contaminated (sp?) but then if you realized how far out we from that which is known as civilization...
Re:shit. (Score:1)
Re:Free market will decide (Score:2)
It is difficult to find out who is and is not compliant. Companies release meaningless, optimistic, reports that have been edited by the legal department to be content free.
"We fully expect... we are very confident... we have spent a lot of money and time preparing... blah blah blah."
But never "We completed repairs on all our hardware and software on June 10, 1999, and have been running extensive system testing since then. No significant problems have been found in the repaired systems."
If I saw a few reports like that, I'd be much more confident about the Y2K outcome.
Torrey (Azog) Hoffman
Re:So soon after the Y2K pledge... (Score:1)
Re:This could actually be serious (Score:1)
Re:What does MAE LING MAK think about this??? (Score:1)
Re: Yeeesh (Score:1)
Yeah, I have this image of a bunch of treatment people running around the plant yelling "Oh my God! The computer thinks it's 1900! How will we EVER figure out how to treat this water on our own! All of our pipes are gonna stop working!"
Of course, the reason I'm not so worried about this is because I know the guy who runs the plant in my town personally (he lives a block away from me) and his folks know what they're doing. They kept our water clean and and all that both during Hurrican Fran (a bit over a week with no power) and Hurricane Floyd (a little less than a week with no power) and I figure no matter what happens (not that I expect anything to happen) they can keep things under control again.
Howdy Ho! (Score:1)
Howdy Ho boys 'n girls!
Windows NT has crashed,
I am the Blue Screen of Death,
Swimming in it (Score:1)
The technology behind these systems (Score:2)
Industrial systems such as water/sewer systems have two layers:
Accouting, which is the technology that you see when you visit a plant because it is visible -- monitor screens displaying really nifty info on the status of the plant etc.
Control is the layer that actually does all the work. Now these aren't so apparent because usually embedded chips do this sort of work. Totally hardware or at least firmware that has been a fundamental part of the working of the plant since it was built.
That possibly means in the '70s or '80s. Hard to upgrade because of the nature, and to make things worse, most of the people who can fix them are probably not in the business anymore.
Check out http://www.2k-times.com/y2k-a152.htm for more info on embedded chips in general.
As long as.. (Score:1)
Re:City Of Toronto (Score:1)
Re:Actually I know that some of them will fail. (Score:2)
See my other comment on something that sounded like this story (except that, if I remember correctly, the sewage was dumped into a park, not into a lake or river); was it a Y2K problem that caused the gate to misbehave, or was it some other problem that showed up because, as part of their testing, they shut power off? (Which means that the problem, as per my other comment, is arguably worse than a Y2K problem, as power can go away for other reasons....)
Well on their way, eh? (Score:1)
Re:United Kingdom also (Score:1)
Re:Until it's full, of course. (Score:1)
Re:Fearmongering bastards. (Score:1)
Sorry, but I couldn't help making fun of this comment. Maybe if you somehow established your authority in this field, I could lend you a bit of credibility. :)
Re:United Kingdom also (Score:1)
Anyway the biggest concern is the phone network as they don't have control over it. Many of the newer sewage plants using Active Sludge and the like as well as the incinerators need to be in contact with central services in case of major failures in the system, to get technical assistance.
I worked around one of the biggest Sewage Treatment works in Europe and I think there is enough manual control to stop backflow. We had more problems during the floods in August killing pump houses. Ah well like many people my Dad is on call for the incinerator over the date change, just to be safe.
Re:Free market won't decide (Score:3)
However, if you mean regulation in the sense of establishing standards and inspecting for compliance, which is to mean what "regulation" means, then that's simple to answer. It's for the same reason as why the government in clean foods, effective drugs, state-licensed physicians or electricians, and aircraft inspections. It's a matter of public safety. Safe food, safe drugs, safe wiring, safe surgery, safe airplanes. And so on and so forth.
And no, you really can't trust the industries to be responsible. Most will, but sometimes mistakes are made, corners are cut, or people are just too greedy. History has shown that you just can't trust all the people all the time. The cost in terms of human life is deemed too high to just let it all slide. And yes, it happens plenty anyway. But without public health and safety regulations, it would be incredibly worse.
And you don't really want the private sector responsible for creating and enforcing the public safety laws. That would be even worse that having the government do it. Much worse, I fear.
[When I read the headline, I was trying to figure out how water lilies could fail at Y2K compliance. Seriously. "Water plants" just invoked the wrong image for me. :-]
Re:City Of Toronto (Score:1)
Sorry, it's been a slow day on Slashdot today. I read this story from a couple different sources in the past couple days so I was actually suprised to see the Slashdot headline - I thought it was old news already.
Water (Score:1)
Mental note: don't drink anything green from my faucet :-)
Re:Umm... (Score:1)
Re:The technology behind these systems (Score:1)
Now the embedded chips used in the petroleum industry, that's another story .
Re:Fearmongering bastards. (Score:2)
Strange but true.
I'm not too worried around my area, but that's just cause I know some people who run large hospitals's Plant enginnering departments and they've gone over the water people round here with a fine toothed sledgehammer.
It's not as simple as it sounds, though. Large volumes of purified drinking water is one of the more amazing accomplishments of civilization.
Re:frightened of the unknown (Score:1)
oh man (Score:2)
--Cousin Eddie
My water lines have been ready for some time. (Score:1)
That, through 300 feet of 1 1/4" pipe provides a little less than 20 psi of water pressure provided by gravity. There are no computers controlling any water flow into the house.
As a convenience for the household water-drawing electical appliances, there is a water pump, a shallow-well type, mounted on a Well-X-Trol brand pressure tank of 30 gallons capacity with a rubber bladder in it to boost the pressure to between 45-60 psi.
In case of a power loss, the appliances aren't going to work anyway, but plenty of drinking water will be around.
Oh, yeah, and "graywater" goes into a septic tank in the back yard. No computers in there either. I just don't want to overflow it when the ground is saturated from snow meltoff.
So, see, there are advantages to living in a rural area. My biggest worry every winter is with a weather-induced power faliure lasting several days. With an electric water heater, there may be no hot water available out of there. Wood stoves still provide a way to heat water for basic hygeine and some cooking.
Hey! (Score:1)
The Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill (Score:1)
Hey, Bungalow Bill
What did you kill
Bungalow Bill?
He went out tiger hunting with his elephant and gun.
In case of accidents he always took his mom.
He's the all American bullet-headed saxon mother's son.
All the children sing
Hey, Bungalow Bill
What did you kill
Bungalow Bill?
Deep in the jungle where the mighty tiger lies
Bill and his elephants were taken by surprise.
So Captain Marvel zapped in right between the eyes.
All the children sing
Hey, Bungalow Bill
What did you kill
Bungalow Bill?
The children asked him if to kill was not a sin.
Not when he looked so fierce, his mother butted in.
If looks could kill it would have been us
Instead of him.
All the children sing
Hey, Bungalow Bill
What did you kill
Bungalow Bill?
Re:Free market will decide (Score:1)
We can't get a decent company to compete or takeover because the current company has let things get run down in search of profits and it would require a major investment to bring things up to snuff. The state has threatened several times to take over by eminent domain. Everyone who lives here hopes it will be SOON. Before people are killed by a bug or other contamination.
Anyone who thinks privatization is the solution to all problems has a case of severe anal-cranial inversion.
Re:This could actually be serious (Score:1)
I was thinking more along the lines of small towns not being aware of the problems/not having the money to deal with them. I guess there's not really any reason to think that, though. Smart people live in small towns, too. :^)
Re:Non-y2k compliant plants (Score:1)
This could actually be serious (Score:2)
I've long felt that the modern sewage system is one of humankind's greatest achievements. Just looking back at the pre-sewage European cities during a plague or cholera outbreak reminds you just how many disgusting things live in our waste. While I'm sure that many major cities (at least in the US) won't be totally affected, I could see where this would be a problem in small towns (like my own) and in foreign countries. It's funny when you stop and think about just how much computers affect our lives. Sewer systems!
So soon after the Y2K pledge... (Score:1)
In other news... (Score:3)
Since the report did not predict which water suppliers may be disrupted by Y2K, the center recommended households store 10 gallons of water per person for the date change, or enough to last 10 days.
Later that day a few other recommendations were added:
You need water when . . . (Score:1)
shit. (Score:1)
shit... (Score:1)
Re:Fearmongering bastards. (Score:3)
I was recently doing research on Information War (IW) for a report. The DoD has recently (last few years) done a lot of research into US IW vulnerability. The results indicate that 1) the US has a lot of targets that depend on computers, and 2) we lack the appropriate infrastructure to effectively communicate when our computer systems aren't functioning.
Don't write this kind of thing off, and don't ignore it. We've been living in a kind of information paradise for the last few years, building elaborate computer systems without appropriate fallbacks and safeguards. We should treat Y2K as wakeup call number one.
Re:Free market will decide (Score:4)
Do you really want to have your supplier either have to hook up a single water main to your house (at great expense) or have each of the regional suppliers have a bunch of mains through your neighborhood? Having just one main from a city-regulated water supplier leads to enough troubles as it is. Where are all those extra mains going to go?
There are certain things which, by their very nature, mandate a monopoly. This is why the government regulates it - better that it be paid for by taxes and be setup in the common interest than to be regulated by cost-cutting cutthroat competition.
Here in Albuquerque, the water/sewage treatment plants are self-sufficient. They use the fermented gasses from the sewage to power their own generators to get their own electricity. They also sell some of that electricity to the power company for some income. Oh, and they are mostly computer-automated; they have very few workers actually doing anything. It's practically autonomous and automatic. They're unsure as to whether all their systems are Y2K-compliant. If it isn't, then there'll be a few days of badly mistreated water. My mom, a microbiologist and science writer, has been taking samples from the incoming and outgoing streams (and she's fallen in love with the word "throughput," which is used in more situations than just webservers) for a grant with the city. She's looking forward to the interesting results from 1/1/2000.
"'Is not a quine' is not a quine" is a quine.
But consider... (Score:3)
Wastewater (Score:1)
Re:Fearmongering bastards. (Score:5)
A computer-controlled water plant generally has 3 tiers: (1) the master control computer, (2) remote controllers, (3) manual controls. The master control computer communicates with the remote controllers, which do the actual work of monitoring and controlling the plant. The signals from the remote controllers are routed through manual controls (switches) to the various pumps and valves.
The master control computer (could be computers, in the case of a redundant system) is usually some kind of microcomputer. We put a fair number of Gateways, Dells, and other name-brand PC's in plants.
The remote controllers are usually some form of embedded system. The most common remote controllers are purpose-built for the task and are called PLC's (Programmable Logic Controllers).
The manual controls usually (I'll get to the exceptions) exist as regular old mechanical switches in the electrical path between the remote controllers and the pumps and valves. A typical manual control is a switch with three positions: "auto" leaves the remote controller in command, "man" forces the device to be on/open, no matter what the controller says, and "off" forces the device to be off/closed, no matter what the controller says.
Also, the remote control computers are usually programmed to operate independently of the master control station. Whenever the master control station goes down (a fairly routine occurance in most plants), the remote controllers keep the plant running based upon their pre-programmed control algorithms and upon the last instructions ("Keep the tank level between 12 and 15 feet") that they received from the master control station.
Every water plant I computerized in my career had this 3-tier architecture: master, remote, manual-overrides.
Because the remote controllers can carry on for some time (hours, at least), in the absense of the master computer, failure of the master -- say, to reboot it after a Y2K-induced freeze -- is not a big deal. And because of the manual-overrides, the plant can be run manually even if the remote controllers fail or start issuing goofy commands.
The real risk for a computerized plant experiencing y2k problems is not that you won't receive fresh water or have your sewage treated -- it's that the city will be paying large amounts of overtime for the extra staffing it takes to run the plant manually. If a city is dumb enough to not have the staff on call during that critical period, then it IS possible for y2k problems to become visible to the public in some way more dramatic than an increased personnel budget. Also, I worked on a few plants where the engineers were so insanely stupid that they allowed the manual overrides to be built into the remote controllers, not independent of them. I always lobbied hard to have such insanities corrected and was usually successful. Those plants without independent manual overrides are the ones in true danger. But I gotta tell you, the plant designed by such intellectual giants are in serious trouble *without* y2k.
All in all, I'm not worried -- I expect to get water and flush the toilet on the 1st without causing the collapse of civilization.
Wayne Conrad
Nothing new (Score:1)
And this is different from the status quo? =)
Pablo Nevares, "the freshmaker".
New water additive: Diesel (Score:3)
The joke was that it improved the water.
I have a feeling that *some* small towns are going to have a lot of trouble if they haven't checked by now (morons, what the fsck do they get paid for?).
Meanwhile, I'm in a larger city and I have quite a stockpile of well water and those bubbly drinks containing caffeine (It was on sale). Has nothing to do with y2k, though, our water supply simply has way too much chlorine in it and those Brita things are a PITA. If you run the water, you'll be able to smell the Cl from across the room and it tastes like pool water.
Small towns? No. Medium towns. (Score:2)
Actually, small towns should be fine. Why? Became small towns don't have public water and sewer. Each house has its own, private water and waste facilities. As long as you have power (and a small generator will ensure that), you are all set.
It is the medium-sized towns -- the small cities -- that might have trouble. Big enough to need centralized systems, small enough to not be able to afford proper upkeep.
This is silly . . . (Score:3)
First of all, the NRDC tends to, when making announcements, to err on the side of extreme alarmism. They mean well, but often make sensationalistic (sp) statements because, well, that's what it takes to get media attention.
Note that "The report said fewer than half of the drinking water utilities had completed all phases of Y2K preparations, including contingency planning and testing, as of June 1999, the date of the last industry survey." Is is possible that in the meantime many of the utilities have made significant progress towards this?
While many of the control systems in water treatement plands do require the use of embedded logic/controller chips (the exact name escapes me) they are NOT buried 30 feet underground. They are also not 20 to 30 years old. The treatment industry statndards are set by the feds (EPA) and get tougher every few years. To meet the tougher regs, plants switch to more advanced processes, which means new equipment. The last treatment plant I visited (Fairfield, CA) used a bank of pc's to control the processes at the entire plant. None of the treatment gear (with the exception of the sedimentation tanks) looked older than 10 years.
The water/wastewater industry is one of the most efficient and vigilant industries that I know of. The American Water Works Association as a professional oganization is honest to a fault. If they dispute the report, they must have a good reason.
Realistically, he most likely problem that MIGHT occur would be some sort of power failure (PGE&E in our parts is not guranteeing power) which would more than likely cause water supply pumps to stop pumping. This can create a loss of pressure and siphoning in the water lines, which can easily lead to contamination if your idiot neighbor decides to fill his dirty swimming pool on New Years Eve.
Does it make sense to have some water on hand just in case? Of course. Am I worried? No.
By the way, Some utilities are more than happy to give tours if you contact them in advance. Most people have no idea how involved the process actually is, and would benefit from a tour.
Most of my comments have been made in reference to water treatment, but can bea applied equally to wastewater treatment.
Re:The technology behind these systems (Score:2)
Re:Until it's full, of course. (Score:2)
Re:Milwaukee's sewage problem (Score:1)
Slashdot needs to ban this crap. (Score:1)
So... please /. contributors, don't fall into this trap. I'm very willing to put money on civilization surviving the turn to 2000. If it doesn't, I guess it's just paper.
The biggest Y2K problem is that I'll be on call on Dec 31-Jan 1st, just as I suspect many of you readers will be and I'm supposed to stay sober as well as in cell range.
My God, its full of stars
How much electricity do water plants depend on? (Score:1)
Losing the water system is really much more annoying and hard to prepare for than losing power, in spite of how many systems need power.
It's easy to store enough drinking and cooking water for a week or two, and you can skip showers if you want, and a gasoline-powered camping stove can last a long time. Keeping enough water for toilets is more annoying, and some of us apartment-dwellers don't have shovels around to dig latrines with.
As of JUNE. Give me a break. (Score:5)
This is going to be just another Y2K Chicken Little story drummed up by panic mongers.
Re:So soon after the Y2K pledge... (Score:2)
Re:someone needs to be shot (Score:2)
This was done so that the causes of major failures could be determined and the appropriate people could be shot (just kidding).
Increasing "money" supply (Score:2)
None of this is to say that there might not be inflation between now and February, and it might conceivably be related to Y2K (although a suitable mechanism eludes me), but if that happens, the cause will not have been merely issuing extra currency.
Re:well oh well (Score:2)
Don't be too quick to rely on well water. Just a few months ago, there was a large sewer main break in a town near here that contaminated all the wells. The whole town, homes and businesses, had to rely on trucked-in water for weeks.
It occurs to me that most USAmericans have a large 30 to 50 gallon water tank in their homes - their water heater. (I think tankless heaters are the norm in other parts of the world.) Would it be sufficient to just flush it out real good in the next week or two, then close the inlet valve around 11:59 on Dec 31 and not open it until you're heard "all clear"? I'd think that would at least give water clean enough to run through my camping filter before drinking.
Ironic that I saw this today, though - I just bought a 30 gallon water storage bag (sort of like a big "solar shower") this afternoon. Doubt I'll actually need it on Jan 1, but there's a good chance it'll come in handy someday. (Heck, even if I never need it for a disaster it'd be perfect for a camping trip in the desert.)
What happened to the Y2K pledge? (Score:2)
Geez, and here I was thinking it was safe to read slashdot! PLEASE! NO MORE Y2K STORIES!!!!!!
Re:In other news... (Score:3)