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Music Media

Roger Waters To Create New Album 89

pal writes "Roger Waters (of Pink Floyd fame) is recording an album in February, according to his web site. The interesting part is that the web site is being used as what looks to be an interactive forum! Under "Questions?" there is a bit about the Declaration of Independence, and The Spirituality of the Internet, all with WWWboards there for feedback. Does he intend to allow the internet-going public to influence his lyrics? The last question is: "What do you think?" " This sort of work - remote collabrative work is kind of what Everything2 is trying to do. It's a very interesting point: How do you work over-the-wire?
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Roger Waters To Create New Album

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  • by tweder ( 22759 ) <stwede@@@gmail...com> on Wednesday December 22, 1999 @01:38PM (#1451482) Homepage
    I tend to agree - Slashdot has slowly, but surely, been turning to shit since the Andover buyout.
  • Given the themes of his previous albums Radio K.A.O.S and Amused to death. Both of which had to do with the idea that we're messing ourselves up. Perhaps his writing an album about the net isn't such a good thing. Don't get me wrong the man is a Diety but don't be surprised if his view of the net is somewhat fatalistic.
  • Ok, you try to keep updating a news service for nerds. Oh yeah, and you have to put up with kids from the short bus critizing you everytime you go a little off topic.
  • Why, Microsoft NetMeeting of course!! Hahahaha...that's sarcasm son.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    I agree! They should rename this site "News for nerds, Music for old fogies."

    Seriously guys, the world has moved on since The Who and Pink Floyd!

  • Man he's no good w/o the rest of Pink Floyd. But Pink Floyd isn't nearly as good w/o him. It's an odd situation. They should come togethor again they were a good team.
  • Roger Waters hasn't done anything interesting
    in 25 years. He needs all the help he can get, so
    some collaboration might be in order.
    The last good Floyd record was "Meddle".Everything has been a rehash since then.
  • Roger Waters isn't as good with out pink floyd, and pink floyd isn't as good with out roger water *OR* syd...

    I honestly think Roger Waters is just trying too hard to re capture the fame that came from The Wall and Dark Side of the Moon. And what better way to do that, than to use buzzwords.
  • Mr Malda has always posted information on his favorite groups/musicians (such as The Who), and this being his site, why shouldn't he?
  • You Slashdotted [everything2.com] Everything [everything2.com]! You bastards! :)

    Roger? Roger who? Which one's Pink?

    My allegiance remains to Poor Old Syd [everything2.com] anyway.


  • by Rainy ( 17894 ) on Wednesday December 22, 1999 @02:16PM (#1451500)
    The guy makes great music. Listen to 'amused to death' on a good hifi system and I guarantee you'll be amazed. However, his lyrics are a step down from old PF standards, imho. It seems to me he's after making an impression at cost of deep meaning. Compare shine on with almost any song from radio kaos or even 'amused'. I can't really prove this point but I can't help but feel that Water's lyrics on his solo albums are a surrogate while old PF lyrics were very meaningful for them - perpaps more important than music itself. Let's hope this whole online forum thingy will help him somehow, although I'm pessimistic. Lyrics for songs are just not the kind of thing that are made through forums. Try to write a poem based on linux kernel traffic (mental note - should try it, if just for fun) and you'll see what I mean.

    A bit unrelated, but I think Waters could try something as interesting - offer his songs online as mp3s for free and see where that leads his album sales. After all, the guy doesn't seem to be
    obsessed with greed and he's got alot of money to start with.. he could try it.

  • How is this flamebait? This post has the most responses so far and from what I can tell, most are in agreement with the post.

    The opinions are valid, aren't they?

  • Wish you were here, all the way. There are no more relaxing, interesting floyd songs than the "Diamond"s, and the actual song wish you were here just rules.
  • Here's what else is sad.. no offense to the A/C's, but I find it pretty sad the only voice of reason in this entire thread that I've read so far was from an A/C.

    I don't listen to Pink Floyd. I don't think I've ever heard a Roger Waters song. But I can appreciate this story. This is more than a fan just posting about some band he or she likes. The point is that he (Roger Waters) is using the internet to help him in his upcoming album. It's about collaboration. It's about including you and me and everyone on the internet in his artwork. Is it really that hard to look past all your biases and appreciate this for what it really is?

    Ok, it's probably nothing new. I'm sure there are other instances of artists collaborating with fans over the internet, but c'mon. Listen to the A/C. Despite what you might feel, this is Rob's slashdot, not yours. You don't like it? Try complaining to him, instead of cluttering this thread with your rants. No one wants to read them. Some of us might actually have an interest in this thread, so be a nice slashdotter and go read a katz article.

    Man's unique agony as a species consists in his perpetual conflict between the desire to stand out and the need to blend in.

  • Don't forget his other stuff--Animals in particular. I agree with you for the most part, but Pink Floyd without Roger Waters is a far cry from Pink Floyd without Syd Barrett.

    More importantly, if his lyrics are to be influenced by the Web, I doubt it will do as well as it might on its own--Waters is a powerful lyricist in his own right, carrying much of the band in that respect.

  • well now all we need is syd barrett to release a new one and us floyd fans will be set.

    like that will ever happen tho :D
  • by Anonymous Coward
    I don't think that's at all true. Considering his small US tour this last summer, all very small venues. I saw him in milwaukee for the tour opener, 3000 person arena. If he were trying to be floyd again, he would have had bigger venues, which would have sold out since milwaukee sold out in 1 hour and chicago sold out in 10 minutes. (i paid $150 each for tickets). His whole stance appears to be doing quality work, as various interviews done regarding the tour stated. AS to whether his voice is still well, that's another story...
  • OK, quite frankly, y'all can go to hell.

    Now, in a more civilized tone, the post is not just about Roger Waters, but involves the Web and other stuff. Secondly, I listen to Pink Floyd. I revel in it. It's Good Shit(tm). Am I no longer a geek or something?

    Stop your whining and just skim over the post and then ignore it if you don't like the content. Geeks are just as varied as other people, with wide ranges in taste.

    So like I said before--y'all can go to Hell. Stop whining.

  • by Anonymous Coward
    The bands today are total shit. Plain and simple. I haven't heard an original piece of music in almost 30 years!

    Now it's total gimick..."gee, let's blend disco with rap with country with rock with ______(fill in the blank here)".

    It's all been done before. NOTHING out there is original. There are only so many ways you can play the same 3 chords.
  • Let me suggest it then. Everyone who don't like classic/progressive rock disable the music on your prefs page, cause you know that's what yer gonna get :) Just a thought.

    On a separate note, why don't everyone reply to this thread and tell me why we're all pissed off this close to Xmas. I mean really, I know I can't be the only one to notice the higher-than-usual hostility levels on the boards today/yesterday....Is it just something that'll dissapear after the 25th or is it more fin-de-sicle millenium angst?

    rschaar{at}pegasus.cc.ucf.edu if it's important.
  • The word has, in fact, not moved on. A quick look at the Billboard charts will tell you the Dark Side of the Moon(a PF album) is STILL on the top 200. It was released in 1973, for god's sake, and it's still on there. Pink Floyd's music has stood the test of time. Lets see how long Ricky Martin stands out.
  • The day when Roger and Dave get back together is the day Windows gets open-sourced. They have been fighting since the "Animals" album. In fact, they almost got into a fist-fight over a cymbol crash on the drum track of the song "Comfortably Numb"! No, I don't see that EVER happening.
  • It was about World War II, in which his father died. It's what they called them, you know?
  • Syd's not making anything anytime soon. He has diabetes pretty bad, and he's not doing so well. Rumor has it that all he does is tend to his garden, and that he's happy with it.
  • Sorry, I may be slightly biased, being a long time Floyd fan, but WHY are people pissed about this being posted? I'll offer you a variation of what I tell people "protesting" things: If you don't like it, DON'T READ IT!!!! All pissing and moaning about a story/product/company/etc does is draw attention to the thing you hate, possibly increasing sales for someone you don't like.

    Please, hate me enough to give me more money!! Pretty please...with sugar on top!!!

    Pardon me, I have to get back to my "oldie" rock mp3s

  • Waters is pretty fatalistic about *everything*. But I'm remembering
    something different. An interview with the Floyd back around
    1969-70. A dream they had to turn their show and their music
    into a traveling circus. With Big Top and all.
    Maybe Waters is remembering that.
    Strictly on the side, I'll bet I'm the only /. reader with
    "Pink Floyd" tattooed anywhere on their body. :-)

  • "Wish You Were Here" was great, no doubt.
    But in terms of relaxing...
    Ever check out "Fat Old Sun", on the "Saucerful of Secrets" disc?

  • The 16 yr olds might not understand, but I don't understand
    lottsa what they understand so it's cool I guess.
    I remember when Waters/Floyd were things that only heads and geeks
    understood (along with Yes, Tangerine Dream...)

  • What will ever top the depth of "the Final Cut"? An internet album would be interesting, but it's a step down from praying for peace and sanity in the world. It's not like your average guerilla soldier or hateful politician would care about his work anyways. For that matter I'd say that your average shmuck has never bothered to listen to him either.

    Whining that Roger Waters isn't as good w/out Pink Floyd is like saying some guy isn't as good without his ex-wife from 15 years ago. Leave the dude alone already!

    "All you know about me's what I sold you, dumbf--, I sold out long before you ever even heard my name. I sold my soul to make a record... Now shut up and buy!" -Tool
  • I stand corrected. Good cheer, everybody. sorry Rob!
  • Pink Floyd is have been just re hashing syds stuff all the time... listen to piper at the gates of dawn , and a track of saucerfull of secrets .... ltes face it ysd has realy been pink floyds only creator... all the other albums are so amazingly influenced by him
  • If this was about syd coming to make som more music i would be uinterested... rodger w + all the other boys kicked syd out...

  • Geeks come with an incredible range of interests. I would think that would be obvious to most of us. We don't all listen to techno and read post-cyberpunk SF. Okay, I do both of those. And one of my all time favorite albums is Welcome to the Machine. I range from so mainstream my parents should be proud to so obscure that no one here would recognize every one of the artists.

    One of the great things about open source is that we can each bring our ideas, skills, and needs to a project and come away with some fantastic tools. Is there a reason that our diversity would stop with software?

    Oh, and Res Geek, you were one word short of a good Charlie Daniels reference.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    I strongly agree. I do not believe such things should appear as news items on here. Technology and entertainment are seperate. Note how this is the same person who posted that huge QT4 south park like movie a while back, which I duely noted my resentment for. The "geek" community needs to work on it's taste. I find pink floyd and anything that has to do with it highly yawnable. As I am not in a ranting mood at the moment, I will refrain from the flame starters. Half trollingly yours,
    The jaded guy
  • by r ( 13067 ) on Wednesday December 22, 1999 @07:32PM (#1451537)
    part one - information.

    re each small candle - looks like he'll have a song in something like an amnesty international compilation. pretty cool, though he's done that before.

    on the other hand, as admitted before (on the web site and in the new york times), he's been working on an opera (!!!) called ca ira for quite a while. it's about the french revolution, and planned to be released somewhere around fall 2000.

    not to mention of course the recent tour of the u.s. (anyone else seen the chicago show?), and the planned 2000 tour...

    part two - critique.

    re waters' lyrics - i think they've grown quite a bit. if that means the loss of quasi-intellectual vagueness, so be it. it's for the better.

    just look at the final cut - musically it's a poor brother of the wall, but the lyrics carry so much more significance! it's no longer a bitter semi-autobiographical satire of the society, but an powerful political commentary. the lyrics have been given greater prominence than in previous albums, and while some people may bitch about it, i consider it a big plus.

    (then of course there's radio k.a.o.s. yeah, i know. it sucked. the story was okay, but the delivery - just the fact that he had to write out the synopsis before the lyrics started should've been a warning sign. oh well. there's one in every phonography. :)

    pros and cons of hitchhiking, on the other hand, is sheer brilliance. the leitmotif of the whole album - hitchhiking as a metaphore for relationships, and travel as a way of exploring the world and exploring yourself - works incredibly well with the lyrics. the examination of painful ways in which people treat each other is especially compelling. btw, this might be the most verbose album in the history of rock. but it works very well.

    and finally, amused to death. it's definitely not a pop album. it stands against consummerism, against war, against militarism, and against unexamined patriotism (which can be a medicine especially difficult to swallow here in the u.s.). the problem is, it exposes the audience (and the society at large) as a mindless mob, following the path of convenience and thoughtlessness, unaware that it only leads towards self-destruction. but it's not a message that anyone would like. nobody wants to be told they're not as hot as they think they are. [1]

    but i'll admit readily, these last two are not easy albums. almost anyone can pick up dark side and connect with the music - because the lyrics were designed to speak of simple facts of life using simple words. [2] but the same is not true of amused, pros and cons, or even the final cut. those require not just listening, but reading the lyrics, and working to understand them. less like space rock, more like literature.


    [1] btw, in regard to this, the album goes very much in the spirit of the original neil postman book, but unlike the book, it's quite coherent. :)
    [2] see schaffer's a saucerful of secrets - the pink floyd odyssey for a great account of the creation of dark side (not to mention the remainder of the history of the band).
  • Waters has been pretty fatalistic in the past, but this new album doesn't appear to be that way. Over the summer he played a new song from the album, "Each Small Candle." Its kind of (at least to me) like looking at Final Cut from the view of a 50 year old (err... however old Rog is these days). Interviews (probably posted on his website) have him saying that he was unsure of how to react to the war in Kosovo. In Final Cut, he is obviously very decided on what he feels. "Each Small Candle" looks at how in wartime there is really no bad guy and no good guy. The song tells the tale of a soldier stopping to help a refugee. Its worth a listen to, and you should be able to find it online. I really don't think this Album will be about the terrors of the internet... instead I see it being more about the shades of grey that exsist in life.

    Just my couple of thoughts.
  • it is in a nerd category for sure, yet that it is

    not the problem.

    its all the ipo and stock hype / crap !?
  • Get an account. Voice you "resentment" with a name and email to back it up or get the fuck out.

    If you don't like it so much, start your own site. Obviously there's enough want for these types of articles that they're worth posting. A bunch of weak ACs bitching about it is not a good way for "the community" to tell the posters that their choice of content is not appreciated by the majority.
  • Man, you guys are really down on this. I was reading the posts and a lot of you dont think this is appropriate news to be posted on /. Well, you guys will hate me for this, but, lighten up. I understand you may not like his music, but not everything has to be strictly Linux on here.
  • I want to be able to submit patches. For example, I'll sing melodically and add my own back-masking. Boy, this is gonna be GREAT!
  • We need a new moderation category:

  • Not you in particular, you understand...also the AC's seem to be particularly upset. I suspect it has to do with Holiday depression however I'm not a headshrink or anything. Take a look through some of the 0 to -1 range on about any story yesterday, I think quite a few people need a good helping of extra-strength eggnog or something. Anyway, happy holidays :)

    rschaar{at}pegasus.cc.ucf.edu if it's important.
  • I think the guys a bit of a mess, really. In just about every interview i`ve read he contradicts himself, most of his stuff sounds the same anyway (and i spent *ages* waiting for `amused to death` to come out). I think hes missed the internet bandwagon. Perhaps he should tour with David `didnt you use to be David Bowie?` Bowie or something?
  • English people thinking they had a `job for life`, losing said job to the Japanese. Simplistic, pointless, like the wall/final cut. Also, i wonder if the new roger waters album will be LOUD BIT quiet bit LOUD BIT quiet bit LOUD BIT.....
  • No, not elitist. How about: Not Stupid. He seems to have a grasp of Pink Floyd, music theory etc. Just cos its not south park or whatever doesnt make him an elitist.
  • That's because Syd was going completely mad from too much acid, he was unable to perform coherently anymore, their gigs were just out of control. So they had to let him loose, he was just losing it.
    I don't mourn this because Syd went on to record some of the best music I know, "The Madcap Laughs" and "Barrett" are two of my favourite albums, they are truly exquisite.
    I also love all of the Floyd's music, they are definately the greatest band of all time, from "Piper at the Gates of Dawn" to "The Division Bell", all amazing stuff. My favourite album of all time has to be "The Final Cut" though, it's just awesome. Roger Waters' solo stuff is great too, I'm excited to see that he's doing something.
    Also check out David Gilmour's solo stuff, it's pretty good as well as Richard Wright's work; the strangely named "Wet Dream" is a GREAT album and his new one "Broken China" is kinda new age but it's really good.
    Actually by looking at all the Floyd members' solo works, you can see what their contribution was to the Pink Floyd music, it's pretty cool.

  • Quite on the contrary.
    Pink Floyd lived on after first Sid Barret departed then Roger Waters. Both of these guys had huge impact on PF frankly PF wouldn't exist wihtout them. However after PF reunited without Rorger Waters they still managed to climb to the top of the charts releasing such great albums like the division bell.
    As for Roger Waters solo... everybody knows that if Amuzed to Death was released under the PF title it would be huge seller.
    But it's still a great Album just didn't get the public attention that it would normaly would receive as a PF album.
  • "Fat Old Sun" is on "Atom Heart Mother" album actually, but you're right, it is a GREAT song as is that whole album. Gotta love "Alan's Psychedelic Breakfast" :)
    Also, it's my understanding Stanley Kubrick wanted to use Atom Heart Mother for the soundtrack to "2001 : A Space Odyssey" but it fell through for some reason.
    "A Saucerful of Secrets" is also a great album (they all are), I love "Corporal Clegg" heh.
    My vote for the best ever is "The Final Cut" but I guess it all depends what mood you're in, any of the Floyd's albums can be considered a favourite at any given moment.

  • Let's see.

    The pro's and cons of Hitch-hiking, solo album 1 -
    Sixties and Seventies entertainment: drug use and sex.

    Radio Kaos:
    Radio and the Cold War

    Amused to Death:
    Television and consumerism.

    Next As Yet Unnamed Album:
    The Internet & something else?

  • The net impacts a persons life once they start using it day in day out. DId you NOT EXPECT this to translate into music? Look at music, look at the things it talks about. It has always been, in part, a reporting of the times they were crafted in.

    Townshends Quadrophenia was about a particular set of cultural and societal events speheres. All thesongs about driving your chevy with the girl you love...PUNK, at its best was always a commentary on the times and forces.

    So why do we have this knee jerk reaction against any artist who starts placing the net in the fore of the tale being told? Well I think part of it might be the overexposure in the last 5 years. I have to say back in '86 i never thought the net would be this much a part of so many peoples lives. There sheer forces that moved acorss the 90's is worthy of some great works.

    Townshend is finaly seeing a way to do his long itme Lifehouse project in part due to the fact that the net has grown to a point where his vision can be shared in the manner he wants. think of that, in someones life time the means to get a bizzare expression out of thier skull and into others is becomming avialable in ways not thought of before. this opens not only the possiblity of these works to be done up, but the process itself becomes a focal point.

    The process becomes one of the forces of culture, of society, of the day in day out lives of so many that it is a prome topic for a work. I see Waters getting into this as a logical and welcome progression in the path of his life times work.

    If it happens that in the next 5 years both Waters and Townshend will have completed and delivered works hither too unable to be done, i will be very happy .

    It will also mean that it is NEWS FOR NERDS, STUFF THAT MATTERS inthat it will have used the things that impact us here on slash dot in ways that make it newsworthy. For those who have thier ONE TRACK heads stuck up their one track colons i can only say this, your mindset is part of the problem. You are in no uncertian terms part the force that degrades the progress of things. You have been around from the beging and will be around to the end, but know that you will have your teeth kicked in by those forces of excelence that you so despise. Water's "amused themselves to death" is all about you. Please, Die young and dont spawn.

To be awake is to be alive. -- Henry David Thoreau, in "Walden"
