Holiday Movie Thread 146
The Talented Mr. Ripley Movie Threads, Round One: The Talented Mr. Ripley is a knockout - stylish, creepy and a visual block-buster to boot. Don't want to say any more, as this plot is easy to give away, but this is a movie that is likely to make both Matt Damon and Jude Law into major stars. Faithful to Patricia Highsmith's novel of the same name, it's a brilliant if unsettling look at the pain of outsiderness and the extent to which some people will go to get inside. Damon is outstandingly menacing and convincing. Jude Law is right out of The Great Gatsby, offering a terrific portrait of entitlement and wealth.
"Ripley" could have been a few minutes shorter, but about the only negative thing to say about it is that you might get depressed that you don't live in Italy.
Any Given Sunday
"Any Given Sunday" is Oliver Stone's take on the NFL as well as on media and culture (his twin obsessions). Through his eyes and perspective, this is much more than a sports movie, but a blunt look at race, celebrity, money and the high-cost gladiator mentality present in athletes, (and many Slashdot posters).
Stone is watching too much MTV. Too many ominous clouds are moving, and it sometimes seems as if even drunken fans are having sepia-toned flashbacks. Robbie Robertson's soundtrack is outstanding, but mournful Native-American chanting doesn't always mesh with pro football.
Still, this film strikes home on several levels. It presents a blunt look at how race permeates football, and how an increasingly corporatized sports culture has overpowered ethics, sanity and tradition, putting almost unbelievable pressure on the participants - owners, coaches and players alike.
There are few heroes or villains here, something of a step forward for Stone, who is definitely your most-issues-are-black-and-white kind of director.
Al Pacino plays an aging coach whose young new owner - played by Cameron Diaz - doubts his will to win. He can't communicate with his star quarterback, who is black. Obnoxious, blow-hard ESPN-inspired reporters drive him nuts.
By Oliver Stone standards, this is an almost gentle movie about money and sacrifice. Some of the camera work is amazing, and "Any Given Sunday" is cinematically dazzling at conveying the banging and crunching of pro football, something that doesn't come through nearly as well on TV.
Those are my opinions. Jump on in.
(Holiday Movies, Round Two: Magnolias, Man On The Moon, Cradle Will Rock - coming soon.)
I liked AGS (Score:1)
Hollywood Sunday (Score:1)
Was Brock Meeks, now Roger Ebert? (Score:2)
But, I have to be concerned with Jon Katz's writing. Surely as a writer, he would have started out doing review writing (I took that as an undergrad writing course), but it looks like that he quickly blurted something out because he hasn't posted anything in a few days. What's up with that?
Is it just me... (Score:2)
(I'm not even going to mention that these movies have little, if anything to do with
Talented Ripley the Novel (Score:1)
By the way, if haven't read the novel, get a copy, it's a great book.
Re:Talented Ripley the Novel (Score:1)
Man on the Moon (Score:2)
I suggest that anyone who wishes to see a movie that is funny yet undeniably human go see it and see it soon.
-- Shadowcat
The Talented Mister Ripley (Score:1)
Actually, Jon, I have some other complaints about the TMR than the fact that I don't live in Italy. (Though that would be nice. Sigh.)
First - the movie was great. Inspired direction, gruesome violence, heart-breaking dialogue - a lot of things ot like all wrapped up in a beautiful package. A looooooong movie, but worth the investment of time.
But the movie leaves you hanging. I want to keep this spoiler-free, but I'd be remiss if I didn't say that the ending stunk. Everyone I went with just sat there at the end saying, "No, you idiot, that's the wrong person!"
More importantly, the movie, even at three hours, needs a few more scenes. Early in the film, Damon's Mr. Ripley states that he has three talents: lying, impersonating anyone, and forgery. But where did he learn such things? Lying is something we all pick up to a certain extent, impersonating people might be something you do as a parlor trick, but forgery is not something you learn in school any more than money-laundering is part of the accounting course structure in an MBA program.
So how did he get this way? Why is someone so obviously talented and sweet so obsessed with getting himsself on the road to criminality? We know that Mr. Ripley was poor, but being poor doesn't make you a forger.
In any case, I'd give the movie two thumbs up, 4.5 stars, and a nomination for best movie - if I didn't feel that something was missing.
the irritating mr. ripley (Score:1)
Out of character (Score:3)
What's odd in that light, though, is that he repeatedly talks about mass market, mass culture films as if they're some sort of inside secret that he's privy too. He tried to pin down The Matrix as some sort of little known art film that only hardcore geeks would seek out, for example. And while I enjoy film criticism, it doesn't work when coming from Mr. Katz. It's like listening to a zen buddhist go on about the joys of Wal-Mart.
hmmm (Score:2)
hmmmm..I just can't decide which movie to watch...Any Given Sunday, Rudy, Air Bud: Golden Reciever or Blue Chips
No..hold on..here's a brick wall I can pound my head against instead.
*ahem* (Score:2)
However, that aside- congratulations on the new 'hr' tags! Maybe I'm weird but to me, seeing you pick up new bits of tech and knowledge (rather than ossify and rot in a rut) is more exciting than any of the movies you're talking about.
Any chance of a 'Slashdot HTML for Beginners' article by you? I'm sure there are some slashdotters who don't know what a horizontal rule tag is, and now you do (dear god, let him not be doing these things in word). If you posted such an article, it would immediately be pounced upon by legions of clued slashdotters- who would probably end up providing huge amounts of education for all. Care to give it a try?
Re:Flaming is for bastards! (Score:1)
Re:football... (Score:1)
Let's hope we don't have any football-loving moderators... :P
open sores reviewing (Score:2)
I'll keep this short (Score:1)
You will never get those two hours and fifteen minutes of you life back
Don't make the same mistake I did, I beg you
For a longer review try this one [washingtonpost.com]
The Untalented Mr. Katz (Score:1)
Gregory J. Barlow
fight bloat. use blackbox [themes.org].
A Movie You've Left Out... (Score:1)
If you are looking for a decently made film that pokes fun at the Trekkie/Sci-Fi crowd, you need look no further. Lots of good gags and pokes at the world of people who take TV just a LEETLE too seriously.
Re:Hollywood Sunday (Score:1)
I agree. Let us all make pilgramage to the Mecca of Minnesota, to rally around our Chosen One, he who is called Jesse of Ventura. He has shown us the way to end the evil known as NPR, beginning with the purge of that hellspawn Garrison Keillor and his devil's pulpit, Prairie Home Companion. We must not allow the horrid influences of intelligent humor to infect our children! Let us destroy this e-vile! (fru-it of the de-vile...)
Everyone knows I'm joking, right?
Re:Is it just me... (Score:2)
Mr Katz impresses me as a bit of an intellectual
(which is what I think of myself as). He likes to
be differnt and stir things up. Try new things.
I think (of course I can't speak for him) his
intention was to keep it short and simple. Rather
than spew out all of his thoughts and commentary
to just broach the subject and see where the
discussion goes.
It is a bit lazy...but it apears to me to be more
of an experiment (I think thats what he hinted
at by saying "Open Source Reviewing" perhaps he
really meant "Community Reviewing").
Its definitly an interesting idea IMHO
> (I'm not even going to mention that these movies
> have little, if anything to do with
Ya know...I see this allot.
Hell, im a geek, I admit it (hell im proud of it).
I love science and computers and all that...but
its nice to see something else in the mix.
I find that Katz and other "Offtopic" articles
keep things interesting. They generate some lively
dicsussion, and I think thats good and healthy.
Re:football... (Score:1)
Re:Is it just me... (Score:2)
Normally, Katz's comments are eloquent, though I think another poster hit the nail right on the head when he said that Katz just tries too hard. Open Source isn't lots of people doing your work for you. Two short movie reviews doesn't a feature make. This was really weak-- the kind of thing you submit when you have a deadline and are busy partying for the holidays.
Anyway, I am going to mention it. This has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with Slashdot. I read Slashdot to get past the punditry and fluff pieces-- and I am starting to see way too many of them.
We all know that this is the holidays and there isn't a whole lot of news. So there is nothing wrong with having only one or two good articles or even zero, rather than trying to post for posting's sake. Less, in editing as in virtually everything else, is more.
Re:Man on the Moon (Score:1)
Re:Was Brock Meeks, now Roger Ebert? (Score:2)
Sorry, couldn't resist.
I know two things... (Score:2)
B. Any Given Sunday was ignored/shunned/blacklisted by the NFL. Says it all right there. Besides, its an Oliver "I know what REALLY happened" Stone.
I'll go see Toy Story 2 instead.
Is this the Dallas Cowboys? (Score:2)
From what I can tell, Pacino is playing Tom Landry, the aging quarterback actor is Roger Staubach, Cameron Diaz is Jerry Jones, and LL Cool J and that guy from Living Color are something like Michael Irving and Deion Sanders. Of course the timeline of these people being involved with the Cowboys is wrong for this to be a literal interpretation, but the movie looks like a cool adaptation of this theme. Escpecially since the trailer contains at least one shot in Texas Stadium. After the disappointing North Dallas Forty [imdb.com], I am really looking forward to a good 'Dallas Cowboys' movie.
Since we're doing these reviews 'open source' I'll assume some other reviewer will come along and fill in the actor's names I've omitted.
Re:Man on the Moon (Score:1)
Nonetheless as a dedicated Kaufmanite, I still had to see the movie. After getting into it a bit, I couldn't believe just how much Jim really took on the little quirks of Andy. Other times, he didn't get it quite right, like his first SNL appearance. Only slight things were not quite right, but something someone as crazy as myself would notice.
The movie still takes its own spin on a few events, to make a better story. But well, it's tough to compress 10-15 years of a strange career into two hours, seven minutes. It is a good movie, to go along with things like Bob Zmuda's new book. Andy/Zmuda are such characters, I have to ask myself if Zmuda isn't putting me on with each paragraph in the book. That is the sort of thing they would do...
Re:Hollywood Sunday (Score:1)
Why "Features"? (Score:1)
I dont hate everything by Katz just because it is by Katz, but I hate that everything by Katz is a "Feature".
The Un-Talented and Extremely Boring Mr. Ripley (Score:1)
Re:Out of character (Score:1)
Re:Man on the Moon (Score:1)
If you remember in the movie when Kaufman throws his big bash at Carnegie Hall, he says that Tony will pay for it all, even if he has to work for 10 more years. Perhaps Kaufman had something set up with someone to carry on the controversy. Perhaps by him having someone who would be Tony Clifton after he died (other than Bob) it would be the ultimate joke... the fact that people would think he were still alive. There is a fine line between genius and insanity and Andy Kaufman walked the tightrope.
There is no doubt in my mind he had the whole thing planned to happen after he died.
-- Shadowcat
Re:Man on the Moon (Score:1)
Like him or not... (Score:2)
By the way, I'm currently reading his new book, "Geeks" and I like it quite well.
Keep up the good work Jon.
"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." - Albert Einstein
Any Given Sunday (Score:1)
Talented Mr. Ripley (Score:1)
Re:the irritating mr. ripley (Score:1)
Re:football... (Score:1)
Assuming the football playing was good, the other guys are in pain and you've suckered a bunch of fat, testosterone-laden slobs sitting in the bleachers out of a whole ton of money. If you're lucky, you won't fall apart before you hit 35.
Of course, this is all just my own opinion. It needn't apply to everyone, I suppose...
- Jeff A. Campbell
- VelociNews (http://www.velocinews.com [velocinews.com])
Re:purple noon (Score:3)
And this same "Ripley" novel was made into a film once before -- in 1960, it was released as "Purple Noon," a French-Italian thriller starring Alain Delon and directed by Rene Clement.
Hope this helps.
Jon Katz - Official Troll of Slashdot? (Score:1)
I always look forward to Jon Katz's "Articles"... the comments they elicit are absolutely hilarious! While most writers and enthusiasts encourage civilized discussion by posting only when there is something substantial to post, Jon Katz posts seem to be a signal for all the kooks, comedians, and critics to crawl out of the woodwork and start blathering. (Just like I am right now.) They seem to work on the same level as Slashdot surveys.
The heck with the movies... I'm waiting for the next Jon Katz article to come rolling in.
Eww! (Score:1)
Metamucil can fix that...
The word you're looking for, btw, is "pooh-pooh".
-A.P. (Yes, I know this is off-topic, but I'm hoping the moderators have a bit of a sense of humor...)
"One World, one Web, one Program" - Microsoft promotional ad
Re:Any Given Sunday (Score:1)
Pedro Almodovar's "All About My Mother" (Score:2)
Skip these two papfests and check out Almodovar's latest, if it's playing in your town. (It's been out here in NYC for several weeks, so some prints likely have filtered out to the rest of the States. In Europe, it may or may not be easier to find.) Now THAT's a movie.
Don't want to spoil it with a lengthy review; I find I enjoy movies better when I don't know too much about them first. Suffice it to say, that the title (which might imply some sort of Woody Allen nebbish) is a bit misleading. No Oedipus complex here.
Oliver Stone gets a big miss from me on this latest effort.
Re:football... (Score:1)
- Jeff A. Campbell
- VelociNews (http://www.velocinews.com [velocinews.com])
Re:Any Given Sunday (Score:2)
Re:football... (Score:1)
As for football, I know it's just a sport, but it's incredibly sophisticated. It can take a QB a year just to get familiar with the plays his offense runs and the kinds of defenses he might see. For example, look at the way Peyton Manning (a very intelligent fellow) played with the Colts last year, his rookie season, compared to this year.
Personally, I prefer a simpler game - soccer - but you must appreciate the complexity of football.
Re:Is it just me... (Score:1)
Oh, and as for your concern about revealing the plot: this was a novel, and then a movie, and now another movie. The necessity of hiding the plot from your readers is hardly a valid reason for this short review. I mean, it ain't "The Usual Suspects."
Re:Talented Mr. Ripley (Score:1)
Utter disgust at the homoeroticism.
What the hell, people? I know it's New England, but are we still puritans? I think most of the folks in the theater went because they wanted to see darling local boy Matt Damon, and knew nothing about the storyline. Some makeuped and big-haired North Shore Chick behind us said, as the credits began to roll, that she was going to 'be sick' in the theater (assumedly on me, as she was sitting right behind me, love those 'stadium-style' seats, you have to go to the suburbs for that shit) and some other guy (who looked just just just like Casey Afflek I kid you not) turned around and yelled as the credits rolled and the lights came up "OK Did anybody actually like that?"
I mean, sure, it was the suburbs, but are people really that uptight? My companions and I thought hopefully that our fellow moviegoers were just upset by the violence in the film; subsequent comments by the theater-mates however made it obvious they just didn't like the GAY THEME. OMG PEOPLE! IT'S A REAL LIVE HO-MO-SEXUAL. It was amazing.
But aside from the audience (and
Trying to avoid spoilers; didn't you who saw it love the way the title sequence and closing sequence connected? The shapes at the beginning, with the voiceovers, and then the swinging mirrors making the same shapes as he sits alone in the cabin?
Yes, it was lenghty, but I loved it, hell, I even finally see why people thing Damon's cute!
I know, I know, I'm a troll - but I have a point (Score:3)
Mr. Katz has one advantage over all those other writers: he has the power to publish immediately. Apparently there is no editorial review, or if there is, it's amateur.
I'm not a Katz basher; I've enjoyed almost all his previous columns. It bothers me that I have to become a Katz nay-sayer. But I have to say it; after this second batch of reviews, and pending the third batch, these review columns are inappropriate and unnecessary.
They detract from Slashdot's strengths, fail to give any insight, and draw large amounts of flamage. I would probably even excuse it all if they served to build community, but they do not.
At the very least, create another topic for these sorts of things so that advanced users can skip them. I do want to read about things like Toy Story and digital projection systems, so I don't want to skip the "movies" category. Maybe there should be a topic called "off-topic" or perhaps "diversions", specifically not relating to News for Nerds?
Katz: Intellectually lazy (Score:2)
He could be a smart guy, I don't know if he is or isn't -- Mr. Katz just strikes me as intellectually lazy. The most clear evidence for me is the way his articles tend to ramble on and on and on. It's as if there was no thought of how to make the writing more concise, which would help illustrate his point to the reader much more effectively. Instead, the approach just seems to be a combination of, "Let me throw everything out that I can think of, so that I'll have a better chance of having something stick," and "Everything I've just written is crucial, I can't think of anything to cut out."
The second example for me would be the way he decries the way the media stereotypes people, and then he goes and does the exact same thing. Instead of cutting through the chaff, he just turns the story around 180 degrees and stereotypes the players from his perspective. I doubt he's dumb, so he's got to realize that he's doing this, and I attribute his failure to do anything about it to laziness. In a similar vein, there's his seeming need to tell us how everybody throughout history that he admires was really a geek in disguise. Ugh.
Lastly, I can't hold anyone in high intellectual esteem when they do as much pandering to the crowd as Mr. Katz does. The thing is, he presents himself as some non-conformist iconoclast, but his choice of outlets is nothing but preaching to the choir. Wired? Slashdot? I'm curious whether he could ever muster a criticism of the audiences for which he writes. The whole faux-populism, "Down with The Man!" bullshit. The entire "I'm a Mac user, but ya know, I think the geek lifestyle is so cool, that goshdarnit I'm gonna start using Linux, then tell you about my experience while I sugarcoat 90% of the problems that I had with it" claptrap. Now if he were a truly critical writer, his followup to that series would be a thorough explanation of why, despite the wonders of Linux, he ended up going back to his Mac. Of course, that would require telling Slashdot readers things that they don't want to hear, so don't look for that article any time soon, kids.
P.S. If Mr. Katz hasn't actually gone back to his Macs, then I withdraw that particular conjecture, but stand behind my point. I just mentioned that as something I can easily picture Mr. Katz doing, but not something of which I have first-hand knowledge.
errors (Score:1)
I'm actually commenting on the movie (Score:1)
Being a football fan, Any Given Sunday was on my list and I managed to see it opening night. Certain things really impressed me such as the cinematography on the football field as well as the choreography. The movie seemed to have a good balance between actual football being played and the politics behind it. I can't comment on whether or not it's accurate because I don't know. However, it is a movie, entertainment, some you see for enjoyment. I enjoyed the movie, enough said.
Re:purple noon (Score:1)
Purple Noon is a very cool flick. It was re-released to the art-cinema circuit a few years ago, and we had the pleasure of seeing it. The only drawback I can think of was that all these French-speaking people had last names like Ripley and Greenleaf. =-)
And William Burroughs makes an uncredited cameo appearance in it as a wealthy boat buyer..
Crap (Score:1)
HEY KATZ, you big blowhard... how about reviewing some real movies next time
Re:Talented Mr. Ripley (Score:1)
Not to pick nits or anything.
Re:Why "Features"? (Score:2)
Open Source (Score:1)
Most people won't get "Mr Ripley" (Score:1)
I think that in any assessment of this movie, some important caveats must be taken into consideration.
First and most important, it is a long film. It is paced like a British or earlier American film. It was so refreshing to go to see a movie what wasn't in a rush to start blowing things up. The problem is that most Americans have an attention span of about 2 minutes and can't tolerate any movie that, well, doesn't start blowing up things in the first 2 minutes.
The second thing that must be noted is that Damon's character is gay. Not as in "has some homosexual undertones" or Mr. Katz completely off base "outsider" (I think he is still trying to drag us along the High School disaster road he can't seem to get his mind off) but rather he is gay and in love with Law's character. It provides the motive for what happens later. We are led to believe that the motivation is greed from the adverts, but it is actually love.
The point is, if you are a raging homophobe, like some of the other commenters earlier, and are going to squirm in your seat at every inference of Damon's character's homosexuality, stay home.
The third point that I think is important to make is that this "mystery" isn't one in the sense of "who did it" or "will they catch him" as much as it is a portrayal of how a good person can be transformed into a murderer. I don't think we have seen a movie do this quite this well since Mr. Hitchcock's time. (The movie reminded me so much of a Hitchcock film.)
And finally, I do agree that the ending, well, it was just so wrong. I think that was the point. "Oh no, you aren't getting a happy ending." They could have let him sail off into the sunset with new boyfriend... The ending was chosen to be the most disturbing, but could have been so much constructed- so many other scenerios come to mind that make so much more sense (such as Mr. Ripley's suggestion that they stay in the cabin screwing the whole trip).
But in the end, this is really pointless because the REAL reason to see this movie at all is simply that my god, Matt Damon and Jude Law looked good.
Re:football... (Score:1)
I've always wanted to make a movie with that as a title. Maybe drop the "Don't" part.
Wait a minute. Hmmmm.
Okay, nevermind.
Re:Like him or not... (Score:2)
Now that first reply.... (Score:1)
Re:Talented Mr. Ripley (Score:1)
It seems literary because of:
1) The "brothers" theme. Between Ripley and uhh... the one in Italy he calls brother? Bath tub? Whats his name again? Now, this theme never occurs in literature! At least there wasn't anything about consubstantiality and atonement between father and son. Or Oedipus complexes.
2) And ooh! popular modern literary dichotomy between appearance and reality.
So we had those. They were depicted but not explored.
The psychological depth of the characters! thhhbt! We do indeed get rich kids living in Europe ala Hemingway and that guy who wrote Gatsby... And then, well, Ripley's character...
Potentially a cross between say Thomas Mann's Felix Krull and Doestoyevsky's Raskolnikov. Instead, they simply wave before us the homoerotic aspects of Ripley's attractions to other certain other male characters. Amusing indeed was the depiction, amusing was the audience's "amused" reaction. But really! Perhaps swimming around in circles is the part of the director's message--a *shudder* spiral of evil--but couldn't he have at least gone deeper and darker psychologically? There is a confidence man here drowning in his situation, one who is falling into the habit of killing his closest male confidences.
Ah. But really: Felix Krull and Crime and Punishment are good books--entertaining, provocative, and even chilling (one more so than the other).
The greatest flaw in the movie's design though, was its inability to sustain tension after a while. Very tense it was, with Ripley's persona and more hanging on by threads at times... but that got very repetitive... Very repetitive. Very, very repetitive.
This movie is a beautiful portrait, I suppose. But little depth or substance behind it all. Listening to Stravinsky's Petruchka on the drive home was nice and stirring.
It would have been a cute sub-2hour flick--pretty and something more than sensory dope. But it was a little long at 2.5 hours. Felt like 3.5. I saw Seven Samurai a week ago at home... 3.5 hours, felt like 2.5 (except for finishing at 4 am), and you wished it was longer. Very simple conceptually, but much more spiritually and emotionally involved.
I think I may actually attempt to write a college application essay on this movie after I wake into coherence for all the nice little intellectual tangents it could lead me on.
Big problem with the movie (Score:2)
I did think that Carrey did a masterful job of portraying Kaufman, but the lack of a story is what made this movie a dud for me. I wanted to see more insight into what made Kaufman the person he was.
Basically, the movie just redid a lot of Kaufman's comedy bits, except with Carrey in his place. The thing is, almost all of these are available on TV/video, so you would think that the movie would go deeper than that. Well, they didn't.
I did laugh a lot during the movie, but the word-for-word imitations just aren't nearly as funny as Kaufman doing them. It's not that I wouldn't recommend not seeing this flick, I just was disappointed. If you're undecided, you might want to wait until it's on video or cable. Seeing Kaufman's old tapes are better than seeing this flick.
On a humorous note, did anyone notice how, even though everyone else was wearing their hair and their clothes as if they were in the particular time period of the movie, David Letterman looked exactly like he just walked off the set yesterday? I guess he wasn't exactly thrilled with the project, because the word is that he told them that he'd only give them 90 minutes to shoot the scene, and he refused to do his hair/makeup/clothes/glasses like the early '80s Dave.
Re:Katz: Intellectually lazy (Score:3)
> articles tend to ramble on and on and on. It's
> as if there was no thought of how to make the
> writing more concise, which would help
> illustrate his point to the reader much
> more effectively.
Which is one of the reasons I like katz.
However...I like it because _I_ ramble on
once Igat on a subject. I don't know if katz is
like me or not, but I have no concept of how to
recognize how to make things more concise.
I just naturally ramble. Its how my thought
processes work.
I supose its why I tend to draw discussions off
topic, because my mind tends to wander and draw
connections from one thing to another. I enjoy
conversations that do the same, it fits well in
with my line of thinking.
I realize now, that if one were to look back at
all of my posts and discussions, I tend to harp
on back to my own pet peves and interests. At the
time it seems perfectly natural, its only in
hindsight that its noticable.
> he just turns the story around 180 degrees and
> stereotypes the players from his perspective. I
> doubt he's dumb, so he's got to realize that
> he's doing this
Stereotyping is very hard to avoid. It is, IMHO,
a product of the way humans naturally organize
information. It is very easy to stereotype without
realizing you are doing it. In fact it is often
hard to have a meaningful discsussion (esp a
discussion about things relating to society and
people) without some small level of stereotyping.
However stereotypes do often hold at least some
nugget of truth in them. Afterall, they are based
on patterns that people experiance (the human
mind is a very good pattern matcher)
let me take an example from my experiance:
I was once visiting a cousin of mine way out in
"Hicksville". We met up with a friend of his who
goes by the name "Zep". It was decided that we
would all go out for a drive to get some beer.
When we pulled up to the liquer store, zep saw
some black fellows in the store. He made some
remark about niggers to us, then he went inside to
get the beer.
On the way back, he expounded on his ideas about
"Niggers" and he made a statement that was really
quite interesting, almost insightful (playing on
my own stereotype I have the urge to qualify that
by saying "for a redneck"). He said:
"I don't dislike blacks in general. Hell I have
had some black friends. One on one they are fine.
However when they are in groups, they change.
their whole attitude towards you changes when they
are with other blacks. Thats when they are
It touches upon something interesting. People in
groups act differntly. People in groups of others
who are percieved as in some way "alike" tend to
act differntly towards others who are not alike in
that way.
People naturally take on differnt personality
characteristics in differnt situations. As such
many stereotypes do have some validity to them.
They are basically an exxageration (sometimes
slight, sometimes great) of an observed pattern.
In a way it seems that stereotypes are
self-perpetuating, as people are products of
society in many ways, and as such act in the ways
they feel they are expected or suposed to act.
In any case I just mean to show that just because
something is a stereotype doesn't mean it is
useless. However, yes, it is good to be aware
when we are using them and that we should not
expect any individual from a group to act
wholly like the stereotype.
hmmm see...I said I ramble.
I liked Any Given Sunday: spoilers (Score:1)
I enjoyed Any Given Sunday. What I thought was cool about the movie was that the characters were not pure good or pure bad. Coach D'Amato is generally sympathetic, but it is clear that he is living in the past much of the time, and making the team suffer for it. Willie Beamen is a great character because you really want him to succeed (just because he's generally a cool guy and the 3rd string off-the-bench phenomenon) but he gets so incredibly cocky that you just know he's going to pay for it. LL Cool J's character Julian gets less exploration in the movie, but he has two sides as well--on the one hand, he is just looking for money and endorsements and resents Beamen getting all the attention. On the other hand, at times he has more team spirit than Beamen, and also in that play that loses the first game (Willie's first game) he is accused of wanting to get his yardage bonus, but really it is Coach D'Amato's fault for calling the play. Another interesting character is that of Dr. Harvey (James Woods). He is generally a prick, but he has a point in his last speech: yes it is unethical not to tell Shark the truth about his injuries, but he is right in saying that Shark would want to play anyway, and this way he preserves Shark's confidence, which is essential to his playing. If Shark knows that he could die if he gets hit the wrong way, he may hesitate at the key instant. Along this line, one thing that annoyed me was that Shark then doesn't end up having any ill-effects from this. He just gets lucky. Cameron Diaz's character was also two sided. She is basically just a ruthless money-hungry manipulator, but she has a point in most of her arguments with D'Amato. He is living in the past, etc.
After all these cool characters, the lame thing in the movie is that they all just suddenly realize that they've been jerks. Like Beamen is in the huddle and he says "Oh yeah, forget about all that stuff I said. Wasn't me." OK, problem solved! Or when Diaz's character apologizes to her mom. Problem solved! Or when Julian jumps out of bounds instead of going for the touchdown. Oh, now he's seen the light and is a team player. The movie sets up these cool conflicts in the characters, and then they all get resolved just like that at the end.
Overall, I thought the cinematography was excellent, and I liked the integration of the soundtrack in the movie. Things like the part where Beamen is talking to the sportswriter interspersed with other scenes were just great. And in spite of the fact that it was basically like every other sports movie in that they have the Big Suspenseful Game at the end (gee, will they win it?), it actually is exciting and fun to watch.
Finding a job shouldn't be work.
Movie Reviews and /. (Score:1)
One other thought - movie reviews are very relevant to
Besides, movie reviews allow us to spend our free time more efficently by helping us thin out the "Critic's Choice" movies and spend our time on the good ones!
Re:The Talented Mister Ripley (Score:1)
Hmmm. The film broke right at this point when I saw it, and I assumed they just lost the bit where they explained it. I agree, now that I know it really is lacking... they show him practicing signatures, but only a few times before it's perfect. I'd like to know a little more about the character's background.
And overall, it may have been a better fit to call him "The Confused Mr. Ripley", because for all his talents, he spends most of the film being very confused about who he is and what he wants in life. With no apparent history of such confusion before he is whisked away to Italy. Again, some more background would have been useful in understanding the character, instead of spending most of the film thinking "What?!?!? Why'd he do that?
It was a good movie, but I'd have to limit it to 4 stars out of 5.
Cradle will Rock (Score:1)
Great movie. Just great. I saw it in a shiny new upscale downtown mass market "feely"-cinema complete with video-walls in a preview sponsored by a major radio station. I drank Coke(tm) and afterwards visited Chapters(tm) while drinking Starbucks(tm) coffee.
I would love to hear what an American history buff would have to say about it, but knowing absolutely nothing about the subject matter, I adored the movie.
On a totally unrelated note, for somebody who was bashing Katz for citing the Matrix as though it were underground theatre, anybody seen PI? Certainly not underground theatre, but as close as I get these days. GREAT movie for people who bash away too hard at any sort of algorithm.
Re:Like him or not... (Score:2)
"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." - Albert Einstein
get it right (Score:1)
LL Cool J - Michael Irving
Cameron Diaz - A plain old bitch
Shark - Lawrence Taylor
Jamie Foxx - Ray Lucas
Re:Out of character (Score:1)
get it right (Score:1)
LL Cool J - Randy Moss
Cameron Diaz - A Bitch
Shark - Lawrence Taylor
Jamie Foxx - Ray Lucas
Re:football... (Score:2)
> pick next weeks winners and post them here!
I don't think its that simple. I don't know about
some people but, I just can't stand sitting around
watching someone else play a game.
I like to be doing something, participating. Games
that _I_ also enjoy playing I can stand watching
but...only for a very short time.
As I never played football, I have no love for the
game. I have no desire to watch it. It is very
boreing to me. All I see is a bunch of sweatty
men running after a ball.
Of course...to each their own. Most people aren't
in to writting perl code or listening to indian
classical music, or admiring statues of Shiva or
taking quantities of mind altering substances and
sitting admireing plants.
I think football is pretty stupid. You probably
think at least one, if not more, of my ways of
spending my time is stupid. such is life.
I just wish you sports watching people would stop
refering to your teams as "We". When I was on the
wrestling team in High school, I said "We Won"
or "We Lost". When I was not on the team...I never
said it. Why? Cuz "We" was not part of the team.
"We" sat around and watched THEM win.
Thats really my main peve with sports. That and
well... I hate it when they put on some game and
cancel the TV show I WANT TO WATCH (I only watch
a very fw hours of TV a week...so the shows I do
watch are ones I truely enjoy) because some game
went into overtime and they just HAVE to show the
whole thing, or due to some other thing the game
goes 30 mins over time.
That truely pisses me off. When TV shows are too
long to fit in their time slot...they get "To be
continued..." when sports go over time...showes
get canceld or bumped to inconvinent times
(or worst..."already in progress").
See it! (Score:2)
Re:Is it just me... (Score:1)
I like seeing updates/new articles... even if they aren't something that I'm interested in reading. I think the cadre of trained mammals have a good handle on what's appropriate slashdot fodder and what's not. I read this article and the comments because reading a slashdot review on these movies mattered to me. It's not "pure tech, all the time". It's "stuff that matters".
Besides, I have the theory that People Like to Make Comments (PLMC). If SlashDot were to post fewer articles, I don't think the comment load would decrease, it would just make reading the comments for any particular story that much less doable. PLMC implies that if you spread the grits and portman posters across enough articles, esp. the articles they are more likely to read, then the more tech/geek articles of speciality interest will end up having better comments due to lack of participation by the whimsical and bored.
Take this bit of noise and do with it what you will...
Wafting Another Airball with Jon "Salieri " Katz (Score:1)
Hmm. even for jon Katz this is a tad too much of the hypemaster at work. Maybe Jon wrote this article for another less savy place and forgot to slip that part out, maybe he still thinks he is inventing the Net as he goes along.
Maybe I get a little ticked off when Media Scum like Jon Katz deem themselves the Voice of A Generation. Jon, do you realize taht folks could "JUMP ON IN WITH REVIEWS" way back in the BBS days of the 80's? Where you still a Media Wonk back then enough so that you missed out on the tech? Did you think that now was the only time that is?
Please, Jon, before you tell us more of your Open Source Invention, go back and study OUR history, you might be surprised that there is a rich tapestry of inovation there already.
Re:Hollywood Sunday (Score:2)
Re:Like him or not... (Score:1)
Trolls lurks under bridges and eat billy goats.
The Talented Mr. Ripley (Score:2)
First, it helps to understand the attraction of the book and its sequels. Tom Ripley is a charming, lovable sociopath without a moral bone in his body. Incredibly clever and amazingly gutsy, he takes chances you wouldn't believe and usually gets away with them. Even when he gets caught, his smooth tongue and implausible but unprovable lies get him out of many jams. The amazing thing about his character in the books is that you can't help but feel sympathy for this person with his complete lack of morals.
"Purple Noon" ("Pleine Soleil") captures that amorality very well. As you follow the convoluted plots that Ripley lays out, you have to admire his audacity. It is a great movie, and the only trouble with it is that it doesn't leave you feeling all that sympathetic for the character, the way the books do. You admire the skill with which he escapes detection of his crimes, but that doesn't make you actually like the guy.
That brings us to the new movie directed by Anthony Minghella ("The English Patient") and starring Matt Damon, Jude Law, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Cate Blanshett.
As anyone who saw "The English Patient" knows, Anthony Minghella has a love for showing scenery. Where "The English Patient" had the vastness of the desert, "The Talented Mr. Ripley" has the picturesque villages of Italy, and Minghella makes them one of the stars of the movie. That can be a good thing if you are a fan of travelogue, but is rather distracting from the subject matter being shown, I think to the movie's detriment.
Minghella apparently was aware of the problem I mentioned with "Purple Noon", because he goes to great lengths to make the audience sympathetic to the character. This Tom Ripley feels great guilt about his crimes. It is only circumstances that cause him to commit them in the first place, rather than a cold calculation as displayed in "Purple Noon".
Furthermore, in this movie Tom Ripley displays a lot more passion. Whereas in the books he was somewhat androgynous and adapted his sexuality to suit his environment, in "The Talented Mr. Ripley" there can be no doubt as to his true feelings.
By going for the sympathy vote, a believe that a vital part of the Ripley character has been torn away. If you haven't seen the previous film or read the books, you probably wouldn't even be aware that it was gone. But for those of us aware of it, the loss was a bitter disappointment. The loss also causes some odd moments in the script that are only really explained by knowing about the character from other sources.
Then there is the acting. Matt Damon just didn't have what it takes to get across the complexity of the character. Sure, the script had toned the complexity down a lot but he could have replaced some of it with some subtle acting. He doesn't. His Tom Ripley is a creature that is totally reactive rather than proactive, and lacking the sociopathic nature that is key to the character.
The rest of the cast varies from good to very good. Jude Law is outstanding as Dickie Greenleaf, conveying exactly the right combination of sincerity and decadence. Cate Blanshett does a very good job, and Gwyneth Paltrow is quite good for the first half, though in the latter half of the movie her acting is fairly simplistic. Philip Seymour Hoffman is also excellent as usual.
Overall, I walked out of the theatre having enjoyed it but disappointed about what could have been. I give the film 3 stars out of 5, where I gave Purple Noon 4 stars.
Re:Katz: Intellectually lazy (Score:1)
Re:the irritating mr. ripley (Score:1)
Critics love it? What does that prove? Critics are either blind, or easy to buy off. There's no other explanation I can think of for this, and other crappy movies, getting good reviews (I once read a positive review for Speed 2! If that is not enough to invalidate everything critics say, I dont know what is). PLEASE don't pay to see this movie. I would love to see this monstrosity not break $30m, despite the "critics"
Re:purple noon (Score:1)
I only see 2 errors...? (Score:1)
(btw, "there" is correct, unlike the guy who thought it should be "their." "Their" is possessive.)
Re:Hollywood Sunday (Score:1)
(So true about GWAR)
Re:Hollywood Sunday (Score:1)
Re:Big problem with the movie (Score:1)
Now, I will tell you one thing... Jerry Lawler playing himself in the movie.. he came across as a real jerk. Well, I've met the guy. Truth is, he wasn't acting. Oh, and in Memphis in recent years we called him Burger King
So all in all, the movie (I think) was pretty accurate and recommend people see it, but don't expect it to be some stunning autobiography because for me it was an excellent film and true entertainment.
-- Shadowcat
Re:Out of character (Score:1)
> about the joys of Wal-Mart.
Hey, why not. I could dig on that.
What is the sound of white trash shopping?
Has a shopper the Buddha Nature? Mu, Linens.
The Initiate asked the Greeter "What is Buddha?"
The Greeter struck the Initiate with a Register,
and said "Always low prices. Always."
With these words the Initiate was enlightened.
Thomas S. Howard
The formula for Any Given Sunday (Score:1)
Sometimes intense, usually incoherent football scene + Al Pacino shouting at various people for about 10 minutes
Multiply this by about 8, and you've got Any Given Sunday.
Re:I only see 2 errors...? (Score:1)
Tasty little plot. (Score:1)
Unimaginative plot? The hell?! It's very rare that we're presented with a film as complex and layered as The Talented Mr. Ripley. The audience is truly perplexed (and often frustrated) by the main character's actions, something I haven't experienced since seeing The Last Time I Committed Suicide [imdb.com] . No, it's not a happy film, but the movements of the plot are pleasantly baffling. Ripley made me want to read the rest of the books in the series.
purple moon (1958) vs. the talented mr. ripley (Score:1)
maybe someone around here knows why some reviewers refer to "strangers on a train" with regard to purple moon, yet neglect "the talented mr. ripley"? kuma
WTF? (Score:1)
umm.... he must really be a good actor then. This certainly is going out of his RL status...
Matt Damon, an...an... outsider?
I'm sure he faces a lot of rejection in life. I mean, no girls or anything. Poor guy. *end sarcasm*
Re:purple noon (Score:1)
from what i have read, the new work is quite different from purple moon, which may have had interesting sexual politics *off* the screen... really, the new film provides (according to what i have read) a powerful performance by damon as thwarted in homo-erotic love. no actual homosexual contact occurs in the film, but if you are homophobic (or otherwise mentally-ill), beware this complex story. kuma
Re:Talented Ripley? (Score:1)
I need to do my laundry
Please send $3 to:
Jon Allen
p.o. box 308142
Re:Jon Katz - Official Troll of Slashdot? (Score:1)
Keep it up Katz, you kick ass!!!
Re:Is it just me... (Score:2)
Re:Like him or not... (Score:2)
"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." - Albert Einstein
Re:Like him or not... (Score:2)
Re:Like him or not... (Score:2)
This was precisely my point. I've always thought that Slashdot was about provoking responses from the readers, thereby stimulating discussion. As a by-product, if this happens to generate a lot of hits, I think that's okay. I don't see how this can be thought of as troll-like. I think what Jon does is consistent with the "spirit" of the site and what the site was designed around.
"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." - Albert Einstein
Re:Like him or not... (Score:2)
"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." - Albert Einstein