Y2K Rollover - Post Your Experiences Here! 719
fredm8 writes "Since the Slashdot article, When Does Y2K Begin, New Zealand has experienced the Y2K rollover. Yes the power still works, the water still flows, my Windows98 PC still runs, my Linux box rocks, and my supported *nix boxes still run." We're getting lots of stories like this one submitted. We might as well have them all in one place, so please post yours below instead of sending it in as a story submission. This thread ought to make an interesting chronicle of Y2K events -- or non-events, as the case may be.
Y2K rror (Score:2)
it once again works! Unbelievable! Well, I'll just have to keep rolling back the date, I guess.
Some notes on your car design (Score:4)
- The Car: The 'Cuda is a good choice as far as technology goes - no EMP-sensitive ECU to blow out in case of a nearby nuke, and all the engine sytems are mechanical. This means you have wear issues to worry about (on things like ignition points) but it's a whole lot easier to fabricate a set of points in a high school metal shop that it is to fab a transistorized ignition.
However, your fuel system needs some thought. At roughly 7 lbs/gal, your fuel tanks will mass 770 lbs when full. And then a trunk full of concrete (huh?) is probably on the order of 500lbs - for a total weight addition of 1320 lbs.
Now a 'Cuda is probably 3700 lbs, and has a weight distribution of 60/40 - so that means roughly 1480 lbs over the rear wheels. All your new mass is right over the rear end, so now you've got 2800 lbs over the rear end.
This changes your weight distribution to 44/56.
Now to handle the extra weight, you welded the rear suspension solid. Yow! With a rear-weight bias and a solid rear suspension, this is going to be one EVIL handling car. It's going to be undrivable loose - the back end in going to keep trying to pass the front end.
But before you even get to that point, you're going to have to locate a set of rear tires with a load capacity of 1400 lbs each - nearly 3 times higher than the rating on the stock tires. Good luck!
And then there's the questionable wisdom of placing large, fixed masses directly _behind_ the driver. The first big impact is probably going to tear those tanks and that concrete block loose from their mountings, and you'll be crushed against the engine block. Ouch!
No, the well-equipped post-apocolyptic car gang member is going to be driving a diesel AM General Hummer:
- Diesel engines will run on damn near anything that will burn. In theory, you could filter the grease pit behind your local Burger King and run on the used cooking oil. And there's no ignition system to fail either.
- The Hummer is rated to carry large loads. In fact, you've got enough capacity for 3 of those drums, plus a barrel of engine oil too.
- Many Hummers, if sourced creatively, come already equipped with weaponry of various sorts. I, personally, would recommend a Browning
Although it's hard to pass up on the TOW-2 pintle mount version.
- The Hummer has lots of ground clearence - good for climbing over spurious obstacles.
Good luck!
No RTFM (Score:2)
You've got it all wrong:
cat man
While you're at it:
apropos 'What to wear to the party?'
What part of "Gestalt" don't you understand?
geocities acting funny (Score:2)
IE took me to this disgusting site instead:
In fact, any attempt to access geocities seems to be routed to this site. Has geocities been hacked? Does my computer have a really sick URL reroute virus? I'd like to know!
Re:An observation (Score:2)
I do agree that the name millenium bug is silly (for more reason than one), but somehow I seriously doubt that that's the idea was what that spokesperson wanted to express. :-)
Re:An observation (Score:2)
Not neccessarily. 2Km = 2 Kilo meter = 2000 meter. Only in computerland 2K equals 2048, and while The Bug mainly is a computer problem, counting years is not a computer concept. Besides, what to do with paper forms on which the 19 has been preprinted? It's the basically same problem even with no computer in sight.
Report (Score:2)
Linux says:
Sat Jan 1 01:31:54 CST 2000
No problems there...
The 2038 overflow (Score:2)
Re:The 19100 bug... here's why (Score:2)
So Perl is no more prone to Y1C than C. However, Perl *programmers* are more prone to Y1C than C programmers. Is that better phrasing?
As for the prevalence of the Cut and Paste Programming Antipattern with Perl... again, it's a lot easier in Perl than it is in C. When i found 150+ scripts with the bug, many of those scripts didn't even USE the timestamp string generated. And virtually all of those scripts dated to Perl 4, or stuck to Perl 4 conventions. Was there a POSIX module then?
chars is barely sufficient
The 19100 bug... here's why (Score:5)
The 19100 bug comes from improper use of the header in the C standard library. It is much more common in Perl than C, but much more disappointing in C.
To learn about this, get out your battered copy of K&R (you DO have K&R, don't you? _The C Programming Language_, by Kernigan and Richie. If you only have one book on C, it should be this one). Turn to the reference in the appendix. Look at the description of struct tm. You'll see that tm->tm_year is the years *since 1900*. So, to print years correctly, in either two-digit or four-digit form, we must add 1900 to tm->tm_year.
Here's where naive, amateurish C programmers mess up. They do not learn their standard libraries, and thus reinvent them poorly. The strftime() function provides printf()-style formatting for struct tm. It will print the year correctly in either two-digit or four-digit form. Programmers who don't know their libraries just stick tm_year in a printf() somewhere, without accounting for the missing 1900, something like this:
printf("19%d", tm->tm_year);
which will print 1999, then 19100. The libraries are very good (with the glaring exception of some security holes!). Learn them and use them.
Perl is where this bug comes into its own. For various reasons either obvious or opaque to you, strftime() does not exist in Perl. And the contents of struct tm are handed back from ctime() as an array. Therefore, more programmers are likely to not look deep enough to see how this SHOULD be handled, and do the 19100 bug, since they don't have a nice built-in library routine to do it for them.
This is a tremendous problem. When doing Y2K checking for a previous job, i found this bug in over 150 Perl scripts, mostly due to cut-and-paste programming (Perl unfortunately encourages that approach). I also found it in the popular wwwboard online discussion script. I'll bet it's all over the place.
Hopefully, someone finds this informative, and maybe moderates it up so it actually gets READ.
chars is barely sufficient
Re:19100?? (Score:2)
For those who don't know, perl gives you back a year value which is the number of years SINCE 1900. Therefore, you calculate your year with $year = $perlYear + 1900; .. they probably just did "print '19$perlYear';"
Re:The 2038 overflow (Score:2)
Or support for times prior to 1970, at least.
However, the answer may be "what's an 'unsigned'?" According to the version of the C Reference Manual that came with 6th Edition UNIX, there was no unsigned data type - that was added later. That manual is online, but only in Postscript, and is linked to from Dennis Ritchie's home page [bell-labs.com]; here's the document itself [bell-labs.com].
Right on machines using sign-magnitude representation, but not on machines using two's-complement representation, as most UNIX machines are (there existed, at least at one point, a UNIX port to the Univac 36-bit mainframes; those were, I think, one's complement).
In two's complement, on a 32-bit machine,
1000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
is -2147483648, and
1000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001
is -2147483647.
Re:Fine in Melbourne, Australia. (Score:2)
Which doesn't necessarily mean it's down due to a Y2K bug; the San Jose, California, USA Mercury News had an article yesterday that began with:
Not all bugs that occur around the transition from 1999-12-31 to 2000-01-01 are Y2K bugs; there're plenty of bugs to go around....
The Optus Y2K Site [optus.net.au] claims, as of when I last checked, that
and, for what it's worth, the Optus home page [optus.com.au] says
Re:Y2k problem at this website... (Score:2)
It now, for what it's worth, says just "01 01 99".
Of course, it also says "Fireworks New Years Eve", while displaying a picture that, if it's evening, is early evening (unless, just as it's summer this time of year in the Antipodes, it's "evening" at 7 AM :-)), and looks suspiciously as if it's morning, as per the "07:15:56" it was displaying when I checked it; there aren't any fireworks to be seen, either.
Re:It Appears that, (Score:2)
Hot Grits, Inc.'ll have to buy out the domain name first [hotgrits.com].
Re:The 2038 overflow (Score:2)
But I do not care, in 2038 I will sure wear my wooden suit
Re:Server b0rked (Score:2)
the definition of 'struct tm' in time.h [or equivalent], on which the return list from localtime/gmtime is based. It could be written in C, or Perl, or just about anything that uses struct tm or a data structure based on it.
Re:telstra are up - depends on your cell server (Score:2)
No problems in Tokyo! (Score:2)
I'm a systems administrator at a large ISP in Tokyo, and we completed our first few rounds of systems testing and nervous anxiety after the 2000 rollover.
Nothing to report, which is good. One interesting note, perhaps: I was asked to power down the Linux systems a few minutes before midnight because if the power went out, the filesystems would take too long to fsck (we have a large RAID connected to a couple of them).
No power outages, sewage overflows, or anything abnormal. I'm ready to pop this bottle of Möet champagne now!
Jack of all trades, master of none: http://whole.net/~pup/ [whole.net]
Re:Tables of four (Score:2)
intelligent people.
I'm not convinced the average american can count to 8.
Well, all is sweet so far in NZ... (Score:3)
Oh, in other news, I might've been on track for the first road accident of the new millenium when I found myself going sideways on a *very* slippery corner on a wet and windy road coming home a couple of hours ago. Managed to straighten up safely though, would have been heaps of fun if I'd done it deliberately
I can't email from Netscape (Score:2)
I'm sorry. What I meant to say was 'please excuse me.'
what came out of my mouth was 'Move or I'll kill you!'
Unimog is too retro. (Score:2)
Oka [4wdonline.com]
I'm concerned event reports are being ignored (Score:2)
The main Australian site for Y2k event reports, http://www.y2kaustralia.gov.au/ [y2kaustralia.gov.au] clearly shows no events [] in any sector, in any state. Yet, the ABC breaking news [abc.net.au] site has a story of Y2k problems hitting a transport ticketing system [abc.net.au] in one or two states.
This is just one I've spotted. How many other events aren't being reported on official Y2k event reporting sites?
Y2K The Best Thing To Happen To Microsoft (Score:2)
As for your web page, yup, as of 8:40 AM CDT it is still down. Before blaming Y2K or the apacolypse, may I suggest a good, hard look at the underlying system. After all, you did say IE, right?
Re:CE year 0 == 1 B.C. (Score:2)
Re:The 2038 overflow (Score:2)
First Y2K issue, where no man has gone before.. (Score:4)
this story on News.com, Startrek- voyeger's web site claims that the next episode will be aired.. 99 years and 364 days ago.
check it out here. [startrek.com]
(and it's running a ASP script... why isn't this suprising?)
Darnit (Score:2)
Re:Y2K Bug: CNN/Headline News Says Not "Millennium (Score:2)
A useful resource... (Score:2)
Re:Y2K Bug: CNN/Headline News Says Not "Millennium (Score:2)
On the other hand... (Score:2)
Re:We've got Y2K problems. (Score:2)
Also, the launcher program KickOff (from WordPerfect 6.0), like Cron, reports the next launch date as 6am on 1/1/100. It is used to start this report printing software every morning. There is only one server here with the problem, but I know of another site with over 200 installations of KickOff...
PalmOS 3.0 Fails to Rollover in NZ (Score:2)
The devices remained set at 31st December 1999 but did move to an AM time. They accepted a manual date change with no problems.
The SPT1500 is basically the same as a Palm III but has a Symbol laser barcode scanner built in to the top.
A-OKAY in Kansas City (Score:2)
One funny thing did happen though... on our ham radio emergency net the guy up at the Independence, MO police station had a bit of a scare. At precisely 12:00am the circuit breaker he was on popped. Guess it could not handle the load from the coffee pot, a computer, and a mobile rig.
I was hoping that the power would at least go out for an hour or so.. would be nice to see the stars without any light pollution.
IE Homepage is down (Score:2)
Perhaps this is a Y2K problem.
Well done Micros~1
Re:IE Homepage is down (Score:2)
More down than up... of course...
Re:19100?? (Score:2)
Same thing is true for Javascript date/time functions in web browsers. Though IE and Netscape handle it differently. I believe IE works like Perl does above, but netscape, once it gets to "2000" just jumps from 99 to 2000. I wrote a script to fix this over a year ago for all the dates we display on websites at work, but someone yesterday just meantioned that they rolled ahead to 2000 and were getting Jan 30, 192000 as the date. It's always nice when you have a code library for people to use, but they decide to go ahead and write there own code any way, and the wrong way. Ugh. Now I have to go in and fix 100 project sites because of some moron.
UK Government Y2K-monitoring website (Score:2)
Although judging by the leaflet every home in the country got sent, they may be more into the business of reassurance than information. Choice extract from that leaflet (paraphrased from memory): Q. Will nuclear weapons go off because of the Y2K bug? A. Don't worry! All of the UK's nuclear missiles have been tested and found to be safe. Phew.
An observation (Score:3)
It's to do with the second digit of the year changing, not the first. It would only have been a millennium bug if programmers had used the last three digits to represent the year!
Time Delay on Problems? (Score:2)
OTOH, we're wondering if some problems couldn't have a time delay, and only crop up several days later? What do others think.
As an aside, I think the media frenzy around Y2K is interesting. When Y2K first surfaced in the media, everyone was discussing how it would cause problems in billing. Nowadays, the media has been predicting everything from nukes going off to terrorist attacks. Sheesh.
Re:IE Homepage is down (Score:2)
Weather.com has minor bug (Score:2)
Here's a link for an example. [weather.com]
The SysAdmin Speaks!! (Score:2)
Uhm. Problems? What problems? Houston, we have a problem? Wait, no, yes, er, maybe?
Well, save for probably 30-50 pieces of workstations and Axil hardware, everything's passed the preliminary tests.
I can unofficially (IANACSP[1]) say that our network is 100% ready as far as the data side goes.
We officially have 4 hours as of 4 minutes ago till the Trial By Fire, and we have an 'example' system - an Axil 320 - to see what actually happens - it's set to EST so it's one of the first to blow up - also about 5 minutes fast.
From what I have heard from other locations and other companies, everything looks good to go. Some telcos, mostly cellphone companies and LD companies, are afraid of the load. But, all I can say is that it looks like a big NOTHING.
That's right. Y2k is the big NOTHING.
I hope everyone has a safe and happy new year, and remember to check your beer for Y2k compliance before drinking!
[1] I Am Not A Corporate SpokesPerson(tm).
If you would like to quote me, please EMAIL ME FIRST. EMAIL ME HERE [mailto] first, actually.
=RISCy Business
Re:Battery-powered! (Score:2)
My Y2K brush with death (Score:2)
Employment Opportunity: Warlords Wanted (Score:2)
Our organization will have a dominant role in the new era. The empire headquarters will be in Central America, though there are opportunities in ALL locations around the world.
If Linux gets its "World Domination" (Score:2)
Re:Y2k != millenium (Score:5)
The answer is if you use the Gregorian Calendar and start the first
millennium with the year 1 AD then the third millennium begins with the year
2001 AD. But if you use the Common Era Calendar, in which years are numbered
-2, -1, 0, 1, 2,
then the third millennium begins with the year 2000 CE. You have a choice. And
if you opt for the Common Era Calendar you no longer have to put up with the
smug assertion that "there was no year zero (so the new millennium begins in
2001)". There was no year zero when Pope Gregory XIII introduced the Gregorian
Calendar in the 16th Century but there certainly is one now, and the new
millennium in the Common Era Calendar begins in 2000 CE.
The number zero was introduced into westerm circles, along with the
Arabic numerals we use to day, in the 13th century, but the church refused to
allow them to be used, simply on the grounds that they were invented by Muslims.
However, zero and the numbering system we use today did eventually make it into
acceptance by the 16th century, and greatly simplified mathematics in Europe.
We can't really blame the church for 2000/2001 issue, because the current year
numbering system that we used (2 BC, 1 BC, 1 AD,
a monk in either the 7th or 8th century, before we even heard of the Arabic
numbering system or zero.
Roman numerals do not have a figure designating zero, and treating zero
as a number on an equal footing with other numbers was not common in the 6th
century when our present year reckoning was established by Dionysius Exiguus.
Dionysius let the year AD 1 start one week after what he believed to be Jesus'
birthday. Therefore, AD 1 follows immediately after 1 BC with no intervening
year zero. So a person who was born in 10 BC and died in AD 10, would have died
at the age of 19, not 20. Furthermore, Dionysius' calculations were wrong. The
Gospel of Matthew tells us that Jesus was born under the reign of King Herod the
Great, and he died in 4 BC. It is likely that Jesus was actually born around 7
BC. The date of his birth is unknown; it may or may not be 25 December.
Since the "Anno Domini" system did not come into effect until the 6th
Century A.D. it is artificial to speak of the years 1 A.D., 100 A.D., etc.,
because people living at that time knew nothing of this system of numbering
years (since it had not then been invented yet). Furthermore the Romans in the
reign of Augustus (27 B.C. to 14 A.D.) were somewhat lax in the proper
observance of leap years. But we can project backwards (and forwards) from 525
A.D. by representing the succession of years by the series of natural numbers:
1, 2, 3,
through 10 A.D. (including both years) was a period of ten years (since there
are ten numbers in the series 1, 2,
A.D. is a period of 100 years, and from 1 A.D. to 1000 A.D. is a period of 1000
The word "millennium" means "a period of 1000 years" so we can conclude
that the period from 1 A.D. through 1000 A.D. (including both years) constituted
one millennium, and in fact, the first millennium of the Christian era. So the
second millennium of the Christian era begins with the year 1001 A.D., or more
exactly, on 1st January 1001 A.D. And the third millennium of the Christian era
begins on 1st January 2001 A.D. So for Christians - or at least, for all who
adhere to the Christian system of numbering years - the answer is clear: The new
millennium begins on 1st January 2001 A.D. However, this is not the end of the
matter, because the "Anno Domini" system of year numbering has a major flaw,
namely, it may be OK for years since 1 A.D., but what happens when we consider
earlier years? As is well known, such years are numbered in reverse order, and
designated as years "Before Christ". Thus the year immediately before 1 A.D. is
designated 1 B.C., and the series extends backwards: 2 B.C., 3 B.C., etc.
With the rise of modern scholarship, particularly astronomy, archaeology
and chronological studies, this system was felt to be inadequate for scientific
purposes. For one thing it does not lend itself to calculation using dates. For
example (a very simple one), how many years elapsed between 1st January 6 B.C.
and 1st January 6 A.D.? Twelve years? No. The answer is not obvious (and still
less obvious if we consider longer periods such as that from 535 B.C. to 481
A.D.). So astronomers and chronologists decided to number years by representing
the succession of years by the doubly-infinite series of positive and negative
system of numbering years. In this system years from 1 onwards have the same
numbers as years A.D. (year 1 = 1 A.D., and so on), but years B.C. are related
as follows: The year 0 in the astronomical system is the year 1 B.C., and the
year -n in the astronomical system is the year n+1 B.C. (for n = 1, 2, 3,
Conversely, the year n B.C. is the year -(n-1) in the astronomical system. Thus
year -1 = 2 B.C., year -2 = 3 B.C., and so on.
A millennium is, by definition, a period of 1000 years. But it is no
part of the definition that a millennium must begin or end with a particular
year number. If we adopt the astronomical year numbering system then we can
begin the "first" millennium with year 0 just as well as with year 1. Strictly
speaking, there is no first millennium in the astronomical system, since it
simply numbers years by mapping them onto the sequence
..., and we are free to begin millennia where we think fit. It is thus clear
that the answer to the question as to when the new millennium begins depends on
which system of year-numbering one chooses to use. Christians may prefer to stay
with the system of years "Anno Domini", in which case they must answer that the
new millennium begins on 1st January 2001 A.D. Scientists and others who prefer
a more rational and useful system of numbering years may prefer to adopt
explicitly the astronomical system. In this case they are free to begin
millennia from the years 1, 1001, 2001, and so on (in which case the third
millennium begins on 1st January 2001), or from the years 0, 1000, 2000, and so
on (in which case the third millennium begins on 1st January 2000). Thus anyone
who wishes, for whatever reason, to celebrate the start of the new millennium on
1st January 2000 has entirely good and rational grounds for doing so, namely,
(i) the adoption of the astronomical system for numbering years, combined with
(ii) the convention of beginning millennia with years whose numbers end in "000"
(and beginning centuries with years whose numbers end in "00"). Note that this
article does not show that those who hold (as those who adhere to the Christian
calendar must hold) that the new millennium begins on 1st January 2001 are
mistaken. Such people have reasons to justify their preference. But this does
show that anyone who prefers to think of the year 2000 as the first year of the
new millennium has perfectly sound reasons for doing so.
I plagorized the SHIT out of this from postings on slashdot and on the internet... no offense to anyone.
Re:An observation (Score:2)
SI prefixes (kilo, milli, deca, pico, et al) is not "metric only."
look at kilovolt, microfarad, megohm, etc. Those are not metric units, yet they use SI prefixes.
Note the MKS (metres, kilograms, seconds) and CGS (centimetres, grams, seconds) systems as well, for maintaining proper relationships in physics calculations.
Finally, SI prefixes are used in time measurements. Ever hear of a millisecond?
The SI system was designed to be ridiculously easy to use an can be applied to any unit, keeping consistency and simplicity. Imagine if we kept the imperial practise of making up new words for appropriate units? How about if a microfarad was called a flinker instead? Then change picofarad, nanofarad, millivolt... Life would be very painful for me.
Re:An observation (Score:2)
Re:19100?? (Score:3)
Current time in Auckland, New Zealand is: Saturday, January 1, 19100 - 00:34:31
I dont think many people anticipated the 19100 problem, heheh.
-- iCEBaLM
Millenium bug animation (joke) (Score:2)
http://www.thesitefights.com/wepa trol/mil_bug.gif [thesitefights.com]
Re:19100?? (Score:2)
The problem with getYear() is that in early implementations of JavaScript it returns a two-digit year for dates between 1900-01-01 and 1999-31-12, while for all other dates it returns a four-digit year. See Netscape's Client-Side JavaScript Reference getYear [netscape.com] under "Backward Compatibility". Later implementations always return the year minus 1900, just like Perl does. Netscape's reference says the turnover came with JS v1.2, so Netscape 4.x, IE4 & IE5 should in theory all do it right.
Y2k problem at this website... (Score:2)
Your Friendly Neighborhood New Years Curmudgeon,
Oh My God!! Everything is WORKING!!! (Score:2)
All I can think of is the horrendous waste of food and water as our Premier (equivalent of State Governer in the US) went on TV last night and told everyone to fill up bathtubs, buckets and water bottles as well as stockpile food for a fortnight. Now everyone is simply going to tip it down the drain.
We have enough problems in Oz with drought and water shortages without idiot politicians telling us how to waste resources. For those in the USA - EVERYTHING IS GOING TO WORK. DON'T WASTE WATER AND FOOD BY STOCKPILING.
Now at last this idiocy can end. Let's make the best of the new year for all of us.
John Wiltshire
Re:Fine in Melbourne, Australia. (Score:2)
Optus Cable and Wireless is down now as far as I can tell and its 1:55am local time. I can't get a connection to or from my mobile phone.
Early in the night it did seem quite busy but now its just a mix between being dead and a noise recording. It even stoped sending out the message saying which tower the phone was reciving
So if your counting on mobile as a backup...forget it.
Date: Sat, 1 Jan 100 00:50:01 +73100 (Score:4)
Everyone have a happy 19100!
Y2K from the front line... (Score:4)
Just talking about general Y2K readiness, it was amusing to watch on TV how people living in cities behaved, with stocking up on water, toilet paper and batteries on the 31st. I'm in a rural community where we can get by without technology anyhow - our water supply is rainwater collected from the roof into a 20,000 litre tank and even without electricity all we need is a siphon hose
Anyhow, on general Y2K readiness it's been amusing since I used to work for a company that made the point-of-sale systems for the local oil companies. 20 years ago, most of the staff could deal with not having power at all, manually pumping the stuff using hand cranks. 10 years ago after we had computerised everything, that knowledge of how to operate had basically vanished. It's amazing how quickly people forgot how to operate in a manual world.
See, that's pretty much what I'm worried about (Score:2)
Basically, especially in the US, when ANYthing goes wrong tonight (and something inevitably will), it will be blamed on the rollover, whether or not that is actually the case. Not good.
Mother Nature might not be Y2K compliant, and some storm somewhere could very well knock power off. And in Rochester, the local telephone company has been telling people "Don't pick up your phone at 12:01 to see if it works; you might overload the circuits," which leads me to believe that people might not be Y2K compliant even if machinery is.
All ok in Tampa (Score:2)
Also went looking for some of those "bunker" people who got parnoid and ran to the hills for Y2K. Here is one's [ntx.net] admission of embarrasment.
This morning (Score:3)
Also, my waffles were burned today. So I think my toaster may not be y2k compliant.
A few horsemen and guys with trumpets showed up at my door asking directions to New York. Man, I hope they're not late for their party.
Jazilla.org - the Java Mozilla [sourceforge.net]
Re:end of millenium (it works both ways) (Score:2)
Everything's down (Score:2)
My phone isn't working either - no dial tone. Just dead. I guess all the Y2K stuff wasn't just hype. Oh well, guess I'll hop over to my brokerage account and sell some stock.
Re:Y2K yes, New Millenium NO (Score:2)
(sigh) sorry to be pedantic, but the Gregorian calender wasn't invented until ~525A.D.
See this [historyhouse.com] for the real skinny.
And incidentally, hen people refer to the next millennium, they are generally speaking of the third millennium, which, in fact, begins 2001. Sheesh, you're being more pedantic about this than I am. See this [douglasadams.com] article by Douglas Adams to find out what happens to pedants.
Re:It's 2:30AM in Melbourne... (Score:2)
ObHackery: perl -pe y/a-z//s
More Calendar bugs (Score:2)
Tables of four (Score:2)
The only important question is this: does the 8th person sit at the end of 2nd table or the start of the 3rd one?
Once you figure that out, everything is clear. I suspect that even hamburger flipsters can handle this one.
Re:Y2K yes, New Millenium NO (Score:2)
The only way you could get a -ii plural in Latin is if there were a -ius singular. For example, from radius you get radii and from genius, genii. The more common situation, that of second declension masculines, is just -us going to -i, as in abacus becoming abaci, or focus becoming foci. (We shan't get into corpus becoming corpora.)
Note also that Latin had more than one meaning for anus. One [tufts.edu] takes the meaning you're assuming here, and is a second declension masculine. However, another [tufts.edu], which had a different meaning, was 4th not 2nd declension, so formed its plural the way status and apparatus did -- by converting the vowel in the -us from a short to a long u, which changed pronunciation but not spelling.
Happy antemillennium. :-)
Re:The 19100 bug... here's why (Score:2)
I see you've neglected to cover Java and Javascript, too.
I don't see how people who don't know libraries in Perl are any different that people who don't know libraries in C. I already mentioned this code:
It's easy to make the same screw up in Perl: In both those programs, the result is: Sure, I could have used strftime() in both of them. Or, I could have learned about what localtime() returns. But both require one thing: RingTFM. People don't do that. It doesn't matter the language. So they suffer.I think you are mistaken to say that Perl is any more prone to this than C. Both have a year back from struct tm that is offset from 1900 making it easy to screw up, and both provide strftime if you know about it.
Internet's Looking Fine.. (Score:2)
Re:The 2038 overflow (Score:2)
Re:weather.com... (Score:3)
Or maybe their forecast is exactly right... hmm...
My Linux Alpha stopped working before noon PST (Score:2)
When I got up this morning the power save on the monitor wouldn't go off, even after turning the monitor on and off again. We couldn't log in to it remotely. Ping returned nothing.
As a last resort we tried turning it off and on again. The "Please select the operating system to start" screen gives Linux as its only choice. After choosing Linux it says, "The highlighted Operating System Selection is not valid. To modify an Operating System Selection enter Setup option."
We've tried turning the date back on the bios, but that doesn't change anything. My husband suspects the hard drive. I'm not sure if there is a virus that does this. We've been attacked before, but it was the other machine (the one I'm writing this post from) that was compromised.
If anyone has any ideas, I'd sure appreciate them. Normally I'd ask for e-mail, but Frost was our e-mail server and it is the one that is down... I just signed up for a yahoo mail account to take responses. Try mailing beth_leonard@yahoo.com [mailto].
I tried calling Microway, but their number just rang until I got the operator's "If you'd like to make a call, please hang up and try again," message.
I'm OK (Score:2)
Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 2000 -0.000000
Whoo hooo!
Happy New Year!
Re:Some notes on your car design (Score:2)
Battery-powered! (Score:2)
Re:Some notes on your car design (Score:2)
Hah - my solar powered electric motor scooter will keep running for years longer than your monstrosity .... and my spud gun will continue to defend me long after you run out of hairspray for your cannon ...... mind you potatos are going to be worth their weight in gold .... people will be lining up to be shot at ......
Starving expectations and Y2K crumbs (Score:2)
A 1900 web clock is about as interesting and noteworthy as a page defacement, CNET is gonna have a great month.
Great Idea (Score:2)
Y2k problems here. (Score:5)
On the brighter side, my girlfriend is looking even cuter than usual.
All OK - Melbourne Australia - 3am local (Score:2)
Next major point will be some time this morning when we cross 00:00 UTC (airtraffic control, etc).
Check out Australia's government Y2K update site [y2kaustralia.gov.au] for more info. You'll need to follow the link to the public site - they've password protected the main sections.
Re:See, that's pretty much what I'm worried about (Score:2)
Okay, I have two comments on this. First, I'm familiar with the issue with getting dial tone. The dial tone is generated by the switch and it can only generate dial tone for a fraction of the total lines it is connected to. It makes sense when you think about the facts. Dialing only happens during a small fraction of the duration of the call and only one party to the call needs that dial tone.
The second is for fable2112 herself. It's nice to see that I'm not the only person here from sunny Rochester.
Re:Fun with the media (Score:2)
I think, given the likely reactions of your employers, their customers, the government and the public, you should follow the example of a group of Iraqi soldiers from the beginning of the decade. Surrender to the CNN news crew when you are done. It is your only hope to avoid an early and unpleasant death. And it is a slim hope.
Re:Tables of four (Score:2)
Wow, a karma transplant to an anonymous coward. That's going to be a challenge. How will we know it's you? Will you be the one wearing a Slashdot T-shirt and running Linux? Seriously, if you want karma, you could try posting under your own name. It isn't like anything you said was controversial.
Wall Street is expecting smooth sailing (Score:2)
Re:Sampling Bias (Score:2)
FAA reporting no problems (Score:2)
Re:It Appears that, (Score:2)
Geez... get a life people.
Sampling Bias (Score:5)
1) Have electricity
2) Have an OS that still works
3) Have a browser that still works, and
4) Have an ISP that still works
With this sort of sampling bias, we really shouldn't be expecting too many "horror" stories... Most will be "yeah, my stuff still works, which is why I can post this..."
:) awaiting "Smartass" moderation...
California's Central Coast (Score:2)
The power's on.
The phones work.
The ISP's up.
The toaster still gets my toast oh, so perfect.
Happy New Year!
PERL year . . (Score:2)
Auckland's Undernet server had problems.. (Score:2)
!Run! Or did it just halt there?
!Run! *** auckland.nz.undernet.org 946638290 255 : Saturday January 1 2000 -- 00:00 -35:00(from auckland.nz.undernet.org)
!Run! ROFL!!! Note the -35:00
it's not a y2k bug, it's a y2k miracle! (Score:2)
see, it's the year 2000 now, and as we all know, 2000 is the future. for one thing, the silly boxes you call 'cars' have all been replaced by bubble cars from the jetsons. we all have robot maids, the wallpaper is metallic, and my wardrobe is now sharp and plasticy. we live in a utopian society under the care and guidance of the big brother, and there's no disease, hunger, or crime. because it's the future, you see; no need for bad things here. in fact, our genes have been altered to weed out such impure thoughts.
anyway, i have to go to a 4d holographic cybertechnotrendybuzzword videotelephonographic conference now. just remember, the y2k rollover wasn't that bad. unless of course you start hearing the trumpets of gabriel, then you're going to hell.
We've got Y2K problems. (Score:3)
I think the biggest Y2K problem will be quick changes that are not thought through.
All's quiet on the Japanese front (Score:2)
I don't know if it's just plain silly or oddly appropriate that I'm ushering in the new year/decade/century/millennium on the Internet (something which will likely have a profound influence on our future).
A lot of people will be feeling very silly tomorrow morning. Happy New Year everyone!
Apocalypse Wow! Tips for the post-Armageddon Era (Score:5)
Billions of people around the globe are thinking this very thought. Don't be part of the mass of cannon fodder awaiting their fate on January 1st. I'd like to help others survive and prosper after the Y2K "situation" by describing the preparations I've made over the past year for tonight's Big Event.
1. The Car
Nothing says "I'm a survivor!" like a cool set of wheels, which is why I have a 1971 Plymouth HemiCuda [prodigy.net] with a 426ci/425hp V8.
I took out the rear window and rear seats, and welded in two 55-gallon drums as reserve fuel tanks.
I filled the trunk with cement so I could ram other vehicles in reverse during "Road Warrior"-type scenarios.
Due to the weight of the cement in the trunk, I had to replace the rear shocks with solid steel bars, so the suspension is pretty stiff, but boy does it have some range!
I've mounted a 20mm cannon (originally from a AH-1 Cobra helicopter) - that I bought on eBay [ebay.com] for $35K - to the roof of the car so it faces forward.
It fires when the left turn signal is activated.
I use a Xybernaut [xybernaut.com] wearable PC for aiming, and I adapted the anti-wobble feature of my camcorder to stabilize the cannon during vehicle movement and firing.
There is a radiacmeter attached to the grill, so I'll know when I'm approaching former urban areas.
I didn't have time to cut a hole in the hood to accommodate the huge intake of the supercharger attached to the engine, so I just left the hood off.
The exhaust system has been removed as a vestigial performance-hindering remnant of a civilized era.
2. The Duds
I have a fire-resistant Nomex jumpsuit dyed to match desert terrain, as all terrain will soon be desert terrain.
For formal occasions, black leather chaps are acceptable, but the buttless kind will make you the laughing-stock of Bartertown.
Accessorize with low-slung pistol holster [brigadegunleather.com], gas mask [gasmasks.com], and black leather jackboots [dehner.com].
Bandoleers are in this year, but only for survivors with crew-served weapons.
Fine-grain leather driving gloves will assist you in controlling your vehicle when driving through fallout-blighted areas.
3. Food
Pound-for-pound, dry dog food has ten times the nutritional value of boiled potatoes, and it can be stored longer, too!
Dog food for older dogs is often packed with fillers that you just don't need, but Puppy Chow [puppychow.com] is geared towards growing dogs, and has more than enough nutrition.
I'm towing a U-Haul trailer [uhaul.com] full of it, with a few cases of surplus MREs from the Gulf War for special occasions.
I hope I've provided some insight into the preparations necessary for surviving the coming hard times.
I am interested in having a traveling companion to help with driving.
Any fertile females interested in repopulating the planet should contact me at TheSurvivor@militia.mt.us
19100?? (Score:4)
one interesting thing after a
[t/v] [client.oz.org] 946646223 0 saturday january 1 19100 -- 00:17 -37:00
Dam (Score:3)
Everything is burning, my servers are all crashed and there are thousands of the undead on my door step. The HORROR the HORROR of it all. Please God save me from this world. There is massive amounts of radation leaking in though the vents, and the smell of Death is all around me. Most of my fellow brothers are dead, and those still living are praying and begging for the sweet grip of death to choke out their last breaths. Please death save me from this. Pleaes death, take it all away. The End is Here
Oh, wait. Dam, sorry false alarm. I forgot I am in Central time zone and it is only 8:02AM on Dec 31/99 still. Sorry my bad. I still got 15-16 hours left.
I will keep your posted.