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Education Programming

Why Coding Is Not the New Literacy 212

An anonymous reader writes: There has been a furious effort over the past few years to bring the teaching of programming into the core academic curricula. Enthusiasts have been quick to take up the motto: "Coding is the new literacy!" But long-time developer Chris Granger argues that this is not the case: "When we say that coding is the new literacy, we're arguing that wielding a pencil and paper is the old one. Coding, like writing, is a mechanical act. All we've done is upgrade the storage medium. ... Reading and writing gave us external and distributable storage. Coding gives us external and distributable computation. It allows us to offload the thinking we have to do in order to execute some process. To achieve this, it seems like all we need is to show people how to give the computer instructions, but that's teaching people how to put words on the page. We need the equivalent of composition, the skill that allows us to think about how things are computed."

He further suggests that if anything, the "new" literacy should be modeling — the ability to create a representation of a system that can be explored or used. "Defining a system or process requires breaking it down into pieces and defining those, which can then be broken down further. It is a process that helps acknowledge and remove ambiguity and it is the most important aspect of teaching people to model. In breaking parts down we can take something overwhelmingly complex and frame it in terms that we understand and actions we know how to do."
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Why Coding Is Not the New Literacy

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  • by raymorris ( 2726007 ) on Monday January 26, 2015 @10:27PM (#48910787) Journal

    I've always thought programming is more like writing POETRY than just being literate - not everyone needs to do it. Both involve writing down words, but knowing the vocabulary and grammar isn't the really the point.

    If you wanted everyone to be a programmer, you wouldn't teach them code, you'd teach them skills of system design, troubleshooting, etc. But why would you want everyone to be a programmer? That's like teaching everyone to be a diesel mechanic or poet. Kind of a waste of time.

    • by ColdWetDog ( 752185 ) on Monday January 26, 2015 @11:03PM (#48910995) Homepage

      Pretty much this. The whole push to have 'everyone' code is because it's trendy and is a definable skill, unlike 'learning how to think' or reason. And it segues quickly into 'jobs' which makes everybody happy. Further, there is this odd belief among many people (including a whole raft of Slashdot posters) that software can do anything and the world should be viewed through the lens of a Von Neumann machine.

      Coding is a subset of human activity, not a superset. Even modeling, as championed by TFA is only a small part of human learning.

      But schools are in a tough place. They are supposed to teach everyone, from the next Albert Einstein to the kid that will be sweeping the floor. They're supposed to push the latter child farther and faster than they could possibly go while not slowing down the new Einstein. All the while acting as in loco parentis, cop, judge and diaper changer.

      For only $29.95 per child.

      • I'd put it a different way. From TFS, they try to create an analogy between coding and composition, that just isn't remotely appropriate. If coding is the new literacy, software engineering is the new composition. Yet reading and writing, basic literacy, help billions of people who are neither authors, nor poets in doing their everyday job. Literacy enabled a huge revolution in the workforce, and life in general.

        Coding is a tool, like a hammer. Anyone can wield a hammer, some people do so far more proficien

        • Yet reading and writing, basic literacy, help billions of people who are neither authors, nor poets in doing their everyday job. Literacy enabled a huge revolution in the workforce, and life in general.

          That's what I understand to be the aim of the HtDP project - to put a decent number of people into some reasonable place between the alphabet and Shakespeare.

        • by tlhIngan ( 30335 )

          If enough people understood properly how to command their computer, productivity would would increase by orders of magnitude and our lives would change again. Most of the produced code would be very utilitarian, poorly structured, utterly mundane but incredibly useful.

          So why do we treat "using a computer" specially?

          Shouldn't we also teach them about say, cars? And we should add in the legal system. Perhaps IP law, since the majority of /.'s seem to be so intelligent about IT things but completely illiterate

      • by Xest ( 935314 )

        If I can take one thing away from what's being said without managing to actually get to the point it's that apparently what we really need is to do a better job of teaching mathematics.

        I mean, that's really what it all comes down to.

        Programming is ultimately just an application of that. The reasons for needing to teach it universally ultimately seem to fall back to the simple fact that current methods of, and the areas of mathematics teaching are currently failing kids.

        So rather than recognising that giving

      • Scools and education are mighty bizarre places.

        There's weird emphasis on useful things except where there isn't.

        No one pretends that literary criticism is a useful skill, or that reading books is anything other than entertainment. Yet it is taught. Likewise, History is only needed if you're going to teach history, but it's taught because knowing history is part of being a well rounded person.

        Apparently things that can be technical have to be useful.

        Personally I think programming should be taught in schools

    • by s.petry ( 762400 ) on Monday January 26, 2015 @11:55PM (#48911227)

      I would not say it's like poetry, any more than I would say it can be taught like a foreign language. Neither is true in the broad sense.

      My context comes from a Math/Philosophy education (before we had CS degrees). I am not a programmer for a living, but I have had to write programs for nearly 30 years. My "programming" is not something a user normally interfaces with, my programs have to interface with everything else. I have had little problem writing in Perl, Ruby, C, various "sh" scripts, and started with Fortran and Pascal. The reason I could do this is because I know concepts that sit underneath, I know logic and can break problems down to components. I know how to take knowledge in one subject and use it to my advantage in other subjects. Wisdom came with age and practice, but I needed the base knowledge to start with.

      This giant push for STEM will not teach people critical thinking and logic, which you can benefit from in any job. This "push" won't make better programmers, because we are not teaching the core logic.

      See, the problem with teaching everyone logic is that it comes at a risk. People in power don't want to be questioned, and a bunch more smart people would cause problems. Hence, why teaching Logic and Rhetoric was removed from public schools as soon as the US Government took over the role of dictating a national policy in the 1930s. Here [] is a good summary of political opinion on critical thought, and more can be found written by "insiders" on the subject as far back as the founding of the US Department of Education

      For those that want to claim that "we are so much smarter today than we were in the 50s" I will point you to this [], and scoff. No, we are not anywhere near it. You just fall for the appeal to emotion that gets tossed out all the time to make you feel good about yourself and our pathetic level of public education.

    • by arth1 ( 260657 )

      I've always thought programming is more like writing POETRY than just being literate

      I disagree. You don't hire poets to design a space ship - it may be pretty, but it won't work. You don't hire sci-fi writers either - it may look workable to the masses, but the pesky laws of physics and economics will have their say.

      Programming is more like engineering. As in being able to construct something that actually works.
      Coding, on the other hand, is more like manufacturing, where you produce something based on what the engineers have come up with.
      But too often these days, it's not engineers tha

      • Agreed, competent software engineering is more like mechanical engineering than it is like poetry. There's a reason the National Society of Professional Engineers has recently added a software engineering as one of the disciplines they certify in, along with mechanical, chemical, etc.

        My analogy to poetry was only in the frame of the article talking about coding as LITERACY.

        Literacy is general purpose.
        Writing software is a specific skill set few people need, with computer literacy as the prerequisi

  • by xxxJonBoyxxx ( 565205 ) on Monday January 26, 2015 @10:40PM (#48910869)

    >> furious effort over the past few years to bring the teaching of programming into the core academic curricula

    They tried this in the early 1980s and all we got was the Internet at everyone's home, online shopping and news, free video conferencing, entirely new ways to organize photos, transportation and events, realism-quality video gaming, and cell phones so easy to use that toddlers can participate in the world wide web.

    What good could coding literacy possibly do now?

    • The early 1980's was when I discovered in the 7th grade that I came from a "poor" family for not having cable TV to get MTV and an Apple ][ to complete my Logo homework assignments. Worst part, it was the girls who told me.
      • The early 1980's was when I discovered in the 7th grade that I came from a "poor" family for not having cable TV to get MTV and an Apple ][ to complete my Logo homework assignments. Worst part, it was the girls who told me.

        I wanna know what the girls had to say! :)

        I guess I was considered poor, staying at home while the better half pulled in just enough to meet the basics.

        Early 80's I started "coding" or teaching myself Basic on the TRS 80 III (cassette storage) that was given to me. I was good except when it came to arrays. but it's also the only thing I had to do, MTV (local station) in the back ground but that was it. The TRS had it's own magazine of which I was also given (many in fact) that had basic programs which I wou

  • I was looking at college catalogs in the early 1990's. Some schools would let you substitute a programming language for a foreign language requirement. I guess Logo would be equivalent of Latin these days.
  • Math (Score:5, Insightful)

    by sgunhouse ( 1050564 ) on Monday January 26, 2015 @10:51PM (#48910935)
    They are still not talking about literacy - they are talking about problem solving. That makes it the new Mathematics, not the new literacy. (And yes, what I learned coding on my VIP not quite 40 years ago did help me with my degree in Math a few years later, so I do know what I'm talking about.)
    • They are still not talking about literacy - they are talking about problem solving. That makes it the new Mathematics, not the new literacy. (And yes, what I learned coding on my VIP not quite 40 years ago did help me with my degree in Math a few years later, so I do know what I'm talking about.)

      Mathematics is under rated. I wish I'd of spent more time with it (progressing courses), but it's too late.

      • I wish I'd of spent more time with it (progressing courses), but it's too late.

        Why is it too late? Are you almost dead?

    • by tgv ( 254536 )

      This, indeed. Literacy is about being able to distill complex information from written sources that do not dwell too much on detail. Coding is about writing instructions for a machine that is too stupid to know that a cow is an animal unless someone tells it precisely how to do that. These two activities are pretty much opposites.

      Coding does have a lot in common with math, and is also meant for problem solving. It does not share its universality, though. A more apt comparison would be: coding is the new wel

  • by Anonymous Coward

    It's more like the old Car maintenance. A skill you can use so you don't get screwed because you know nothing about what makes an important component of your life function.

  • by crgrace ( 220738 ) on Monday January 26, 2015 @10:55PM (#48910959)

    It's been this way whenever a new technology became normalized in the public eye.

    I had a chat with my late grandfather about this in the mid-90s. I told him about when I was a kid and there was a big push in making children "computer literate". So much so, in fact, that I took a class in 3rd grade or 4th grade in LOGO on a VIC-20.

    My grandfather said that reminded him of when he was a boy in the 1930s. In his time people thought EVERYTHING would be mechanized and learning how machines work and how to fix them would be required to be literate in the future. So, he actually took classes in engine design (!) and maintenance in the mid-30s, and it wasn't a vocational school.

    As we all know, the deep knowledge required to design a car or an oven similar machine is held by specialists and baked into the products we buy.

    Similarly, the deep knowledge required to program a computer to do useful work SHOULD be baked into the products we buy.

    Think of it this way: who needs to read the manual when they get a new car? You just figure it out because it is largely intuitive. A TON of non-intuitive thought went into making the car easy to use.

    I think it is our responsibility (those of us here who are engineers) to work towards putting that level of ease of use to work. This is the real reason Apple is popular. Their stuff is easier to use than most other products and people are HUNGRY for that.

    We don't need to teach every kid to program. We just need better programs.

    • by K. S. Kyosuke ( 729550 ) on Monday January 26, 2015 @11:39PM (#48911145)
      I'm not quite convinced that your analogy is completely accurate. Do we need better programs? Of course we do. But we most definitely need good ways of connecting those good programs together, otherwise you'd have islands of good functionality connected by people cutting and pasting stuff for no good reason. Granted, that's largely what we do in the physical world: the warehouse "program" and the truck "program" aren't automatically connected either, people have to either manhandle stuff or at least operate forklifts, significantly decreasing the efficiency of the compound system relative to the ideal value. However, computers have this tremendous benefit of allowing people to automate these connections much faster than we'd be able to do in the physical world (you can write a pipeline in shell much faster than you can design and build a robo-forklift). This very technical possibility is perhaps why our expectations are a priori higher when it comes to computers. Unfortunately, this process of effecting computational processes by means of connecting primitive operations by means of composition operators and abstraction operators is called "programming". That applies even to those cases in which the "primitive operations" are whole independently-useful programs. And a lot of these scenarios can't be predicted in advance.
      • Perhaps we need better programs and better ways of connecting the programs. Think of it like this, we have a house full of appliances (simple programs) and we have a power plant (a more complex program). Now the average user knows to connect the appliance to the power, they simply have to plug it in to an outlet in the wall. We don't expect everyone to know or understand how to wire a house, knowledge of the power grid, or even the different voltage levels and amps. We (the experts) have simplified the proc
    • by rdnetto ( 955205 )

      Think of it this way: who needs to read the manual when they get a new car? You just figure it out because it is largely intuitive. A TON of non-intuitive thought went into making the car easy to use.

      Driving a car is not intuitive - there's a reason it takes a while to graduate from a learner's permit to a full license. What is it is familiar - most cars are driven the same way with some minor variations (which side the indicator is on, where the handbrake is, etc.) and only one major one (manual vs. automatic transmission). I'm not convinced that anything is truly intuitive, given that even simple things like handwriting need to be taught.

      I agree that there is something to be said for making technology

  • by Urkki ( 668283 ) on Monday January 26, 2015 @11:02PM (#48910991)

    Hmm. If you can't read, you are restricted to looking at pictures. If there is someone to read for you, then you can hear the parts of text they choose to read for you, otherwise you are pretty much restricted to children's picture books. A lot of what happens in the world is simply a mystery to you.

    If you can't program, you are restricted to using existing features in the way they are implemented. If there is someone to help you, then they can write a piece of code for you to do whatever mundane task (be it VBA, shell script, a feature or a complete application), otherwise you are pretty much restricted to clicking at links, icons and menus. A lot of what happens in the computer is a mystery to you.

    Hmm. Not convinced, myself.

    • by arth1 ( 260657 ) on Monday January 26, 2015 @11:55PM (#48911229) Homepage Journal

      Hmm. If you can't read, you are restricted to looking at pictures. If there is someone to read for you, then you can hear the parts of text they choose to read for you, otherwise you are pretty much restricted to children's picture books. A lot of what happens in the world is simply a mystery to you.

      That's happening more and more. I find myself going to web sites looking for manuals and specs, and all they have these days are videos. I don't want videos, I want text, with orders of magnitudes higher information density, searchable and editable.

      Dumbing down seems to be across the board. User interfaces, recipes, clothing, handwriting, ability to add and subtract without a cash register or calculator, you name it.

      And yes, "coding". Which has taken over for programming. The typical modern "coder" builds houses out of Lego. They may look colorful and shiny, but at the end of the day it's still Lego.

      Gone are the days of programmers who actually devised algorithms and discussed them, instead of Googling for something that might be pressured into service. People who would understand what an OS call actually did, instead of treating it as magic. Something as simple as describing what happens behind the scenes when doing an IO request is beyond many newer coders (some of which I work with).
      Programmers, they aren't.

      We have to start expecting more, and stop rewarding and kowtowing to incompetence.

      • Most people paying for programmers are looking for a fairly run-of-the-mill web-application. They don't want people messing with IO requests unless absolutely necessary. Problems like that were common at one time, but not anymore. For the most part they are now solved to a better standard than an average programmer could do anyway.
        • by arth1 ( 260657 )

          I'm not talking about messing with IO requests. I'm talking about understanding what happens when they're issued, whether it's by you or a library you use, so you don't lock up a system for no good reason.
          But these days, this is considered "arcane knowledge" and is ignored, in favor of blindly using magic toolkits and libs, and blaming the system for not performing when it's the app that is badly designed out of ignorance.

      • Gone are the days of programmers who actually devised algorithms and discussed them, instead of Googling for something that might be pressured into service. People who would understand what an OS call actually did, instead of treating it as magic. Something as simple as describing what happens behind the scenes when doing an IO request is beyond many newer coders (some of which I work with). Programmers, they aren't.

        Yeah, this is sad, and your last sentence true.

      • People who would understand what an OS call actually did, instead of treating it as magic.

        ...because a multiple-gigabyte behemoth of an operating system on a multicore 64-bit CISC processor is just as easy to understand as a 16K rom chip in a computer with an 8-bit instruction set.

  • by K. S. Kyosuke ( 729550 ) on Monday January 26, 2015 @11:25PM (#48911093)

    To achieve this, it seems like all we need is to show people how to give the computer instructions, but that's teaching people how to put words on the page. We need the equivalent of composition, the skill that allows us to think about how things are computed.

    Ugh...if only we had something like this...we could call it "computer science" or something like that. We could even write textbooks about it! [] But that's just a pipe dream, right?

  • by gstoddart ( 321705 ) on Monday January 26, 2015 @11:25PM (#48911097) Homepage

    At it's core, coding is problem solving, and relies on logic and reasoning to use the tools you have to solve a problem.

    Debugging is thinking through logically what has gone wrong, examining the code, and possibly taking some educated guesses (hypotheses) about what might be the problem and what you might need to fix it (depending on the nature of the problem).

    So, sure, teach coding.

    But don't think you can do this with people who haven't got a good grasp of problem solving, applying logic and reasoning, formulating a hypothesis, and refining your knowledge based on some experimentation -- which over time grows into a body of knowledge.

    Do they still teach any of those in schools?

    • by s.petry ( 762400 )

      Do they still teach any of those in schools?

      Nope, and I wish I would have saw this before my long post above since they are related.

    • by ruir ( 2709173 )
      Actually I found that many people in IT are lacking both critical thinking skills and depth of knowledge. To be successful into programming, system administration or whatever you have to have a solid learning base and understand that several disciplines touch each other and you have to take them into account. Really, the major flaw I have seen in many of my coworkers over the years is that they look at the tree, and forget there is an ecosystem that allows the forest to function and thrive, and everything i
  • by Tibia1 ( 1615959 ) on Monday January 26, 2015 @11:53PM (#48911213)
    Asking whether coding is 'the new literacy' is a semantic distraction. It's a phrase that tries to build excitement, but distracts from the real question; is coding a skill worth teaching to every youth?

    I believe the answer is yes. Through coding, kids can apply and solidify the math they learn in school in a useful way. It also builds a mentality of experimentation that can help with the sciences. It also makes use of writing in general, making english class even more relevant. Real programmers depend on writing well to communicate, which can make a huge difference (see stack overflow questions).

    Also, the skill of 'modelling' systems can be practiced and taught through the construction of computer programs. It can be very useful to build reasoning skills that are useful even if the person never codes again. Many of the subjects taught in schools don't offer skills that can be used anywhere else but in that specific subject, and are only taught for the sake of 'forwarding the knowledge of that specific field', whereas coding seems to offer many skills that transfer over into other subjects.
  • Sure, (almost) anyone can code, just like (almost) anyone can string words together on a page. That's a bit different from being able to write a readable story (let alone novel), or construct a useful program.

    I wouldn't trust an architect who didn't know how to lay bricks, but even less would I trust a bricklayer to design a house.

    That said, to paraphrase Heinlein, everyone should know how to lay a brick, hammer a nail, write a paragraph and code a program; specialization is for insects.

  • ... Enthusiasts have been quick to take up the motto: "Coding is the new literacy!" But long-time developer Chris Granger argues that this is not the case: "When we say that coding is the new literacy, we're arguing that wielding a pencil and paper is the old one. Coding, like writing, is a mechanical act. ...

    The new literacy?


    Coding is a talent or a skill. Beyond that, there is nothing, not a single thing, special about it.

    The extreme productivity that some software engineers possess is not due to their literacy in coding. It is due to their ability to look at, understand, and solve problems at a level higher than most.

    It is not a question of literacy. It is a question of problem analysis and resolution.

    [aside: I often wonder why software engineers constantly have he need to elevate thems

  • ...that other things are automatically obsolete.

    "new" in this case means "additional". And no, this is not about generating "code monkeys", this is about giving people an insight into what computers are, and equipping them with enough knowledge so they can form their own ethical framework around it.

  • by waimate ( 147056 ) on Tuesday January 27, 2015 @01:08AM (#48911511) Homepage

    This is a man standing too close to the forest to see the trees. He's right, but also completely wrong.

    What is being taught is "computational thinking", not coding. Coding is just the conduit.

    I've seen the stark difference in my work with primary and junior high kids (Scratch, Python, Javascript), where some kids learn sufficient language to enable them to do a bunch of neat things, but *still can't do it*. They're not making the neural connections between "here's a bunch of capabilities I have at my fingertips", and "here's how I put my capabilities together into a structure of my own creation to achieve my goal".

    It's a skill that has application far beyond the keyboard. It's not about learning the syntax of a for-loop, it's about the epiphany that follows. Seeing a kids face when they (all too rarely) get it that they've become wizards and the sky is the limit, is priceless. They are visibly empowered and their view of their relationship with the world around them alters.

    *That's* what it's about.

    • by Half-pint HAL ( 718102 ) on Tuesday January 27, 2015 @08:22AM (#48913215)

      Indeed, but this is like bad spoken language teaching too. "What is the first-person singular subjunctive present suffix of third conjugation verbs?" may get the right answer, but the skill the learner really needs is to be able to say "I ask" in Latin. Any teaching that focuses on structure without meaning is hopelessly lost. The reason that coding should be considered a fundamental skill is that the alternative is to have a specialist class of coders who have no subject knowledge. How do you learn a language if you don't have anything to say?

      There were a lot of computer concepts that didn't make sense to me until I found a real-world problem they modelled. I hated OO with a passion at university, because the examples and tasks we were given were contrived, rather than demonstrating a real-world need. As such, I think coding would be far better taught within the context of a content subject -- engineers have different problems from biologists, who have different problems from linguistics researchers. That also leads us down the road to declarative programming, because our beginners' programming skills courses are currently dominated by various fiddly technical details of the imperative language we're using that we have to deal with before we get to deal with our first problem.

    • I spent a good bit of time in the woods building tree houses. Building a tree house followed a similar pattern each time. Find old tree houses in the woods. Scavenge material, especially the long boards for the floor/frame. Find or cut new material like saplings to fill in the gaps.

      Then I got a TRS-80 Color Edition could hook to a TV. Suddenly I could "conjure up" raw material with code. If I needed a board I "coded" one. I could build anything I could imagine. I had indeed "become a wizard" and the

  • In my opinion, those likely to be end users or power users mostly need to know about factoring (redundancy), set theory versus hierarchies; and associations, such as 1-to-many relationships versus many-to-many relationships.

    Understanding loops and IF statements is good knowledge perhaps, but end users seem more lacking in practical knowledge about relationships of data objects (information) than they do relevant knowledge of loops and conditionals, and this leads them to poor decisions and confusion when wo

  • by robi5 ( 1261542 ) on Tuesday January 27, 2015 @02:39AM (#48911895)

    I'm a long-time developer too, and I don't equate coding with just putting instructions in a machine the same way I don't equate literacy with cursive writing. Anyone who's done 'coding' knows that the main part isn't the syntax of a particular language, an API or an IDE, but a way of setting goals, decomposing functionality and building it at various levels of abstraction. The word 'coding' is a bit of a misnomer and therefore people come up with false dichotomies like coding vs. 'development' or 'software engineering'.

    The benefit of teaching programming to everyone isn't that everyone becomes a software developer, the same way that teaching writing to everyone does not make everyone a creative writer, still nobody argues for the eradication of teaching writing. But it gives the chance to all; gives a powerful problem solving tool for the slightly more academic type (e.g. helping their research); it gives a means of communicating complex relations, and people will gravitate to various levels of competence, including the ability to control ever more complicated home automation.

    Ah maybe this guy is a _really_ long time developer and equates coding with punching cards... how is that relevant in today's world.

  • Why Coding Are Not the New Literacy


  • by msobkow ( 48369 ) on Tuesday January 27, 2015 @04:40AM (#48912365) Homepage Journal

    Coding isn't even the new grammar. It's the new spelling. The magic lies in the structure of the data and the dance of the algorithms. Programming is writing a novel; coding is learning how to spell.

  • Should Be The New Literacy.
  • Coding as the new literacy is putting the cart before the horse. To be able to code, one needs critical thinking skills. They need to understand logic (and not just AND OR NOT, but real logic). Those are the skills required for the new literacy. Coding is just one way those skills can be applied, but it does not make one literate, any more than strumming a few chords on a guitar makes one a musician. It is the underlying skills and understanding that makes one a musician and likewise, makes one literate.

  • by dominux ( 731134 ) on Tuesday January 27, 2015 @09:49AM (#48913837) Homepage

    I want people to understand loops. Loops that happen a number of times, loops that run at least once and end on a condition, loops that are entered on a condition and may never run. I want people to get an understanding of how fast computers are at calculating things. I want people to understand functions, datatypes and recursion. These are all completely academic topics, nothing harder than long division. There is no reason not to teach this stuff. You can do it all with block based languages (scratch/blockly) or with various text languages. That doesn't matter. It is the fundamental concepts that everyone needs to be introduced to, just like everyone gets to do a bit of algebra and a bit of chemistry and a bit of geography.

  • by peter303 ( 12292 ) on Tuesday January 27, 2015 @11:58AM (#48915217)
    (Talking about the USA) We'll know then coding is a general purpose skill. Plenty of people in their 50s now have been exposed to coding in school (including myself). Two of the 12 recent Presidents have been engineers, so its probably just a matter of time. It would be interesting to poll Congress, 535 40-somethings to 70-somethings, of how many of them could right some sort of program.

Civilization, as we know it, will end sometime this evening. See SYSNOTE tomorrow for more information.
