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Linux And Hip Hop 308

greybeardthelonely writes: "TwoMobile.com has a great story on how Linux is like hip hop and rap music. There's even a hip-hop penguin ..." You should read this, even if you can't stand rap music. Here's a quote: "Just like Linux, rap music was something that scared corporations until it was big enough to be profitable, and suddenly everyone wanted a piece of the action."
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Linux And Hip Hop

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  • open source coding has been available waay before linux and was available at universities waay before anywhere else. to compare it to a crap mainstream pop culture is degrading at best. and its not just a simple fashion trend.
  • by Signal 11 ( 7608 )

    ....First Annual Geeks With Rap Convention....

    Eric Raymond> Aww, if youz ain't doin' the open source thang, you ain't fer real, boy!
    Bruce Perens> Well then, break yo-self!
    Richard Stallman> *singing* ssshhhaarree the software and be goooood hackers toooooo....
    Eric Raymond> You my beeatch richard, come over here and I'll bust a 40 on you!
    Bruce Perens> True, true.
    Richard Stallman> *keeps singing*
    Eric Raymond> Aight, I warned you boy!
    Bruce Perens> Let's right a song about it, we'll call it "kicking out the source"...

  • by urgle ( 136543 ) on Saturday March 25, 2000 @11:41AM (#1172196)
    "rap music was something that scared corporations until it was big enough to be profitable"

    ...as opposed to heavy metal, doom metal, death metal and all metal varieties that endeared big corporations until they were big enough to be profitable.

  • Before 1990, rap music was not thought of as being as profitable as other forms of music.

    Why is that? Before 1990, the Billboard lists were not compiled based on actual data, rather they were based on hearsay on what albums were selling the most from the record stores.

    When soundscan was implemented in the summer of 1990, I believe it was, the first week's top 10 from Billboard based on actual album sales featured a VERY big surprise.

    NWA was in the top 10, and at #2 that week with the album 'Efil4zaggin'. They were #1 the next week. Darn good album too, even though Ice Cube left NWA before it.

    Much is the same with Linux and Microsoft. The old metrics of OS sales do not apply anymore, since Linux uses a different distribution method than Microsoft, as well as the traditional distribution channels. Now that the actual population of linux servers is being measured against the actual population of MS servers, the metrics have changed. In other words, the old methods of measuring OS penetration (physical sales) are like the pre-Soundscan methods (hearsay).

    I am looking forward to seeing actual counts of Linux servers in corporations. Boeing has been cited as having over 50,000. I would especially like to see what percentage of the corporate mail server market Linux has over MS and Lotus.

    In this way, Linux is like rap music, in that it was ignored because of methods of measuring sales and distribution that did not truly reflect actual figures.
  • I can see it now. All the hardcore gangsta' rappers touting GnuPG as the only way to keep your dope deals secret. Hells yeah.
  • Anybody remember how the Beastie Boys and RUN-DMC changed the face of rap music back in the 80's? Linux is like the Beasties, but it is changing the computer and opensource communities. Streamlined versions are already making their way into the home, (here I am thinking of the TiVo.) and into schools. (I run a Linux box at my school that provides email and web hosting for well over 200 students.) Things will change. Linux could (and hopefully will) take over Micro$oft. It has a promising future.
  • Okay, rock scared people in the fifties and many radio stations wouldn't play it...until it was commercially viable. Same with Jazz/Blues in early part of the twentieth century. Actually, you could also say the same about New Wave, Techno, Punk, Ska, Heavy Metal, Swing, Latin...just about every popular music form today went through a period where it was supported by a grass-roots movement until it became big enough for record companies to take interest in it.

    Personal computing itself went through this in the mid-seventies (when computers were sold in kits and you sodered the damn things together). And many of today's popular operating system went through this as well (for example, I can remember a time when most companies looked upon Windows as a niche market and few wrote programs for it, prefering DOS instead...now, you're hard-pressed to find a anything in both DOS and Windows, including games).

    I read the article and I'm still wondering what makes hip-hop and Linux especially unique in terms of comparisons...from my point of view, you could write this article about any type of music and OS...
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • And in a related story....

    I really like this press release [oracle.com] from Oracle comparing linux to a chia pet. I thought it was kind of funny.


  • Puff Daddy owns LinuxOne, and he's planning to just steal RedHat, and remix it. Come to think of it Linux's open source-ness would just fit right up his alley.
  • Twenty years is quite a bit longer than most fads last my friend. That's how long hip-hop has been on the commercial music scene. Unix is only 10 years older! Think about it.
  • EXPLODE your trading profits

    Your off-topic spamvertisement is poorly formatted. It certainly does not make me want to give you $750. For reference, Slashdot strips out the BLINK and COLOR tags, you know.

    Let's hope this isn't the beginning of a trend. Maybe we need a new moderator tag, Commercial SPAM.
  • I can see it now. All the hardcore gangsta' rappers touting GnuPG as the only way to keep your dope deals secret. Hells yeah.

    'course the govt has been claiming stuff like that is happening all the time now (in yet another effort to put the crypto genie back in the bottle).

    Actually, I'd like to see your scenario happen, maybe we could make crypto "cool". I already thinks it's cool but then I'm a geek. :) Maybe one of those "enhanced CDs" (you know, the ones with video and crap like that on them) with GPG for a half-a-dozen different platforms.
  • You silly little wiggers need to stop following the herd.
  • by Hrunting ( 2191 ) on Saturday March 25, 2000 @12:01PM (#1172226) Homepage
    1. The Pet Rock
      That's right. Some dude went out into a field, found a whole bunch of rocks, and started selling them. All of the suddent, he had the number one selling novelty/toy on the market. Of course, now you get laughed at if you have a pet rock.
    2. Rockets
      That's right, Goddard was laughed at, but when he showed that you could launch anything with highly explosive fuel and not hurt yourself, governments started taking notice and now we have rockets everywhere.
    3. NASCAR
      People used to think that NASCAR was a joke, something that a bunch of hillbillies watched when grandma wasn't showing them how well she could hit squirrels with pine cones, but then they actually counted the number of hillbillies watching NASCAR and saw that it was way more than the number that was watching NBA basketball and realized it was The Next Big Thing(tm). Now we have Jeff Gordon losing to the Pepsi girl and drivers going to Hardee's in their racecars.
    4. Dell & Gateway

      Hell, no one thought you could make a living selling computers out of your garage, but then everyone realized that it was cheaper and hipper to buy them from hicks than from corporate moneymen and now they have multi-gazillion dollar companies. Who woulda thunkit?
    5. Slashdot

      From humble a humble start as 'Chips N Dips' (or something), people started noticing Slashdot when they reported on things other than Microsoft. Now all of the sudden, Slashdot comments are quoted as insider comments ("Mr. Coward wrote in reply to the judge's findings, 'First post!'") and Slashdot is getting bought out by every major Linux company that exists.
    6. The USA
      Everyone thought they were a wannabe country, a bunch of freedom fighters who were being brats about paying their taxes, but whoa, they started noticing when America would walk into other countries, pick fights and, holy cow, win! Now everyone recognizes that no matter how small others may think you are, all you have to do is speak softly and carry a big stick and you can put a McDonald's wherever you damn well please.
    7. Christianity
      People thought these Christian Jews were wackos until they started converting everything under the sun. The world took notice when the largest empire in the world adopted Christianity through its emperor and the rest, well, it's in the Bible somewhere.

    Come on people, we can make useless analogies all day long. Linux is a phenomena, and you can compare it to a lot of other phenomena. Trying to say it's like something else, though, takes away a little bit from the true magic of what happened in this specific instance and begins a group down the road of trying to develop in a manner similar to some other reference, which takes away from the spontaneity of what may happen and may serve to derail the power of the change.

    The development of Linux is like the development of Linux. Enjoy the ride; don't analyze it.
    Everything big once started out small
  • How do you want it?
    Rolin in my six fo, kickin it wit da boyz, we'z be in yo hood. I gotsa a linux distro in my lap, to take care o dat.

    Thug programas gotsta die, no needs to ask why. I'z be setin UID 0, don't try to be a hero. Everyone drop yo niceness, i'm takin control of dis bitch.

    Gotsta give props to da thugz from da way east side. Put ya hands in da air for Linus, Alan, Matti, Dave, Werner, and all da crew, wez be down wit you.

    Peace to all my hommies, pour an ounce to dis.

    -Wit much thugz luv, Mizaster Swizitch.
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • by Joe Groff ( 11149 )
    Yo yo yo, I'm Billy G
    And everyone wants a piece of me
    Web-side, E-side, all's my land
    Make sure no fucka get no hand
    If some fucka wanna fuck with me
    I'll smash them through my WebTV

    And when the competition starts to rock
    I say go suck my cock
    And I buy up all their stock

    So don't no fucka fuck with me
    O I fuck your computer with a BSoD
    I pimp out all those hippie LUGs
    If they dare fuck my 65,000 bugs
    You know you want a piece of me
    'Cuz I'm the G
    Of all technology

    (In the spirit of open-source, I'll leave it to y'all to finish the rap :)

  • by prodeje ( 58779 )
    Have you ever met a black person? Seriously.
  • runs mobile linux or is he saying its uses a transmeta?

    Linux is heading into the mobile market full steam with Transmeta developing Mobile Linux and devices like the Samsung YOPY PDA being created to run it.

    I thought it used and strongarm processor and it was running arm-linux? is arm-linux a derivative of mobile linux? i dont think this it is since arm linux has been out for quite a while?

  • Crack cocaine profits are a great source of start-up funding.

    Imagine a BOFH with a posse.

    40oz MtnDew & Jolt

    Quality doesn't matter, as the end-users have no taste anyway.

    (Oops, that last one belongs to M$. Sorry)


  • Actually, no. Mine was with IE :P
  • by rnd() ( 118781 ) on Saturday March 25, 2000 @12:15PM (#1172253) Homepage
    How would the average person respond
    if you replaced their entire music
    collection with rap music?

    Probably about the same way they would
    respond if you fdisked their hard drive
    and installed linux.

    Despite the fact that rap music has become
    at least as commercialized as other types
    of music, the culture that created rap music
    is still heavily margainalized in society.

    Chris Rock made a good point about the
    margainalization of black culture. He said
    something like, "yes, I make a lot of money doing
    what I do, but how many white people out there
    would trade places with me?

    The question to be asked about linux is,
    while there are a lot of people willing to
    invest in a heavily-hyped company like Redhat,
    how many of those people would install
    linux on their computer?

    Linux, like rap in its early days, needs glitz
    to survive. I remember wondering why MC Hammer
    decided to drop the MC from his name. I hope
    we don't see companies like Redhat and VA
    dropping linux from theirs.

  • I was going to post the same idea but you did already. And did a good job.

    Rap/Linux. Ho Hum. the article wasn't really well thought out. Nice try.
  • by Anonymous Coward

    Look, that's just offensive. I realize that you have no idea what the hell people of African descent sound like, nor have you probably ever left the protective womb of your lilly-white suburbs, but please try not to sound like such a fucking Jim Crow klan member, ok?

    Just because Slashdot is 99% white boy doesn't mean you can spew whatever shit you want.
  • the main similarity that I see is rebellion. I know many linux users who do just in rebellion to Microsoft/closed source/satan/whatever. Rap and hip-hop music is obviously very rebellious as well, and that doesn't need to be argued. Hip-hop is a quick, jumpy powerful music, just like the bleeding-edge, quick, and powerful linux. Very cool!

    Mike Roberto (roberto@soul.apk.net [mailto]) - AOL IM: MicroBerto
  • The picture Phat dady Linux is here: http://www.twomobile.com/images/new_032400_linux_r apper_large.jpg
  • This was more entertaining than the original article. You should take it further and submit it to Salon or something.
  • you sound so sure. You cannot prove this.

    Mike Roberto (roberto@soul.apk.net [mailto]) - AOL IM: MicroBerto
  • Maybe we need a new moderator tag, Commercial SPAM.

    I've seen this s#t in other gro^H^H^Hdiscussions. But don't call it SPAM; it might be confused [spam.com] with luncheon meat. Call it spam.

    This site won't spam:
  • music has a shelf life of around 30-50 years and then it's pretty much dead

    And how much software is still around from then? Don't say something like 'Unix', either, because modern Unices are very different from the 1969 version. Linux is not Unix, but it was influenced by Unix. Much in the same way that modern music was influenced by older stuff. Sure, you don't here Big Band or oldies any more, but you'd be a fool to suggest that they haven't influenced modern music, such as Ska or (what passes for) Rock. That's sort of like Linux.

    The music-software comparison is a *good* one.
  • seriously?
    /me ducks and runs...

    Mike Roberto (roberto@soul.apk.net [mailto]) - AOL IM: MicroBerto
  • I don't think Signal11 was trying to emulate the speech of "people of African descent." The story wasn't "open source likened to culture of African Americans." The story was about rap music. Like it or not, there many many examples that back up the stereotype of "rap speak." To say that his emulation of "rap speak" is racist is ridiculous. Where did he ever mention anyone of African descent? Where die he mention race at all? If anyone is racist it's you: you're the one bringing race into this forum, you're the one telling him he's in a "protective womb of [his] lilly-white suburbs," you're the one saying he sounds like a "f*king Jim Crow klan member," and you're the one calling him (or the slashdot community) "white boy."

    His post may have been offensive to you, but that doesn't mean it was "racist." Additionally, I highly doubt his post was written with intentions to offend anyone or to be racist. Isn't intention really what's important? Maybe your response to him could have been much more valuable to him and the community at large had you phrased it in less offensive terms yourself, and if you had described to him why it was offensive and why it was of questionable taste / content without flaming him.

  • have you ever listened to rap?
    that's how it sounds
  • I would especially like to see what percentage of the corporate mail server market Linux has over MS and Lotus.

    Have you ever been to Netcraft [netcraft.com]? You can check what OS a server runs (although GNU/Hurd is reported [zugzug.net] as GNU/Linux).

    The official freepuzzlearena server [rose-hulman.edu] runs GNU/Linux:
  • the metal scene is awesome and more alive than EVER right now! come to dalnet #mp3_death for some samples

    Mike Roberto (roberto@soul.apk.net [mailto]) - AOL IM: MicroBerto
  • Linux could probably be compared to just about any form of music. Here's why Linux is Punk Rock:
    • DIY (Do It Yourself) attitude
    • The source code (3 chords) is available to be used by anyone
    • Selling out and doing it only for the money is frowned upon
    • Many Linux geeks and punks dress funny
    • Started out with a small grass-roots community of people helping each other out, but has ballooned (more than once) into massive corporate acceptance
  • You can get statistics from Netcraft [netcraft.com].

    And then you can download
  • Yes, but rap music actualy started in the south in the 1950s. Eventualy, it made its way to New York (in the '80s), then to the big record companies. So, just as Open Source was around way before Linux, rap music was around way before the big record companies got hooked on it.


  • you're hard-pressed to find a anything in both DOS and Windows, including games

    You haven't been to the Depot [allegro.cc] lately, have you? Because there you can find a whole bunch of games (like freepuzzlearena [rose-hulman.edu]).

    You've had enough /. haven't you? Isn't it time for
  • Marilyn Manson is glam rock too. Have you heard Mechanical Animals? I like to pop it into my GNU/Linux box every once in a while.

  • by urgle ( 136543 )
    I know that. It was sarcasm!
  • With Rap music, bsck in the 1990s Geffen records refused to distribute music made by the Geto Boys because of the "racism" that Geffen felt was expressed in that music. This is the SAME company that was distributing Guns N Roses music. You know those "Police and niggers" stay out of my way guys... But Guns N Roses albums sold millions so I guess Geffen was able to overlook their shortcomings.

    After NWA went platinum in a week with their second album, and Ice-T made a gazillion dollars for the record & movie companies with his OG album/New Jack City promotion.

    Linux started out as a week-end project for Linus and a few scattered hackers around the world about 10 years ago. Now it's a global contender in the server OS market. Microsoft is actually paying people to tune their OS to be faster just because of an upstart free OS coded by hackers in their spare time.

  • Actually, wouldn't a good audio compression system reduce noise to "central frequency + bandwidth"? I know speech compression systems do.
  • I disagree Doc..

    "Rap music, like all music, is just a fad... something that will go away
    eventually and only be looked back on with fondness by a select group of people.

    You mean like the games for the Atari,DOS..[ put your favoite old game platform/OS Here]?

    "Linux, however, is much more than that. It opened up a whole new world for the people that had the
    patience and knowledge to adopt it."

    Sounds just like learning to play Jazz....

    "Due to Linux, they didn't have to sit back and take whatever the
    big software companies threw at them... they could dive right in and tweak to their hearts delight."

    Kinda sounds like the same thing musicans say about being able to offer original music over the 'net and not having to go thru a big record company.
  • This is the bit where people start saying "intranet" and "email server". Netcraft's cool, but it doesn't go through firewalls and it's not about email. (And foo.com can be a completely different machine from foo.com's email server. Ask your friendly neighbourhood admin about DNS MX records.)
  • Ever listened to Common? How about the Roots? Or the Coup? What about De La Soul? The list goes on.

    None of these artists create music which fits your racist generalization. Most of the rap which has the elements shown in Signal 11's post is based on life experience. Maybe if you took a fair look at what you're attacking, you would begin to understand it.

    If you don't like an art form, no-one is forcing you to listen to. But making negative stereotypes just shows your ignorance and immaturity.
  • That post was hilarious.

    I can't believe it got moderated as insightful. It wasn't insightful; it was funny.

    Hardly anything truly big started out as something small. Look at Microsoft. Do you think that Microsoft started out small? Think again. Bill Gates was a millionaire before he even incorporated Microsoft. His dad was hugely rich and didn't mind funding Bill's corporate ventures.

    Look at many of the richest men in this country. Do you think they are self-made men? 90% of them were millionaires to start with. When a millionaire starts a corporation, it attracts a lot of venture capitalists. Lots of venture capitalists means lots of interest by the big boys in Wall Street and/or the Silicon Valley. Lots of interest equates to a pretty damn big chance of making it to the Forbes 500.

    Damn be so naive. :)
  • err, insert a *dont* in the last sentence.
  • And you're eating up bandwidth we're paying for. We didn't pay for your fscking spam.
  • Rap music is inherently tied to the culture of 'African Americans'.

    This may be the case, but it still doesn't change the fact that the post was intended as a parody of the speech used by rappers, and not by "people of African descent" as a whole. The vast majority of ice hockey players are caucasian. Despite that, I wouldn't find it racist if a black person were to parody stereotypical speech of hockey players (if such a thing existed). I may find it ignorant, foolish, or offensive, but I certainly wouldn't find it racist. Just because the vast majority of rappers happen to be black doesn't make it necessarily racist for him to parody rappers in general.

    Then WTF was he doing? Trying to be funny? Did you find it funny? I think he knew damn well what he was doing.

    Actually, you've hit the nail right on the head. I'm positive he was trying to be funny. I don't think he had any racist intentions whatsoever.

  • by JDax ( 148242 ) on Saturday March 25, 2000 @01:06PM (#1172314)
    I saw this article off a Linuxtoday link before /. posted it and thought it was stretching the comparison a bit too much (and not even worth putting in print), and although it's obviously generating alot of disucssion, it's also (as expected) generating alot of degenerative discussion.

    Just as an FYI folks, "rap" was out WELL before the 80s whereas "hip hop" was an 80s thing (and the so-called "rappers" that folks keep citing and emulating on this forum weren't even BORN when rap began to appear - down in the basements at parties, out on the street corners in Brooklyn, and on the radio with a DJ named Doug "Jocko" Henderson, Sr.). &nbsp Rap was a rhythmic form for DJs to use in compliment to the music, to add to the entertainment at dance parties while spinning records, not something intended for real singers.

    And the only comparison that I can maybe see (other than rap being almost as old as Unix - yes it is) is that both it and Linux started out being distributed (as the parent of this suggests) via what could be termed "the underground", ie., "street" rappers could only distribute their works on tape themselves to their friends and interested listeners (no BIG RECORD COMPANY(tm) would do it because R&B, Soul, Rock,and Pop, and at one time, Disco (which is alive and well and renamed to "House" and "Club" music), were more profitable) just as Linophiles, at one time, distributed copies of distros to their friends via disk or their own burned CDs (not counting FSF or Walnut Creek) - ie., before the "commercial" boxed distros became available.

    Other than that, the comparison really ends...

  • Wrong. The Chemical Brothers invented techno in 1994. And they're English, not European.

    Bowie J. Poag
  • Netcraft is a very good source.

    However, it does not provide metrics for counting the very large amount of servers not accessible from the Internet. For example, it counts our main web server, running Apache/Linux. However, it does not count the numerous development servers that we run on and off-site that run Linux, NT, and FreeBSD. It also does not count the intranet servers people run, or mail servers.

    Netcraft is a good source for seeing what is directly connected to the Internet. However, it does not provide the statistics that show servers in use at companies that either:

    a. Are connected to the Internet and run web servers at ports other than 80 and not on 80.

    b. Are not connected to the Internet directly.

    c. Are used as directly-connected Internet servers that function in another capacity, such as a firewall, proxy server, mail server, or other method that does not provide statistics about what the underlying OS is.

    When there is a metric for that, I'll like it more than Netcraft.
  • You dumbass, that's exactly why he wasn't talking about 'african americans', he was talking about rappers.

    I thought it was funny, so shut the fuck up.
  • Maybe so, but do you hear any big band music anymore? No... how about oldies? Do most people nowadays listen to oldies? Maybe your parents do, but rarely do younger people listen to them...

    Ever heard of the group "Cherry Poppin' Daddies" or the so-called latest greatest thing - "Swing"? &nbsp I'm afraid we're going through a cycle of re-gurgitating music and the "younger people" (I'm not one of them) seem to find this all the rage. &nbsp Add to that the kajillion "remakes" of the "oldies" and you can see that we're rapidly losing our ability to come up with a fresh new style. &nbsp Probably 80% of the so-called rap today is literally taking snippets from the rap of 20 years ago and remixing it... and adding profanity to somehow make it appear different. &nbsp It's pathetic and lacks any creativity.

    It seems that most music has a shelf life of around 30-50 years and then it's pretty much dead. Some people still listen to it, but not very many.

    Then why is 18th and 19th century European and American-based orchestral or "classical" (as it has been defined) music still around, being played, and the style being copied to generate new works? &nbsp Why is "Jazz" and it's forerunners, "Blues" and "Ragtime" still around (and in the case of Blues) well over a century later?

    Linux, on the other hand is here to stay, IMO.

    Wishful thinking. &nbsp If it was, we wouldn't progress much would we? &nbsp This is where comparing music (or any of the arts) to technology fails every time.

  • so because you don't like rap or hip-hop its crap? well excuse me, while i go destroy my collection of cds...
  • You know, that "silly little white boy" shtick is getting pretty old. It was funny the first time. I might have smiled the second or third time I saw it. But it's just got to go now.
  • Just like Linux, rap music was something that scared corporations until it was big enough to be profitable

    The same could be said about GUIs, the internet, computer games, computers themselves -- or virtually any other major breakthrough in the industry. As someone else noted, the situation that hip hop is in is by no means unique either. (posting by punkass):
    Okay, rock scared people in the fifties and many radio stations wouldn't play it...until it was commercially viable. Same with Jazz/Blues in early part of the twentieth century. Actually, you could also say the same about New Wave, Techno, Punk, Ska, Heavy Metal, Swing, Latin...just about every popular music form today went through a period where it was supported by a grass-roots movement until it became big enough for record companies to take interest in it.

    I can understand how an individual would like to tie two things together that [s]he is interested in, but this is kind of stretching it. I find it particularly ironic that so much hip hop music revolves around amounts of money, and that's sort of the opposite (or at least a secondary) goal of open source.

    - Scott
    Scott Stevenson
  • First, I am a huge punk fan. But remember, the Ramones came up with punk because they were not good enough to play real music! They tried. They tried to do Beach Boys and decided they really sucked at it. But they wanted to play. So they did. Bingo! Punk was born.

    I thought this too when I started to read the article.. that Linux is more like the early days of punk, and in a lot of ways it is, as you pointed out. Nobody gives a shit if it does not look pretty (and as the line in Rock 'n Roll High School goes, "They are ugly. Ugly, ugly, people.") but if it works then that is all that matters. Punk certainly does that.

    It is very anti-establishment. Bob Young has said it. Red Hat's competition is not the other Linux companies. It is Microsoft. In the minds of corporate america, what is more anti-establishment than refusing to use a Microsoft Windows product? I can't think of anything.

    So, taking all things into account, you are right. However, like I said, punk was started because the guys could not play worth a crap. The Linux code I have seen is brilliant.
  • by Anonymous Coward

    So, taking all things into account, you are right. However, like I said, punk was started because the guys could not play worth a crap. The Linux code I have seen is brilliant.

    Then you haven't seen much Linux code. The VAST majority of the code is absolute uncommented crap. It gets points for (usually) working, but by no stretch of the imagination is Linux developed to professional standards.

  • its biggie
    not jiggy

  • by Anonymous Coward
    Just because the vast majority of rappers happen to be black doesn't make it necessarily racist for him to parody rappers in general. Parodies can be funny when the author actually has a clue about the subject matter. Hip Hop is not only music but a culture. I must say I'm not surprised by any of these responses in a predominately caucasiod forum. White folks have always downplayed black culture until they see the profit potential. Just like the early soul and blues artists inspired your Rock N' Roll. Most of you don't like rap music because you just can't relate...it is the voice of a generation (well now a couple of generations) and it will be around long after you are all jocking the "next linux" Truthfully, the rap stuff that you hear on your radio is only 1 part of Hip Hop, the part that sells to young white kids. People forget that what you hear on the radio is what the majority of the people want to hear and the last time I checked whites buy 72% of all music.
  • by Anonymous Coward

    This is my first post in this thread (so I'm not who you addressed).

    *I* think African-American is an overly PC term. If Charlize Theron (South African) was to have a child with an American... it would be an African-American. If the father was white, then the child in all probability would be too. If that child went out in public saying it was an "African-Amercian", then that child would probably be made fun of and/or beaten up. Egypt is an Africa, but most people wouldn't refer to an Egyptian-American as an African-American if they saw them in North America.

    When someone says "African-American", they mean "black". What's wrong with calling someone black? It's not meant to be offensive, and who would take it to be so? White people are called "white people" all the time. It's not derogatory in any way, unless you are offended to be called white. (why would you be? Why would a black person be offended if they were called black?)

    Not all black people can trace their roots back to Africa, can they? Disregarding the time when everything was one big continent, that is. Because if we didn't disregard that, then MOST people would then be African-American/Canadian/etc regardless of the colour of their skin. Can Australian aboriginees trace their roots back to Africa? (I don't know). I'm sure that not all black people can trace their ancestry back to Africa. But in America/Canada, we call anyone who is black an African-American/Canadian.

    Anyway, this has been my rant on the term "African-Amercian". I think it's a far too PC a thing to say - people shouldn't be offended to be called what they ARE.

  • ...and at one time, Disco (which is alive and well and renamed to "House" and "Club" music)

    hmm....Disco == House. I only partially agree with that. While the "lifestyle" of Disco and the "heart and soul" of Disco is being repeated through the current trend of "House" the music is not the same. While some may argue that the scene is what makes the music, I personally find that it is the music that makes the scene. I cannot stand Disco, but I (as a wannabe DJ) will spin all of the house tunes that I can at a good party. The only time that I appreciate a good disco song is when I can layer it in with a deep house beat, drown out the disco feel and give it a new life in the "Essence of House."
    Your point is well taken, and it is definately arguable, but I for one am only going to partially agree with it.

    I am also aware that the above quoted statement was not the essence of your post, but I just wanted to throw in my two cents on the current state of house. Long live TRANCE
  • Seems like a lot of you guys are kinda scared by hip hop, having to revert to stereotypes and humor, instead of perhaps discussing something that could be somewhat interesting to talk about.
    Lots of people make fun of the crap they see on MTV. It should be made fun of, because it's soulless and empty, with nothing new to say. It's pop hip hop, boring and uninteresting.
    Hip hop (in its truest form) is about self expression, about doing _your_ thing, and adding your voice to a community of creativity. Puff Daddy and all the other shit you laugh about is POP MUSIC. My grandmother could display more artistic creativity than him. But there are many artists who display originality, even poetry in their rapping. An oppressed people created hip hop, as a way to gain control over their situation and reenfranchise themselves. Sounds kinda like linux...
    The thing is that true hip hop and linux are about the individual and gaining power back over your situation. Rapping on the corner about racism in the face of society, or coding late at night in the face of monolithic software companies. Hip hop is about giving a voice to those who had none. Linux lets people have a voice and a choice.
    In the end, any argument for or against is kinda mute. It's kinda silly to compare an OS culture to a sub-culture, but it might make for some interesting discussion. Maybe think next time before you write some ignorant shit about hip hop not being music. I'm glad I never got into glam rock, and instead found hip hop (and later techno).

    Thanks for reading this rant...
  • Wrong. The Chemical Brothers invented techno in 1994. And they're English, not European.

    You mean they aren't continentals???? &nbsp heh heh &nbsp ;-)

    Let's all give a big thanks to Kraftwerk - Techno geniuses.

  • Think about.. it thiers east coast(RedHat Linux) West Coast(Turbo Linux) , Dirty South(Debian), and of course the best old school(slack) hahha Im just kidding guys..... but the comparison is one that sorta works..
  • hmm....Disco == House. I only partially agree with that. While the "lifestyle" of Disco and the "heart and soul" of Disco is being repeated through the current trend of "House" the music is not the same.

    Slowly sliding Offtopic here but Disco =! House but is closer to Club. &nbsp Disco was always considered (at least by me) as basically "dance music" (I'm not talking about the knock-off stuff that started appearing near the end of the era) - something that people went to clubs for and dressed up for - which you still see today, but they're playing House and Club and alot of Techno (-funk, that is).

    I DJ'd on the radio station at my college for 3 years back at the tail end of the Disco days and got to experience the changeover and the interweaving of music styles... &nbsp If you play some vintage Madonna or even good 'ole KC & the Sunshine Band or EW&F, much of that can still stand on its own really. &nbsp If you remove the horn sections, it doesn't date itself as much. &nbsp Kindof interesting actually...

  • just as there are complaints over the geek community being mostly guys...

    it seems to be mostly pretensious white guys that only and narrow-mindly listen to rock that, while knowing nothing about rap, fee free to spit out rhetoric about it.
  • not that I am some sorta rappin master..but have u ever tried rapping ? its not very easy..

    heres my attempt..

    *background music*
    Linux is the best..
    everything else are pests..

    see my point I suck at it.....it aint easy..

    u dont have to likem but give them SOME respect

  • ... and even if one were to suppose that they were the first punk band (which they unequivocably weren't), punk music isn't as simple as any punk band you care to name. there were plenty of punk bands that new how to play their instruments.
  • by Puff Shadukar,

    Seems like yesterday we used to travel the data flow,
    I controled the the info you loved to show
    so far from hanging up,
    my linux box, i got to know that
    the system aint the same it used to be
    megabytes cant express what you meant to me
    even though you're gone, we're still a team
    getting an upgrade to to fullfill out dreams
    In the future i cant wait to see
    if you'll give up any of my data back to me
    remenesce some time about the night you crashed
    my friend
    i try to block it out, but you wont read again
    when its real data its hard to conceal
    cant imagine all the pain i feel
    its kinda hard with you not around
    knowing you're in the case, disks not spining 'round, watching me while i safe $ for a new hd, every day i save $ for a new.
    Till the day data flows again,
    in the case is where i keep you friend,
    Memmory gives me stength to belive
    but i need a HD for boot to proceede
    My thoughts of bakup, reality cant defy,
    wish i could turn back the hands of time
    if only i could give you half a spin
    i know you're still having processes even after crash.


    Every jet u oress
    every dusj u read
    every file i save
    every time i pray
    every fsck i do,
    I'll be missing you

    Thinking of the day
    when you crashed away
    what a storage to take
    what a disk to break
    i'll be missing you
    tux please tell my why...

  • I must say I'm not surprised by any of these responses in a predominately caucasiod forum.

    And how, exactly, did you determine that we're all white? This is a text-only forum.. which is entirely color-blind.

    White folks have always downplayed black culture until they see the profit potential.

    You call me a racist and then you go on to stereotype 'white folks'. Hello?

    Most of you don't like rap music because you just can't relate...

    That's a convenient life-line to use - it's akin to saying that since I don't believe in what you believe in I'm stupid. Is it possible that I simply have different tastes? It is also not possible that rap is a medium instead of a message? People can rap about road rage, or rap about computers, or make rap about violence.. none of that is inherently racist.. and to say that it is is at best ignorant, and at worst a willful misrepresentation of the facts.

    People forget that what you hear on the radio is what the majority of the people

    *cough* 23 radio stations in my area. Most of them aren't rap.

    I think the real issue is that you don't like me instead of my posts. I notice you don't even post with a real name. Better to attack someone anonymously and avoid retribution, right? "Keep criticism away from me" seems to be your rallying cry. What happened to being judged on what you said rather than who you are? Has slashdot deteriorated to the point that people like you are taken seriously?

  • The Chemical Brothers invented techno in 1994. And they're English, not European.

    Actually, techno is American, invented in the early '80s. And actually, it evolved from Disco. When disco "died", it actually just disappeared from the mainstream culture, but didn't actually die completely. There were many places where disco was still popular, namely gay clubs.

    During this time, a few DJs/producers began to play around with the dance-music feel of disco, and combining it with the new drum machines that were making their appearance at the time (which also, incidentally, encouraged the development of rap music, which used the beats as well). The gay clubs of detroit were, basically, the incubator where the first techno was developed. This was around '83 or 84 I think.

    Because of where it was played, though, techno was not destined to break out in the US. Instead, mainstream clubs in England began to play techno, and eventually began to create their own. Techno evolved into more of the "rave" form that we know nowadays, and exploded during '86 into what the english called their "Summer of Love", which was a huge bash of massive festival-raves, copious and freely available hallucinogens, and the first real introduction of techno to the Mainstream.

    After this, techno began to make its way back to where it originated: the USA. It took several years, but in 1991 the first techno-explosion occured in the US. This first incarnation of techno in the US was strongly associated with Hippie culture (probably due to the mutual association with drugs), and then promptly faded from the mainstream in 1993.

    Techno then began to change again, getting away from the cheesy anthems of old (James Brown is Dead, Dominator, etc.), and, led by groups like Orbital, what is now known as "trance" began to appear. in 1994, the only music that was heard at raves was trance (sorta like today :) ), but then the genre began to expand, and there was another explosion of new music, with the introduction of Jungle, Big Beat (thank the Chemical Brothers (previously known as the Dust Brothers) for that), drum 'n bass, and other types.

    1997 was the beginning of the Mainstream's latest fascination with techno. Groups like Prodigy and the Chemical Bros. became popular, Robert Miles' song "Children" hit the #1 spot all around the world, and many people were predicting that techno was going to be "the next big thing". Thankfully, that never happened, and things have died down without the Mainstream music industry appropriating the techno scene (certain madonna and cher songs not withstanding).

    And no, I think that linux is nothing like techno! :)
  • Well put. Hip-Hop is the soul, Rap is the business. Not all of the genre speaks about f**king bitches and shooting n**gas. Try Blackalicious (the NIA album is dope, Melodica too if you can find it), Quannum Projects (which DJ Shadow is a part of), Jurassic 5, Organized Konfusion (Pharohe Monche is the most incredible lyricist _ever_, get "Stress: the extinction agenda"), the Arsonists, Lootpack, etc.

    If you're into DJ Shadow's work, try UNKLE. Also look for Live at the Future Primitive Soundsessions: Cut Chemist vs. Shortkut. 70min live set of the two on 5 turntables! They even cut up Beastie Boys' Eggman! Also check Rob Swift (the Ablist), DJ Krush, DJ Qbert (Demolition Pumpkin Squeeze Musik is better than Wave Twisters, but Japanese imports are hard to find), Kid Koala, Coldcut, DJ Cam, DJ Vadim ("Life on the Other Side" is dope), Beat Junkies, Dilated Peoples, god the list goes on. I should probably stop now.

    Please people don't dismiss such a varied (and beautiful) music genre!

    - Jeremy Fuller

  • Maybe dat's so, bro But Linux gwine ter makes Ev'ry Microsoft ho Eat plenty o' CRAP, along w' Gates. It's jes' a mattah o' time B'fo all you luzers be cry'in An' wishin' dat yo'all Could dribble dat open source ball.
  • ok, I'm gonna say, what in god's name do you think you're saying. Invented Techno?

    No, I beg to differ.

    LFO, Kraftwerk, Depeche Mode, Genesis, YMO, Walter Carlos even, techno has had it's roots as far back as the 60s. The theramin, and various pioneering synthesizer technologies that progressed afterwards.

    Disco, Euro, the tribal music from Goa, James Brown, Soul, and hip hop all lend their sounds and feels to techno.

    The breakbeat, the dance-diva lyrics, the screaming acid of a 303 (digery do reminiciscant?).

    I'd qualify, the chemical brothers, as Big Beat, pioneering in their own way, by far they aren't the inventors.

    And I don't even prefer the chemical brothers.

    I prefer (psy-/cyber-)trance, jungle (darkstep and techstep) and house (chicago or french)

    In the early days, there was electro, and breakbeat, disco, and soul. Hardcore, House, and straight techno emerged from this soup.

    hardcore bred with hip hop and breakbeat to form jungle(dnb) which takes it's name from the james brown track "into the jungle groove". House emerged from disco and soul.

    Hardcore bred with house to form hard house, hip hop and house's child became booty house (ugh). Techno and house merged and mutated and trance was born, a relatively new genre. Trance borrowed from Goa to form Goa trance and cybertrance. breeding with hardcore, hard and hard acid trance were born.

    Techno puttered along without much outside influence, and broke off into various sub-genres, and bred with other genres to form the likes of trance, tech house, it influenced dnb, and most other genres.

    And that, is a brief history of techno
  • What's your problem? I'm providing an important service.

    Here's somthing quoted out of the Slashdot FAQ:

    Basically we are trying to moderate as best we can, removing spam, troll posts, first posts, offtopic stuff. The moderation system doesn't delete anything, it just marks it down, so people can choose how much they want to read, or not read. A better description of the moderation system can be read on the moderator guidelines page.
    Since ads placed in the middle of a discussion (or emailed) are considered as "spam", you are thus moderated down. &nbsp If you go here [slashdot.org], you can join the others at the top of the page with their blinking ads - at a price of course.

  • Yep. For example, Jeff Bezos' father gave little Jeffy $30,000 to "play around with". Does anyone really think that a large company can be started with a $10/mo hosting account and a dedicated person or two?


  • Exactly what did I say that was racist in any way?

    You're the one who assumed racism was a part of my comments.

    There are people of all races (etc.) doing crack and/or doing hip hop. (Yes, you haven't lived until you've heard Japanese hip hop.)

    Now then, how soon will you be done being racist?


  • >but by no stretch of the imagination is Linux developed to professional standards.

    Hehehe...I'm willing to bet that a lot of professional
    code isn't developed to 'professional standards'.
    The difference is that very few people get to see any of it...


    "Just take another hit 'cause you don't give a f*ck-
    You're a junkie and you're proud!"
  • Linux flows on and on till the break of dawn
    and it don't stop till you choose so how can
    you lose? If you are a skilled user or coder,
    be down with Linux cause Windows got that odor.
    Let me RiKi RiKi ryhme while I check my uptime
    and eat these hot grits cause they taste so fine.
    Don't stop get it get it.
    Go linux, Go Linux go, go linux go. Get Buck!
    Get Buck! ~Bow wow wow yippie yo yippie yay~

    Word out to the all the Slashers and my Trolldogs
    All you sucka OS's like Linux One quit imitatin
    Pour out a little liquor for your dead processes

  • And the KDE clan is waging war on the Gnome clan...

    Yo, I got root, nigga

    I got root

    And all them Microslut bitches gon' suck on my big

    Linus dick.

    (repeat 1000 times)

    Of course, if linux is like any form of music, it's like punk rock - fuck the majors, we'll do it ourselves.

    How much major label crock do you remember from the 80's? And how many punk bands?

  • "open source coding has been available waay
    before linux and was available at
    universities waay before anywhere else.
    to compare it to a crap mainstream pop
    culture is degrading at best. and its not
    just a simple fashion trend."


    The twomobile.com people have NO taste.

    Comparing a beautifully crafted piece like Linux,

    by people whom have contributed generously
    their talents for the GOOD OF THE WORLD,

    to the crappy hip-hop, and gangster rap

    (do you notice that those hip-hop guys can't
    walk like a normal human being? They have to
    always walk their "ganster" kind of way? What
    a lousy image)

    is totally UNFAIR to Linux and all other open-source projects.

    We should not let tasteless cretins like the twomobile.com people drag us through the mud like this.

    I know, I know, the "open-source" theme is "IN", and everyone wants to jump on the bandwagon, but we should NOT let shitheads like those from the twomobile taking advantage of the "open-source" thing to gain their own 15 second worth of fame.

    At the very least, the open-source community has the right to self-respect. All of us who have contributed to open-source projects have diginity, and we will NOT let shits like the twomobile.com people ruin our integrity just because they feel "kewl" to attach "opensource" to themselves.

    Lest other say we are an "elite" group, we are not. But we are not GANSTERS either, we are NOT like the rap/hip-hop group who want so much to "impress" the world with their lousy low-class attitude.
  • Sliding ever so slowly Offtopic...

    Dude, that was years ago. It was over in a few months. I realize that the old folks here probably aren't too (to use a phrase you'd be familiar with) 'hip to it, daddy-o'.

    Heh heh... now you're trying to guess my age... I'll tell you right now, I ain't from the "hip to it daddy-o" generation... ;-) &nbsp And you can't tell me the dance clubs aren't having "Swing" nites on Sundays either, 'cause they are.

    Remakes of the oldies ('classic rock') are done mainly becuase that's what the artists themselves grew up with. Personally, I find the Beatles, Rolling Stones, etc. to be complete bullshit.

    I'm not just talking about rock - I'm talking about everything - the groups today are reinventing the wheel and not even doing it with style either. &nbsp Many of these so-called artists weren't even born when the Stones and Beatles were in their heydays and folks like me were mere children... ;-) And Mick Jagger did spark something in the rock world which you sometimes see reflected in the styles of the modern groups (ie., "slummin'"... oh oh.. I may start a Jagger-slamfest now...) &nbsp Lennon wasn't so bad now either... admit it.... hee hee.

  • Oh, do you also think the popularity of rap music proves that there is a lot of inner city trash in this country?

    At least stock car racing doesn't advocate the killing of cops, the abuse of women, and the virtues of being alpha male in a pack of violent thugs.

    Not that I watch NASCAR or anything, but you've got to at least respect something that began as a side hobby for people who customized their sports cars for smuggling alchohol into regions with asinine blue laws.
  • I want to protest the injustice the twomobile.com people have done to Linux and all other open-source projects.

    The twomobile.com people have NO taste.

    Comparing a beautifully crafted piece like Linux,

    by people whom have contributed generously
    their talents for the GOOD OF THE WORLD,

    to the crappy hip-hop, and gangster rap

    (do you notice that those hip-hop guys can't
    walk like a normal human being? They have to
    always walk their "ganster" kind of way? What
    a lousy image)

    is totally UNFAIR to Linux and all other open-source projects.

    We should not let tasteless cretins like the twomobile.com people drag us through the mud like this.

    I know, I know, the "open-source" theme is "IN", and everyone wants to jump on the bandwagon, but we should NOT let shitheads like those from the twomobile taking advantage of the "open-source" thing to gain their own 15 second worth of fame.

    At the very least, the open-source community has the right to self-respect. All of us who have contributed to open-source projects have diginity, and we will NOT let shits like the twomobile.com people ruin our integrity just because they feel "kewl" to attach "opensource" to themselves.

    Lest other say we are an "elite" group, we are not. But we are not GANSTERS either, we are NOT like the rap/hip-hop group who want so much to "impress" the world with their lousy low-class attitude.

    I have read a lot of the "rap/hip-hop" is poetic crap. If hip-hop and rap is so "poetic", why do we have so many drive-by alley shooting with those hip-hop/rap blaring at the background?

    Gimme a break ! Gimme a fscking break !

    You want your "gansta" image, go to hip-hop/rap. You want to contribute your talents to the world, come and contribute it to the many open-source projects. But please, don't equate the two things, for they are NOT the same thing.

  • You accuse Signal11 to be a racist, while you said the following:

    "I realize that you have no idea what the
    hell people of African descent sound like,"

    Are YOU trying to tell us that people of African descent **MUST** sound like what you think they must sound like, or they cannot claim themselves to he decendents of African people?

    By saying that the people of African descend *MUST* do this, or do that, you have become the DE FACTO RACIST in this debate.

    People of African descent are PEOPLE, their blood is as RED as the white, yellow or brown folks. They have the right to ACT whatever way they want, and NOBODY, NOT EVEN YOU, can tell them what to do, or how to act, or what "sound" they have to do.

    I am sick and tired of people who always think that people with blackskin must love rap/hip-hop "becoz that's their wayz".


    Can't people of African descent love classical music?

    I mean, what is wrong with Africans playing NICE SOOTHING music?


    You guys make me sick ! REALLY SICK !!!

    And one more thing - if you want rap music, go play your rap music, but NEVER, and I repeat, N*E*V*E*R claim that the Aricans are the one who OWNZ the Rap music.

    There are LOTS of different kinds of GANSTAS out there, and the black people do not have the exclusive right to GANSTAism.

  • Chris Rock is partially responsible for the marginalization of black culture.

    I saw one of his comedy routines on HBO where he made a mockery of the Columbine massacare, saying something to the effect of "black people kill each other all the time, but at least we don't go overboard like those crazy white people".

  • Look. I may agree to that principle that you have outlined, but I do not agree to the comparison the twomobile.com people have thrown at us.

    We are open-source, we contribute our time, our talent, and our effort to make the world just a littlebit better.

    The rap/hip-hop "artists", on the other hand, contribute to the world with the GANSTA image, with drive-by shooting, death, drugs, mayhem.

    We the open-source people are NOT like that. We do not believe in kicking, or murdering the people we have disagreement with. We do not believe in displaying our *MACHO* image so to make the world "fear" us.

    We don't need anyone to fear us. All we ever want is to make this world just that little bit better.

    That is all we are asking.

    That isn't much, or is it?

    Why do we have to be drag through the shits by the twomobile people, comparing us with those GANSTAS?

    I really resent the comparison. I really do.

    I understand that the "open-source" thingy is "KEWL" nowadays, that everybody and their mother-in-law wants to be "IN" with us.

    I understand that all.

    But please, please LET US DO OUR THINGS and please LEAVE US ALONE !

    Don't do the CHEAP TRICKS like the twomobile.com has done - we are NOT gangstas, and we have no need to show off our *MACHONESS* and we don't need to spray bullets into our enemies' body.

    We don't call our female friends "hoe" or "bitch", we don't "MF" everybody we see, and we do not believe in violence.

    I appreciate your "principle" thing, but please, don't use the word "Linux" (and all other open-source projects) in the same sentence with "Rap" or "hip-hop".

    We are NOT the same.

    We have respects. We respect each others, and we respect our female friends. We are NOT like them, period.

  • "If I were forced to try to compare the
    operating system players to the different
    music types, I'd say Microsoft is like any
    pop music that the braindead masses enjoy.
    Music with no quality that is just out to
    make money (Rap is definately included in
    some of these).

    Open Source operating systems are obviously
    akin to DIY music where they try to bypass
    the corrupt music industry. Rap is really
    nothing like Linux. A horrible article,
    really. =( "

    I agree with you wholeheartedly !

    It is NOT only a horrible article, it is a CHEAP attempt for the twomobile.com people to gain personal fame by using words like "Linux" or "open-source".

    We should NOT let these cheap bastard get away so easily. We should never let anyone degrade the beautiful nature of opensource by dragging us through the shits, be it Rap, Hip-Hop or whatever.

    I truly resent what the twomobile.com people have done. I truly resent that the things that I have contributed to the open-source projects (and the many MORE things others have contributed as well) are degraded to the "GANGSTA" level of Rap and/or hip-hop.

    We never need to show our "machoness", unlike those "GANGSTAS". We never need to call our female partners "hoe" or "bitch", and we in the open-source movement treat everybody equally, unlike those "GANGSTAS" who think they are "KINGS" and they can "scare" the world with their display of machoness.

    Man, I just can't tell you how furious I am.

  • Hardly anything truly big started out as something small.

    apple: started in a garage
    yahoo: started in grad school
    dell: started in a dorm room

    just to mention three tech companies...
  • Well put. Hip-Hop is the soul, Rap is the business.

    Huh? &nbsp I guess I'm now sorely out of date... &nbsp I remember Hip-Hop starting off as a "dance and music style" for the 80s teeny boppers, different from R&B, popularized by guys like Bobby Brown and his little group, and absorbing the "Go Go" (remember that?) style that was all the rage in the Chocolate City (D.C.). &nbsp Then it sortof mysteriously tranformed itself into this "culture" generation-gap thing ($$$-generated) with clothing and attitudes and the brief ressurection of James Brown and "gettin' paid" and stuff like that. &nbsp The rap of today is similarly "media generated" and has now sunk to the level of the media-created groups of the 60s. &nbsp The groups today lack the cleverness and hard driving, "in your face" message of a Public Enemy (although Arrested Development tried to hold down the fort amidst the so-called gangsta rap genre). &nbsp Sigh... music =! technology... &nbsp I still think the connection is weak...

  • Actually, techno is American, invented in the early '80s. And actually, it evolved from Disco. When disco "died", it actually just disappeared from the mainstream culture, but didn't actually die completely. There were many places where disco was still popular, namely gay clubs.

    Whoooo boy. &nbsp Not correct. &nbsp You can technically take Techno back to the invention of the electric keyboard/synthesizer in the 50s (does Sun Ra and his Arkestra ring a bell.... nahhhh, guess not... although Sun was doin' big band and be bop as his main paying job), but I digress. &nbsp Let's just say it's been out for awhile (eg. 70s groups like Parliment & its various iterations used the "funk" version of it in the early-mid 70s).

    During this time, a few DJs/producers began to play around with the dance-music feel of disco, and combining it with the new drum machines that were making their appearance at the time (which also, incidentally, encouraged the development of rap music, which used the beats as well). The gay clubs of detroit were, basically, the incubator where the first techno was developed. This was around '83 or 84 I think.

    Uh... not quite. &nbsp As myself and previous posters have noted, rap has been out a long time. &nbsp I guess you're thinking about the use of the drum machines by groups like Afrika Bambatta and the Soul Sonic Force or something? &nbsp DJs, who were the first rappers, didn't need a drum machine - they used their 2 turntables and a mixer (plus a tape recorder to capture the moment). &nbsp The rap then was obviously not on the radio (although a few local stations might sneek a premix tape on in the wee hours of the morning) or distributed by big record producers. &nbsp It wasn't until the Sugar Hill Gang's OVERPLAYED "Rapper's Delight" came out when suddenly rap was "discovered" (sigh). &nbsp And when you say '83 or '84, Techno-pop groups like Kraftwerk (with their jammin' song "Numbers") had been out for some time.

    I won't speak for what happened in Europe during the 80s ' but:

    After this, techno began to make its way back to where it originated: the USA.

    As far as I know, it never left. &nbsp It was still being played in the clubs.

    It took several years, but in 1991 the first techno-explosion occured in the US. This first incarnation of techno in the US was strongly associated with Hippie culture (probably due to the mutual association with drugs),


    and then promptly faded from the mainstream in 1993.


  • OK, since you're obviously young and your point about rap was dead on, I'll go easy on you.

    BUT, punk died with the Ramones. Anything since them that's been called punk has been (gasp!!!) backed by major labels. Anything labelled punk in the last ten years (especially the last four or so) is EXACTLY as 'major label' as the Beastie Boys, Mariah Carey, Celine Dion, 'N Sync, and Brittny fuck(me)ing Spears.

    Here's some major label crock from the '80s for you: the Eurythmics. Annie Lennox, like her music or not, has the finest voice since the likes of Ella and Nina.

    I'm a "folk" fan, in all senses. I like what is (currently) called "folk music," but you must recognise this: You and I can't reasonably discuss what music most accurately encompases the spirit of open source, because open source music is, by its very definition, LOCAL. In fact, the only reason that different linux distros aren't geographically local is because the computing community isn't geographically segregated.

    Kind of a roundabout way of saying forget about punk vs. 'major label,' vs. metal, vs. ska, vs. polka, vs. big vs. small. Saying "fuck the majors" is pointless and counterproductive, if they're willing to help you. Saying "stick to the majors" if they're NOT willing to help you is just as pointless (just ask Ani DiFranco). DO WHAT YOU HAVE TO. Any field, any genre, any time. Period.

  • <p><i>How would the average person respond if you replaced their entire music collection with rap music?

    <p>Probably about the same way they would respond if you fdisked their hard drive and installed linux."</i>

    <p>Speaking as someone who lives and breathes music FAR more than computers (and as a full time Unix admin, that's saying a lot), I would respond with the following:

    2) fdisk my hard drive and install linux, I'll ask for the backup tapes.{*}

    1) Replace my music collection with rap, I'll bludgeon you with a tire iron.

    {*} If no backup tape, then see #1.

  • "People of African descent" are quite self-aware, and their self-parodies are often a lot harsher than this. And no, I, for one, am not a suburbanite. If you like, I'll go get a real, live black person (like my girlfriend) to tell you this is funny.

    Lighten up.

  • Ever listened to Onyx? How about Redman? Or Tupac? What about Ice T?

    All of these artists create music which fits Signal 11's generalization, which hasn't got a damned thing to do with race. And generally speaking, I like it. Not as much as I like the Beatles, or Otis Redding, or Bach, for that matter, but it's good stuff.

    Signal 11's post was not an attack. It was humor, as much at ESR's expense as anyone's.


    If you don't know this is Dr. Skald... Ain't shit changed motherfucka... pack your own heat... supply your own ammo, hacka...

God made the integers; all else is the work of Man. -- Kronecker
