Public Radio Exchange Site Launches 106
TheSync writes "The Public Radio Exchange web site has opened its doors. Radio show producers can sign up to upload programming for peer-review and electronic distribution to public radio stations that like the content. Avid listeners can sign up (for free) to listen and review potential programming. PRX just received a $1.5 million grant from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, and they are looking for a summer intern in Boston."
I wonder . . . (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:I wonder . . . (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:I wonder . . . (Score:5, Funny)
No! For God's sake boy! What are you thinking?! Just because you pay for it either directly or indirectly doesn't mean you should have free access to the content.
Remember, that would be communist.
Communist? (Score:1, Funny)
Oh wait. It's like that here, too.
it's already free (Score:2)
Re:I wonder . . . (Score:4, Funny)
So: with mods this is /Radio?
Re:I wonder . . . (Score:5, Interesting)
I know it's not exactly the same thing, but what would happen if a garage band uploaded their song to the PRX website and then later signed a contract with the RIAA? What would happen to that song? Would it still be allowed to be played on PRX type sites?
I imagine that the contract would spell stuff like this out for the band and the RIAA, but what about the PRX that already had a copy of it? How would the contract apply to them?
Re:I wonder . . . (Score:2)
Please, sir, may we have our freely-available and donation/tax-funded audio in format that doesn't cotton to a giant media corporation, THANKS SO MUCH?
Re:I wonder . . . (Score:2)
You don't need to install realplayer if you use windows. Media player classic [sourceforge.net] with real alternative works with this site, I just tried it.
Sites hosting real alternative seem to come and go. This link [free-codecs.com] looks legit though I havn't tried it. I'm really cautious about exe's from the web these days.
Quicktime alternative is also worth getting. On one computer I had to
experiment with the directx settings to get it to play video properly.
Re:I wonder . . . (Score:2)
Only a small fraction of the total revenues of NPR comes from the government. I bet we spend more tax dollars for bush's monthly campaigning on Air Force One than the NPR annual budget.
Re:I wonder . . . (Score:2)
Exactly. Look at what happened with Car Talk [cartalk.com] (story one [slashdot.org], story two [slashdot.org]). Click & Clack didn't like the way that Real tries to abuse their users either, so they reluctantly tried switching to Windows Media instead, knowing that this solution wasn't much better. After getting lots of complaints, they switched back to Real,
Re:Just make sure to make your material (Score:4, Informative)
Have you ever listened to NPR? Or do you [oreilly-sucks.com] just [thelantern.com] regurgitate [cybercollege.com] what [workingforchange.com] FOX News tells you? Because that's really a source of non-biased coverage. You know, just because people keep saying the media is liberal doesn't make it true [whatliberalmedia.com].
NPR is probably one of the more interesting news agencies out there. You'll here stories there that you won't hear anywhere else. Not because of a political stance, but because they are not trying to get ratings to get advertisers. There stories are much more interesting for those with half a brain.
Besides, the current administration deserves as much heat as can be brought on them. They've gotten a very easy ride from this supposed liberal media.
Re:Just make sure to make your material (Score:3, Funny)
Someone please mod this up as funny.
Clear Channel Dropped Stern.. (Score:5, Interesting)
GroupShares.com [groupshares.com]
Re:Clear Channel Dropped Stern.. (Score:2, Informative)
BTW If you're in Florida... another station picked him up there.
Re:Clear Channel Dropped Stern.. (Score:4, Insightful)
Please don't be confused. As much as I despise ClearChannel and what they have done to radio it isn't ALL good 'ol Red's fault.
Remember what government agency that shouldn't have power over "decency" does and what they made CC do.
Re: (Score:1)
Huh. (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Huh. (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Huh. (Score:5, Funny)
You must be new here.
PS: don't worry about the lack of attention, now that you're in the collective mind of the /. audience, expect a duplicate of this story in a few days. That should make up for it
Voting for programming.. (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Voting for programming.. (Score:2)
Isn't that the point?
Re: (Score:2)
intern application requirements (Score:3, Funny)
"3) A suggestion on where Site Editor Brendan Greeley should live in Boston. He just moved here and needs an apartment."
Re:Part of Application for Internship (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Part of Application for Internship (Score:1, Insightful)
Re:Part of Application for Internship (Score:2, Insightful)
Pledge of Allegiance (removing "under God")
In other words, putting it back the way it was originally. Except that "under God" isn't removed yet, so your argument there holds no water.
Re:Part of Application for Internship (Score:1, Insightful)
Re:Part of Application for Internship (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Part of Application for Internship (Score:2)
Re:Part of Application for Internship (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Part of Application for Internship (Score:2)
And besides, the consitution is too crisp and brittle to be used as toilet paper. (this is a joke - so relax)
Re:Part of Application for Internship (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Part of Application for Internship (Score:3, Insightful)
2nd amendment would be long gone too.
Judges and lawsuits are not used exclusively by liberals. The simple fact is that when we have so many laws, they are going to contradict each other on many occasions. We need judges to decide those situations; lawsuits are the means for these resolutions.
We acknowledge that the state shall not establish religion (as stated by the constitution), a law requiring the daily recitation of "under g
Re:Part of Application for Internship (Score:1)
Take some coginitive development classes...please...for the love of God, before you vote!
Re:Part of Application for Internship (Score:2)
That's an interesting argument, but what about this: wouldn't a fetus be considered a minor, and therefore incapable of making decisions like that? If that's the case, then responsibility for the decision transfers back to the legal guardian (which, in the case of a fetus, could only be the mother - it doesn
Re:Part of Application for Internship (Score:2)
Re:Part of Application for Internship (Score:2)
Re:Part of Application for Internship (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Part of Application for Internship (Score:2)
Re:Part of Application for Internship (Score:1)
Re:Part of Application for Internship (Score:3, Funny)
[] i like loud, obnoxious shock-jocks that aren't qualified to make any social commentary beyond the fact that they have a mouth...a loud one.
[] i like crappy, teenybopper-14-yr-old songs.
[] i like to hear the 400000 times a day....
[] i LOVE shitty radio commercials that run all day long...
the list goes on from there.....shut up and don't listen, don't give and get lost.
Re:Part of Application for Internship (Score:2)
http://www.tompaine.com/articles/nprs_liberal_m y th
Also, I'd much rather pay for something up-front than borrow and pay interest on it for years and years, which seems to be the conservative approach: borrow and spend. That comes back as taxes, interest and principal - much more costly than tax and spend.
We'll all get the privilege of paying back the Bush II tax cut for many years.
Re:Part of Application for Internship for Neo-Cons (Score:3, Funny)
[] Human life is a cheap and necessary cost of doing business.
[] Global resources exist to benefit the few, the wealthy.
[] First come, first serve.
[] Winner takes all.
[] Those folks are lucky to be working at Megamart.
[] Government exists to serve the wealthy.
[] Property is a god-given right.
[] Rich people need more tax breaks.
[] If we can't win with advertising, win with intimidation and violence.
[] We need to spend more money on weapons
Re:Part of Application for Internship (Score:3, Funny)
So, from now on, reply accordingly. Because assuming makes an ass out of u and ming.
I know you're a troll, but... (Score:3, Insightful)
Ummmm ... yeah, but I don't worry too much about it. Those NEA stormtroopers aren't nearly as well armed as me and Maude are, so when they show up on our porch trying to steal our Similac so they can sell it to third world countries to fund the next guy who wants to submerge a crucifix in a bucket of piss, I can just open up on 'em with my .50 cal and blow those art-lovin
Re:I know you're a troll, but... (Score:1)
in response to your list of blathering:
- if you are too irresponsible to pay for your fire
Re:Part of Application for Internship (Score:1)
Why Did it Take So Long? (Score:3, Informative)
Online Radio Content? (Score:5, Insightful)
Seems to me online radio once had a lot of potential, maybe still does, but has gone nowhere in the past few years. I thought it would pick up with every man and his dog carrying an MP3 player, but apparently not.
Re:Online Radio Content? (Score:1, Informative)
Re:Online Radio Content? (Score:5, Informative)
http://webjay.org [webjay.org] - Calls itself "Listener Created Radio", and it aggregates quite a bit of radio and non-radio MP3, Real and windows content. You can create playlists of audio/video content already hosted someplace. When you click "play" on a playlist, it generates a playlist for your player. Worth checking out.
http://www.radio-locator.com/ [radio-locator.com] - They track radio stations and list their stream links too
http://www.radio4all.net/ [radio4all.net] - Anybody can submit radio content to them, it's sort of a precursor to PRX but a lot less middle-of-the-road.
Re:Online Radio Content? (Score:1)
Re:Online Radio Content? (Score:2, Informative)
News from Neptune is online. (Score:2)
Check out News from Neptune [newsfromneptune.com] -- an hour-long weekly news and commentary show from WEFT 90.1 FM [weft.org]. The News from Neptune site is being worked on (one of the co-host bios has not yet been written) but there are shows up under a Creative Commons license in DRM-free Ogg Vorbis and Speex format (current show in Ogg Vorbis, archive shows in Speex). Download, share, and enjoy. I helped put the show online and I host another show at the same station.
Re:Online Radio Content? (Score:1)
Summer Intern position (Score:4, Funny)
Will introduce you to the high-powered, creatively satisfying, poorly compensated world of public radio. May compensate you. May also not compensate you. Will provide you with an immediate list of marginally interesting things to do, a list that will grow exponentially more interesting as we discover how competent you are. Will offer exposure to people who are famous, or at least as famous as you can be if you got famous by being on public radio.
Subsitute /public radio/ with /your job here/
Hey, at least they're honest.
Priorities (Score:1)
Nothing quite new (Score:4, Informative)
NPR or Pacifica? (Score:2, Interesting)
I've seen a lot of comparisons to NPR, but from the description in the news bit (I can't load the prx.com website for some reason), it seems to run with a philosophy a bit more comparable to Pacifica [pacifica.org] - a public radio foundation that is run with active participation from listeners. With the level of listener involvement apparently available, I can't really see the NPR comparison.
bout time (Score:5, Informative)
I would estimate the yearly expenses of those projects to be an order of magnititude less than $1.5m. Oneworld Radio [oneworld.net] also offers upload space for programs and is networked internationally. I would guess their costs are a bit less than $1.5m but in a similar ballpark.
music (Score:2)
i guess they're not going for the mixtape-trading aspect.
mod those crap bands DOWN!!! (Score:2)
I want... (Score:4)
Slashdot Radio!
(Geeks in Space)
NPR needs more peer review. (Score:1)
> Radio show producers can sign up to upload programming for peer-review
How about letting us peer-review their lobbying efforts [npr.org]? For now, I'm voting with my (lack of) dollars.
Good luck getting that internship... (Score:1)
Coupla responses from PRX site editor (Score:4, Informative)
1. PRX does not distribute music. As you all know, this is a sticky subject and thus conveniently outside of our brief.
2. As befits a publicly-funded site, anyone [prx.org] can listen to pieces and offer a review. We encourage it. Like the great Soviet enterprise we are, we demand it. Submit.
3. It is possible to believe strongly in both public radio and the free market. They are not mutually exclusive, nor is public broadcasting the sole province of liberals [wnyc.org].
4. PRX is not Internet radio. We use a web platform to allow nonprofit radio stations to browse for content that they can license, download and broadcast.
5. We're in the midst of rethinking how parts of the site work, particularly the search function and reviews/moderation. We welcome comments. The relationship between the popular vote and the judiciary may or may not be germane to this discussion but hey, it's your Constitution too.
Re:Coupla responses from PRX site editor (Score:2)
Free market, eh? (Score:1)
> It is possible to believe strongly in both public radio and the free market
Why compete when you can just lobby away your competitors [npr.org]?
Bob Let There Be Subgenius Radio (Score:1)