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World Bank Embraces Open Access and Makes All of Its Research Freely Available 46

Fluffeh writes "The World Bank is taking steps toward greater transparency. It announced recently that it would be instituting a new 'Open Access policy for its research outputs and knowledge products' beginning July 1. The policy's full title is 'World Bank Open Access Policy for Formal Publications,' and the Bank says it will apply to 'manuscripts and all accompanying data sets... that result from research, analysis, economic and sector work, or development practice... that have undergone peer review or have been otherwise vetted and approved for release to the public; and... for which internal approval for release is given on or after July 1, 2012,' as well as the final reports prepared by outside parties for the Bank. Over 2,100 books and papers from 2009-2012 are already available in the repository"
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World Bank Embraces Open Access and Makes All of Its Research Freely Available

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  • Can't wait for the rest of it to be transparent.

    âoeThat which can be destroyed by the truth should be." - P. C. Hodgell

    • Historically, the World Bank hasn't been especially transparent at all. But unless this is just a PR stunt, I see no reason not to believe that this would only be the start of it.
  • Let's say my company wants to sponsor a hackathon in NYC that uses these World Bank APIs and datasets to make demo apps and recruit developers. How would I go about producing and hosting the event? Is there an NYC org that's done this before for other industries?

    • Neat! I would say you should look into the NYC Resistor [] hackerspace, General Assembly [], and the people behind different hack days like Music Hack Day [] and Photo Hack Day [].

      I don't know how many people you could get that would be interested in something like this since it probably doesn't have enough of a cool factor to draw people in. Maybe look at Code for America [] for some inspiration?

      Heh, I'm not even from NY.

  • From the perspective of the case of the more-or-less-stock academic economists writing studies, who just happen to work for the World Bank rather than some university, open access publishing seems like a good idea for all the same reasons that it does were the same economist to be working at a university instead.

    However, and the weasel wording(" or have been otherwise vetted and approved for release to the public; and... for which internal approval for release is given") in the announcement suggests this
    • by rtb61 ( 674572 )

      Problem with World Bank research and data, it was all answer driven. Here's the answers we want, create research and cherry pick data to match it, then hand to to our PR=B$ department to publish it and ensure the working in poverty nobodies all worship at the alters of the rich and greedy as they should (don't forget we have to break the back of the middle class, those uppity types need to learn their place).

    • It really is. They have the same consultants writing the same drivel for decades. They have no solutions, only more ways to push unsustainable debt onto downtrodden countries. ie. Don't waste your time.
  • That particular international institution lost all credibility when a psychopath with the blood of one million people on his hands was appointed at its head. I was infuriated but well, it did let us know there was something wrong with it.

    This is only one more reason for citizens in concerned countries to mobilize, organize and bring back democracy to themselves. We must fight back against the international financial dictatorship in order to keep a livable world for ourselves, and we must denounce western wa

    • by jpapon ( 1877296 )
      Yikes, insert a few "Jews" into that rant and you've got yourself a vintage 1930s Nazi propaganda speech.
    • by dbIII ( 701233 )
      It's not really the World Bank's fault that it was used as a sinecure for one of vacationing Prince Bush's cronies, nor the details of the salary of his mistress from there who was being paid more than Rice. That corruption came from the outside and has nothing to do with the systemic problems within the World Bank.
  • by OzPeter ( 195038 ) on Saturday April 14, 2012 @06:29PM (#39689003)

    I wonder how many documents will mention Confessions Of An Economic Hit-man [] by John-Perkins?

  • In fact I wish somebody of authority creates a policy that all school assignments, all thesis, all research be published as Wikipedia edits. Wikipedia will become the new library of Alexandria.
  • Over the last several years the World Bank has been moving in this direction. It used to be that most of the World Development Indicators [] required a subscription. This is an extremely detailed country-level database of everything from GDP and prices to infant mortality and refugee populations. Now, the database in its entirety is free and it has been loaded into statistical applications like Stata and made available by these folks [] (along with other World Bank datasets).

    It's been my experience that the a

    • They are mostly useless. Did World Bank predict the Arab Spring? That single event threw a monkey wrench into a dozen middle east country's economies for the next ten years. World Bank research is useless. They are no more than an economic strong arm tool of the US. This in itself is not a problem, most people acknowledge this, it is not a secret. However, the continued harmful policies that the World Bank pushes onto developing nations, such as economic policies, environmental policies, development plans,
    • by dkf ( 304284 )

      It's still a long way from being able to cut out the for-profit journals, though some open-access journals do exist.

      It costs some money to produce a journal and to keep it available to people long into the future. Given that, the options are to either have it paid for directly through taxes or to have it run by an organization that seeks to make a working profit. ("Non-profit" organizations do different things with that working profit than normal companies, but both are keen on not making a loss.) Instead, the real questions are 1) whether the costs should be borne by those seeking to get their research published or by t

Hackers are just a migratory lifeform with a tropism for computers.
