Lawrence Krauss: Congress Is Trying To Defund Scientists At Energy Department 342
Lasrick writes Physicist Lawrence Krauss blasts Congress for their passage of the 2015 Energy and Water Appropriations bill that cut funding for renewable energy, sustainable transportation, and energy efficiency, and even worse, had amendments that targeted scientists at the Department of Energy: He writes that this action from the US Congress is worse even than the Australian government's move to cancel their carbon tax, because the action of Congress is far more insidious: "Each (amendment) would, in its own way, specifically prohibit scientists at the Energy Department from doing precisely what Congress should mandate them to do—namely perform the best possible scientific research to illuminate, for policymakers, the likelihood and possible consequences of climate change." Although the bill isn't likely to become law, Krauss is fed up with Congress burying its head in the sand: The fact that those amendments "...could pass a house of Congress, should concern everyone interested in the appropriate support of scientific research as a basis for sound public policy."
Congress has its (collective) head buried... (Score:2, Funny)
But it's not in the sand.
Re:Congress has its (collective) head buried... (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Congress has its (collective) head buried... (Score:4, Informative)
Thats's cute and all, but not actually correct.
Con, as in "pros and cons" comes from "contra", meaning against.
But "con" in congress means basically the opposite, which is to say "with", "together". As in "concert", "consistent", "consonant", "contract" and so on.
But you know, it's still pretty funny.
In French I've heard it say that
on parle == they talk
on ment == they lie
But etymologically that is equally broken I guess.
Price of using scientists as political pawns (Score:4, Insightful)
You get involved in politics... you take sides... and there are consequences.
NPR for example is under similar threat of being defunded for the same reason. They took sides and when they stopped acting in the interests of all sides they became the enemy of sides they did not support... or the allies of sides they did support... and via the friend of my enemy is my enemy logic which is standard in politics... they became enemies.
Here someone is going to bitch at me like I had any part in any of these consequences.
Don't get mad at me. I didn't do anything one way or the other. All I'm doing is explaining what happened.
Re:Price of using scientists as political pawns (Score:5, Insightful)
Scientists taking sides? They took the side of reality. It's unfortunate for Conservatives that this reality doesn't line up with their views, but you can hardly blame that on the scientists.
Re:Price of using scientists as political pawns (Score:5, Insightful)
Well, that is IN FACT what they're doing. I'm sorry if you find this unpleasant, but that's the reality of the situation.
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That's fine. You're playing politics and it is in your political interest to make that point. I'm being honest, unlike you... and am willing to tell you why things are the way they are... and I'm trying to show you how things could change.
But you don't care about that. You just want to keep playing your political games. And that's fine. You're not the only one that can play and in situations where its more serious the opposition isn't going to be honest with you either. Because you use honesty against peopl
Re:Price of using scientists as political pawns (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Price of using scientists as political pawns (Score:4, Insightful)
No, I'm saying you used a scientific organization as a puppet for a political program that hurt a lot of people and is in the process of destroying industries, communities, and ways of life. And as a result, the political allies of the people you hurt are reaching out to disrupt, break, and punish those that did that.
The science is irrelevant to the issue. You hurt people and they respond. You disrespect people and they respond.
Why would you think you could go after all these people and destroy them with no consequences? Who do you think you're dealing with here? We're every bit as smart as you are sport. Even our grasp of science is much the same despite your probable assumptions on that issue.
What seperates us is not our education or ability to reason. It is our intentions and interests. You are trying to fuck people over and you used a federal agency to do it. You are now apparently shocked that those people you tried to fuck or actually fucked are going after that federal agency.
And you think we are stupid? Of course we're going after it. You're going to have to defend it now and have fun trying to get funding for the DoE now that you've turned it into a political pawn.
You've undermined the country with that shit. These agencies must remain impartial and neutral or they can't be tolerated. These organizations must be for EVERYONE. All sides. Mutual. Or they are undeserving of common funds.
Re:Price of using scientists as political pawns (Score:5, Interesting)
How, specifically? Fundamentally, is the DOE doing bad research? Are the results wrong? Or is good research simply being used to support political ends that you disagree with?
If I ask an expert if X is true and then use his answer to support my position, does that make him a "puppet" that my enemies should attack?
Re:Price of using scientists as political pawns (Score:5, Interesting)
I agree, we shouldn't be subsidizing the green industries, instead we should just regulate the shit out of the extraction industries which manage to externalize so much of their costs.
How much should the coal industry pay for the ~1M deaths/year?
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E... [wikipedia.org]
Re:Price of using scientists as political pawns (Score:5, Insightful)
Congress wanted to stimulate green technology growth so it approved a bunch of loans and had the DOE administer them. The DOE did so, losing money on some ventures (but far less than Congress allocated for expected losses on a program that wasn't supposed to be profitable) and ending up with something like 3% of their portfolio in failed ventures. Therefore, we should defund the science work that the DOE does.
There's a jump in there somewhere that I'm not fully following. I mean, I missed the part where the American way of life was destroyed, industries collapsed, and cats and dogs began to live together. But even if that was the case, why are we gutting the science funding again?
Re:Price of using scientists as political pawns (Score:4, Insightful)
And? a company failed. So what? happens all the time. In this case they failed becasue china flooded the market with solar panels they where selling below cost in order to stop american business's.
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What does this have to do with scientists conducting research? The bureaucrats handing out loans are completely different people. It's unlikely they even know each other exist except in the loosest sense (like I know people in Bangor exist, but I don't know a single person there).
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the only willfuly ignorant one here is you.
The DOE program has hurt NO ONE, have been EXTREMELY SUCCESSFUL, and has actually REDUCED THE DEFICIT by making more money than they spent.
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You aren't follow the point where he doesn't actually know what he is talking about and just rattling off talking point he was spoon fed from his echo chamber.
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Re:Price of using scientists as political pawns (Score:4, Insightful)
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All this talk of level playing fields ignores the entire point of subsidies.
The idea is to foster a new industry whether it's through loans, grants, or University research.
"Level playing field" ignore the fact that the fossil fuel industry is an established multi-trillion dollar global industry.
Last year, the oil industry spent ~$700 billion just on finding new oil.
Cutting everyone's subsidies is not leveling the field, it's taking green energy out back and shooting it.
Jane/Lonny Eachus goes Sky Dragon Slayer. (Score:5, Insightful)
The 2010 fantasy novel Slaying the Sky Dragon - Death of the Greenhouse Gas Theory claims the second law of thermodynamics disproves the greenhouse effect. At first this seemed like a parody of creationists who claim the second law disproves evolution, but the Slayers seem very serious. They claim warm surfaces can't absorb back-radiation (*) from cold atmospheres because they mistakenly think heat can't be transferred from cold to warm objects at all. In fact, this is only true for net heat transfer. Cold objects can slow the rate at which warm objects lose heat without transferring more heat to warm objects than vice versa. That's how the greenhouse effect works.
(*) Also called downwelling longwave irradiance.
Again [slashdot.org], Dr. Latour's Slayer fan fiction is fractally wrong:
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It is 2 years or so later now, and they still haven't. Dr. Roy Spencer (himself a self-proclaimed climate skeptic) and Anthony Watts (also a climate skeptic) both tried to disprove him experimentally, and both failed. And nobody has pointed out any genuine errors in L
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Now you're going to sit there and attempt to be smug by claiming that the scientists are only doing their jobs and only pushing out the facts
Well, that is IN FACT what they're doing. I'm sorry if you find this unpleasant, but that's the reality of the situation.
That's fine. You're playing politics and it is in your political interest to make that point. I'm being honest, unlike you
Lay off the magic kool-aid buddy.
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Re:Price of using scientists as political pawns (Score:4, Insightful)
Actually, it's Republicans (well, Conservatives) who think it's possible the kill the government and make the world better. That's why they've been practicing starve the beast, stripping out revenue, privatizing all they can, and they think if the system collapses, it'll be better, so they think they have no responsibility to do things efficiently or reasonably. If anything, the more hysterical and outrageous they can be, the more likely it'll be to happen, so a net gain for them if there is a collapse.
This is supported by their base, which prefers a strong stand to a compromising one, case in point, their affection for Putin. And why don't you go over the dozen people and organizations the Republicans/Conservatives went over the last decade for no greater reason than they opposed something that the right-wing was trying to do and thus had to be nuked? It's not all been birther nonsense, though even that continuing fuckup has been demonstrative enough that they can't be trusted.
Responsible people wouldn't even tolerate that kind of horseshit being used. And no, despite attempts to blame it on Hillary Clinton, the responsibility for it is in the hands of the Right-wing that has pushed it and kept pushing it.
Now you're bitching over the Department of Energy being involved in improving the US's use of energy? I think that pretty squarely falls under the mandate. And you know who came up with half the ideas the Republicans are upset about? The Bush Administration. Yeah, that program Solyndra was involved in (and do note it wasn't just Solyndra, but you never hear the Republicans talk about any of the OTHER companies, heck they tried to get us to believe that Solyndra committed fraud, when the factory they made was actually built and producing solar panels), was a Republican idea. Same with most of the PPACA. And Common Core for that matter. So yeah, you want to know who attacks government? Republicans. Even when it's their own jobs.
And really, little industry we have left? US manufacturing may have fallen under China, but the net growth? Has still been upwards. Sure, employment has fallen. Why? Because productivity has gone up. Industry doesn't get ahead by keeping people around who do nothing. (That's politics, not business!)
I don't know why people like you believe the US is some collapsing economy. You may as well believe the US is bankrupt, and has no possibility of paying its debts, when the US actually still has a greater value to its economic production than its deficits AND several times the assets as debts.
But the fact is, the US can't sustain itself on manufacturing as it currently is going. But neither can Japan, India, China, or Korea. We're too good at automation and due to the way wealth is getting concentrated, consumption can't keep going up to lead to more jobs. Germany has more hope than we do. They're supporting their people over their oligarchs.
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You're right, republicans have reduced federal funding hugely.
US federal funding on a per capita basis is only a fraction of what it was in the 19... anything. Oh wait... federal spending is at record levels and has on a steady trend upward for generations.
You're a fool.
Re:Price of using scientists as political pawns (Score:5, Insightful)
Revenue == taxes, not spending. Starve the beast means cutting taxes (people happy because taxes are lower), keeping spending the same (people happy because they still get government service), and then letting the whole system pile up in debt and collapse (people don't care, because it'll be someone else's kids' problem. But not my kids, because I'll leave them a bunch of money when I become rich, which is bound to happen any day now).
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We can't cut spending. You've worked very hard to make that impossible. Your whole political position is based on the idea of giving people stuff. You give people free healthcare, free food, free housing, free education, free transport, free cell phones, free anything and everything.
Except none of it is free.
You say you care about helping the poor and the needy. And i think for many of you that is true. But the reality is that many in your faction only give away these things as a means to power. That is the
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You've worked very hard to make that impossible. Your whole political position is based on the idea of giving people stuff. You give people free healthcare, free food, free housing, free education, free transport, free cell phones, free anything and everything.
You sure seem to know a lot about what everyone does and thinks and says. Do you work for the NSA or are you just full of shit?
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Nice... so republicans are to blame for your own tax and spend nightmare.
Tell me, are democrats ever responsible for anything? Or is that literally impossible? Because you seem to employ these hilarious circular logic loops where things that are good are the responsibility of the democrats indifferent to whether they had anything to do with it and things that are bad are the responsibility of the republicans whether or not they had anything to do with it.
And in this you think you have any basis to judge me
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That's fine. Your tax and spend system is going to collapse eventually. And when it does the political model you've created on providing subsidies in exchange for political support will also collapse.
Its too bad you'll destroy the country in the process but you're a cancer for which there is apparently no cure.
The founders didn't account for you sadly.
When the US was founded, the founders tried to learn from the mistakes of past civilizations. From the romans, the greeks, the english, etc.
Their studies were
Re:Price of using scientists as political pawns (Score:5, Insightful)
Unfortunately, you don't seem to get it. The actual model in place is not tax and spend. The model in place is "strip revenues and keep spending" which is intended to collapse by those who push it. As I said, the Republicans.
It will run the risk of destroying the country in the process.
And you seem to want just that. Really, you pretend you're trying to force others to cut spending. Yet it never really happens. Why is that?
Perhaps because you don't intend it to actually happen.
Your own words, in reply to another:
If the US government needs to go bankrupt to short circuit your parasitic political games then so be it.
That's your justification. Right there. Because you think it'll destroy a system you despise. Never mind that it's not actually in place. But you believe it is, so regardless of what happens as a result, you'll let things burn down. You want a crisis. You want a cataclysm. You want the fires to come in and purge the structure that's around you.
And no, the founders probably didn't think such nihilism was likely to happen. Sure, they may have known of the various doomsday cults in the Middle Ages and even Ancient Rome, but I'm sure they believed man was too enlightened to fall for it. They didn't have much experience with the later anarchists, let alone the modern sovereign citizens. Or how deceptive certain powerbrokers and oligarchs could be. Or maybe they did know. Hard to say, we can't dig them up. It is interesting what party cloaks themselves in the power of the founding fathers though. Come to think of it, that happened in Rome too. The worst enemies of the Republic and even the Empire were often the ones pretending to save it.
But you're right, the best hope for this country is for somebody to wise up. You. Or the people who believe the lies like you. Or for you to be exposed for the deceitful and destructive fraud you are.
Because you see...the real cancer is you. You are the rat eating away the tree. You are the one proclaiming that you must destroy the village to save the village. You are Emperor Palpatine.
Well, not really. You're more like one of his clones obeying his commands, as you've been raised to do. You're drinking the Kool-Aid, and pretending you're special. That you're the hope for the Republic.
At best. At worst? You're one of the clever ones who knows what you're doing. Who knows the lies. But is smart enough to keep using them, because you know how seductive they are, how easy it is to demonize the other side as "Tax and Spend" that way you can blame them for the debt crisis eventually exploding. Then like John Galt, you can pretend you're the savior. That probably appeals to your psychology, it lets you think you're the hero even as you destroy everything that you claim matters to you.
PS, what brought the Roman Empire down is widely debated, ranging from internal problems with the environment, uncontrolled climate changes, some of which they may even have helped cause, and even a lack of infrastructure development as they could no longer seize the wealth of their neighbors and put a lot off to the barbarians at the borders. And more than a few nihilists, I'm sure. Though some of those were the ascetic kind, rather than the hedonistic kind. Don't be so quick to blame it on giving into the mob, and appeasing them. That's the easy choice, and convenient for those who have a particular agenda to push.
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Re:Price of using scientists as political pawns (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Price of using scientists as political pawns (Score:5, Insightful)
Give me a break. This is all about climate change, something which has a solid scientific consensus. Conservative denial of this is just as bad as their desire to push Creationism and Intelligent Design into schools. These threatened researchers are not doing politically motivated work.
Face it, if these goons had their way they would be defunding anything that wasn't explicitly endorsed in the Bible.
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they're working that way.
The military said climate change was an emerging national security threat, as place will experience more frequent and more extreme droughts or other catastrophic weather events. This will in turn lead to increased conlfict, for which they wanted to study and prepare for.
GOP reaction? To specifically prohibit, by law, the military from continuing to study or prepare for anything related to global warming.
Remember, this the "national security" party. That's how much they hate global w
Rubbish (Score:3)
This is not about "Climate Change", it's about "Carbon Tax". Carbon Taxes have been used to stifle innovation and competition, and the players that should be paying the most have been immune to the tax. That's not an issue of a tax as much as issue of corruption. That said, while so many governments are grossly corrupt a "Tax" is not going to be the answer.
As long as people like you believe in a false paradigm blaming religion (or democrat vs. republican), no corrections will be made.
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I remember the lies the Right-wing told about Solyndra and the rest of the Loan Guarantee Program. They tried to convince us that Solyndra failed because they were frauds and didn't even build a working factory. When the reality is...somewhat different. The program overall is doing fine. Solyndra did have a working product. Their factory did produce their solar panels. Yet you would never hear the Right-wing talk about that.
And if you want to know why US Coal Exports have fallen, it's because the pric
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I didn't say they didn't build a working factory.
I said they failed.
How many people does solyndra employ today? Where are the green jobs?
This is the recurring problem with the left. They promise everyone a world of rainbows and unicorn cheeseburgers. But when push comes to shove... you fail. You don't deliver. All your promises don't come out... the reality checks bounce... and then what happens? People like me are stuck in some disintegrating city eating gruel and standing in line to get government rations
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3 million green jobs right now, and growing.
"This is the recurring problem with the left. They promise everyone a world of rainbows and unicorn cheeseburgers. But when push comes to shove... you fail. You don't deliver. All your promises don't come out... the reality checks bounce... and then what happens? People like me are stuck in some disintegrating city eating gruel and standing in line to get government rations."
completely false.
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Re:Price of using scientists as political pawns (Score:5, Insightful)
How many people does solyndra employ today? Where are the green jobs?
Here [computerworld.com] they are. The solar industry of the USA now employs more people than the coal industry of the USA.
Funny how you weren't aware of that fact, isn't it? It's almost as if your media sources chose not to mention it, because it doesn't fit their narrative.
This is the recurring problem with the left. They promise everyone a world of rainbows and unicorn cheeseburgers. But when push comes to shove... you fail. You don't deliver.
Or, they succeed, but the right-wing media bubble pretends not not notice. Cherry-picking reality might help them keep their market share in the short run, but as time goes on more and more people will realize they're full of shit.
Re:Price of using scientists as political pawns (Score:4, Interesting)
"The US coal industry is on the brink of collapse.
I wish! Sadly, they aren't.
"f where you're going to get energy from now that you've shut down the nuclear power plants"
Who wants to shut down Nuclear plants? Not me. I want to see thorium plants and generate electriscity form burning our current high yield 'waste'.
Anyway, we would get all are energy needs from a 100 mile to a side solar furnace plant.
Every bit.
We could start that right now. Doesn't even need to be all at once, we could roll out out a 20 year plan.
Sylindra went under what the Chinese flooded the market with solar panels sold under their cost.
You are so stupid that your whole premise seem to be based that we just shut one thing off and then start the next. I understand it can be hard for simpletons like you to do more then one thing at a time, but for actually thinking adults, it's not really that hard.
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For one thing you've got all the "green jobs" "green economy" crap that the democrats pushed and used to justify shutting down existing industry and business... putting big taxes on such businesses... etc... on the theory that it would create a new green economy.
Because the democrats think it is literally impossible to kill the economy.
Or ... just maybe ... you've got all the "green jobs" "green economy" crap because people with foresight realize that there are whole new industries waiting to be built which will provide a sound basis for growth and wealth creation for the next hundred years or so, as opposed to sitting on our asses and screeching about how that won't work, drill, Baby, drill! And, predictably, the Old Guard is howling about being made to actually pay for the full damage they are doing to the world.
Just sayin'.
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The things being "destroyed"(they aren't) are heavy polluters who are making the world less habitable for humans.
Why don't you go on about how the coal gets money and that's destroying green jobs? oh, right, becasue you a fucking tool, sparky.
Re:Price of using scientists as political pawns (Score:5, Informative)
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You're right... hydraulic fracturing on private land is booming in spite of the best efforts of the administration to kill it.
But that's only because they've been unable to stop it. And they've been unable to stop it because WE protected them.
The EPA and similar organizations have been trying to stop and forbid fracking for years. They're saying it causes earth quakes or that areas that have had natural gas in their well water for GENERATIONS only now are able to light their well water on fire.
Something you
Re:Price of using scientists as political pawns (Score:5, Informative)
This administration has never tried to kill fracking.
You are a fucking liar.
"The EPA and similar organizations have been trying to stop and forbid fracking for years."
"The DoE was used as a tool to hurt people."
It's a political fight becasue the pubs made it one. The DoE funding wasn't political.
You should actual learn history and mission of the DoE, you fucking limp wristed cum stain.
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Not thriving? The energy industry in the US is insanely profitable.
Interesting. How profitable is the US energy industry? Looking at the latest tax returns of ExxonMobil, Chevron, Texaco, it looks like they make about 7% return. I wouldn't call that insanely profitable at all...
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Looking at the latest tax returns of ExxonMobil, Chevron, Texaco, it looks like they make about 7% return. I wouldn't call that insanely profitable at all...
Let me quote Hillary Clinton on the subject: "windfall profits"
When you say 7% it doesnt sound like much, but when you say "windfall profits" those evil oil companies are instead robber barons.
If you want to see real windfall profits, look at coffee retailers like Starbucks.
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... apparently math is really hard for some people. What portion of the total company revenue/profits do you think is spent on such things?
Its a tiny fraction of most companies. Even the most lavishly paid CEOs rarely make more then 1 percent of revenue.
And bribes to politicians are embarrassingly cheap. You can buy most congressman for about 10 thousand to 40 thousand dollars. Senators can be bought for about 40 thousand to 500 thousand if its a majority leader.
The expected return for lobbying is generally
Re:Price of using scientists as political pawns (Score:5, Insightful)
Most scientists don't take political positions. They make observations, and when a consensus is reached, they sometimes take actions. For instance, when it became pretty clear that lead was dangerous, there was a movement to remove it from gasoline. This became political because some interests were only interested in quarterly profits, not long term costs to taxpayers. Fortunately the taxpayers won. For instance, there is really good science linking the buildup in the environment of lead to the increase in crime, and the decrease in crime of the past decade or so to the decrease in lead. It is not just correlation, cut actual causation.
Now, as far as NPR is concerned, compared to Fox News of course it looks biased. NPR is not going to invite John McCain on the air to talk about when he was a kid you could kill black people, and know he has to deal with a black man, as he has been saying this past week. But the thing about NPR is it probably does a better job of using the public air waves than other.
Here is the rub. Fox News can say and do whatever it wants because it does not use free public resources. This is the key. Free public resources, not funding by the government. The government funds lots of things, and that does not necessarily absolutely limit speech. For instance, many churches take money for schools, which frees up money that they then use to do stuff like encourage people to attack people going about their day to day business. For instance, one church in my area bought cameras so they could photograph people going into a gay club. But radio stations were given public bandwidth and were supposed to use it responsible ways. I think NPR is responsible and balanced compared to some of what I hear on the AM stations. AM stations are using free resources. We could take it back and make a great deal of money leasing it to other agents. We don't. They agree to use it, and should be more responsible.
Re:Price of using scientists as political pawns (Score:4, Funny)
Actually that's exactly what he did. If you know anything about the story with him, you'll know that the man attacked his rivals in science for decades. Humiliated them with insults and insinuations.
When Galileo presented his theories, he used as the evidence, many of the scientists he had been undermining for years.
A large part of the reason he had a problem was that he gone out of his way to be an asshole for many years. And when he was in a vulnerable place his enemies descended upon him to take their revenge.
And to further underscore the point since you're clearly totally ignorant on the issue... what happened to him? He was protected by the Pope. A much more powerful station then today.
Consider while you're saying it wasn't about politics, that the man flew in very ratified political circles and he did so on purpose. You think he didn't like politics or power or wealth or fame? Get real. Learn something about the man before you hold him up as evidence of anything.
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Second point is Fox News can say anything they want for two reasons; they don't have to tell the truth because they and
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NPR has been the whipping boy of conservative politicians for decades. They have been threatened with defunding many times. Because of this NPR has developed alternative sources of funds.
At present only about 10% of its revenues come from the Federal Government. NPR generally uses these attempts by Republicans to defund as a fund raising motivators.
I have heard some NPR employees say they wish the Feds would defund them. It would allow them more independence in their editorial content and would likely incre
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Why don't you talking about the other non profit radios station, you know the ones the are more numeroius then NPR? of, right they're religious and play to you neo-con idiocy.
"And while the incurious and stupid might be confused by such accounting gimmickry... I am not."
oh, you can't be wrong, there for everyone else is stupid.
Psychopathy at its finest.
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NPS has never taken sides. They are hated by the Pubs because NPR reports actual facts.
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Very well said.
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Which is exactly what it does. It informs. Just right now the people being informed don't like what the science shows, so they claim science is not being 'fair'.
The scientific community is under attack by the pubs.
When to argue against solid scientific facts, yes, they are being anti-science, regardless of their degree.
I've never heard anything more wrong the a scientist speaking outside their expertise.
Re:The other Eisenhower warning (Score:4, Insightful)
Nobody in America argues against physics or chemistry etc; there is no "war on science".
Have you met the people in America? Time and again I've met fine GED graduates who have told me that they know for a fact that basic cosmology is wrong and whatever they happen to believe is true, not to mention the whole collection of creationist idiots out here. It seems that more than half of everyone who isn't an authority is certain that their opinion is just as good anyways. People want what they want when they want it, and are anti anything that stands in their way. I like what you posted that wasn't in your last paragraph, but the claims you make at the end don't follow from those words. It's just rhetorical chicanery.
DOE is bad. Good for Congress (Score:2, Insightful)
The DOE was established to decrease American reliance on foreign energy (oil, etc).They completely failed in their efforts towards taht and every other goal they established. They are only successful at milking the government gravy train of all they can get their hands on.
Que surprise? (Score:2, Funny)
Our politicians are a bunch of pork-minded, short-sighted luddite political hacks more concerned with their privileges than with doing what's best for the American public?
Color me shocked!
Oh wait, I'm wearing my wrist strap and a neoprene suit.
So I guess I'm not shocked at all!
I propose August 10th as International Politician Assassination Day (IPAD).
Sure, riddling your local political climber may not immediately make the world a better place, but in the long run it will. And in the mean time
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If anything happens to anyone connected to the US government on August 10th, you're in for a lot of torture.
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Ooh! I loves me a good waterboarding in the morning...and the afternoon...not so much in the evenings though...but they'll be accommodating I hope... ;-)
They don't care (Score:4, Insightful)
Someone has an agenda to push (Score:3, Interesting)
The summary makes it out that the decision to repeal Australia's carbon taxes was a bad one.
It was a horribly broken system that didn't work.
If you accept that, then this "He writes that this action from the US Congress is worse even than the Australian government's move to cancel their carbon tax" becomes the same as "He writes that this action from the US Congress is worse even than a spark of sanity from the Australian Government"
Re:Someone has an agenda to push (Score:4, Informative)
"It was a horribly broken system that didn't work."
Quite the contrary. It worked quite well - emissions dropped 12% since it came into effect.
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Yeah yeah. It was that horrible tax that was sucking heaps of money out of our economy. The one that was so hopeless it wasn't even sucking any money out of the economy.
Make up your mind.
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It was a horrible tax because it didn't do what it was set out to do.
I never mentioned sucking money out of the economy.
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Except it wan't actual broken or horrible. That's what an anti science politician keeps saying.
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It increased the cost of living and had no effect on carbon emissions.
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Of course it's an opinion.
I also don't care too much either. I don't live in Australia.
Citation please (Score:4, Interesting)
The only people claiming the carbon tax wasn't working were Coalition politicians (and their apologists), and the companies who didn't want to have to cover the external costs of their businesses. Fact is, it was starting to work quite well [smh.com.au], despite the damping effect of Abbott attacking it with all the FUD he could muster.
And now we have economists scratching their heads [yahoo.com] as to why a conservative government would attack a market-based climate solution while favouring a big direct-action spending program instead:
Roger Jones, a Research Fellow at the Victoria Institute of Strategic Economic Studies, called the repeal "the perfect storm of stupidity".
"It's hard to imagine a more effective combination of poor reasoning and bad policy making," he said.
"A complete disregard of the science of climate change and its impacts. Bad economics and mistrust of market forces."
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You mean how electricity consumption has been going down?
That doesn't have anything to do with the huge subsidies Australia has had up until now for home solar? 10% of Australian homes have solar now. A large portion of home energy is spent on aircon during hot summer days there too.
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Evidently, people who are willing to log in and put their reputation on it are buying into that. You on the other hand, well..
Carbon taxes are bad ideas in the first place. They are simply convoluted and will not achieve anything substantial. There are better ways if results is what we are really after.
Re:Someone has an agenda to push (Score:5, Insightful)
Care to explain why carbon taxes are bad? Every economist I've read who acknowledges that there are negative externalities with burning carbon based fuels says that the most efficient and non-market distorting way to get the users to pay the cost of the externalities is to impose a carbon tax. Anything else distorts the market for carbon based fuels or you just let the general population bear the cost of the negative externalities irregardless of how the gains from use of the fuels are distributed.
DOE is the wrong place for studying *effects*. (Score:2)
That should be the Departments of Commerce (NOAA), Interior (USGS) & Defense.
Let's get one thing straight: (Score:5, Insightful)
The Republicans, who currently hold a majority in the US House, are the ones who voted to strip the science funding.
Saying "Congress" makes it sound bipartisan. It's only the Republicans.
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Re:Let's get one thing straight: (Score:4, Informative)
Your link says:
218 Republicans voted for, 159 Democrats voted against.
So a few Democrats and Republicans breaking ranks does not make this bipartisan. Clearly this is a deeply partisan issue.
You also forget to mention that not one single bill can be voted on unless the Speaker of the House, Republican John Boehner, says it can be voted on.
So, how is this bipartisan again? It was a Republican bill, passed with a Republican majority. Welcome to politics.
Status quo vs The Future (Score:4, Informative)
I watched Krauss on Q&A and WOW, what a great scientist he is. I thought to myself, this is one of the reasons people look up to America, because they have all these great thinkers that we can learn from.
Unfortunately Australia sometimes takes the lead in being backwards thinking and it's no secret here that many of our accomplished leaders in creating solar energy are now in America. Now it seems American politician are looking to Australia for methods to embed the status quo. This looks a lot like the Australian government scrapping the independent Climate Commission (made up of scientists), but legislating to avoid, what happened here, a relaunched Commission funded by the public as citizens instead of as taxpayers,.
And like a dying animal the status quo tries to kill the future. This is not a generational issue because some of the older generation know what the issues are and trying to make things better to minimize the consequences and costs the younger generations that will experience. However, the people controlling energy and its future, now, will be dead by the time the effects are here, so for them why wouldn't they have all the benefits of cheap power when they will never experience the downside of it.
They struggle for 50's thinking to be relevant in the 21st century, but have compunction imposing it and since the science is so convincing the only thing left to do is muzzle the scientists. It's madness.
Re:Status quo vs The Future (Score:5, Insightful)
Renewable energy and "sustainable transportation" were largely tried in the 19th century and abandoned because they were too limiting. This isn't the real future, this is what reactionary conservatives like yourself want to take us back to.
Wow, that's interesting, I would have described myself as a radical technologist. I think left and right politics have consistently failed to deliver the important structural changes our society needs to adapt and prosper. We devalue science and engineering and try to over-over simplify things when it's just not appropriate.
Instead of good quality debate we get low quality politicians driven by funding from corporate sources, and they want what they pay for. In reality I think that the alternative energy sources like wind, solar and geo-thermal are appropriate sources of technological development for the next 100 years while we get nuclear power engineered properly for the next 1000-5000 years. But that's close to impossible now because the debates about all of these things has become so polarized that people have forgotten things like compromise, wisdom, truth and fact.
And the science of anthropogenic global warming was reported right here at /. before it was trendy to talk about it. The debate was considerable different too, considering the merits of the science as opposed to how convincing the lobby groups are.
And alternative energy will mean an explosion of activity in IT to deploy control systems to manage energy. The cruel irony is countries like America and Australia are so abundantly rich with wind and solar resources that the future is practically begging us to lead the way, yet we choose to dig our heals in and forget that we used to do difficult things and solve hard problems.
You call me a conservative, but what does that mean any more? What does a liberal mean anymore? I like capitalism because when an idea is bad or has had it's turn, it collapses and something new takes over. Well the music industry is one of many examples that show us all that the vested interests CAN halt change, so what we have isn't capitalism at all, it's corporatism.
New ideas and thinking don't stand a chance against that sort of money.
Scope creep (Score:2)
prohibit scientists at the Energy Department from doing precisely what Congress should mandate them to do—namely perform the best possible scientific research to illuminate, for policymakers, the likelihood and possible consequences of climate change.
I'm in favor of more research, but we already have several different departments that are researching that. The DoE is a department that has suffered from scope creep, they are in charge of unrelated things like genomics research. I'm in favor of genomics research, but once again, it's not really something you'd expect to see in the DoE.
Comment removed (Score:3)
Re:Good (Score:5, Interesting)
Funny, as it actually turned out, energy efficiency research for both electricity and transportation has worked very well, as have wind turbines and solar power. And quite a bit of that comes from DOE research.
Fusion reactor? Well, that's still 30 years away.
Of course the vast majority of DOE money is devoted to the nuclear weapons infrastructure and environmental cleanup from decades of nuclear weapon infrastructure.
For instance, take the FY 2012 budget of Los Alamos National lab.
What fraction would you say is on basic science? I expected 30%. More like 4%.
57% NNSA weapons
9% NNSA nonproliferation
7% NNSA 'safeguards and security'
7% work for national security (most likely intelligence agencies)
8% environmental cleanup
4% undefined 'work for others'
4% DOE Energy and Other Programs
4% DOE Office Of Science
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Why do you think it doesn't take science to do weapons research?
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The spending of Los Alamos National Lab is not representative of the spending of DOE as a whole. Different national labs focus on different things.
Re:Good (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Good (Score:4, Insightful)
Get back to actual science. I don't yet have a fusion reactor in my home. What the fuck am I paying you clowns for?
For not having to breathe sulfuric acid (acid rain)? Or not having your river catch a fire? Yeah, all those damn progressives ruin everything.
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Are you confusing the DoE with the EPA? I think you might be.
Re:Good (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Good (Score:4, Insightful)
The thing about shit that works is that you don't really have to do any science or engineering to it. Because it already works.
Scientists and engineers focus on the shit that doesn't yet work for a reason.
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Re:Didn't you Know? (Score:5, Insightful)
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The DoE was created to fund research into alternatives to foreign oil. What has happened to our reliance on foreign energy since the DoE has been created? I'll give you a hint, it hasn't gone down.
I've been reading articles and watching YouTube videos on alternative energy for years. I've seen a common complaint from people that want to do research in energy, the Department of Energy will not approve their research. These people are not asking for money, they have private investors. What they need is p