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Bitcoin Volatility Puts Miners Under Pressure 290

An anonymous reader writes "The virtual currency Bitcoin lost 21 per cent of its value yesterday, equating to a total loss this year of 44 per cent. Reports have suggested that this rapid fall is squeezing computer supporting systems and is raising alarm about its future viability. Bitcoin's value fell to $179.37, 85 per cent lower than its record peak of $1,165 at the end of 2013. In total, nearly $11.3bn has been lost in Bitcoin's value since its 2013 high. The decline has raised concern for Bitcoin 'miners' who support the transactions made in the digital currency, and whose profits become squeezed as its price falls against traditional currencies." The Coindesk article in the linked story gives a blow-by-blow on yesterday's valuation drop; right now, Bitcoin has jumped back up and stands at just over $216.
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Bitcoin Volatility Puts Miners Under Pressure

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  • Bitcoin (Score:4, Interesting)

    by fustakrakich ( 1673220 ) on Thursday January 15, 2015 @11:35AM (#48820709) Journal

    Just another commodity rip off scam. We need a medium of exchange that stands by itself, not subject to speculations of the 'market'.

    • Re:Bitcoin (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward on Thursday January 15, 2015 @11:41AM (#48820765)

      What many forget is that bitcoin is not a regulated market. That means no one pulling the plug to let people calm down. There is no value other than the dollar against it. The dollars value against other currencies has strengthened over the past year. So in relation to bitcoin you are going to see lower prices with it. Bitcoins value is only in other dollars (with a few exceptions). What do I mean by that? If you buy something with bitcoin it will be in relation to the current value in the local currency. Stronger external currencies will mean weaker purchasing power for bitcoin.

      • What many forget is that bitcoin is not a regulated market. That means no one pulling the plug to let people calm down. There is no value other than the dollar against it.

        That is not, strictly speaking, true. It is only true in the context of a grossly irrational market (like the current U.S. stock market, which is very far from rational and therefore subject to outrageous bubbles).

        In a rational market, the stable price of any commodity will be slightly more than the cost of production + distribution. Bitcoin was originally designed to have very little cost of distribution, so this boils down to little more than the production cost. And make no mistake: production cost of

      • by Jawnn ( 445279 )

        What many forget is that bitcoin is not a regulated market.

        So it's a libertarian's wet dream, then. All the downsides, then are just "the price of doing business" in the wild free market. Right? Is this a great country or what?

    • Like gold, silver and other precious metals? I'm a big fan of silver because it's cheaper, an industrial metal with a wide application of uses, and supplies will run short over time. Now is a good time to stock up.
      • To stock up for what?
        • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

          The eventual collapse of Western Civilization after fiat currency goes kablooey. Last time that happened was the end of the Roman Empire in the 5th century. Even if that doesn't happen, the value of precious metals will continue to rise. Buy low, sell high.
          • Re:Bitcoin (Score:5, Insightful)

            by Anonymous Coward on Thursday January 15, 2015 @01:03PM (#48821815)

            Just to get this straight: your financial planning is based on taking your entire ~75 year life's savings and, in preparation for a 1/1600 year flood, invest it in a single commodity(whose value fluctuates according to INDUSTRIAL demand roughly 100% up or down over a 3 year period) and hope that the world falls apart at 1/21 odds in your lifetime? And you are doing this because you believe that SLV will be worth more than .22lr, cigarettes, alcohol, or antibiotics, under the collapse of western civilization scenerio, because it's so useful to industrial consumers, such that your concerns regarding financial prosperity and financial security make THIS gamble an excellent opportunity, in the long run, to stave off bankruptcy and maximize profit according to currently dominant property rights paradigms, despite the short term volatility risk exposure?

            Would you consider yourself a "cup 20/21 empty" type personality?

            I don't know if I should admire your willingness to bet it all(like your entire life), mock your choice of apocalyptic investments, acknowledge that timing the market is impossible(so any one fairly priced investment should be equally valid if you aren't going to spread your bets), or worry about the scenerio where Silver turns out to be the secret ingredient to nuclear fusion power generation and I eat my words when mad max is driving his Mr. Fusion to the battlefield.

            I hope you are at-least dollar cost averaging your entry point in that position over the entire 75 year period and plan on having 21 generations of grandchildren to make the expected value of this bet worthwhile!

            My recommendation is that you skip next month's silver investment and buy an "introduction to statistics" class at your local community college...

          • The eventual collapse of Western Civilization after fiat currency goes kablooey. Last time that happened was the end of the Roman Empire in the 5th century. Even if that doesn't happen, the value of precious metals will continue to rise. Buy low, sell high.

            Perhaps you would best be served to not believe everything you hear on right wing talk radio.

            Silver is as risky as investing in gold, despite what you heard Rush, Sean, Glenn or some other right wing talk guy tell you. If you get in at the right time you can make big money, but the problem is that when those markets correct, the destroy your savings. If you bought silver at its high in 2011 right now you'd be roughly down 40% and that is a huge loss.

    • Just another commodity rip off scam. We need a medium of exchange that stands by itself, not subject to speculations of the 'market'.

      Bullets and guns. With enough of those, you can get anything you want ...

      ... including a cheap pine box for a coffin when you run into someone else who believes the same thing and wants what YOU'VE got.

      Fortunately we're moving away from that model in many parts of the world ... just not fast enough.

    • by seepho ( 1959226 )
      The only way you're going to have a medium of exchange that isn't subject to speculation is if you can guarantee that it will not be profitable to store your wealth in that currency rather than anything else.
    • We need a medium of exchange that stands by itself, not subject to speculations of the 'market'.

      There ain't no such thing.

  • by I4ko ( 695382 ) on Thursday January 15, 2015 @11:41AM (#48820761)
    It was never there in the first place. You can only lose your direct investment - electricity cost and some portion of the hardware cost as in case of hardware it still has some deprecated value. Market speculant crying that they couldn't unload in time and the risked turned out to be greater than they speculated they would be. Sorry, I have no sympathy for you. You have not created any product of value, so you cannot have lost anything of value. Calculating value on something you never had and losing said value is the same balloon American financial system has been pumping over and over again. It lost a lot of vapor in 2008 and required quite a lot of patching. GO cry somewhere else.
    • by pr0t0 ( 216378 ) on Thursday January 15, 2015 @12:00PM (#48820993)

      Agreed. Also, I don't ever recall return on investment as being one of the selling points of BitCoin in the first place. It was meant as an alternative to currency, not an investment vehicle. Even if the value dropped to parity with the US Dollar or below, it would still retain its initial utility. So again, nothing lost.

      • by tnk1 ( 899206 )

        I agree that expecting to use Bitcoin as an investment is a bad idea.

        However, you have to at least maintain its value if you ever want it to be able to be used for any serious transactions. Otherwise, no one is going to want them on-hand or you constantly lose buying power. In a way, it requires some sort of market for it, although a less speculative sort of market would be much better.

      • by Kjella ( 173770 )

        Agreed. Also, I don't ever recall return on investment as being one of the selling points of BitCoin in the first place. It was meant as an alternative to currency, not an investment vehicle. Even if the value dropped to parity with the US Dollar or below, it would still retain its initial utility. So again, nothing lost.

        Except that for a currency to work somebody has to be sitting on it, no matter how fast you shuffle it around. If everybody's hoarding it because the value keeps rising that's not great for circulation, but some will look to cash in their earnings and keep at least a trickle going. If the value keeps dropping there's no floor, if it drops from $1000 to $1 what makes you think it won't drop to $0.001? I suppose that eventually you'll hit some kind of die-hard fanatics who'll scoop it up against all reason l

      • by leonbev ( 111395 ) on Thursday January 15, 2015 @01:41PM (#48822285) Journal

        The problem is that Bitcoin doesn't really work as a currency when the price is wildly swinging by over 25% in a single day.

        Could you imagine being a store that only sold their goods with Bitcoin? They would have to reprice their entire inventory every hour to insure that they are making a profit on what they're selling!

        Instead, most businesses that take Bitcoin have to use a service like Bitpay peg the Bitcoin transaction price to something more stable like US dollars. Even then, the Bitcoin exchange services are taking a big risk that the Bitcoin to USD price isn't going to suddenly fall. I'll bet that those services will soon need to increase their fees or offer more favorable exchange rates for themselves to stay in business.

    • Calculating value on something you never had and losing said value is the same balloon American financial system has been pumping over and over again.

      Right, and no one ever made any money in the American financial system.

    • You can only lose your direct investment

      You are correct if you only look at the Bitcoin miners. The people who bought Bitcoins then they were anywhere over the current price will lose money if they need to convert them to conventional currency. Also the buying power of Bitcoins will be less as prices in Bitcoins go up as the value of Bitcoins go down.

  • by Rinisari ( 521266 ) on Thursday January 15, 2015 @11:41AM (#48820773) Homepage Journal

    The be-all-end-all of pricing is mining profitability. Bitcoin's difficulty to meant to adjust according to mining activity. If there isn't enough mining going on to produce the mining rewards that should be awarded daily, the difficulty will quarter every two weeks until the rewards are enough to incentivize miners to continue doing so. So, mining operations might have to stop or turn down the heat in order to stay profitable at the current difficulty, and await the approximately bi-weekly adjustment of difficulty before resuming. However, that next adjustment might not be sufficient to restore profitability, so the stoppage or reduction might have to continue through multiple difficulty adjustments.

    If mining farm operators didn't plan for this possibility, then they didn't think through the inevitabilities of Bitcoin enough to maintain their business and they are destined to flood the market with their mining hardware, thereby redistributing the mining hardware and decentralizing mining, as it arguably should be.

    • by itzly ( 3699663 ) on Thursday January 15, 2015 @11:44AM (#48820811)

      thereby redistributing the mining hardware and decentralizing mining, as it arguably should be.

      Large scale decentralized mining isn't going to happen, though, because mining will always be at the edge of profitability, where only the most efficient survive. Those are the large scale operations in areas with cheap electricity.

      • Precisely. Those that choose not to constantly be barely profitable will hopefully sell off their equipment to cut their losses, and do so in such a way that those whose costs are lower and thus they are more likely to be profitable will scoop up the equipment.

    • by OverlordQ ( 264228 ) on Thursday January 15, 2015 @12:02PM (#48821029) Journal

      > If there isn't enough mining going on to produce the mining rewards that should be awarded daily, the difficulty will quarter every two weeks until the rewards are enough to incentivize miners to continue doing so.

      The difficulty only gets changed after the number of blocks since the last adjustment have been met. If less people mine, blocks take longer, blocks take longer, adjustment takes longer. So if people keep dropping out, it'll be a lot more than two weeks for the next adjustment.

  • by mbone ( 558574 ) on Thursday January 15, 2015 @11:47AM (#48820847)

    So, Bitcoin wil be subject to volatility, like every other currency and precious metal in history, and that will cause troubles for the people who actually extract the stuff. Who (aside from anyone in the mining business) knew?

    • So, Bitcoin wil be subject to volatility, like every other currency and precious metal in history, and that will cause troubles for the people who actually extract the stuff. Who (aside from anyone in the mining business) knew?

      The problem with bitcoin is its volatility relative to other currencies. Combine purely speculative/thinly traded exchanges with a lack of an underlying economy of any note, and that's what you get.

    • Volatility is a relative term. Some things are more volatile than others. Show me one fiat currency that has lost over 80% of its value in a year and it has not been considered a disaster for the country. Precious metals are much more volatile than currencies as governments work to limit currency volatility. That is one reason that people were not allowed to own a lot of gold when currency was based on gold. The buying and selling of gold would make currencies too volatile for a stable economy.

  • Bitcoin was designed so when all coins are mined, there will be transaction fees to cover the costs.

    It was also designed to allow transaction fees at any time.

    Maybe that time is now???

    • by u38cg ( 607297 )
      As soon as people want transactions confirmed faster, they'll start adding transaction fees. Simples.
  • Currency Hedging (Score:5, Interesting)

    by jratcliffe ( 208809 ) on Thursday January 15, 2015 @11:53AM (#48820921)

    Having your expenses denominated in one currency, and your revenue in another, leaves you open to currency fluctuation risk. This is why currency hedging was invented in the first place.

    • by Trepidity ( 597 )

      If you take the "mining" metaphor seriously, alternately you could advise commodity hedging, like what oil companies do to manage the risk of drilling (drilling costs $ but returns bbl of oil). Though there isn't really much practical difference between the two metaphors, I'll admit.

      • Hedging isn't free. You're paying somebody else to take the risk of unfavorably fluctuation. It's insurance against unfavorable currency fluctuations.

  • "raising alarm about its future viability"

    To whom?

    • "raising alarm about its future viability" To whom?

      The public at large. A bitcoin recipient needs to take no risk, they can immediately convert to dollars, euros, etc. This is how many merchants touted by the bitcoin community operate. They do their accounting and pricing in dollars or euros, when offered bitcoins they calculate an amount based on the real-time exchange rate, accept the coins and immediate sell the coins for dollars or euros. Technically a 3rd party, a bitcoin exchange, actually does much of this so the merchant never actually sees or touch

    • by seepho ( 1959226 )
      To anyone who didn't have the common sense to realize that a currency with deflation built into it by design isn't going to work out.
  • Hmmm ... (Score:5, Interesting)

    by gstoddart ( 321705 ) on Thursday January 15, 2015 @12:06PM (#48821061) Homepage

    So, overpriced speculative currency found to be overpriced?

    When BitCoin was worth over $1000, why was it worth over $1000? Because people said it must be, not because it's backed by anything which objectively made it worth that much.

    I've always looked at BitCoin and wondered what the value was in it -- sure, people said "Yarg, no regulations, no governments". But did you really think that would last? Or that without those people would be honest?

    Basically BitCoin created a bubble, inside of a reality distortion field, and people assumed it would go up forever and always stay that way. And it's been all hype since then. But it seems like we've been discovering that the players are either shady or incompetent, and that it doesn't look like all of the voodoo magic ascribed to it.

    BitCoin seems like it's always been an idea, but somewhat divorced from reality. Essentially, it placed value on ... what ... large prime numbers?

    As someone who has always been skeptical of BitCoin, I don't find myself seeing any reason to think it was ever anything but something people wanted to believe in, but which was never going to pan out as claimed.

    This is like the people who were still buying tech stocks at the end of the .com bubble. It's musical chairs, but with money. Only now people are starting to realize there's not a lot of seats left.

    • Re:Hmmm ... (Score:4, Informative)

      by amicusNYCL ( 1538833 ) on Thursday January 15, 2015 @12:43PM (#48821551)

      Bitcoins have not lost any of their utility, at all. If I want to buy something that costs $200 in bitcoins, I go get $200 in bitcoins and then buy it. It doesn't matter how many bitcoins I get for $200, the system is still working exactly like it always has. If someone decides that they want to buy $1000 in bitcoins, spend a fifth of it, and save the rest for another purchase later, they might find out that they don't have enough for another purchase whenever they get around to it. The volatility of bitcoins is just proof that you shouldn't horde them, there's no reason to do that. But the system in general has lost exactly zero amount of usefulness.

      • The volatility of bitcoins is just proof that you shouldn't horde them, there's no reason to do that.

        So BitCoins are not suitable as an investment? Interesting....

      • Unless the entire production chain involved to create the product you want to buy with bitcoins has also been paid with bitcoins, it will be virtually impossible to buy the product you want using the same 200 bitcoins for a long time. That is why I consider the bitcoin useless, its value in real currency varies way too much.
      • by jfengel ( 409917 )

        The volatility of bitcoins is just proof that you shouldn't horde them, there's no reason to do that.

        And yet people go out of their way to mine them. That's why I find bitcoins so distasteful. If they were nothing more than an algorithm for cryptographically-encrypted checking accounts, denominated in the same currency I'd always been using, I'd be all for it.

        Instead, it not only creates its own currency, but proceeds to hand it out for (effectively) free to early adopters, and others for the value of devoting computers and electricity to it. The fans generally have a personal interest in it, not just to i

      • Even if you buy bitcoins, unload them ASAP to buy something, and then the receiver unloads them ASAP to get them back into something a tad more stable, it's STILL too volatile to rely on. A retailer could lose a significant chunk of his/her margin in the lag time before the coins can be transferred again.

    • by u38cg ( 607297 )
      All a currency really needs is reliability; that it was here, yesterday, today, and will be here tomorrow. Sure, it has no inherent backing, but then neither does Peru's little fiat currency. The problem that I see is that despite all the talk, there's no real evidence of a Bitcoin economy emerging; people use it to settle payments but people aren't running entire businesses in Bitcoin and paying salaries in Bitcoin.
    • Re:Hmmm ... (Score:4, Insightful)

      by brunes69 ( 86786 ) < minus pi> on Thursday January 15, 2015 @12:51PM (#48821665)

      Why is 1oz of gold worth $1262? Because people said it must be, not because it's backed by anything which made it worth that much.

      This is how pricing works. There is no item or unit or work in the universe that has some kind of intrinsic price. Items are worth what the market will pay for them, period.

  • All collapse eventually.
    • You jest, but in its current incarnation, that pretty much describes the international stock market.

      Unrealistic expectations and assumptions, divorced from reality, subject to the whims of speculation and manipulation, and operated in such a way as to allow the big players to skim off the top.

      The crash of 2008? That was what happened when the guys running the Ponzi scheme managed to get everyone else to cover their losses.

      The modern financial system is little better than any other pyramid scheme. It's jus

      • The crash of 2008? That was what happened when the guys running the Ponzi scheme managed to get everyone else to cover their losses.

        Damn. Here I was thinking that the GFC was primarily precipitated by homeowners starting to default on subprime mortgages as the US economy started to slow and people were being laid off. The most junior people at first, sure... exactly the sort of person a subprime was aimed at (a regular consumer with a good credit history, a job and a deposit didn't need a subprime). As subprime mortgages started to default, first in a trickle then in a flood, the investment packages (the CDO's) started to turn sour.

  • by dablow ( 3670865 ) on Thursday January 15, 2015 @12:10PM (#48821105)

    I am not sure about the rest of you, but I expected this and IMHO Bitcoin will be subject to high volatility for a long time to come.

    Also is it not possibly that there are entities out there purposely trying to undermine it? Such as governments who can no longer control the money supply (and their favorite hidden form of taxation, inflation!). Destroy the confidence people place on Bitcoin, if enough lose faith it will start a negative feedback loop and we can watch it spiral down to it's death.

    • by smartr ( 1035324 )

      I too find it amazing that people find this surprising. Given the rapid upward trajectory the bitcoin has had, a downward correction is not the least bit surprising. It may have great traits as a currency, but stability is not one of the traits bitcoin has been able to demonstrate. I also don't understand why inherent volatility should necessarily preclude its use. People still play the stock market, and volatility does not necessarily destroy the market.

    • by tnk1 ( 899206 )

      Does it matter if someone is trying to undermine it?

      If a government has the power to undermine Bitcoin at any time, then why would I use Bitcoin? Because I'm a masochist?

      I want a system that cannot be undermined easily, not one were we whine about it being great, just so as long as no one actually attempts to undermine it.

    • by Rinikusu ( 28164 )

      What's wrong with inflation? If anything, it's a flat-tax that certain segments keep talking about. Use it or lose it.

  • Of course this happened. And when they stop being gifted bitcoin in return for mining, it will happen even more.

  • The golden rule of most investments is "it's only a loss when you sell it." I mined 43 BTC about 3 years ago and I was mining at a 2:1 loss on electricity for most of it but I just held the coins. Then I sold them and my rig hardware when BTC was at $5.20 or so and made a slight profit. If you're mining at a loss or profits are down, just wait to sell the coins!
    • by tnk1 ( 899206 )

      It can also be a loss if you buy it, wait for it to go back up again, and then it folds entirely, leaving you zero.

      Bitcoin may have a bump up in the future, or it may descend to irrelevance. I'd say that the chance of complete oblivion for Bitcoin is not an insignificant probability.

    • I thought Bitcoin was a currency that could be used day to day to purchase things. If the value is too volatile Bitcoin's use as a currency is diminished.

  • Won't someone PLEASE, THINK OF THE CHILDREN?!?

    Oh wait. I can spell. Miner != minor. There are no minors under pressure here.

    Never mind.

    Back to your regularly scheduled Bitcoin rants to benefit the Winklevi...

  • A national currency that routinely swung by this amount would be a national crisis. (For example, something similar happened to the Swiss yesterday (they abandoned a policy to keep the Franc weak), and it's making headlines all over the world. And it's just a one-time event.) The economy would be in shambles as all trade came to a screeching halt, due to the complete and total inability to properly price contracts. Even used solely as a money-transfer system (instead of a real currency) it still swings

How much net work could a network work, if a network could net work?
