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Amazon Customers Sign Letter To Jeff Bezos To Dump Donald Trump ( 623

An anonymous reader writes: More than 13,000 Amazon customers (including upwards of 5,000 Amazon Prime subscribers), have signed a letter to Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos calling for the company to stop selling Trump's line of menswear. UltraViolet Action is the organization hosting the petition, which calls for Amazon to "stop profiting off of [Trump's] brand of hate." The letter reads: "Donald Trump has consistently lobbed racist, sexist, and xenophobic attacks against entire groups of people, encouraged violence and vitriol against his political enemies and perpetuated a culture of violence against women. should want to distance themselves from this hateful rhetoric, but instead, they're profiting off his brand," explained Karin Roland, Chief Campaigns Officer at UltraViolet, in a statement. "Jeff Bezos needs to listen to his customers and ensure that Amazon doesn't profit off of Trump hate, and take immediate steps to dump Trump." If Amazon does take action, they wouldn't be the first. Macy's stopped carrying Trump's products last summer, and Univision and NBC cut ties with Trump over his statements as well.
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Amazon Customers Sign Letter To Jeff Bezos To Dump Donald Trump

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  • Valid Action (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward

    Petitions are always just samples of the real objection, so this shows a sizable segment of the customer base objects to Trump's posturing.

    It is a simple request to stop funding it by selling his merchandise, which Amazon must decide with weight on its PR impact now too.

    Personally if Amazon drops Trump, I will make a point to buy more from them, even at a modest price increase per item.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward

      So you supported Proposition 8 then? That was a real petition that showed a sizable segment of California were opposed to gay marriage.

      Oh I'm sorry... Are only certain shows of mass movement allowed?

      Oh now you want to argue civil rights while you simultaneously support people being blocked from selling stuff openly?

      Yeah fuck you!

      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        by dywolf ( 2673597 )

        a popular measure to remove someones civil rights is cannot itself be considered a pro civil rights movement.

        not everything is valid when put to a vote.
        not slavery, not jim crow, not the discrimination against LGBT.

        • by stdarg ( 456557 )

          not everything is valid when put to a vote.

          Yes, it is actually. That's life. That's why we did in fact have slavery, jim crow, and discrimination against various groups.

          The fact that everything is valid when put to a vote is why that stuff can change though, rather than saying "No no no, GOD wants slavery, so you can't just 'vote' it away, that's blasphemy."

    • Re:Valid Action (Score:5, Insightful)

      by jellomizer ( 103300 ) on Monday April 11, 2016 @08:24PM (#51888293)

      I don't like Trump and I am scaird to think of him as president. However protesting Amazon for selling his goods that he was selling before he ran as president sound more like stereotypical liberal intolerance to contending ideas. Don't target the store selling the goods where there is a population that seems to demand it. Use the energy to boycott trump products not pressure the store to not offer it. If the stores stop selling then these products will just be more valuable.

      • Re:Valid Action (Score:5, Insightful)

        by sims 2 ( 994794 ) on Monday April 11, 2016 @08:33PM (#51888355)

        I really didn't approve of the decision to drop the confederate flag from sale.

        I feel this falls into the same box of stupid.

        • Re:Valid Action (Score:5, Insightful)

          by jshackney ( 99735 ) on Monday April 11, 2016 @08:39PM (#51888413) Homepage

          It is the same box of stupid. Unfortunately, that box is getting too small for it's contents and they're spilling over. I'm not a fan of Trump, but I can't make the leap from disliking the guy to infringing on his ability to make money. If people want to buy his shit, let them. If people don't want to buy his shit, . . . wait for it . . . don't buy his shit.

          • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

            by AK Marc ( 707885 )
            He doesn't make money. Most of the stuff he sells isn't even sold by him or his companies, but is licensed. He's selling his likeness, not any products or services. He inherited $150M and turned it into about $100M and claims $10B, but refuses to open his finances the way all the other candidates have. He doesn't want anyone to know he's a loser that was born rich.
          • by Krojack ( 575051 )

            I agree. Today is all about "I don't like what you're doing so I'll start a bandwagon to censor you and shut you down."

            It's either the far left censoring stuff like Trump or the far right trying to shut-out LGBT from everyday life because they feel it's immoral and goes against their beliefs even if they never interact with a gay person in their life.

      • A whole 15,000 subscribers and a petition with 5000 signatures are an insignificant amount of people to force anyone's hand. Amazon deals with millions of subscribers. The righteous indignation of the few is just background noise. And the people starting these boycotts demand that all their views and opinions be taken seriously while any dissenting opinions need to be quashed.

      • Re:Valid Action (Score:5, Insightful)

        by LynnwoodRooster ( 966895 ) on Monday April 11, 2016 @11:46PM (#51889245) Journal

        The most intolerant are those who demand others respect their own tolerance. And follow their rules about tolerance.

        In other words, modern SJWs.

    • Re:Valid Action (Score:4, Interesting)

      by rmdingler ( 1955220 ) on Monday April 11, 2016 @08:24PM (#51888301) Journal
      I'm a legacy Amazon Prime subscriber, and I have a hard time not being embarrassed Trump is still in the race, but I don't demand that my top purveyor of goods stop selling his.

      There is something dark in that request that resembles a thing that I was for blowing up later in my face.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      Conversely, I will stop buying from Amazon if they drop Trump. Simply for the fact I don't want to be a customer of a company who attacks people financially for their political opinions. (Even if I don't agree with them. (And in this case, it's about 50/50.))

    • If you don't like it, don't buy it. Simple. If no one buys it, it will go away. But when you try to stop me from buying it (not that I would ever want any Trump brand anything) that is different. That is a vocal minority imposing their views on others. Kinda like what Trumpers are being accused of doing...
    • by Anonymous Coward on Monday April 11, 2016 @08:33PM (#51888353)

      This sounds a lot like harassment and intolerance to me.

      Can you image the uproar from leftists if some Christian fundamentalists had written to Amazon requesting that products associated with, say, transsexuals be pulled from sale?

      Maybe the leftists don't realize this, but people in general are getting awfully fed up with their hypocrisy. That's why we see a candidate like Trump gaining so much support. People across the political spectrum, even including some moderates on the left, are getting fed up with how so many leftists say one thing, but do another.

      Leftists say that bullying is wrong, yet they'll turn around and target certain individuals they dislike for some reason without showing any remorse.

      Just look at the case of Brendan Eich for a good example of this. The way they savagely attacked him and his reputation is disgusting. Somebody shouldn't lose his job merely because of his stance on marriage! Leftists would throw a fit if somebody lost his job for supporting homosexual marriage, yet the moment somebody supports traditional marriage the leftists unleash on him with extreme fury and hatred.

      Leftists really need to address their hypocrisy problem if they want to be taken seriously. To everyone else they're starting to look like total jokes.

      • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

        by Anonymous Coward

        Philosopher Karl Popper defined the paradox in 1945 in The Open Society and Its Enemies Vol. 1.

        "Less well known is the paradox of tolerance: Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them."

        He concluded that we are warranted in refusing to tolerate intolerance: "We should therefore claim, in the name of tolerance, the right not to tolerate the intolerant."

      • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

        by AK Marc ( 707885 )
        So everyone has the right to free speech, except leftist, because you don't like them, so they shouldn't complain.
      • This sounds a lot like harassment and intolerance to me.

        Then you don't know what harassment and intolerance is. These actions are SPEECH. A boycott is a traditional use of commercial power to express political views. It has a LONG history in the US. The primary goal of most Boycotts is to get the retailer to drop a product. This is an act of SPEECH by both the participants of the boycott and on the part of the retailer.

        There is nothing at all wrong with these actions. They are at their essence counter speec

      • Can you image the uproar from leftists if some Christian fundamentalists had written to Amazon requesting that products associated with, say, transsexuals be pulled from sale?

        Yes, I can imagine the uproar. Trump supporters are free to supply their own uproar if they like. It's a free country. Trump is free to say stupid things, Amazon is free to sell or not sell his stuff, people are free to ask Amazon not to sell it, and people are free to object to that.

        Maybe the leftists don't realize this, but peop

    • "Personally if Amazon drops Trump, I will make a point to buy more from them, even at a modest price increase per item."

      So this 'relationship' by Amazon is carrying a line of Trump menswear?

      Going into the primary season I was a Rand Paul voter, but the party changed the delegate rules to lock Paul out in case his open-market policies caused problems for any major party donors, like the pharma lobby. So I will probably support Trump just to spite the party apparatchiki

  • Amazon isn't exactly a liberal-loving corporation, I mean look at their PAC name:


    I kid you not []. It's like openly... ahem, separate, -ist!


    • Did you know that the word "segregated" has meanings outside of race? Like specific meanings in law, finance, and accounting? I know that is a but too long for a meme, however...
  • In fifteen years, when they write the two paragraphs in the 8th grade history books about this election, do you think Donald Trump will even be mentioned?

    • by tnk1 ( 899206 )

      Possibly. He's brought out a lot of angry people. That could cause a paragraph's worth of trouble.

      It's not like they need to give two paragraphs over to Hillary winning.

    • In fifteen years, when they write the two paragraphs in the 8th grade history books about this election, do you think Donald Trump will even be mentioned?

      I think he may have as much effect as Ross Perot had in 1992...

      • I think he may have as much effect as Ross Perot had in 1992...

        I've been saying this for a long time. We'll see when the dust settles what tally Trump has on the final score. I'm very curious to know if he's a 'Perot' candidate (one who takes enough votes away from one party so that the other can win with a very simple majority) or is he actually going to be elected.

    • by sims 2 ( 994794 )

      Only if he wins and if he win's I expect a whole chapters worth.

    • by Tablizer ( 95088 )

      In fifteen you think Trump will even be mentioned [in history books]?

      If he loses the election: NO.

      If he wins the election: YES.

      If he wins the election but triggers Armageddon: NO. (There won't be any history books)

      If he loses the election but triggers Armageddon anyhow via his YUUUGE mouth: NO. []

    • Probably. It will be about how the Republican party alienated their base by pulling an establishment candidate out of nowhere, and tossed aside BOTH front runners who were anti-establishment. It will be the chapter on the end of the republican party. Right before the chapter on the end of the Democrat party for the super-delegate shenanigans.

      Not that I support either Bernie or Trump, but this flagrant disregardful for the base will simply not fly this time.
      • by dbIII ( 701233 )
        I find it funny that a born to the purple old money guy like Trump that has been lurking on the fringe of politics for decades is seen as "anti-establishment". He IS the "establishment" FFS!.
        If you can't trust an Atlantic City casino boss to look after you then who can you trust :)
    • If he wins the nomination it will likely tear the Republican party apart. Which is a good thing at this point. So pretty important.
  • Yes, but no. (Score:5, Insightful)

    by MrKrillls ( 3858631 ) on Monday April 11, 2016 @08:14PM (#51888245)
    I'm firmly in the "I wouldn't vote for Trump as dogcatcher" camp, but why should Amazon take sides by denying the Donald a place to sell trinkets? Unless Amazon also stops selling all political junk. Just because he offends me to no end doesn't give me license to rid the world of Trump merchandise. Is political correctness invading the marketplace???
    • Same here. I could almost see a case if the Trump merchandise was branded with overtly hateful messages (and not just something like "Trump 2016"). As far as I can tell, however, this is a case of "I don't like Trump, so no-one should be able to buy his stuff."

      • I don't support chick-fil-a and their hate-group funding, but that does not mean I demand all restaurants be closed.

        you put the filter on the receiving end, not the sending end. some of us still understand what america and freedom USED TO BE about.

    • by amiga3D ( 567632 )

      I think Trump would make a wonderful dogcatcher.

    • Personally, I don't buy stuff from anyone based on who endorsed it or who styled it.
      You don't HAVE to be a douche bag not to get my money...
      but if you are it puts you at the top of the do not buy list.
      I wouldn't buy anything from Hillary either, and you couldn't even GIVE me one of Bill's cigars!
      • Have to add that when you go to the "Sign the Letter" [] page and read it, you are opting in to a news letter and they provide a link to a non existing privacy policy with a 404 message reading "The page you are looking for is The best thing I never had." So I'd be dubious about giving them my details...
    • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

      The whole reason why Trump has become so popular is that corporations (particularly media) have been given him a podium from which to issue hate speech, and incite violence. I'm all in favor of the freedom of speech but these have already been ruled (for good reason) as types of speech that are not protected by the first amendment.
      • Re:Yes, but no. (Score:5, Interesting)

        by harrkev ( 623093 ) <kevin.harrelson@gm[ ].com ['ail' in gap]> on Monday April 11, 2016 @08:48PM (#51888467) Homepage

        Hate speech? OK. I admit that I am NOT a Trump fan, and I generally try to ignore any news about him (except to skim the headline), but what has he said that is so hateful?

        I know that people call him racist, but he has been against "illegal" (which is not a race) and urges caution in terms of Islam (once again, not a race, but a religion that creates more than 90% of terrorists).

        Has he said something else that I have missed?

        Plus, which types of speech are NOT regulated by the 1st amendment? There is the old "yelling fire in a theater" thing, which does not apply. There is also inciting to violence, but, from what I have read, the majority of violence caused at Trump rallies are caused by protestors. Has Trump ever actaully issued a call for violence? If so, I must have missed it.

        • Hate speech? OK. I admit that I am NOT a Trump fan, and I generally try to ignore any news about him (except to skim the headline), but what has he said that is so hateful?

          'Hate speech' is beside the point here, I think. But I think he has said plenty to insult large sections of society, American as well as international, and his views and behavior are already a major embarrasment for America; just imagine him as president. A bit like Yeltsin, but perhaps fundamentally less honest.

          I know that people call him racist, but he has been against "illegal" (which is not a race) and urges caution in terms of Islam (once again, not a race, but a religion that creates more than 90% of terrorists).

          You should probably check your numbers. True, most of the terrorism we hear about is carried out by people who claim to be muslims, but there are significant other groups with other credos. Some cal

          • Name the last IRA bombing. Name the last Catholic murder. I have never heard of Maoists before today, and they are not of any religious belief (leadership may be Christian, but the revolution is all inclusive) . No looking it up on Wikipedia, or Google, off the top of your head. Go on.

            The problem with people like yourself is that you have NO idea what you're spewing, you just are repeating something you heard without ANY facts to back it up. You believe it, because you WANT to believe it, and it suits your

        • by fgouget ( 925644 )

          I know that people call him racist, but he has been against "illegal" (which is not a race) and urges caution in terms of Islam (once again, not a race, but a religion that creates more than 90% of terrorists).

          Has he said something else that I have missed?

          Donald Trump []: "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people." So being a Mexican immigrant means you're either a drug dealer or a rapist according to Trump. That's racism.

          Donald Trump []: "But you have people coming in and I'm not just saying Mexicans, I'm talking about p

      • Incitement to violence is a VERY narrow category of speech. See R.A.V. v. St. Paul and Snyder v. Phelps.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Monday April 11, 2016 @08:18PM (#51888253)

    I normally vote third party but after seeing all the hyperbole about Trump being a racist because he (GASP!) wants the legal process of immigration to be followed is really just pissing me off. I'm sick of hearing this assholes who scream "racism" anytime you don't agree with the leftist agenda.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Monday April 11, 2016 @08:20PM (#51888269)

    "Donald Trump is a fascist! I demand we silence him, burn all his books and ban all his merchandise. We must not allow him to speak or be heard!." The irony of the anti-trump people is beyond comprehension.

    • by dadelbunts ( 1727498 ) on Monday April 11, 2016 @08:35PM (#51888381)
      Its insane how these people think. They call themselves progressives yet want to censor and silence any opposing opinion. And if you say anything that doesnt fit with their rhetoric they immediately label you a racist, misogynist, homophobe, or whatever the trendy word is that day. All while they themselves act totally racist and do nothing but project prejudices on people based on absolutely nothing.
      • A censor is a government agent. A boycott is speech at it's core. The boycott is one of the few political protests with a long history in the US going back to the founders and still in use today. Various christian groups have probably more than 100 active boycotts in process right now.

        So you think we should ban one of the oldest methods of public speech there is?

        • Except no one boycotts anymore. When people dont like a product instead of boycotting it and not purchasing it, these people constantly try to get it taken off the shelves and/or banned. You can see it in the videogame world all the time, instead of not purchasing a product, they complain that its some "ist" and try to get it pulled. One game was recently denied a N.American release as the makers didnt want to deal with toxic SJWs. The left is constantly trying to censor, not boycott any different opinions
    • The party of real intolerance doesnt like people in the party of theoretical intolerance.

      That explains all the Democrat support for this crap.
      The Republican support is harder to explain, but based on polling numbers its really only the OG Republicans that support this shit..
    • by Grishnakh ( 216268 ) on Tuesday April 12, 2016 @11:45AM (#51892363)

      Yeah, as someone who supports a lot of progressive causes and is a fan of Bernie, I think this stuff is ridiculous, and I really don't understand why liberals are so hateful about Trump and focusing their attention on him, when to me, Cruz is far, far more dangerous, and even Hillary is a worse choice.

      Cruz is a Dominionist Christian who wants to turn the US into a theocracy, and whose policies are extremely far-right, far more so than Trump's . Hillary is clearly sold out to Wall Street, is a criminal, is an imperialist warmonger, and has done all kinds of shady stuff with the Clinton Foundation to fill her pocketbook.

      Why liberals think I should support Hillary, I have no idea. They talk about how great it'll be to have a female President, but I never saw them supporting Carly Fiorina, not to mention Sarah Palin.

  • There are over 11,000,000 people who's lives are at risk of being totally disrupted by Trump's plans, therefore the UltraViolet numbers are trivial. In fact the only remarkable thing is how small the numbers are given the consequences for some many people. Looks like somebody should have studies more Math and less liberal arts.
  • by Anonymous Coward

    Don't buy his cheap fucking suits.

  • I was somewhat ok with NBC, Univision and Macy's dropping Trump, since in those cases the organizations were deeply tied into the profit from the Trump persona. However, Amazon has many products and is essentially content neutral.So the situation seems different. In general, in many ways things function best if keep politics and business separate, and don't engage in retribution to people whose politics we don't like. However, in Trump's case, his politics, persona and business are so wrapped together it is
  • by unimacs ( 597299 ) on Monday April 11, 2016 @08:38PM (#51888403)
    I find the prospect of a Trump presidency to be kind of scary. At the same time he's obviously tapped into some genuine concerns of a substantial portion of the public. Attempting to silence him just marginalizes his supporters even more and further justifies the extreme positions he advocates. Rather than suppressing or ignoring him, we should be trying to understand his appeal and attempting to address some of the underlying issues that fuel his popularity. My guess is that there's a link between Trump supporters and Sanders supporters. The middle class is hurting and has been for decades.
  • Every time that someone has appeased these social justice warriors, they lost money or profits. On the other hand, ignoring them (and selling the product) has been more profitable.

    Consider these people to be the kind of customers that Amazon does not want and should gladly let go.

  • They must be missing a couple zeros. Thirteen thousand in a country of three hundred forty million? That's nothing.
  • Stalin said that when one could not fight ideas, one should fight the persons. It seems somebody here had the idea to go against the business.

    This is an improvement over Stalin's approach, however it remains a terribly weak way of fighting ideas.

  • Wow, this would definitely take Donald Trump down a peg -- if it were ever to happen. Hitting him right in the pocket book when men can't buy Trump underwear on Good campaign, democrats, you've got him now!

  • by Karmashock ( 2415832 ) on Monday April 11, 2016 @10:54PM (#51889035)

    If you want freedom of speech, a free exchange of ideas, freedom of association, civic participation in government by the people... then we can do that.

    Or if the progressive peasants are just too triggered by contrary opinions they can give up all that and the nobility will take care of them. No need for any more elections. Hereditary nobility for... ever. Hillary's daughter is already being groomed for high office. They very ready to simply accept your offer at ennoblement... right now.

    You can all sit in communal buildings every Sunday and chant along from a book of dogma. And everyone can live by the strict new code of political correctness. We can have religious conformity inspectors... they'll probably be blue/pink haired hipsters wearing ceremonial trilby's that will scream in my face about how tolerant they are... You can see it now.

    And then we can have government enforced gender equality... but only in jobs women want to do... or often as not... just get the pay and status of doing the job. Because after all, a lot of those jobs are hard, boring, lonely, and really only a bunch of nerds would do them anyway. But its unfair that there aren't equal numbers of women in those fields. Maybe we should just figure out how many women want to do a given job, then say that equal number of men can also do that job. But no more than that even if there is a need for more than that. After all, that would be sexist.

    The whole political scene in the US has been fucking retard inception for the last 10 years at least. You want to cite a longer duration... sure. Cite your favorite flavor of ice cream and we'll go with that. But its just so stupid.

    Listening to code pink go on and on and on about how bad war is and how we should just bring everyone home... and then when the people they campaigned for start blowing up Libya or whatever... fucking crickets.

    Endlessly being told that there's too much money in politics... except when that money happens to be used by progressives... then its fine. Use tax dollars to bribe people to vote for you? No problem. Use tax money to run partisan propaganda campaigns for your faction? No problem. Use billionaire slush funds to advance your position... No problem. But anyone else does even a shadow of the shit that they get away with on a daily fucking basis... clearly the second coming of literal Hitler.

    The sophistry on display is so astounding that I can't take anyone seriously anymore on these issues. Too many people are full of shit. No one can claim they're serious with any sincerity because its been outed at bullshit too many times.

    Gents, just express yourselves... actually be tolerant... as in... actually... not just tolerant of YOUR OWN stupid opinions whilst naturally being utterly intolerant of any view that contrasts with your own. Because, that's not tolerance.

  • by TechyImmigrant ( 175943 ) on Tuesday April 12, 2016 @01:23AM (#51889599) Homepage Journal

    I don't think my neck is all that odd, but two years ago in Las Vegas, the only shirt in TJ Max with my neck size was branded by none other than Donald Trump.

    So I now have a Donald Trump shirt. Maybe I could auction it to Trump supporters on Ebay.

"An ounce of prevention is worth a ton of code." -- an anonymous programmer
