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Check Your Privacy Filters: Facebook Wants To Be the New LinkedIn ( 85

From a report on CNET: Facebook isn't just for wasting time in the office. It can now help you find a new job entirely. The social network has unveiled a Jobs page, which allows businesses to list all kinds of work for you to find. You can even apply for the job and make contact with recruiters directly through Facebook. This could be seen as a challenge to competing services such as LinkedIn, the recruiting network acquired by Microsoft last December. But while LinkedIn is entirely focused on business, Facebook's social aspects could make it easier for potential employers to trawl your profile for details of your personal life.
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Check Your Privacy Filters: Facebook Wants To Be the New LinkedIn

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  • Yeah, no thanks. (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Lord Kano ( 13027 ) on Thursday February 16, 2017 @10:26AM (#53879795) Homepage Journal

    I do my best to keep my personal and professional personas separate.

    I share politically incorrect jokes and use profanity on my Facebook page but I would never do anything of the kind on LinkedIn.

    I don't even list my employer on my FB profile.


    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by cayenne8 ( 626475 )
      I would say...for your first job, do what you gotta do to get in.

      From people and NETWORK yourself. Meet people in your business, be sociable with them and be someone they like and would like to work with.

      I have found that going forward in a career, most often isn't what you know, but WHO you know.

      Your professional network is your most valuable tool to use to switch jobs and move up the ladder.

      I don't do social media, and I've not had problems so far keeping employed either with W2 or 109

      • by AuMatar ( 183847 )

        I've found the exact opposite. In 17 years, I've gotten one job via my network- and that wasn't because I was a good guy, it was because they knew my skill level and needed my expertise. Every other job I've ever gotten is by pure skill.

        I'm not saying don't make friends at work, do that. It makes life more fun. But don't expect you'll ever get a job out of it, the odds of ever working with someone again are pretty vanishingly small.

        • I'm not saying you don't have to have skills.

          But I find I work at a place. People like me and how I work.

          They then go on to other places, I stay in touch. If I need a job, I reach out to them and they put me in touch with people at their place they are at now and I get my foot in the door ahead of some people that simply only have a faceless resume in a file somewhere.

          I do the same whenever a former worker I like is needing a job...I put them in ahead of the crowd, sometimes a job is "found" for them if

          • by AuMatar ( 183847 )

            When I need a job I start looking at companies in areas I want to live that may be a match. Why would I reach out to random people and hope they have a job I'd like? Seems extremely inefficient and unlikely to bring on the job happiness, unless you goal is just to grab a job as quickly as possible. I'm rather picky with where I work these days.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      I share politically incorrect jokes and use profanity on my Facebook page but I would never do anything of the kind on LinkedIn.

      People like you are the reason I like big data. Your unguarded behavior reflects how you think all the time, so employers want to know about it, because it helps them weed out the bad apples.

      I take on a recruitment role a few times a year and I will look for you online. I don't expect anyone to be an angel, but if you're a cunt at home, you'll be a cunt at work, even if you aren't obvious about it. You are the same human, after all.

      • I take on a recruitment role a few times a year and I will look for you online.

        And you would find me but unless I allow you into my circle, you'd only see the things that I allow strangers to see.


        • You really think that concept is hacker-proof or even future-proof?

          • "Hacker-proof", certainly not.
            "Future-proof", probably not but I won't live my life in fear.


        • Unless he or his employer is willing to pay money to Facebook, and the amount that Facebook or, more likely, third-party resellers charge for this information is very cheap in comparison to the amount that it costs to hire a bad employee. What, you thought 'private' meant that Facebook wouldn't sell it to anyone who asks? You've obviously not read the Facebook privacy policy.
          • My concern is with someone getting upset at something I post and harassing my employer because of it.

            If someone wants to spend money to look into my life on social media, they're going to be disappointed with the mundanity of what they will find.


      • by umghhh ( 965931 )
        It may also be that people like you are the ones to be avoided. You know, the ones that destroy others because they can while claiming moral superiority. We have quite lot of them these days. In modern times they have indeed an easy life because nobody is perfect and all mistakes are there in the open for others to pick up (or in need to make up). There is no way one can protect oneself against a statement taken out of context and used properly to show how bad one is. In my corporation we always had one or
      • And I'd hire him as soon as I find this out. Why?

        1) He knows that these things are not for public consumption.
        2) He knows that they're jokes.

        In other words, he passes the bullshit talk version of the FCC mark. He does not cause it where it matters and can handle it when it happens to him. He's most likely not some mimosa who gets all worked up over someone telling a fucking JOKE while at the same time telling those jokes in privacy without embarrassing me.

        Yes, I want that guy.

    • I don't even list my employer on my FB profile.

      My vocation is listed as "Professional Crash Test Dummy"
      My employer is listed as "I work at an office"
      I don't even list my location or educational institutions. FB occasionally nags me to update my profile but I ignore them. The less FB knows about me, the better.

      • In social media, I usually write something like "exotic dancer" into the profession field.

        You get way more interesting private questions that way than when writing "IT security professional".

    • by Alumoi ( 1321661 )

      Don't worry, WE know who you are.

  • by xxxJonBoyxxx ( 565205 ) on Thursday February 16, 2017 @10:26AM (#53879797)
    >> Facebook's social aspects could make it easier for potential employers to trawl your profile for details of your personal life

    Umm...they already do. That's one of the reasons I quit Facebook years ago. And that was before one of my buddies who works in "gov PR" showed me how he uses Facebook to pinpoint exactly who is whining about what issue - regardless of the "friend" or "privacy" settings they have set up.
  • by Anonymous Coward

    Facebook isn't just for wasting time in the office. It can now help you find a new job entirely.

    And the job search starts by getting you fired for looking at Facebook instead of doing your job.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    So, a shithole for lazy people to spam recommendations in the hope of getting the same back, with a view that lazy employers actually care about this meaningless alternative to developing a genuine reputation?

    The only redeeming feature of Facebook for me is that it is NOT LinkedIn, i.e. most people take it as an entertainment medium rather than pretending it isn't.

    • My first thought was to wonder who would use Facebook to job hunt. My second thought was, "Why does Facebook only want me to log on when I am job hunting?" I only use my LinkedIn account when I am looking for a job, which is not only when I want to change jobs but also when I am curious about other opportunities or about what my market value is.
  • The movement towards expanding one's platform to provide more services can be a wise marketing decision, and the Facebook has been proactive with in-house expansion and acquisition.

    Sometimes, this dilutes concentration on the primary product... but since data mining is the Facebook's business, this endeavor is right in line.

  • So when do we get Fake Jobs?
    • Looking at the job market, there's plenty of them out there. Well, so far they're just fake when it comes to sensible payment, but what else do you want?

  • Since linked-in has changed the interface (html-5) all it does is kill all 4 of my browsers, adds to my frustration, and lacks sorely in providing tangible value. All I can rely on from linked is junk mail.. Mikrosoptht u killed it. Like everything else that a big company touches, it allways gets fu*ked some how.
  • Screw Facebook... (Score:5, Interesting)

    by __aaclcg7560 ( 824291 ) on Thursday February 16, 2017 @10:52AM (#53879963)

    I don't have a Facebook account. But I do have a LinkedIn account with 800+ connections to recruiters I've talked to or worked with over the last 20+ years of my technical career.

    Which one will get me a job? Neither.

    Out of all the job search websites out there, Indeed is probably the best one. Especially if you can respond to a job posting within 15 minutes of it being posted. I've gotten many phone interviews and two job offers that way.

  • by ErichTheRed ( 39327 ) on Thursday February 16, 2017 @11:14AM (#53880081)

    People are indeed going to have to check their privacy settings (assuming Facebook will allow the Jobs stuff to respect them.) Over-sharers are the obvious target (old sage advice about not posting keg stand videos or political opinions applies here.) But, there's something more insidious -- recruiters will buy access to Facebook Jobs, and start randomly trawling through profiles looking for a match. What happens when they see someone like me, a 41 year old dad with 2 young kids? I can just imagine some 22 year old cold-calling recruiter fresh out of their business degree saying "Oh, let's skip him, he'd never fit in at Company X." It would just be another way to side-step rules on age discrimination. Unlike the stereotypes, I work my butt off to stay current and not be an old stick in the mud. It's a lot of fun being the "adult" in a younger group of peers because I do enjoy sharing knowledge and teaching people. But, I do know that if I'm ever caught out in a layoff situation and don't have any luck with my contacts, I'm pretty stuck when it comes to getting cold recruited for a job. This is why my LinkedIn profile doesn't have a photo, even though I look pretty young.

    I wish we could just get beyond the whole recruiter thing. Often, these guys are the only way to get your resume even looked at in big companies, and they're basically sponging off your salary. It's kind of like real estate agents -- they still get a huge commission even though most of their job is now automated (MLS sites replace books of Polaroids, Zillow and friends replace their knowledge of the market, and people generally drive themselves around looking for houses now.) Back in the day, recruiters had the same advantage as intermediaries even though most professionals put some or all of their qualifications out on LinkedIn or similar for people to see. The company I work for uses recruiters, and the worst offenders are the big temp companies they make us recruit through (TEKSystems, etc.) We have had painful interviews with people who have been presented to us as experts and quite obviously have had their resumes doctored by these guys. (And, we're not a bunch of hipster recent CS grads asking stumper questions -- we're looking for generalists with amazing troubleshooting skills mostly.)

    Bottom line is that you have to keep the professional network going, lest you be at the mercy of these recruiters.

    • by AHuxley ( 892839 )
      Depending on how much data person shared on social media over the years?
      Private companies have done a lot of data enhancement on anything they could get on past and existing social media users.
      The ip used to submit more details can give hours, days or longer to search bulk anonymized information. Using the ip, its not so "anonymized" anymore and can go back for some time if the submission ip is the home ip that changes over months.
      That gives an insight into what the person might have been doing online,
  • Facecrap (Score:4, Insightful)

    by JustAnotherOldGuy ( 4145623 ) on Thursday February 16, 2017 @11:40AM (#53880237) Journal

    "Facebook Wants To Be the New LinkedIn"

    Facecrap wants to be the new everything. Soon it will achieve critical mass and spawn the Singularity.

    This is just another way for Facecrap to mine more of your data and suck you dry while it blurs the line between your work life and your personal life. No thank you.

  • Why would I wan't employers being able to see my Facebook profile (something that shouldn't be seen as more than entertainment and/or keeping in contact with people) over my LinkedIn profile (something that should be taken seriously) Anyone who lands a job through Facebook only to have their profile bite them in the ass deserves what they get; its not just what you put on your profile, but also what your Facebook friends do and say with theirs...
  • Facebook is a piece of shit. LinkedIn is another piece of shit. Morphing one into the other should be straightforward.
  • This Facebook jobs connection is a good thing.

    I think it's brilliant ONLY if the Facebook member has been prepared for it since signing up.

    In an interview, I put my best foot forward.

    Because I'm retired IT, I have always been judicious about my Facebook posts.

    I know that my Friends List is diverse and there are a lot of things I don't know about each.

    Mainly, I share my photography. I'm an amateur.

    I don't comment on religion, LGBTQ, immigration, politics.

    I don't have any apps, and my page is locked down exce

  • Privacy based on anonymity is over. My FB, etc are all 100% public. Privacy now is about ownership of your brand(s) for want of a better term.

    1) Think of it in positive terms, it's now transparency. Check out your future colleagues and management; "Do I want to work with them?" is just as valid an enquiry.

    2) Thinking about networking as "who you know not what you know" completely misses the point. As geeks we recognize thatÂthe network effect (a la Metcalfe or even Beckstrom) is a power law a

  • The only people who see my FB page are those who ask for permission first.
  • by Anonymous Coward

    Facebook is desperate to find a way to grow. Same goes for Facebook now wanting to stream stupid videos onto bigger screens. As if we need to sit around the living room watching stupid stuff Uncle Clyde posted on a big screen. Bad enough I endure crap on the small screen. Now Facebook wants to link me to jobs and in the process open up my personal life to people I don't even know.

  • LOL! Jokes on them, I'm not on Facebook!

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