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A Third of Antarctic Ice Shelf Risks Collapse as Our Planet Warms ( 92

More than a third of the Antarctic ice shelf risks collapsing into the sea if global temperatures reach 4 degrees Celsius (7.2 degrees Fahrenheit) above pre-industrial levels as climate change warms the world, a new study from the UK's University of Reading has warned. From a report: In a forecasting study, scientists found that 34% of the area of all Antarctic ice shelves, measuring some half a million square kilometers, could destabilize if world temperatures were to rise by 4 degrees. Some 67% of the ice shelf area on the Antarctic Peninsula would be at risk of destabilization under this scenario, researchers said. Ice shelves are permanent floating platforms of ice attached to areas of the coastline, formed where glaciers flowing off the land meet the sea. They can help limit the rise in global sea levels by acting like a dam, slowing the flow of melting ice and water into the oceans. Each summer, ice at the surface of ice shelves melts and runs into smaller gaps in the snow below, where it usually refreezes. But when there is a lot of melting and little snowfall, this water instead pools onto the ice's surface or flows into crevasses. This deepens and widens the crevasses, causing the shelf to fracture and collapse into the sea.
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A Third of Antarctic Ice Shelf Risks Collapse as Our Planet Warms

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  • AGW and Covid (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Camel Pilot ( 78781 ) on Friday April 09, 2021 @12:47PM (#61255972) Homepage Journal

    Interesting to watch human behavior concerning threats.

    In general, conservatives approach AWG in much the same way as they did, and continue to do, with Covid-19. Ignore it, downplay it, actively seek out conspiracy theories that will allow them to ignore it, claim God is bigger than $theat, blame $threat on some other race or country and resist any change at all the while focusing irrationally on something that is a much less threat... such as the concern that complying with mask-wearing and social distancing will lead to communism.

    • Re:AGW and Covid (Score:5, Insightful)

      by IdanceNmyCar ( 7335658 ) on Friday April 09, 2021 @01:12PM (#61256050)

      The fact that comparing any kind of collective effort to communism is conservative is a real mindfuck. I wonder just how well these people understand this concept of "united we stand" as some of the words our founding fathers embraced. Likewise these people probably haven't read more of Einstein's casual writings that talk about how united America was during his time here and how he saw Americans helping each other out so earnestly. Conservatives and prosperity gospel in general seem to be modern synonyms -- that somehow wealth and individual expressions are the rewards reaped for their loyalty to such a philosophy and that any social concession towards the social contract is a total afront to the American Ideal when the necessity of the social contract is clearly laid out by our founding fathers.

      • Leaving this here for posterity:

        Then join hand in hand, brave Americans all
        By uniting we stand, by dividing we fall
        In so righteous a cause let us hope to succeed
        For heaven approves of each generous deed.

      • These people are conservative only when it suits their dogma, religious or otherwise. It's all about individual rights and freedoms until something they don't agree with comes along. You want the ten commandments posted at city hall? Well now you have to allow passages for the Quoran and Satanic Bible as well. See how well that goes over. People die every day from alcohol and tobacco related deaths but Marijuana (who exactly zero people have died from) is still the devil's lettuce. All life is sacred so no

        • Bring up the conservative fight against Marijuana decriminalization/legalization is another excellent example of irrational risk assessment behavior.

          Where I live, in the progressive state (/s) of Idaho they tried to pass a constitutional amendment that would specifically prevent the legalization of marijuana _forever_... meaning regardless of the future popular support of legalizing MJ it can't happen per the constitution. They wanted this generation to control all future generations' democratic wishes... i

          • I don't know how that's legal, much less an intelligent political position. The whole purpose of a constitution is it's a mutable legal framework. To attempt to stop this in any regard, is to break the legal security through flexibility that it provides. It means the only resolution to the matter is total rebellion. The idea that people could lead from such a position is just ludicrous, no matter what your current position on anything may be.

        • I don't think the 10 commandments at public buildings are necessary but I do think the origin of legal systems should be studied and likewise understanding better the nature of religious tolerance. This is one way that the US and China are actually quite alike. There are two general solutions to religious tolerance: atheism or inter-faith which is to say you either push for no faith in the public and political domains, or you embrace the beauty, history, and culture of religions. Both China and the US are l

      • by ceoyoyo ( 59147 )

        The US got really freaked out about the Soviet Union. A few generations of propaganda later, there are some lingering eccentricities. Of course, some people figured out how to make money off of those peccadilloes, and there you go: positive feedback.

        • peccadilloes

          I think we are in complete agreement. but I wanted to say excellent vocabulary usage.

          • by ceoyoyo ( 59147 )

            Why thank you. As soon as it came to mind, there was clearly no other word to better describe current US politics.

    • I tried on my mask for the first time since the pandemic started, and I went out to run some errands. Now there's a copy of "Animal Farm" on my bookshelf, alongside "The Prince". I don't remember buying either.

      In addition, somehow I'm wearing somebody else's pants. I'm less stressed about that, since they're functional and clearly meet my needs.

      Something evil is afoot... I'm going to forgo a second wearing, lest I find myself in Cuba looking for an apartment.

      • Ssshh next up you're going to leak that by registering as a democrat you get stock buy ins from mask manufacturers!

    • by ceoyoyo ( 59147 )

      Of course. The word conservative literally means "opposed to change." This is one of the few conservative values that many "conservatives" actually hold.

  • So China is still powered by coal, yes, you heard that coal. 72% of all electricity generated in China is from coal. So next time you think about buying a made in China product, that cell phone charger you forgot, that next iPhone that's virtually the same as your last one, those shoes you could have just cleaned, or that laptop battery you're just going to throw in the trash... Look at what you're doing to your local environment instead.
  • For archaeological reasons?

  • derp! I'm smarter than the scientists who spent several years studying this extensively.

After any salary raise, you will have less money at the end of the month than you did before.
