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Foxconn Mostly Abandons $10 Billion Wisconsin Project ( 118

Hmmmmmm writes: Taiwan electronics manufacturer Foxconn is drastically scaling back a planned $10 billion factory in Wisconsin, confirming its retreat from a project that former U.S. President Donald Trump once called "the eighth wonder of the world." Under a deal with the state of Wisconsin announced on Tuesday, Foxconn will reduce its planned investment to $672 million from $10 billion and cut the number of new jobs to 1,454 from 13,000. The Foxconn-Wisconsin deal was first announced to great fanfare at the White House in July 2017, with Trump boasting of it as an example of how his "America first" agenda could revive U.S. tech manufacturing. For Foxconn, the investment promise was an opportunity for its charismatic founder and then-chairman, Terry Gou, to build goodwill at a moment when Trump's trade policies threatened the company's cash cow: building Apple's iPhones in China for export to America.
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Foxconn Mostly Abandons $10 Billion Wisconsin Project

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  • by TomClancy_Jack ( 638962 ) on Thursday April 22, 2021 @09:45AM (#61300778)
    ReplyAll has a great episode about the actual people who live there and the shady local government: []
    • by TomClancy_Jack ( 638962 ) on Thursday April 22, 2021 @09:53AM (#61300814)
      The company has been backpedaling on what they planned to do there every year. This is just the latest downgrade. Meanwhile the people there are footing the enormous bill themselves with no jobs that were supposed to cover the tax breaks and infrastructure.
    • For Foxconn, the investment promise was an opportunity for its charismatic founder and then-chairman, Terry Gou, to build goodwill at a moment when Trump's trade policies threatened the company's cash cow: building Apple's iPhones in China for export to America.

      Yup, a very smart move for Foxconn, and a way to ensure they don't become the next Huawei: Give the toddler-in-chief something he can praise himself about and the promise of something shiny and you're all set.

  • by QuietLagoon ( 813062 ) on Thursday April 22, 2021 @09:46AM (#61300782)
    ... as the "eighth wonder of the world".
    • by Tablizer ( 95088 )

      ... as the "eighth wonder of the world".

      Eighth Blunder of the World. The cancelled factory is also a blunder.

    • Yeah, that's hilarious. The rest of it makes me feel bad for the citizens of Wisconsin who got duped into believing this was actually going to happen.

      On the other hand, it's absurd to accept such grandiose promises from any elected official, or to think a company would choose to manufacture in the US when it's much better for their bottom line to manufacture elsewhere.

  • by phantomfive ( 622387 ) on Thursday April 22, 2021 @09:49AM (#61300798) Journal

    That's why Trump lost in Wisconsin.

  • In light of TSMC Taiwan cutting production due to a drought, why are Taiwan and Intel building chip fabs in Arizona, where the water outlook is bad and getting worse, instead of somewhere there is no forecast shortage of water?

    • by Anonymous Coward

      because they dont care about that they just care about tax breaks and cheap labour availability.

    • by Cyberax ( 705495 )
      > In light of TSMC Taiwan cutting production due to a drought, why are Taiwan and Intel building chip fabs in Arizona, where the water outlook is bad and getting worse, instead of somewhere there is no forecast shortage of water? Fabs don't use that much water. Taiwan is also not used to such droughts, so there was no real planning for water conservation.
    • Because Arizona has been under a drought for decades, recycles water and monitors companies for compliance with dumping laws that has allowed them to use less water with more people over the past decades

    • There may not be water, but there's plenty of silicon in a desert!

    • I do not have great skills in geography but I am pretty sure Taiwan is surrounded by water. The current issue is a drought of fresh water. If conditions persist, TSMC could build a desalination plant just for their own use but it would take years.
  • Foxconn was going to build parts for things not built in the US. How was that supposed to work, design-wise?

    If you're going to build display panels, they need to be assembled somewhere, but the plan didn't cover that part. They'd mostly need to be sent to China for integration, then back here as products.

    • by GlennC ( 96879 )

      That assumes a level of forethought and insight not usually associated with "Republicans," and only rarely seen in "Democrats" for that matter.

  • Looking at their production lineup for the plant, they were only slated to make, let's see:



    Well, perhaps that's just an initial lineup - but it's consistent with the goals of the shared strategy between Trump and them.

    But hey - $10 billion on paper, right? That would have been amazing, I'm sure. Just so much numbers. Such a loss.

    Just as bad as all those other proposed plants for other companies that ended up never being built for previous administrations, when it ended up not making sense to

  • by Anonymous Coward

    To get to the truth on a Trump statement, all you have to do is negate it.

    E.g., "eight wonder of the world," means, "a total sham that will be soon forgotten."

    Try it. Whenever he opens his mouth, just pretend that it is Opposite Day. Works remarkably well.

  • we're all chumps being played, and many here like to brag about how their particular shit sandwich tastes the best, like it's some great victory to exchange one flavor of shit for another.... never even considering the option of where gov't intrusion is to be reduced, not extended, and expected to solve problems it's the least suited to do

    many times the best solution is to substract, not add, but that doesn't ever seem to be an option with gov't and politics

    • Jack Ma, Masa Son also met trump and boasted about creating jobs. Ma backpedal led saying conditions changed as they always do. Masa has long relationship with Terry from SoftBank especially iPhone and mobile accessories. SoftBank also Sharp customer that Terry invested in. Masa backed Jack early so guessing these 3 had big eyes for some US deals. Instead SoftBank offloaded Sprint to T-Mobile and has done lower level deals. There was frothy optimism for US biz when Trump first arrived but faded as political
  • Fairly close... (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward on Thursday April 22, 2021 @10:41AM (#61300976)

    I live fairly close (within an hour's drive) to the Wis Foxed & Conned plant. I have to say the superlatives are great...
    It's big - Really BIG!
    It's shiny - There's a huge electrical switchyard and giant metal globe off of Hwy H.
    It's empty - as in, not a car to be seen.

    It's also several miles towards Lake Michigan... well away from the prying eyes of people driving past on I-94. Unlike Amazon and Uline in the area. I mean, Jeff Bezos and Liz Uihlein are quirky and at opposite ends of the political spectrum, but both had the business sense to build their buildings were people could A) see the buildings from the highway, and B) see the cars parked in the parking lots. Cars = People = Jobs Created! It also makes it much more convenient for trucks to get on and off the highway. And Foxed Conned is too far west to leverage the two major rail lines that run N-S through the area.

    In short - a stupid place to build the plant - unless you don't want folks to see what's going on without them actually having to make a point of trying to see what's going on.

    Glad that Walker is is out of the Gov. mansion. Can't wait to get some more of the Retardican clowns out of Madison as well. I'm center-left and understand that there needs to be a balance between the Retardicans and the Dummycrats. That neither has the market cornered on actual honestly good ideas nor stupidity. Both tend to be short on the first and long on the second.

  • To be clear.... (Score:5, Interesting)

    by argStyopa ( 232550 ) on Thursday April 22, 2021 @11:30AM (#61301152) Journal

    ...aside from relatively trivial local road/infrastructure improvements (which were ultimately going to be on the docket for the region anyway sooner or later) the "big government payout" here was /future tax breaks/ meaning it ultimately cost WI basically nothing.

    Foxconn doesn't show up (which seems to be true here), they don't make anything which means they don't really see a dime. Seems to be a fairly reasonable way to offer state assistance - if the beneficiary doesn't provide the jobs/business, the state loses nothing.

    • Don't try to muddy the issue with facts and logic.

    • That is patently false. The town had spent $190 million as of the beginning of '19 that went to legal costs, buying up the land, building out sewer and water infrastructure to that land... and of that debt, the state is on the hook for 40% if asked.
      • Which is a pretty normal capital bonding project for a community that size.

        The bought up land, they still own.

        The sewer, water, and infrastructure were - exactly as I said - investments that while they didn't result in FOXCONN bringing in a factory, are now available for whomever else wants to bring in a factory. It's not lost investment, it arguably makes it easier to attract some other business for which nobody will have to offer tax rebates, etc.

        Even if true, 40% of $190 million is barely a blip in stat

  • by williamyf ( 227051 ) on Thursday April 22, 2021 @12:54PM (#61301454)

    Jobs go from 13.000 to 1.454 that's a 8,94x reduction

    Investment goes from U$D,oo to U$D 672.000.000,oo that's a 14, 88x reduction

    Wisconsin Tax Credits go from U$D 2.850.000.000,oo to U$D 80.000.000,oo, that's a 35,62x reduction.

    There are other reductions from Winsconsin's expenditures.

    So, state tax credits reduced 35,62 fold, while jobs only diminish 8.94 fold and foxconn investment diminishes only 14,88-fold?

    That seems like a very good move for winsconsin's taxpayers...

    • by djinn6 ( 1868030 )

      Not if you count the money they already spent upgrading infrastructure in anticipation of a huge factory.

  • Whilst the local repubs pandered to trump? * units of American football stadia - would also be accepted,
  • Another fabulous win for the Gropenfuhrer.

    I can't wait to hear the FOX-tards blame this on Biden.

    Hannity: "Obviously Biden traveled back in time and sabotaged the deal."

    Gutfeld: "Why doesn't Biden share his time-travel powers with patriotic Americans? Is it because he hates America?"

    Jeanine Pirro: "Bidren...hic...made thuh....hic...commies! transsexual terrorism!...hic...stop the time-traveling election stealer!"

    Or it was the Deep State, you know how sneaky they are!

    Another fucking Republican boondoggle, as

  • Mostly peaceful, mostly abandons. Kansas City Chiefs mostly win the Superbowl...
  • The people behind Biden pulling his strings gain by having Trump's deal collapse. Foxconn gains by having given the Biden administration a PR victory. They can be repaid for that in myriad ways, ones that won't look quid pro quo. Should a Republican become President in the next election, Foxconn can allow them to score their PR victory by cutting a deal with them similar to the one they cut with Trump.
  • hjghjg hjghgj

Anyone can do any amount of work provided it isn't the work he is supposed to be doing at the moment. -- Robert Benchley
