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Sam Bankman-Fried: I Hope to Make Money to Pay People Back ( 134

"Disgraced crypto boss Sam Bankman-Fried says he hopes to start a new business to make enough money to pay back victims of the FTX collapse," reports the BBC: Speaking in a luxury complex in the Bahamas, the former billionaire denies fraud but says he was "not nearly as competent as I thought I was".... It is estimated that more than a million FTX users are locked out of their crypto wallets and cannot access their funds.

Mr Bankman-Fried invited the BBC to the residential complex in the Bahamas where he still lives and said he hopes to find a way to pay back FTX users. "I'm going to be thinking about how we can help the world and if users haven't gotten much back, I'm going to be thinking about what I can do for them. And I think at the very least I have a duty to FTX users to do right by them as best as I can," he told me.

Asked if he planned to start a new business venture to earn the money to pay investors back, he said: "I would give anything to be able to do that. And I'm going to try if I can."

Bankman-Friedman also said that while "ruminating at night," he also worries about being arrested.
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Sam Bankman-Fried: I Hope to Make Money to Pay People Back

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  • Lol. (Score:5, Insightful)

    by waspleg ( 316038 ) on Sunday December 11, 2022 @11:35AM (#63121494) Journal

    I wonder how effective this will be from jail. I'm sure it's not another scam ... /s

    • Re:Lol. (Score:5, Insightful)

      by jhoegl ( 638955 ) on Sunday December 11, 2022 @12:07PM (#63121574)
      I think thats the point he wants to make "I cant make money in jail to pay people back... so like... keep me out so I can make money scamming more people."
      • Re:Lol. (Score:5, Insightful)

        by Darinbob ( 1142669 ) on Sunday December 11, 2022 @12:45PM (#63121682)

        He sounds so amazingly naive, even childlike. Ie, "I'll just make a few billion dollars, how hard can it be? After all I did it once, although I never cashed out on the funny money, it seems straight forward..." Also the naivete of continuing to talk, talk, talk, instead of shutting up like anyone under severe criminal investigation should do. "If I just say I'm sorry, the judge will forgive me, right?"

        • It’s an act. We didnt buy it when Elizabeth Holmes played the “im just a cute child” card. We wont buy it when this guy gets his day in court. He ran a fraudulent investment scheme, and it collapsed. His options were a) face the music or b) decap to a country with no extradition treaty. He chose option a.

          Fine, but SBF is FKD. Jail time and a lifelong ruined reputation.
          • It’s an act.

            Its obviously heartfelt. With such a high minded and responsible outlook, he is truly a role model for modern corporate leadership and entrepreneurship. After all, we've learned that most traditional metrics of "success" are just manifestations of white supremacy, as are traditional accounting methods and practices which were developed to track the buying and selling of slaves and the stolen value of their work. That we should only stand behind those ideas and people who have moral positions on the issues a

        • Re:Lol. (Score:4, Insightful)

          by Joce640k ( 829181 ) on Sunday December 11, 2022 @03:23PM (#63122144) Homepage

          He sounds so amazingly naive, even childlike. Ie, "I'll just make a few billion dollars, how hard can it be? After all I did it once, although I never cashed out on the funny money, it seems straight forward..."

          If he's truly sorry he could kickstart the repayments by selling his "luxury complex in the Bahamas".

          (sound of crickets chirping)

        • Assuming there are new investors willing to trust him again, or he will be left with enough capital left after all his court cases so that he can start something.

      • You mean SBF cannot make money in prison stamping license plates, cooking in the kitchen, sewing prisoner uniforms, making furniture for other prisons, mopping the floors of the shower room?
    • Re: Lol. (Score:5, Insightful)

      by kenh ( 9056 ) on Sunday December 11, 2022 @03:10PM (#63122088) Homepage Journal

      The definition of a ponzi scheme is using later investment funds to pay earlier investors - he is HOPING to start a new venture to pay-off his earlier investors...

      • That only works within a singular scheme. Your definition of Ponzi (like everyone else who doesn't have a clue how they work specifically, or why they are specifically illegal) can again be applied to very innocuous activities, such as ... paying back literally any debt.

    • Hey, I mean, my neighbors have plenty of lemons on their trees. I'm sure he can open a lemonade stand and get all of that money back in no time! LOL.

    • by Askmum ( 1038780 )
      Read as: steal enough money from people to pay back what I stole from people.
  • Yeah, sure (Score:4, Funny)

    by evil_aaronm ( 671521 ) on Sunday December 11, 2022 @11:36AM (#63121496)
    And Trump's gonna get to the bottom of Hillary's emails, build the wall, solve infrastructure, and propose a health care plane. And OJ's gonna find the killer.
    • And Trump's gonna get to the bottom of Hillary's emails, build the wall, solve infrastructure, and propose a health care plane. And OJ's gonna find the killer.

      I think this is more equivalent of "and Trumps going to make it up to Hillary for lying about her and ensure that she becomes the next president to make it up to her whilst persuading all the people on Slashdot I set against her that she's a good person really". Not only does it sound completely unconvincing, it's also completely outwith his power, out of character and just far far too late.

    • Is it possible to discuss any current event without discussing Donald Trump?

      • Sure, but, regarding the topic of conmen making BS promises to fix something he broke in the first place, he's the biggest elephant in the room; even bigger than OJ, whom I also mentioned.
      • by drnb ( 2434720 )

        Is it possible to discuss any current event without discussing Donald Trump?

        Nope. If we don't keep content focused on Trump something about Twitter revelations might creep into view. :-)

    • ... build the wall ...

      Technically he did figure out a "wall" and did get Mexico to pay for it. The most effective thing he came up with was pressuring Mexico to put the Mexican army on the border.

      I suppose the Wait in Mexico policy while your Asylum application is processed was pretty effective too.

  • Yeah yeah (Score:4, Funny)

    by DrXym ( 126579 ) on Sunday December 11, 2022 @11:37AM (#63121500)
    Better idea Sam - buy a plane ticket to the United States, let the FBI know your arrival time and get the ball rolling on your inevitable arrest & indictment.
  • Gambling Addict? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by whoever57 ( 658626 ) on Sunday December 11, 2022 @11:44AM (#63121510) Journal

    Isn't this what every gambling addict tells themself?

    • by b0s0z0ku ( 752509 ) on Sunday December 11, 2022 @11:47AM (#63121518)
      Nailed it -- play the slots one more time and hit the big jackpot.
      • Sure, I know I owe the mob boss a million dollars, but just give me a chance to pull that slot machine lever one last time, win money from the mob, and then use that to pay back the.. mob.. hmm...

    • Isn't this what every gambling addict tells themself?

      Yes but in this case you're equating gambling and addiction with life. When I lost my previous job I swore I'll get a new one so I could pay my mortgage. I guarantee you however I am in no way addicted to working.

  • ... hopefully real soon, which I'm guessing is on the cards for this guy.

    There's NO way he can claim he didn't know what was going down, he just put the blinkers on and went for a wild ride.

    he did not know about the flows of cash and cryptocurrencies between the companies

    Sure, sure you didn't ... /s

    • I hope he runs to Russia like Snowden ... I'd rather see him living forgotten in some 3rd-rate town in Siberia than have public money that could go to NICE things (like trains, education, clean tech, and healthcare) being used to try and incarcerate him. Jailing him isn't going to make the gullible fat cats' money reappear.
      • It costs $35K/year to incarcerate a prisoner, not really a meaningful amount in the grand scheme of public transport or public healthcare or education.

        • Multiply that by the 1.5+ million prisoners held in the US and it's basically $50 billion per year. Not exactly a tiny amount; half of that is enough to build 500 miles of new-build high-speed track in France.
  • What happened to all the money you made while scamming people? If you're at a luxury resort in the Bahams giving an interview, where did that money come from?

  • You are not going to make billions of dollars with a second business. Not happening. So the best thing you can do is go to jail and give the people you stole from some comfort that crime does not pay.
    • Best he can do it run to Russia or some other country that won't extradite ... if he can't pay back his creditors, the least he can do is not waste US taxpayer money that can be put to better uses on jailing him.
      • Running to russia for him would be a death sentence. Putin would send him to the Ukraine front where he would be target practice. He has zero value to putin. In all your comments you ignore the intangible. Making an example out of him stops others from committing fraud. And in this particular case, he has so much notoriety that the example will be highly visible making jailing him even more valuable. The docuseries on netflix could start with him in the bahamas and then end in his dank cell.
        • I disagree ... he'd be too valuable as a "screw you" to the US and West to send to his death at the front. More likely, he'd get some sort of sinecure job managing cyberwarfare.
  • Speaking in a luxury complex in the Bahamas, the former billionaire denies fraud but says he was "not nearly as competent as I thought I was".

    That's what scientists call the Dunning-Kruger effect: []–Kruger_effect.

    • The alternative is that this "fraternity crypto bro" persona he's created hides an actual con artist who created a Ponzi scheme to bilk investors. By putting on the whole "aw geez shucks, I guess I was kinda stupid there", he's hoping to convince a whole lot of people that his malfeasance had no criminal intent. I don't think he's stupid. In fact, I think he's a pretty bright guy, and he behaved exactly like all these Ponzi guys behaved; skimming vast sums from the idiots they scammed to live the high life.

  • Ponzi 2.0 (Score:5, Informative)

    by GrumpySteen ( 1250194 ) on Sunday December 11, 2022 @12:11PM (#63121598)

    1. Start a company and commit fraud
    2. Apologize for all the fraud
    3. Start a new company and get money to pay back the people from Step 1
    4 Repeat steps 1 through 3 as needed.

  • This guy is more dangerous as Elizabeth Holmes and he needs to be removed from society immediately. SBF is completely delusional and detached from reality, he is literally insane but insane just enough for people to believe him. He's a multi-billion dollar psychophant, and used other people's money to support a multi-year rave party at his companies HQ. Lock him up and put him away before he can do more damage
    • Meh. So he partied it up by stealing from those who were already mostly filthy rich.

      Meanwhile, the Sacklers got lower-class working Joes hooked on opiates en masse and haven't spent so much as an hour in prison. American justice only works if the people being stolen from or conned are already wealthy.

    • Hes not delusional. He’s not crazy. That’s 100% an act. Dont buy it. He’s trying to generate the basis of an “i was ignorant” defense in court. It didnt work for Holmes and it wont work for him.
    • Just give him the seed money so he can buy twitter...

  • This arrogant, fuzzy headed shillster's 15 minutes are up. The press needs to stop paying attention to him. Maybe a "behind the bars" interview after of few years of pasty skinned tech-bro being someone's property might be interesting, but shy of that. tune him out.
  • then choked on a shotgun while taking a shower with a toaster for much less
  • Just give everyone some newly invented crypto scheme, problem gone ASAP.
  • That exchanges your crypto tokens for his crypto tokens on the off chance that his risk-amortization strategy will cause windfall profits for everyone? We can't lock him up because he wouldn't be able to pay everyone back with this new crypto company.
  • Speaking in a luxury complex in the Bahamas ...
    Mr Bankman-Fried invited the BBC to the residential complex in the Bahamas where he still lives ...

    "I'm going to be thinking about how we can help the world and if users haven't gotten much back,
    I'm going to be thinking about what I can do for them.

    He could start by selling his "luxury residential complex in the Bahamas" ...

    • But that won't make as much money as selling his crocodile tears to gullible marks. Those tears can cure cancer, provide self-perpetuating energy, and give 100% protection against COVID-19 and all its variants.
      • But that won't make as much money as selling his crocodile tears to gullible marks.

        Perhaps he can get work using those for a certain former US President ...

  • "please don't send me to jail"
  • ...whether the Democratic politicians who benefited from his largesse are going to lift a finger to keep him out of jail.

    • Sam Bankman-Fried’s Admission About Secret GOP Donations Provoke An FEC Complaint []

      A campaign finance watchdog has accused Sam Bankman-Fried, the ex-CEO of FTX, of flouting federal election law by using dark money groups to conceal millions in campaign donations to Republicans during the 2022 primary campaign. Bankman-Fried was the CEO of the massive cryptocurrency exchange FTX until November when the company abruptly imploded and filed for bankruptcy. Multiple U.S. regulatory agencies are now investigating Bankman-Fried, 30, who presented himself as a grown-up in the unregulated cryptocurrency world, and the claims that his companies misused billions in customers’ money. In a complaint to the Federal Election Commission (FEC), Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) cited a November interview between Bankman-Fried and YouTuber Tiffany Fong, in which Bankman-Fried claimed to be “the second or third biggest Republican donor this year.” Bankman-Fried is widely known to have donated roughly $37 million to Democratic candidates in 2022. But in the interview, he claimed to have donated “about the same amount” to Republicans. He said he did it anonymously because he anticipated a backlash if his ties to the GOP became public.

  • How is it that SBF is still allowed to live in the FTX-owned penthouse?

  • So he needs to make money back to pay people back. What's the chances that's really code for "I need to scam new people so I can pay the old people back", or one of the very definitions of a Ponzi scheme?

    Sure, he'll pay you back, by scamming someone else to give him the money he needs. (also known as the greater fool theory).

  • If he was genuine, he would be selling up his luxury lifestyle and keeping just enough to survive on. The reality is this is just more BS.
  • Anyone who gives this joker money at this point deserves what happens to them.

  • says he was "not nearly as competent as I thought I was". DUH !!! Speaking in a luxury complex in the Bahamas, the former billionaire denies fraud ...... Anyone sho ever has anything to do with him and FTX in the future is stupid !!
  • "That's as good as money sir, those are IOUs...Look, see this? That's a car. $275,000. Might want to hang on to that one."
  • Bankman-Friedman also said that while "ruminating at night," he also worries about being arrested.

    That explains it. He's a ruminant.

"A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices." -- William James
