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Biden Declares Tougher 2035 Emissions Targets Weeks Before Trump Return 168

Joe Biden has announced tougher targets on the US's carbon dioxide emissions for the next decade, in a defiant final gesture intended as a "capstone" on his legacy on the climate. From a report: With just weeks to go before Donald Trump enters the White House, the Biden administration is formally filing new plans under the Paris agreement -- the global climate treaty from which Trump has vowed to withdraw.

Under the new target, the US would have to cut greenhouse gases by between 61% and 66% by 2035, compared with 2005 levels -- a substantial strengthening of current goals that administration officials said would put the US on the path to net zero carbon by 2050.

In a pre-recorded video statement, Biden called his programme of the last four years -- including the Inflation Reduction Act, private-sector investments of $450bn in clean energy and manufacturing, and regulations to improve efficiency and conserve land -- "the boldest climate agenda in American history." This progress would continue, he predicted: "American industry will keep inventing and keep investing. State, local and tribal governments will keep stepping up. And together, we will turn this existential threat into a once-in-a-generation opportunity to transform our nation for generations to come."
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Biden Declares Tougher 2035 Emissions Targets Weeks Before Trump Return

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  • I'm not sure what Biden could do right now that would benefit Americans, but any time spent on this seems wasted. Before it even could pretend to have an effect, Trump will have more than scuttled it.

    • by migos ( 10321981 )
      Political theater matters. Dems are extremely discouraged and distraught right now and maybe are turning away from politics all together. They need some hope to fight back in 2026/2028.
      • Re:Lame ducks (Score:5, Insightful)

        by skam240 ( 789197 ) on Thursday December 19, 2024 @02:07PM (#65025831)

        Also it makes Republicans go on the books yet again as working against solving our massive global warming problem. When global warming starts impacting people's lives more hopefully voters will remember this very long and well established stance against solving this problem.

        It's point scoring like your own example put it could matter at some point.

        • by Targon ( 17348 )

          Republicans keep trying to forget hot hot it has been in Texas for the past few summers.

          • If you heat a frog in a kettle slow enough, it will not jump out...
            • If you heat a frog in a kettle slow enough, it will not jump out...

              FWIW, that isn't actually true.

          • by Megane ( 129182 )

            As I replied to you above, it's always hot in Texas in the summer. I haven't even left the borders of the state in almost 20 years. There was a pretty bad year about a decade ago, but recently it's been about average.

            • As I replied to you above, it's always hot in Texas in the summer. I haven't even left the borders of the state in almost 20 years. There was a pretty bad year about a decade ago, but recently it's been about average.

              It's hot (and HUMID TOO) in Louisiana....we're used to it.

              I think it's the influx of northerners and Californians coming in and complaining.....they're just not used to it.

            • by q_e_t ( 5104099 )
              The trend, even in Texas, is to hotter summers. Data versus anecdote. Data wins.
        • When global warming starts impacting people's lives more

          Which may or may not happen. Apart from natural disasters, which only affect a relatively small number of people, the rest is just weather and people will adjust.

          I'm Canadian, but I can safely say I speak for many when I say our government is a far bigger threat to my standard of living than the climate is. I expect that is true for most Americans as well. Climate is simply not the most important thing in most people's lives. Government needs to focus on the things that are, or they will be kicked t

          • by skam240 ( 789197 )

            Which may or may not happen

            As long as we're adding significantly more green house gasses to the environment global warming is going to keep getting worse. It's math.

            Apart from natural disasters, which only affect a relatively small number of people, the rest is just weather and people will adjust.

            Oh, they'll just "adjust" huh? It's so easy, why did I never think of that?

            Never mind the misery that will be caused for hundreds of millions from coastal flooding alone as they are forced to flee their homes. Add on to that the changing rain patterns that are already effecting key agricultural areas. But yeah, I'm sure people will just "adjust" to not having enough food.

            • Never mind the misery that will be caused for hundreds of millions from coastal flooding alone as they are forced to flee their homes.

              In the developed world settlement will move inland organically as required.

              Add on to that the changing rain patterns that are already effecting key agricultural areas. But yeah, I'm sure people will just "adjust" to not having enough food.

              That will definitely suck for the developing world. However, we already produce enough food to feed everyone. That we don't is a logistical/economic/political problem not a climate one. Even if we could fix climate change it won't change that.

              On the bright side less people live in poverty than ever in history though, so there is that. Assuming it can only get worse seems overly pessimistic, however donating directly to feeding

          • >I'm Canadian, but I can safely say I speak for many when I say our government is a far bigger threat to my standard of living than the climate is.

            Absolutely. Because doing anything real about the climate issue will come with a redirection of resources away from the things that make your life nicer now.

            It's a trade off between now and later.

            Other than that, I can't think of anything the Liberals are doing that wouldn't be worse under the current Conservatives, and the NDP aren't viable as a government.

        • It might also be a opening a line of potential attack against Musk. Musk has traditionally been a strong supporter of fixing climate change, but lately he's wavered a bit after his extended twitter based midlife crisis.

          I think the old boy is throwing down a gauntlet, intended to let Musk show who he really is. Forcing him to choose between sticking with the Climate mitigation project, and face severing whatever support is left of him by the wider population (who overwhelmingly want something done about clim

      • When Trump was trying to get elected and lost, he made a rather sad half-assed attempt to overthrow the government. The Republicans now have four years of mostly unchecked control to fix things so they don't need to try that next time.

        You may not have sufficiently honest elections to allow you to change course peacefully.

      • Political theater matters. Dems are extremely discouraged and distraught right now and maybe are turning away from politics all together. They need some hope to fight back in 2026/2028.

        Hope? What hope? The only hope anyone slightly left of bat-shit insane right-wing lunatic fringe has is that the incoming power screws up *SO* royally that the rest of the country wakes up. That's not a positive hope. That's the kind of hope that the right has been promoting for as long as I remember. The hope for decimation, so that someone gets the chance to say, "I told you so." And the non-right-wing folks in this country probably will, because we're sick of being shit on for pointing out reality and th

        • by Targon ( 17348 )

          I was in a similar discussion, where we almost need those who supported Trump to really get hurt directly by what Trump wants to do, just so they finally understand what the rest of us were warning them about. The response was basically that I must want to see this country fail. It's sad, but the only way that children will learn is if they feel direct negative results from the things they did themselves.

    • by chill ( 34294 )

      This is a waiver granted by the EPA under law, not a Presidential directive. To "undo" it will require either a complete change of the law (not gonna happen) or a long lawsuit. There is no mechanism for "revoking" the waiver. Congress structured the law this way on purpose.

      The way the law was written (y 1967 + Amendments) is the EPA *MUST* grant the waiver if it passes a three (four?) prong test. This is going to be political theater where Trump claims victory and issues a lot of tweets, but nothing actuall

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Tailhook ( 98486 )

      You might also ask yourself; if this is such a great idea, why didn't Biden do this 2 or 3 years ago? Why didn't Obama and Biden do this, or something similar, in 2009-10 when they had both houses and a senate supermajority?

      Only now, when it's purely symbolic and produces nothing beyond a headline, does your Virtue Signaler In Chief act, doubtless melting your virtuous heart. So tragic.

      • Why didn't Bush Jr. do it between 2001 and 2009? Or Clinton between 1993 and 2001? Or Bush Sr? Or Reagan?

        See? I can do it too.

        Timing is a thing in politics. And all sides do things that are symbolic.

      • Re:Lame ducks (Score:5, Informative)

        by quantaman ( 517394 ) on Thursday December 19, 2024 @04:03PM (#65026379)

        You might also ask yourself; if this is such a great idea, why didn't Biden do this 2 or 3 years ago? Why didn't Obama and Biden do this, or something similar, in 2009-10 when they had both houses and a senate supermajority?

        Only now, when it's purely symbolic and produces nothing beyond a headline, does your Virtue Signaler In Chief act, doubtless melting your virtuous heart. So tragic.

        From the article:
        All countries are obliged to submit fresh NDCs no later than this February, under the 2015 Paris agreement.

        What is an NDC []?

        The Paris Agreement works on a five- year cycle of increasingly ambitious climate action carried out by countries. Every five years, each country is expected to submit an updated national climate action plan - known as Nationally Determined Contribution, or NDC.

        So Biden was obliged to do this by treaty, and this was literally his first opportunity to do so.

        Maybe the objectives are symbolic at this point, but the submission was required.

        • So Biden was obliged to do this by treaty, and this was literally his first opportunity to do so.

          The "Paris Treaty" was never ratified by the Senate...

          We're not legally obligated to do fuck all with regard to that treaty at this time.

    • It's political theater. He puts these things in the federal register, and if the GOP doesn't do anything, it becomes regulatory law. If they do something about it, they own the fact that they're allowing polluters to pollute, and beat them over the head with it in the midterms.

    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • The fun part is that the Republicans have so far had tight enough ranks to make Trump president, but apparently not tight enough ranks to continue kissing his ass to a degree that will let them do whatever they want after he takes office. Their majority is slim enough that some Republicans will inevitably demand their own concessions and to get around that will require courting some Democrats.

        Do you really see Trump as a guy who can lead opposed parties to a compromise, in his own party never mind reach ac

  • This is all theater.

    The only things people care about for the next month are the death, destruction, and pardons he can wreak havoc with.

    The PA Cash-for-Kids judge being one such example.

    Odds are he sees street justice since nothing else is left. It didn't have to be this way.

    Firing missiles into Russia being another.

    Pledges 10 years out nobody cares about.

  • While I am a fan of higher pollution standards, this is just political grandstanding because 5.7 minutes after Trump takes office, he will rescind this and a bunch of other things. It is also political grandstanding to claim XXXXXX new law will save YYYYY dollars over ZZZZZZ years because that law will most likely be abolished or amended during that timeframe, if it in any way hinders any large corporation from extracting money from the population.
  • Seriously Biden hasn't made any decisions. I dont understand how he is still president.The undersecretary of homeland security is on camera saying his mental faculties are gone and isn't even mentally there in some meeting.
    • It's a sad exposure of our current political system, the talking heads are just puppets now - this Presidency has clearly exposed this fact. All the signs were there before he was elected, but the people just ignored it and made jokes. Now the joke's on US.
  • by tiqui ( 1024021 ) on Thursday December 19, 2024 @03:44PM (#65026285)

    1. Claim to be pro-environment, but limit actual actions during entire term in office to things that are at least workable.

    2. On the way out the door, put in place policies that are unworkable/unaffordable and take credit for trying to "save the planet".

    3. When the new guy gets in and has to undo the never-implemented policy that's unaffordable/unworkable, scream that the new guy is destroying the environment - even though by killing the new policy he's just setting things back to what they were during your entire time in office.

    This was the tactic Bill Clinton did on so-called "clean water" regulations, which would have bankrupted small towns all across the country to achieve no real gain in water quality. When Bush43 cancelled them, leaving the water regulations exactly where they'd been through the entire Clinton era, Democrats screamed that Bush43 was for toxic water.

    Now Biden makes the same play but on "clean air". Just watch: if Trump comes in and cancels this policy (which has NEVER been in effect) and thus keeps the air as clean as it was during the entire Biden term, there will be shrieks about Trump polluting the air and wanting kids to die of asthma etc.

    People in BOTH parties need to STOP FALLING FOR THIS LAST-MINUTE FAKE POLICY CRAP. This sort of political garbage fuels all the political divisions and stokes the flames of partisan hatred FOR NO ACTUAL BENEFIT. It's purely political manipulation designed to rev-up politican supporters/agitators.

    • This was the tactic Bill Clinton did on so-called "clean water" regulations, which would have bankrupted small towns all across the country to achieve no real gain in water quality. When Bush43 cancelled them, leaving the water regulations exactly where they'd been through the entire Clinton era...

      Tell us more. What year did Clinton enact the regulations, what year did Bush43 cancel them, and how many small towns were bankrupted by it?

      • by kaoshin ( 110328 ) on Thursday December 19, 2024 @09:33PM (#65027277)
        It was enacted on January 22, 2001 days before the end of Clinton's term and was a new standard for arsenic in drinking water under the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations (NPDWR). Bush ordered a review of the regulation within 59 days of taking office on March 20, 2001. Technically it wasn't canceled, but rather he had the EPA postpone it so they could review (and of course to try and make the case to cancel it). He later reinstated it after significant political backlash by environmental agencies and opportunistic politicians mostly on the Democrat side of the aisle. The rule did end up causing significant financial hardship for many small communities. Here is a random article [] about the nearly one thousand communities that still couldn't afford to meet the revised standards ten years later. Any other questions?
    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 ) on Thursday December 19, 2024 @09:37PM (#65027289) Homepage Journal

      Not that I'm defending Biden or think this is a sincere attempt to improve things, but it's not true to say that these measures are unaffordable.

      On the contrary, we can't afford not to do them. Or rather, the next generations can't, but we seem to have decided to screw them and live it up while we can.

  • If it is going to stand, it needs to be enshrined in law. Either by passing individual laws, or by ratification of the treaty by the Senate. (yes, I know MAGA will not allow it to happen)

    This action is entirely symbolic.

  • ... intended as a "capstone" on his legacy ...

    Obama did this too: A bunch of crappy rules, he didn't have to enforce. Okay, the USA putting environment protection above corporate rights (after 30 years of doing the opposite) is a good thing. We've already seen what pro-corporatism Trump did and has promised to do again, making this, a futile gesture. Worse, the Democratic party has already proven they won't re-instate rules rescinded by the Republican party.

    Let me repeat the problem: The USA doesn't get their human rights back, when they choose

Top Ten Things Overheard At The ANSI C Draft Committee Meetings: (10) Sorry, but that's too useful.
